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    做好中考英语阅读理解题的实用技巧1.保持良好的精神状态。良好的精神状态对于考场上的考生来说非常重要。因为只有在心理放松的情况下,考生的精力才能够集中,思维才会敏捷,从而才能将自己的真实水平发挥出来。2.抓住中心句。阅读短文之前,先看短文是否有标题。若有,应给予高度重视。因为标题是文章主题的高度凝聚,它能给我们启发和想象,有利于加深对短文的理解,从而提高做题效率。另外,在没有标题的情况下,应充分重视短文的首、尾句。因为大多数文章都是按照“总-分-总”的结构布局的。据统计,英语中有60%-90%的主题句位于段首和段尾,短文的其他文字往往是对这些中心句的解释和说明。3.克服不良习惯,提高阅读速度。由于考试的时间有限,在保证不出偏差的前提下,一定要尽可能地提高阅读速度。倘若能注意克服以下不良习惯,就可以大大提高阅读速度:心读。考场上不能出声阅读,于是有的考生就在心里读,有时考生的嘴唇也在动。这是非常不好的习惯,一定要下决心克服。因为这样做会直接制约着阅读速度的提高;回视(指重新阅读上文)。阅读中的回视是一种无效劳动,所以应一口气把文章读完,尽量不要回视。这坏习惯是慢慢形成的,不是一朝一夕就能克服掉的。在平时的学习中就应当引起注意并加以克服;一个词一个词地看。阅读时,视线应从左向右跳跃式移动,着重扫描意群,同时注意意群中的重要单词,以寻求主要的语言信息。可将冠词、系动词、助动词及不定式符号等小品词一扫而过,不可一词不漏地全部都看一遍;只读不记。正确的做法是:一边阅读一边用笔记下或标出那些与文后所设问题有关的信息。这样,在做题时就用不着重新查阅短文,至少不用一句一句地再寻找那些隐约有印象的信息,从而可以节省一些时间。4.判断要有依据,推理要顺乎作者的意图。对于推理性或评价性之类的阅读理解题目,在材料中一般是找不到现成答案的,必须通读全篇,对所获信息加以筛选、提炼、推断,对作者的思想倾向,对文中提及的人物或事件可能产生的结局等,加以综合考虑才能得出正确结论。对这种题,不能以偏概全,不 能“只见树木,不见森林”,不能以个人的想法代替作者的意图。5.遇到生词时,一定要沉着、冷静。中考英语试题中,一般是不会盲目地出现生词的,但不排除出现影响答题的生词,同时也可能出现猜测生词的题目,因为猜测词义也是阅读能力的体现,当然也在考查范围之列。遇到这种题目,只要理解了全篇材料的大部分内容,弄清了上、下文之间的内在联系,判断出它在文中可能存在的含义是不难的。英语中猜测词义的方法很多。如:根据上、下文进行猜测。这是最重要,也是最常用的方法。有些生词可以通过上下文的相关信息,或根据同位语,修饰语等猜测词义。例如:The people who survived the earthquake cried bitterly over the bodies of their relatives.【分析】一般来说,中考 阅读理解”题中的“词义猜测”,并不要求考生根据构词法去分析单词的词义,而是要求考生根据文中的有关信息对生词的词义进行推断性的猜测。联系上下文,不难看出:这些人的亲属死了,他们在哭,显然他们在地震中“survive”了。这个词不就是“幸存”之意吗?可见,这种词义猜测也是建立在对上下文的正确理解之上的。又如:The pupils assembled in front of the school hall.They came together to listen to the headmaster announce the result ofthe sports meeting.【分析】下文中的短语came together意思是“聚到一起”,由此可以推断出学生们是“聚集到”学校大厅里听运动会的结果的。故该词的意思是“聚集”。利用构词法进行猜测。英语的构词法大致可分为派生、转化和合成等。例如:Man differs from most from all the other animals in their ability to learn and use languages.【分析】不难发现,本句中的生词differ跟different是同根同,搭配也是from,其前有m a n,其后有animals,根据这些信息可以断定动词differ此处有“和不相同”、“与存在差别”之意。这里要特别强调一点,大部分阅读题目在设计过程中,已充分考虑到了生词对答题的影响。对于那些对答题无关紧要的生词,如人名、地名、产品商标名称或影视剧目名称等,一般是不加注汉语的,只要能推断出那些生词的类别就可以了,不必弄清其准确含义。对于那些一时难以断定其意思又不妨碍理解的生词,大可不必理会。另外,熟词新义也是应当引起重视的。英语词语往往具有一词多义,在不同的场合它所表达的意思就不一定相同。如果仅仅用它的主要或常用的词义来理解一篇文章,就可能产生误解,或者根本无法了解作者的意图。如果一时间想不起该词的其他含义,可根据上下文来判断该词的词义。特别是那些关键词,必须仔细推敲。1 实战训练AHave you ever heard of e-books?E-books are electronic books.They are no larger than an ordinary book,with a screenon which you can read.How does the e-book work?First,you call up websites on your computer and select books that you want.There are thousands of books provided bydifferent websites on the I nternet.Then download the books you like on to your e-book.You can download about 10books at a time.Now you can just sit back and enjoy yourself reading.Compared with ordinary books,e-books have many advantages.First of all,e-books save space.You can put as many as 10books into a thing no bigger than a pocket radio and then carry it everywhere.You can renew reading materials in youre-book as many times as you like.With the development of e-book technology,probably an e-library will appear.Thenyou just take your e-books there and download what you want to read.You no longer need to worry about whether yourbooks are over-due or not.根据短文内容,选择可以完成句子的最佳答案。1.E-books are.A.electronic booksB.no larger than an ordinary bookC.very popular in big cityD.A,B and C2.First,you.A.call up websites on your computerB.read books that you wantC.turn on your e-bookD.download the books you like3.You can download books at a time.A.tvo B.en C.tvelve D.uventy4.E-b o o k s.A.save space B.save moneyC.look like a pocket radio D.carry it easily5.There must be an in the future.A.e-book B.e-mail C.e-library D.ehouse【答案与解析】1.Do 根据 E-books are electronic books.They are no larger than an ordinary book,with a screen on which you can read可知答案为Do2.Ac 根据 First,you call up websites on your computer and select books that you want 可知答案为 A。