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    乡镇述职述廉述德告,乡镇领导干部述德述职述廉报告 乡镇述职述廉述德报告,乡镇领导干部述德述职述廉报告 0xx年,在局党组的领导下,本人和分管科室、单位工作人员一起,紧紧围绕中心工作和详细业务实际,深入学习和贯彻落实科学进展观,践行“以人为本,执政为民”理念,廉洁奉公,履行职责,努力做好人力资源和社会保险工作,园满完成各工程标工作任务,较好地效劳了全市改革、进展、稳定大局,促进了社会和谐。现将一年来工作述职如下: 政治理论修养和高尚的道德情操是党员干部的立身之本。为此,我根据科学进展观的要求,不断加强对党的根本理论、根本学问和党的路线、方针、政策的学习,重点学习了党的十八大精神,深刻领悟其中的新思想、新观点、新理论。通过学习,不断加强党性修养,增加党性观念和道德素养。在平常工作中,牢记党的根本宗旨,听从组织领导,坚持党的纪律和原则,带头执行党章、准则和党内监视条例,遵守国家的法律、法规,执行组织的决议打算,在政治上、思想上始终坚持与上级保持高度全都。树立正确的政绩观和坚固的群众观,努力做到讲党性、讲纪律、讲原则、讲风格,坚持以一名合格的党员干部标准,在实际工作中创先争优。注意以科学理论为指导端详工作,谋划思路,解决实践中遇到的困难和问题。充分熟悉到只有以科学进展观为统领,围绕中心,效劳大局,人力资源社会保障事业才能取得新进展;只有坚持以人为本,把人民的利益作为全部工作的动身点和落脚点,为民谋利,人力资源社会保障事业才能朝着正确的方向不断进展。 人力资源社会保障工作事关群众切身利益,事关社会和谐稳定,解决好人民群众最关怀、最直接、最现实社会保障问题,是落实科学进展观的直接表达。20xx年8月,我由养老保险中心主任转任市人社局副局长,一年来,根据上级统一部署,我和工作人员一起努力做好人力资源和社会保险效劳工作,着力解决好人民群众的就业、社会保障、维权等问题。 1.全面完成全年目标任务。就业方面,全市城镇新增就业6.5万人,失业人员再就业2.3万人,就业困难人员再就业0.6万人,分别完成目标任务的215%、159%、164%,城镇登记失业率掌握在3.6%以内。新转移农村劳动力9.6万人,完成目标任务的108%。高校毕业生就业见习834人,完成目标任务的119%。新增发放小额担保贷款6.25亿元,完成目标任务的330%。全年组织开展创业培训4829人,完成目标任务的127%。社会保险方面,全市职工养老、失业保险参保人数分别达33.5万人、19.3万人,均超额完成目标任务。 .积极做好重点群体就业。全力做好高校毕业生就业工作。对416名困难家庭高校毕业生发放求职补贴20.8万元,对28名高校毕业生发放小额担保贷款238万元。录用基层公益性岗位高校毕业生344名。3382名离校未就业高校毕业生全部实现就业。强化人事代理效劳,全年办理人事代理7700人次、代管档案6800份,接收应届高校毕业生档案7000余份。积极效劳农夫工转移就业。全年共举办3场次,供应用工岗位6.9万个,促进3.8万人就地就近就业。 .全面落实就业政策。全年共支出就业专项资金1.87亿元。加大就业困难群体帮扶力度,帮忙2.3万名失业人员和就业困难人员实现再就业;为2.19万名敏捷就业人员发放社保补贴4276万元;发放职业介绍补贴208万元;发放就业培训鉴定补贴2726万元;小额担保贷款贴息1320万元。 .推动创业带动就业。深入开展创立创业型城市活动,建立创业效劳指导中心9个,积极组织开展创业培训,支持762人胜利实现创业。加大农夫工返乡创业扶持力度,全市建成农夫工创业园34个,入驻企业96户,胜利孵化出园企业16户,带动就业1.22万人。 .加强职业技能培训。健全面对全体劳动者的职业培训制度,完善政策措施,加大工作力度,落实补贴政策,组织开展就业技能培训、岗位技能提升培训和创业培训,提升劳动者就业力量,化解就业构造性冲突。 .加大劳动保障监察执法力度。开展清理整顿人力资源市场秩序、劳动用工年审、劳动保障诚信评价、劳动保障监察网格化信息采集等专项行动。处理突发大事62起,涉及劳动者4752人。加大农夫工工资清欠力度,为2.02万农夫工追讨工资共1.2亿元,催促企业为农夫工参保缴费2508万元。 .进一步加强窗口建立。不断提升窗口效劳水平,加大对窗口单位和基层部门的业务指导和治理力度,强化“为民、利民、便民”的效劳意识,转变效劳态度,标准效劳行为,实现主动效劳、高效效劳、优质效劳。 .依法行政水平进一步提升。落实政务公开制度,积极开展行政审批制度改革,对本单位所实施的行政审批事项进展全面仔细梳理,重新确定保存、合并、转变治理方式、取消、承接省级下放工程。对保存的工程进展流程优化,进一步压缩了办理时限,标准业务流程,提高审批效率。 .全面完成军转安置任务。全年接收军转干部41人,其中规划安置38人,自主择业3人。在规划安置的人员中,团职15人,营以下23人,全部安置到公务员岗位。5名随调家属安置根本到位。企业军转干部解困维稳工作平稳有序,全年未发生进京赴省上访现象。 10.切实做好信访维稳工作。加强组织领导,完善相关责任单位详细办理信访工作体制。对群众信访反映的问题,做到“件件有着落、事事有回音”,建立多部门的联动机制,妥当处理涉及人力资源保障的信访问题,切实解决群众合理诉求,着力做好冲突纠纷排查化解工作。全年共接访292批次,其中来信94件次,来访198批次314人次,均获得了稳妥处置。 仔细学习贯彻落实中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则和中心八项规定,狠抓作风建立和日常治理。严格按规定要求标准自己行为,自觉加强思想道德修养,遵守职业道德,用共产党员的标准标准自己的言行。以身作则树形象,无论在工作或生活中,作为单位领导,我始终到处以身作则,带头遵守各项规章制度,带头执行党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则、八项规定等。在日常工作中保持糊涂的头脑,做到警钟长鸣,正确行使党和人民给予的权力,做到依法行政、按规定办事,坚决杜绝违纪违规现象的发生。凡要求职工做的,自己首先做到,要求别人不做的,自己首先不做。讲操守,重品德,清清白白做人、兢兢业业干事,坚持做到自重、自省、自警、自励。仔细履行党风廉政建立责任制,落实“一岗双责”,在管好自己的同时,留意管好身边工作人员。树立正确的政绩观和价值观,发扬求真务实精神,扎实抓好每一项工作。牢记全心全意为人民效劳的宗旨,深入基层开展调查讨论,为群众排忧解难。正确处理个人同组织的关系、全局与局部的关系。留意维护班子团结,与其他领导成员之间,留意相互敬重、相互协作,仔细听取其他同志的意见。 回忆一年的工作,虽然个人在本职岗位做了一点工作,但与人民群众的切身感受相比,仍旧存在差距。本人分管的就业、社会保险、法规监察、信访维稳等工作政策性强,涉及面广,工作任务重。