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    2022届江苏省苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一)英语试卷一、短对话1. What will the speakers probably do on Sunday?A. See a movie.B. Watch TV.2. Who is the woman probably talking with?A. A coach.B. A doctor.3. Who often goes to the restaurant at weekends?A , The man.B. The man's parents.4. What is Dr.Freeth going to do?A. Make an appointment.B. Go travelling.C. Stay at home.C A manager.C. The woman.C. Attend a wedding.5. Which sport did the woman do best in this year's competition?A. Bicycle race.B , Pingpong.C. Badminton.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6. Where does the woman plan to go this summer?A. Hawaii.B. Europe.7. What will the man do during his vacation?A. Travel with his family.B. Visit his old friends.C. New York.C. Drive for vacation.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8. . What is the man concerned about most?A. The height of the bookcase. B. The width of the bookcase.C The color of the bookcase.9. Why does the man make the phone call?A. To advertise a bookcase. B. To purchase a bookcase.C. To return a bookcase.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。10. Why did Rachel know nothing about this field trip?A. She started the course later than others.“Drive Slowly, like true smile heroes!41. A. warned42. A. slow43. A. missed out44. A. removing45. A. properly46. A. proposing47. A. urged48. A. handle49. A. preparations50. A. typical51. A. approached52. A. concerned53. A. analysis54. A. play55. A. movedB , encouragedB. averageB , came uponB , burningB. casuallyB. continuingB. joinedB , improveB. appealsB uniqueB forgivenB. cautiousB. dynamicB . walkB recoveredC. promisedC , normalC - looked forC , destroyingC. creativelyC. startingC - stoppedC. reviseC. impressionsC. differentC - protectedC , awkwardC. definitionC. stickC- dashedD. taughtD. topD. pulled offD. breakingD. comfortablyD. claimingD. leftD. clarifyD. attemptsD. difficultD. freedD. confusedD. truthD. glanceD. slid七、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The classical gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu province, date back to the 6th century 56 the city was founded 57 the capital of the Wu Kingdom. Today, more than 50 of these gardens are still in 58 (exist), nine of which are regarded as the finest embodiments (化身)of Chinese "Mountain and Water“ gardens.Built in the 11th century on the site of an 59 (early) destroyed garden, Canglang Pavilion has the longest history among all the existing classical gardens in Suzhou. Naturally 60 (lay) out and well designed, it is called one of the four best gardens in Suzhou. rfhe garden looks simple but natural. Without complex 61 (decorate), it combines buildings with scenery so well 62 the whole garden appears to be naturally endowed (贝武予).Since many of the63 (origin) features of the garden have been preserved, the garden has a highhistorical and artistic value.The classical gardens of Suzhou 64 (be) the most vivid specimens(样本)of culture from the East Yangtze Delta region in the 11th to 19th centuries. The underlying philosophy, literature, art, and craftsmanship65 (show) in the architecture, gardening as well as the handcrafts perfectly reflect the monumental achievements of the social, cultural, scientific, and technological developments of this period.八、其他应用文66.假如你是李华,3月20日你们全班参观了市博物馆。请为校英文报写一篇新闻报道,内容包括:1 .参加人员、时间;.活动内容;2 .活动反响。注意:1 .字数80左右;.可适当添加细节,行文连贯。A Visit to the City Museum九、读后续写67.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Keeping up seemed so important when I was a teenager. Back in 1973, if you weren't wearing Penn Loafers (乐福鞋)you'd just as soon go around in your bare feet. There was only one problem that year, I had bought Oxfords-but Penny Loafers were in.“I need some money fbr Penny Loafers.1 told my dad one afternoon at the place where he worked as a car mechanic.Dad looked at me fbr a full minute before he answered, "Wear those shoes one more day. Look at every pair of shoes you see at school. If you can tell me that you are worse off than the other kids, I'll buy new shoes for you.”The next day, I did what Dad said. I saw many schoolmates wore tom shoes of the likes I'd never had to wear, and shoes with holes in them, but I had no intention of telling him the results.When school was out, I rushed to the place where Dad worked. It was quiet. Only an occasional clank (叮当声) of metal could be heard as Dad worked under a car. Then dad's shoes came into my sight. They were old and black, the kind mechanics and service-station attendants wore. I saw the mended soles (鞋底)and the spliced laces (拼接 的鞋带).“You do what I told you today?"“Yes, sir/9“Well, what do you want to do?” He looked as though he might know what my answer would be.