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    Unit1+Reading 牛津译林版九年级英语上册.pptx

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    Unit1+Reading 牛津译林版九年级英语上册.pptx

    ReadingFree talk:1 Are you happy with your teachers?2 Who impressed you most among all your teachers?Why?3 Can you describe the personalities of him/her?Make the sentense with“so-that,enough,or it is+adj-”organized never show offmodest repeat grammar rules patient come up with ideascreative keep asking questionscurious play sports for hoursenergetic put things in orderWe find it important for a teacher to have these qualities.1.A creative person2.An active person3.An energetic person4.A modest person5.An organized person6.A patient persona.has lots of energy.b.does not talk much about his/her abilities.c.can produce something new or a work of art.d.can plan his/her work well.e.enjoys taking part in different activities.f.can wait without getting angry.1 Are they successful in their fields?2 Who are they?What are their jobs?Yes,they are outstanding in their field.View and answerWu Weian artistSu Ninga managerLiu Taoan engineerFang Yuana doctor What personalities should they have?Think and discussWho and what are they like?Fast readingWu Weian artistSu Ninga managerLiu Taoan engineerFang Yuana doctorpersonalityactiveenergeticseriouswell-organizedmodest kindpatientcarefulquietcreativeRead and answer(Para1)1.What is Wu Wei like according to(根据)his best friend?2.What has he impressed the whole country with?3.What has he won from the art community for his sculptures?4.What is he always doing in order to share best art with people?a born artist quietdoesnt like to talk much.His work shouts.He has won high praise from the art community.He is always searching for something better or different.Learn more about Wu WeiHis creative work.Wu Wei is a _.He is _ and doesnt like _,but his work _.So he _ the whole country.His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from _.He is always searching for _,because he wants to _.born artistquietto talk muchshoutshas impressedthe art community something better or differentshare the best art with people Read again and fill in the blanksWhat do you think in his personality brings him success?“I want to share the best art with people,so Im always searching for something better or different.This in itself is great fun,”Further thinking Su NingIn the past At presentLike it or not?Why?an accountantNo She could only work with numbers day after day./unhappyYes She is active and energetic,and she loves working with people.Her beliefLife is like a race.You either take the lead or fall behind.Im ready to take on new challenges any time.a general managerHer jobRead and compare(Para2)人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。么落后。Life is like a race.You either take the lead or fall behind.Learn more about Su Ning3.Is it easy to take the lead?4.What do we need to take the lead?Further thinking1.What kind of woman is she?2.Do you agree with her idea?()1.Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the new bridge.()2.Liu Hao needs to pay attention to every detail in his job.FT Read and guess:“A miss is as good as a mile”means _ in Chinese.A.骄兵必败骄兵必败 B.失之毫厘失之毫厘,谬以千里谬以千里 C.天有不测风云天有不测风云 D.吃一堑,长一智吃一堑,长一智high-speed railway.BLearn more about Liu Hao Name JobPersonalities Detailsa cheif_of the _railway _Sunshine Town to Tianjin_and_ A miss is as good as a mile.We cant _ to make any _,said Mr.Liu.So he pays _ to all the_.So he always works to high _.Liu Hao_So he is easy to work with.engineerengineerhigh-speedhigh-speedconnectingconnectingseriousseriousorganizedorganizedaffordaffordmistakesmistakesattentionattentiondetailsdetailsmodestmodeststandardsstandardsRead and fill(Para3)Learn more about Liu HaoDetailed reading(Para4):TF1.Fang Yuan thinks doctors shouldnt be too careful.2.Carelessness will be a disaster to both doctors and patients.3.Fang Yuan often does operations for about ten hours a week.4.People in the town all respect Doctor Fang.F再细心也不为过再细心也不为过TFTcant be too carefula dayLearn more about Fang YuanWhat qualities make a good surgeon?Why?As a doctor,you cant be too careful.Because carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.Further thinkingwork extra hoursdevote most of her time toBesides being careful,what other personalities are mentioned in the article?1.Are you willing to study extra hours?2.Did you devote most of your free time to the study?3.Who do you know is like Fang Yuan?Any opinions?Wu WeiLiu HaoSu NingFang Yuanquietcreativesculpturesbetter or differentfunaccountantactiveenergeticmanagernew challengesartistengineerseriouswell organizedmodesteasy-goinga pioneer heart surgeonkindpatientcarefuldevotedrespectRetell their stories_FTFTFFTTthinks his work shouts.was unhappythe high-speed railway.easy(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(8)_(12)_(5)_(6)_(7)_(9)_(10)_(11)_(13)_(14)_(15)_artistartisttalk muchtalk muchdifferentdifferentmanagermanagerenergeticenergeticpeoplepeoplenew challengesnew challengesengineerengineerdetaildetailorganizedorganizedstandardsstandardsdoctordoctorpatientpatientcarefulcarefulextra hoursextra hourswork extra hoursdevote most of her time toyou cant be too careful.Work to high standardsWell-organizedPay attention to the detailBeing modest and easy to work with.take on new challenges any time.“Life is like a race.You either take the lead or fall behind.”Im always searching for something betterimpress the whole country with creative work.win high praise from the world.Try to translate them into Chinesecross-talkera borndevotetoImpresswithsearch forpay attention to detailextra win praise fromwork to high standardsDescribe these famous peopleScientista pioneerdevotetoImpresswithsearch forpay attention to take the leadextra win praise fromwork to high standardsa basketball playera borndevotetoimpresswithrespectpay attention to take the leadfall behindwin praise fromwork to high standards?a borndevotetoImpresswithrespectpay attention to take the leadfall behindWin high praise fromwork to high standardssearch forconnect to/withday after dayDescribe someone you respect1.What are your personalities?2.What job do want to do?3.Do you think your personalities is suitable(合适(合适的的)for the job?Why?Free talkThink and talkHomework1.Try to retell the story to your classmates.2.Preview the grammar part.


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