3.B o根据You can download about 10 books at a time(你每次大约能下载10本书)就能确定答案。4.Ao 根据 First of all,e-books save space.You can put as many as lObooks into a thing no bigger than a pocket radio andthen carry it every where(首先,电子书节省空间,你能放10本书进入比口袋收音机大不多的一件东西里,且可携带到任何地方去)可确定答案。5.Co 根据 With the development of e-book technology,probably an e-library will appear(随着电子书技术的发展,电子图书馆就会应运而生)就能确定答案。AMany students in China are learning English.Some of these students are smallchildren.Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年).Many are adults.Some learn at school,others study by themselves.A fewlearn English language(语言)over the radio,on television,or in films.One must work hard to learn another language.Why do2all these people want to learn English?I t is difficult to answer that question.Many boys and girls learn English at schoolbecause it is one of their subjects.They study their own language and maths and English.Some people learn English becauseit is useful for their work.Many people often learn English for their higher sutdies,because at college or university(大学)some of their books are in English.Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.()21.Many students in China are learning English,arent they?_.A.No,they arent B.No,they areC.Yes,they are D.Yes,they arent()22.I f one wants to learn another language well,he must_.A.learn at school B.study by himselfC.work hard D.study hard()23.The sentence I t is difficult to answer that question means_.A.that question is not difficult to answerB.that question is difficult to answer itC.it is difficultly to answer that questionD.it is hard to answer that question()24.Their own language means_.A.Chinese B.English C.French D.Japanese()25.Whats the Chinese of study by themselves?A.和他们一起学习C.向他们学习B.自学D.通过学习Once upon a time,there lived a rich man.He had a servant(仆人).He and the servant loved wine and good food verymuch.Each time the rich man left his home,the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house.Therich man knew what his servant did,but he had never caught his servant doing that.One morning,when he left home,he said to the servant,Here are two bottles of poison(毒药)and some nice food in thehouse.You must take of them.”With these words,he went out.But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue.After the rich man was away from his home,he enjoyed anice meal.Because he drank too much,he was drunk and fell to the ground.When the rich man came back,he couldnt find hisfood and his wine.He became very angry.He woke the servant up.But the servant told his story very well.He said a cat hadeaten up everything.He was afraid to be punished(惩罚),so he drank the poison to kill himself.()26.I n the s t o r y,l i k e d wine and good food very much.A.the rich man B.the servant C.both A and B D.neither A and B()27.The rich man knew that it was that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.A.the cat B.himself C.nobody D.the servant()28.The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles,b e c a u s e.A.there was in fact poison in the bottlesB.did not want the servant to drink his wineC.he wanted to kill the catD.he wanted to kill the servant()29.I n fact,ate all the nice food and drank the wine.A.the servant B.cat C.the rich man D.nobody()3().From the story,we know that the servant is ver y.A.lazy B.bad C.clever D.kindC3Everyone likes living in a clean and comfbrtant environment.I f the envionment(环境)are bad,it will affect(影响)ourbody,and make us not feel well.Sometimes we may be terribly ill.At that time we dont want to work,and we have to stay inbed and rest at home.So the envrionment is very important to us.I ts germs that makes us ill.There are germs everywhere,They are very small