面对工作中的新状况、新问题,深入基层、深入群众、深入一线开展调查讨论不够;对工作人员提要求多,强调多,详细工作中指导、落实不够。对于存在的缺乏,我将进一步加强学习,增加分析问题、解决问题、驾驭工作的力量。进一步改良工作作风,深入基层调查讨论,以求真务实的作风和剧烈的事业心、责任感,脚踏实地、开拓创新,尽心尽力工作,努力推动我人力资源和社会保障工作实现又好又快地进展。 乡镇述职述廉述德报告,乡镇领导干部述德述职述廉报告(范文二) 0xx年一年来,本人能尽心尽职,扎扎实实做好自己分管工作,2xxx年9月因工作需要由县里统一安排抽调到城南生态新城指挥部征地,20xx年10月份调镇任副镇长,根据党委、政府分工,主要分管招商引资、农业、水利、水保、烟叶、统计、地震、气象、农技、农机、能源、科技工作,现就一年来个人思想学习工作履职和廉洁状况汇报如下: 仔细学习习近平总书记系列讲话精神,党的十八大和十八届三中全会精神深刻领悟其科学内涵,仔细系统地学习了党的根本学问,进一步夯实了理论根底,提高了党性熟悉和思想道德素养。坚持正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,并用以指导自己的学习、工作和生活实践。仔细贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策,工作积极主动,勤奋努力,不畏困难,尽职尽责,在平凡的工作岗位上作出力所能及的奉献。加强学习分管工作业务学问,工作中注意理论与实践的结合,不断提高业务水平和完善自己的学问构造,提升自己的理论修养水平。牢记“全心全意为人民效劳”的宗旨,始终把“三送”工作为总抓手。以对人民负责的高度责任心武装自己的头脑,指导自己的行动。 做好安商效劳工作,在日常工作中加强招商效劳意识,在工作中努力做到对于引进的企业要加大跟踪效劳力度,确保引进的客商安心在我县、我镇进展兴业、创业致富。对客商树立诚信形象,营造诚信环境,以诚招商,以诚待商,进而做到以商招商。 一是抓好农技推广工作,加强春耕备耕检查指导力度,早规划、早安排,积极推广良种工作; 二是仔细抓好国家财政农机购置补贴落实及农机治理工作,完善基层农机询问效劳,逐步更新农业机械旧老的局面; 三是抓好农业科技下乡和宣传工作,积极推动科技体制创新和人才强镇战略,加强科普宣传与培训,提高农夫科技素养; 四是加强农业根底设施建立; 五是开展好病虫害防治工作; 六是强化渔业治理,进展水产养殖。 一是确保烟叶面积落实,完成今年1500亩任务; 二是狠抓育苗工作,仔细抓好27个棚苗床治理; 三是强化科技培训,狠抓技术措施到位; 四是狠抓烟叶根底设施建立,完成6座烤房建立; 五是抓好烟叶田间治理和生产投入工作。 一是仔细做好各项汛前预备工作,加大防汛工作的宣传力度,让群众树立防洪意识,提高全民防灾避灾力量; 二是抓好汛前检查,重点检查小 抓好预案修订,进一步完善和修订应急方案的可操作性和针对性;抓好物资备足工作;抓好水库安全员业务学问。 一是加强了统计工作人员的业务力量提高; 二是仔细做好第x次全国经济普查工作。 一是抓好水土保持法普法工作; 二是重点抓好龙舌片原开采稀土、矿产、水土整治工作; 三是抓好山塘村、金龙村百亩荒山治理工作。 一是开展好防震减灾学问宣传教育,提高全民防震减灾意识和力量。 二是加强汛期,森林防火气象宣传。 三是加强建筑物抗震设防治理工作。 一是抓好“三送”工作,以“三送”工作为总抓手,真心实意帮忙群众; 二是抓好所包村村级班子及进展党员等工作。 一是抓好城南生态新城征地工作; 二是抓好花园变电站工程建立。 三是抓好城南防洪堤,西江河治理及安全饮用水工程建立。 仔细学习中心“八项规定”,对自己制定了“约法三章“:即不该得的利益丝毫不得,违反原则的事坚决不做,有损党和政府形象的事自觉抵抗。在主抓工程建立中坚决做到不吃请,不索拿卡要,努力做一个让组织放心,群众满足的公务员。 ? 1、对学习的重要性熟悉不够。主要对理论在实践工作中的指导意义缺乏足够熟悉。即就是学习起来也只是就事论事,泛泛地学一下,也没有与改造自己的的主观世界结合起来 、思想和观念不能完全适应新形势的要求。思想观念、工作方法比拟陈旧,在肯定程度上对工作有影响。对市场经济体制下消失的一些新状况、新问题感到对策少,方法不够。 一年来,本人在镇党委、政府的正确领导下,在全镇广阔党员干部的帮忙下,取得了较好的成绩,但离镇党委、政府的要求还存在肯定的差距,在以后的工作中将仔细贯彻落实好镇党委、政府的主要工作和精神,开拓创新,锐意进取,尽心尽职,扎扎实实做好本职工作。 In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the partys mass line of educational practice, the partys eighteen to make a major deployment. The Central Committee issued in the party carry out the partys mass line of educational practice views .6 month on the 18th, the Central Committee held the partys mass line of educational practice working conference on, Xi general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, Comrade Comrade attended the meeting and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arrangement of deployment of 6 April 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control implement the central The eight prescribed ideological reality and the actual work, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole party to carry out educational practice made an example. Group Party attaches great importance to educational practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central Committee General Secretary Xi and a series of important speech to convey the spirit of learning, study and