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    外贸商务英语信函范文外贸商务英语信函范文 第一篇 Dear Mr/Ms, I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient? I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another. Yours faithfully 敬重的先生/小姐 我是达拉斯W/P电子公司的代表,将于下周一到周五(10月5-9日)住留昆明。我乐于请您商讨我们新的显示器。星期二即10月6日上午09:30是否便利? 从周二,即9月29日,我将住在北京的长城宾馆,直到周六,即10月4日,在那会有通知给我。如商讨日期不便利,请另外建议。 外贸商务英语信函范文 其次篇 Mail To: Subject : I am stuck! Will anyone out there teach me how to set up my CyberNet email program ? currently , I am using a freeware email program running on windows 98, but I want to switch to CyberNet Navigator (Ver . ) . Today I spent the whole day trying to set it up by myself , but I was just wasting my time you are willing to teach me to how , please do so like you are talking to a ten-year old . I am not a computer whiz and I do not understand any of those geek codes like PPP , POP , FTP and so on . Thanks in advance. Yours , lost in Cyberspace 外贸商务英语信函范文 第三篇 Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Greens visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,xxx 敬重的先生/小姐 感谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回来后情愿在任何时间会见格林先生。 希望收到您的来信。 您真诚的xxx 外贸商务英语信函范文 第四篇 Hello, Allen! I"ve got your E-mail. Thank you for your rapid reply! You know what that was my first time to write an E-mail, and it was so fun! I even wrote the wrong address at the first time .How silly I am! About the E-mail you sent me, the flash game is so interesting,and I forward it to my classmate. Everybody says it"s the best game they ever played. It"s so nice of you to send me the game. Where did you find the game? By the way, would you like to see a movie with me this Saturday? I hear that there is a cool movie and I have two tickets. Please give me the answer before Friday, so that I can make the plan. PS: Can you tell me how to beat the game or give me the work through? Thanks. Best regards, Peter 外贸商务英语信函范文 第五篇 As the development of technology, today people keep in touch with each other not only by cell phone, but also through email. When we open computer, we may find all kinds of message, some are important, they are sent from friends, while some are rubbish message, which are sent by the unknown ones. As we can get the message from all resources, we may be cheated any time. There are always some messages about ads in our emails, such as the car secure, some ads say you are the one who hits their luck, you can have the big prize if you give them some message they need. A lot of people get cheated, because they want to try to get the prize. When we read the email, we should take care of the fraud, never be greed, the fortune cant fall from the sky, only we work for it. 外贸商务英语信函范文 第六篇 Electronic mail,or e-mail for short,is an entirely new way of communication by means of fast,inexpensive,highly efficient and convenient,e-mail is so popular in developed countries that it is difficult to imagine modern life without it. Nowadays, millions of computers all over the world have been connected to form a global network called can send or receive by e-mail a variety of information and documents such as letters,papers, video and audio files to anyone in over 170 countries in a short harriers are not a problem, because internet software is capable of translating your mail into whatever language you want. you can also store,edit,compile and search your e-maih most importantly,e-mail helps us overcome space and time limitations in communication. With the rapidly growing popularity of computers and the fast expansion of the information highway,wider and wider applications of internet e-mail will be developed and e-mail will soon become an indispensable means of communication. 外贸商务英语信函范文 第七篇 Dear Sir: I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th at Tele Mall in Wuhan, . China. Ten days after that, it didnt ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. I had no choice but to go to the repairman. To my disappointment ,he said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that for I can not wait that long. Therefore, I have to require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Bu Manyi6


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