and you cant find them with your own eyes,but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very smallthing,Germs can always be found in dirty water.When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it.Germs can also be found in air and dust(灰尘).I f you cut your finger,some of the dust from the floor may go into it,and youwill have much pain in it.Sometimes the germs will go into all of your boby,and you will have pain everywhere.lb keep us healthy,we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier.This needs us to acttogether.31.The writer tell us that.A.we ike working when we are 1 1B.germs can5t live in the water.C.we cant feel ill if the environment is bad.D.we feel well when the environment is good.32.Germs are.A.very small things that you cant see with your eyes.B.the things that dont effect people.C.the things that you can find with your eyes.D.the things that are very big.33.Where can germs be found?They can be f ound.A.on he snail hing B.in air and dustC.onp h dhy vater D.everywhere34.How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut?A.I will feel noting.B.I wont mind.C.Twill feel Bnse.D.I will feel painful.35.From the passage we know that.A.environment doesnt affect our lifeB.we dont need to improve our environmentC.germs may make us illD.if the environment is better,germs will be more.DI f you go into the forest with friends,stay with them.I f you dont,you may get lost.I f you do get lost,this is what youshould do.Sit down and stay where you are.Dont try to find your friends.Let them find you.Ybu can help them to find you by stayin one place.There is anther way to help your friends or other people to find you.Give them a signal(信 号)outing or whistling(吹 口哨)three times.Stop.Then shout or whistle three times again.Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling,always three times togher.When people hear you,they will give two shouts or two whistles.When a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help.I f you dont think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a small room with branches.(树枝)What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water?You would have to leave your little branch room to look forsomething to eat and drink.Dont just walk away.Pick up small brunches and drop them as you walk so that you can find yourway back.The most important thing to do when you are lost stay in one place.4根据文章判断正(T)、误(F)()36.I f you get lost in the forest,you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible.(尽快)()37.Ybu can keep on shouting or whistling always three times toghether for help.()38.When you hear two shouts or whistles,you know that people will come to help you.()39.You cant go anywhere even when you feel thirsty(口渴的)or hungry.()40.You can find your way back to your branch room easily without leaving any branches as you walk.I t 41 the last lesson of a week.The students are very happy.Their teacher ia very happy,too.Their teacher 42 some nicegames 43 them.He sings somenice songs with them and then he 44 the blackboard 45 writes.Smile on theblackboard.This is one of the longest 46 in English.0 he says to the students.All the 47 laugh and a girl stands up and 48 Whyis it one of the longest worda?The teacher says:Because there is a mile in 49The students know 50 English teacher is good at teaching.