formulate the Corporation of party work plan for the mass line of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of. Now, I talk about the four aspects of the problem. A full understanding of the significance of the partys mass line of educational practice The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of work of the party. To carry out the partys mass line of educational practice is party in the new situation must insist on the party manage the party, strictly is great and decision-making, conform to the expectations of the masses, to strengthen the learning type, service and innovation of Marxist ruling partys construction of a major deployment, is the important measure to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Education practice activities, to keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling position, to effectively change the style of work, to further promote the spirit of Three Gorges, the strategic goal of building a world-class clean energy group, has significant and the profound Significance. First, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is implementing the spirit of the partys eighteen and realize the dream of China, is the inevitable requirement of the Three Gorges dream. Party 18 put forward the struggle goal of two hundred years, namely in the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in China to completed a comprehensive well-off society, in New China was founded 100 years built a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country. Party after eighteen, General Secretary Xi proposed the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream is the dream nation, peoples dream and dream of every Chinese enterprise. The full realization of the goals of the Twelfth Five Year Plan , in 2023 to basically completed a world-class clean energy group is in the hearts of the Three Gorges new Three Gorges dream, is an integral part of the Chinese dream. To realize the partys eighteen identified goals and realize the Chinese dream, dream of the Three Gorges, we must develop in close contact with the masses of the fine style of work, bearing in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, and hedonism and extravagant wind; must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, all from a practical point of view, follow the rules of market economy and the development of enterprises, promote enterprise of scientific development; must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the cadres and workers, initiative, creativity, Boost Qi God, twisted into a vigor, unite as one to tackle tough, in order to realize the dream of China, the Three Gorges dream and struggle. The second, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is to strengthen the state-owned enterprise party construction, keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling status of inevitable requirement. The partys advanced nature and the partys ruling