“I still want the Penny Loafers.1 forced myself not to look at his shoes.Dad handed me ten dollars. I took the money and went to the store two blocks down the street. A rack (货架) on a far wall appeared as if it had a million pairs of black Penny Loafers resting on it. On a rack next to it was a sign that reads "CLEARANCE 50% OFF”.Below the sign sat several 6Cyoung versions ofDacTs shoes. 注意:1 .续写词数应为150词左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。My mind was playing PingpongI ran back to the shop and put Dad's new shoes on the seat in his car.B , She had no access to the online courses.C. She cared little about her academic study.11. When does the coach leave for the Yellow Stone National Park next Monday?A. At 7 a.m.B. At 7:45 a.m.C. At 8 a.m.12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Tourist and guide.B. Classmates.C. Workmates.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。13. What is the woman doing?A. Charging the man for parking fee.B. Giving the man a parking ticket.C. Helping the man with directions.14. What does the man say about the sign?A. It is covered.B. It is too far away.15. . What will happen to the man's car?A. It will be stopped.B. It will be removed.16. What does the man think of the woman?A. Rigid.B. Considerate.C. It's two small.C. It will be repaired.C. Flexible.三、短文听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17. When does the speech probably take place?A. At the beginning of a term. B. In the middle of a term. C. At the end of a term.18. How long is the advisory office open during the weekday?A. 8hours.B. 11 hours.C. 12hours.19. What can Jarrod Howard help with?A. Study-related problems. B. Information about jobs. C. Money matters.20. Whom should students turn to if they feel stressed at school?A. RodneyReid.B. JimSmith.C. LauraLea.四、阅读理解One trend that has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic is that many homebuyers have chosen to move to luxury escapesswapping their inner-city setup for a home office near the water or the bush. Here we've gathered four of our favourite properties on the market right now.Sunshine Baylf the sounds of the ocean have been beckoning ( 召唤),then look no further than 8 Beechwood Court, located on Sunshine Cove Beach with fantastic ocean views from almost every bedroom. It has been listed on Airbnb, a website to help travellers find a homestay, so home owners will have the option of using it as an additional income source.Price guide: $2.6 million-$2.8 millionAgent: Blackshaw Coastal, Pat Jameson 0405 442 905MurrumbatemanDelivering contemporary country charm of the Hamptons, this home will make you feel like you're on a coastal holiday, but on a farm. The home is only a few minutes' walk to the nearest woodlands and village cafe and a 35-minute drive to the capital.Private saleAgent: HIVE Property, Josh Morrissey 0437 799 234Tura BeachThis award-winning home combines coastal atmosphere with modern living. Only minutes away from Tura Beach, this architect-designed property is spread across two floors with big living and dining areas that stretch over an outdoor area with a spa.Price guide: $1.5 millionAgent: One Agency Dwyer Properties, David Dwyer 0413 902 702JindabyneThis newly built home is located in the ever-growing Highview Estate in Jindabyne. It has high ceilings throughout, plenty of light and a kitchen thafs as stylish as it is functional.With the Snowy River just around the comer, nothing sounds more relaxing than walking alongside the water these holidays.Auction (拍卖):3pm, December 14Agent: Raine & Horne Snowy Mountains, Toni Wheelhouse 0431 486 588Whafs the special aspect of Sunshine Bay?A. It can be rented out. B. It's near the sea.C. It has woods nearby.D. Its price is low.21. Which property best suits people who are interested in architecture designing?A.Sunshine Bay.B.Murrumbateman.C.Tura Beach.D.Jindabyne.22. . What do the four properties have in common?A.They are located in urban regions.B.They are places with oceanviews.C.They are accessible tosand andwater.D.They are a good escape fromurban life.Architecture is amazing. It has changed the way I look and interact with the world and my environment. It has trained me to be hyper-sensitive (过度敏感)to the built environment, to recognize problems and find solutions that an untrained eye would never notice.As much as I love this profession, it is very easy to get lost in architecture. I get so focused that I have forgotten about everything else. Luckily my passion for cycling kept me sane。青酉星的)while I was becoming an architect. I faced a lot of obstacles and challenges taking a bicycle ride across the United States. Looking back, cycling across the America was actually one of the smartest things I ever did.I have actually bicycled across the continental USA twice; East to west. Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean, both times. Bicycling across America isn't as hard as you think.I rode alone on my first trip in 2005 from Virginia Beach to the coast of Florence, Oregon. In the end it was 4,547 miles over the course of 77 days.I left for the second trip in 2007 with my two best friends from Bar Harbor, Maine to Portland, Oregon, which was a 4,886 mile ride over 90 days. At that time, I fell in love with the idea of leaving the east coast behind, starting a whole new life and career in a new city. I ended up in Portland. After arriving in town on a bike, I eventually found a job, a place to live and an amazing dog.I share all this not to convince anyone to go biking across America, but only to share how doing this has changed my life. Architecture has given me a wonderful life and career but it isn't everything. Thankfully I have also been very passionate about: my friends, traveling, bicycles, punk rock, technology, the internet, my dog, and even yoga. My architecture background has definitely sweetened my relationship with all those things.Becoming an architect is a noble pursuit, but you should keep pursuing everything else that you are passionate about. It will enhance your architecture career and ultimately make you a more interesting person, which in my opinion is really more important than being another silly architect.23. Whafs the advantage of cycling according to the author?A. Changing his negative attitude to architecture.B , Keeping himself focused on his career all the time.C. Enabling him to find solutions without training.D. Making him a much better architect and person.25. . What does the author think of his two cross-country bike trips?A. They are harder than what he expected before.B. They show the benefits of riding with friends.C. They give him some extraordinary experiences.D. They guarantee him a new life and career in Portland.26. What can be inferred from Paragraph 6?A. Don't get completely lost in your hobbies.B. Don't abandon hobbies for your profession.C. Don't feel ashamed of stopping your hobbies.D. Don't weigh your family against your profession.27. In the last paragraph, the author reminds us to.A. take up the pursuit of becoming an architectfind what we are really passionate aboutB. appreciate other people's good intentionsavoid our career taking over other pursuitsA human heart is so much more than an organ. No one says they left their pancreas (月夷 腺)in San Francisco, for example, or that two kidneys (肾脏)beat as one. Yet most of us believe that two hearts can beat as one, and that the heart reveals our real emotions. Now there's some evidence that such folk wisdom is true.When people listen to the same story each alone in their own home their heart rates rise and fall together, according to a new study published last month in Cell Reports. Professor Lucas Perra, a senior author of the study, said, "It's the story that drives the heart.”This finding corresponds with a mountain of research showing that our brains synchronize (同步)when we interact in the same location or participate in the same activity. The new study goes one step further; it tests whether our heart rates become synchronized while taking in the same narrative 一 even though we're not in the same room nor even listening at the same time as other listeners.Marcel Proust wrote at the turn of the 20th century, "the heart does not lie." Data tells us much the same: The heart7s connection to the brain is so tight that when we hear the same story, our heart rates synchronize. Subjects in the same group produced synchronized heart rate patterns that rose and fell at roughly the same times during the narrative.The results are"heartwarmingsaid Prof.Perra/'Heart rat correlation (关联)between subjects does not require them to actually be interacting, or even be in the same place. Ifs not the interaction between people but the story itself that does the trick.”The point, he said, is that when we listen to the same radio program or watch a Netflix show, our hearts beat together, showing that "we're not alone.28. What does the underlined expression "folk wisdom?,refer to in the first paragraph?A. Kidneys beat like hearts.B. Hearts are important organs.C. A human heart conveys feelings.D. Organs have close links with emotions.29. What can we learn from the new study in Cell Reports?A. People like listening to the same story in separate places.B , Human9s brains synchronize when driven by different stories.C. People tested in the same group have the same heart rates.D. The same story can make listeners have the same heart rates.30. What's the author's purpose of writing this article?A. To report a research finding.B. To argue against an opinion.C. To tell readers a moving story.D. To call for immediate action.31. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The Way Human Hearts WorkB. The Same Story, the Same HeartbeatC. The Hearfs Connection to BrainD. The Importance of Heart RatesStar Wars fans would be familiar with the good relationship between humans and droids (机器人)in the movies. In the movie Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lando Calrissian risked his life to rescue his co-pilot, a female droid L3-37. In real life, a humanoi


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