()4 1.A EB,are Cam D.be)42.A.play B.pl ays C.i phying D.are phying()43.A.in()44.A.go()45.A.orB.on C.of D.withB.goes C.goes t)D.goingB.also C.and D.wirh()46.A.words B.rooms C.lessons D.conversations()47.A.workers B.students C.actors D.fathers()48.A.speaks B.says C.answers D.asks()49.A.itB.them C.their D.themselvesFA man was sitting in the doctoroffice.He was telling the doctor about his 1 .nI like football,doctor,he said.Please helpme.My life has_ 2_ been a good one since I become_ 3_ infootball and it is getting wrose and wrosa.I cant even_ 4_ wellat night.When I close my_ 5_.I m out there in the football field_ 6_ after a flying ball.When I wake updmmore 7_ than Iwas 1 went to bed.What am I going to do?the doctor sat back and said,First of all,you_ 8_ to do your best not to dreamabout football.Before you are falling asleep,try to_ 9about something else.Try to think that you are at a party and someoneis going to give you several million dollars.1(医生说完话了)Are you crazy?the man shouted.Fil_ 10the ball!*l.A.problemB.familyC.sportD.joumey2.A.alwaysB.alreadyC.neverD.often3.A.interestedB.careful C.deepD.strong4.A.workB.playC.doD.sleep5.A.doorsB.windowsC.booksD.eyes6.A.bookingB.playingC.running.waiting7.A.worriedB.tiredC.surprisedD.pleased8.A.wantB.hopeC.haveD.decide9.A.hearB.writeC.talkD.thinklO.A.missB.playC.catchD.passMonday morning is an important time at our school.All of the students go to the playground.We listen to music,and we 36 the national flag(国旗)go up.Usually,one student gives a talk on Monday mornings.One Monday last year,a boy gave the talk.He was 37 and excited!When I saw him,I wanted to have a try,too.5Can I really do itLast week,our teacher said our class should give the talk.My teacher 38 me,*I know you want to have a try.Next Monday,you can give the talk.Go and write something down.39 for it,I m sure youll do well.Thank you I answered,I t was such a great 40 for me!When I got home,I was excited.I wrote two pages for the talk.Iread them again and again.When I read,I asked my parents 41.1 wanted to make my teacher happy.Monday morning came.I began to feel 42.When did I last give a talk to 43 many people Never!This was my first time.CouldI really 44 it Maybe 1 couldnt finish the talk.When I got to school,we all went out to playground.145 in front of everyone.I opened my mouth,but I couldnt say anything.()36.A.watch B.see C.notice D.look at()37.A.surprising B.proud C.amazed D.careful()38.A.told B.asked for C.said to D.showed()39.A.Look out B.Come on C.Take care D.Get ready()40.A.chance B.news C.time D.message()41.A.to listen to B.to listen C.listen to D.listen()42.A.excited B.happy C.nervous D.surprised()43.A.after B.such C.before D.so()44.A.do B.speak C.talk D.take()45.A.stand B.stood C.was standing D.have stoodHOne day,a Chinese student goes to study English in England.His family name is Sun.I t is the 1 as the word sun.England is a country with 2.I t is often cloudy or misty(多雾的),and it 3 again,so the days there 4 get much sunshine(阳光)all the year.When the Chinese student gets to London,a tall 5 policeman with a long face 6 his passport(护照)to check(检查)it.The policeman finds the Chinese name sun in the passport.He 7 it is pronounced(发音)just like the 8 word”sun.So he says to the Chinese student,HI see your name is Sun,youre wanted here.You bring sunshine 9 England,so we dont want you to 10 They smile.()1.A.same B.different C.like D.as()2.A.good weather(天气)B.bad people C.bad weather D.good people()3.A.rains B.raining C.is rains D.to rains()4.A.dont B.doesnl C.also D.often()5.A.Chinese B.China C.English D.Japanese()6.A.is open B.opens C.opening D.to open()7.A.think B.thinking C.to think D.thinks()8.A.English B.Chinese C.Japan D.French()9.A.at B.of C.to D.for()10.A.go away B.goes away C.going away D.awayI ts Wednesday afternoon.School is over.The students are putting their books,pencil-boxes_l_their school bags.Theteacher comes in and says to the students,Wait a minute,please.I have something to tell you.Listen to me,2 is Thursday.Theres going to 3 a 4 meeting in our school.The meeting is at nine in the morning.5


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