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    高考英语作文词汇升级1 .用 beneficial /positive/ promising/ excellent/meaningful/fantastic/ terrific 替 换good表示“好”He was voted the most promising new director.他当选为最有前途的新导演。2 .用 weak, harmful, , evil, awful, terrible 替换 bad 表示“坏”That plane crash was a terrible business.那次飞机坠毁是十分可怕的事。3 .用 frustrated, discouraged, depressed 替换 sad 表示“不开心的”They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.没有进展,他们感到懊丧。4,用 joyful / delighted 替换 happy 表示“开心的”Children's Day is a joyful occasion for kids.儿童节对孩子们来说是开心的时候。5 .用 inform sb of 替换 tell sb about 表示“告诉”Please inform us of your decision in advance.请提前告知我们你的决定。6 .用available替换free表示“有空”Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.利奇先生休假了,不方便作 出评论。7 .用in terms of替换about表示“关于"The book is well organized in terms of plot.这本书的故事布局十分严谨。8,用well-being替换happiness表示“幸福,安康”Well-being arises from welldoing.幸福来自善行。9 .用convey替换express表示 “表达”I' m writing to convey my sincere thanks to you,我写这封信是要表达对您的真诚感谢。10,用motivate替换encourage表示“鼓励,激发”How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?你是怎样激励大家奋发高效 地工作的?11,用adopt替换take表示“采纳”They adopted our methods.他们采用了我们的办法。12,用 intend to do 替换 want to do 表示“想要”So far as know, all of them intend to be excellent students.据我所知,他们都想成 为优秀的学生。13.用be aware替换realize表示 “意识到"From the experience, was fully aware of the responsibility and value as a volunteer.从这次经历,我充分认识到作为志愿者的责任和价值。_14,用 take advantage of (make the best/most of)替换 make use of 表示“利用”We can take advantage of new technology more quickly.我们可以更快地利用新技术。15,用 as a consequence 替换 as a result 表示"结果”As a consequence, children started to dislike their parents.结果, 孩子们开始不喜 欢他们的父母。16 .用 acquire/obtain 替换 get 表示“获得”By reading, one can acquire knowledge.读书可以增长知识。17 .用 have a good command of/have a good knowledge of 替换 be good at 表示 “擅长,精 通”With the society developing rapidly, it' s increasingly necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English.随着社会的迅速发展,精通英语是越来越重要了。18,用 settle, handle , deal with, cope with, do with 替换 solve 表示“解决”You have to admire the way he handled the situation.你不得不佩服他处理这个局面的 手段。19 .用request替换ask表示“要求”She requested that no one should be told of her decision.她要求不要向任何人透露她 的决定。20 .用 terribly , extremely , badly 替换 very 表示“非常地”I' m terribly sorry for not being able to attend the meeting held yesterday.我对 于未能参加昨天的会议表示非常抱歉。_21 ,用 increasingly 替换 more and more 表示 “越来越”Badminton is becoming increasingly popular in our neighborhood.羽毛球在我彳门这带 越来越流行了。22 .用 keep/bear in mind 替换 remember 表示“记住”will keep/bear our friendship in mind all the time.我会直,己住我们的友谊。23 .用 participate in/get involved in 替换 take part in 表示 “参加”What' s more, I' ve participated in several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience.此外,我参加过一些类似的活动,而这个让我具备了一些相关经验。24 ,用 make great efforts to do/spare no effort to do 替换 try to do 表示 “努力做”We will spare no effort to help the victims.我们将不遗余力地去帮助那些受害者。25 .用 various/varieties of/a variety of/a wide range of 替换 all kinds of 表示 “各 种各样的”Various activities will be arranged to experience traditional Chinese culture.我 们将安排各种活动去体验中国传统文化26 .用due to替换because of表示“由于”Our monitor arrived late due to the heavy traffic.由于交通拥挤,班长来晚了。27 ,用 contribute to; give rise to, lead to (doing) sth,替换 cause 表示 “导致(某人 做)某事”There are a couple of factors that give rise to this problem.有彳艮多因素导致了这个 问题。28 .用 be occupied in doing sth/with sth 或 be engaged in 替换 be busy in doing sth/with sth表示“忙于”am occupied in my study and seldom have time to surf the Internet.我忙于研究,很 少上网。29 .用 outstanding/extraordinary 替换 good 表示“优秀的”He is an outstanding scientist.他是一位杰出的科学家。30 .用 around the corner 替换 be coming soon 表示“即将来临”Our final exam is around the corner.我们的期末考试即将来临。31.用 count/matter 替换 be important 表示“重要”It is not the arrival but the journey that counts.重要的不是到达目的地而是旅行本 身。32,用enable sb to do替换make sb do表示“使某人做”This job can enable me to support my family.这份工作能使我养活我的家庭。33,用fail to替换be unable to表示“未能”failed to persuade him to give up smoking.我没能劝说他把烟戒掉。34 .用occur to替换think of表示 “想到”It occurred to me that forget to lock the door.我突然想起我忘了锁门了。35,用a must替换something that you must do表示“必须要做的事”English is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life.英语对我 来说是日常生活中与他人交流所必备的。_36 .用 appeal to/take a great interest in 替换 be interested in表示”对感兴趣”If this activity appeals to you, please sign up for it in advance.如果你喜欢这次 的活动,请提前报名参加。37 .用 fulfill; accomplish 替换 finish 表示 "完成”If we'd all work together, think we could accomplish our goal.只要大家齐心协力,我想我们就能实现目标。一38 .用 be supposed to 替换 should 表示“应该、We are supposed to be neatly dressed when at school.在校期间,我们应该衣着整洁。39,用of great concern替换worrying表示 “令人担忧的”The environment here is of great concern.这里的环境问题令人担忧。40 .用 adapt/adjust oneself to, be accustomed to 替换 be used to 表示“习惯于,适应”It all depends on how you adjust yourself to life.这完全看你自己如何去适应生活。41 .用tend to替换usually do表示“往往”Some students can, t concentrate on their study and tend to feel sleepy in class. 有些学生上课不专心学习往往犯困。42 .用 vital/of great significance/of great importance 替换 very important 表示 “至 关重要”The meeting to be held next Sunday is of great importance.下周日要举彳亍的会议常 重要。43 .用 account for 替换 explain 表示 “解释”My consultant could not account for his being late again.我的顾问无法解释他再次迟 到的原因。44 .用cover替换walk/read表示“走过,读过”After covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.在走了十英里后,我们都累了。45.用be faced with替换face表示 “面临”Faced with so much trouble, we find that it is impossible for us to finish the workon time.面对这么多难题,我们发现我们不可能按时完成任务。_46,用 be determined to do, make up one' s mind to do 替换 decide 表示“决心做”From then on, was determined to try my best to help the family.从那时起,我下定决 心尽我最大努力去帮助这个家庭。一47,用 approve of/ in favor of 替换 agree with/about 表示“赞同,同意”She doesn't approve of my leaving school this year.她不同意我今年离校。48.用 challenging 替换 difficult 表示"难”For new reporters, this can seem like a challenging task.对于新记者来说,这彳以乎是 一项具有挑战性的任务。_49,用 as far as am concerned 替换 In my opinion 表示“在我看来”As far as am concerned, suggest that you should wear a protective mask.依我看,我建议你应该戴上防护口罩。_50.用 be fully/firmly convinced 替换 believe 表示 “相信”am firmly convinced that the number of tourists should be limited.我坚定土也相信旅 客的数量应得到限制。


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