status is not a once and for all, immutable. Past advanced does not equal the present advanced, now advanced is not equal to advanced forever. In the past have not equal to now have, now have is not equal to always have. Keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling position, is the partys Facing the construction of the fundamental problem and the subject of the times. Central enterprises is completed a comprehensive well-off society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important basis for the Communist Party of China. To carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is to further strengthen and improve the partys leadership, play the exemplary vanguard role of Party members, the people honest and pragmatic value pursuit deeply rooted in the thoughts and actions of all Party members, and keep the partys advanced nature and purity. It is to hold to a party to want to manage the party, strictly, so as to promote the ideological and working style construction of the party building in all respects, Party of the body and the party ranks of self purification, self end At the beginning of the good, self innovation, self - improvement; is to further development of Zhuang country economy and enhance control of state-owned enterprises, influence and vitality to further consolidate the partys ruling foundation, to consolidate the partys ruling status. Third, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is vigorously carry forward the spirit of Three Gorges, four winds in the control group of scientific development outstanding issues to solve the inevitable requirement. The central government decided to the mass line of educational practice is mainly focus on style building, efforts to solve formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagant wind four winds. In the process of long-term construction of the Three Gorges project, the company Always maintain a hard work, truth-seeking and pragmatic, scientific and democratic, solidarity and cooperation of the fine style of work, unity and lead all the Three Gorges builders tenacious struggle, the successful completion of the Three Gorges project construction tasks, to the party and the people on the a qualified answer. Second, conscientiously implement the central spirit, solidly carry out the partys mass line of educational practice central the education practice of guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, basic principles, methods, steps made specific provisions, Party accordingly formulated the on the in-depth development of the partys mass line of educational practice implementation scheme. Party organizations at all levels must conscientiously implement the spirit of the central government, do a good job of scheme To carry out the execution, guarantee the educational practice to achieve the worker masses satisfactory effect. Is the guiding ideology of the Corporation of Partys mass line of educational practice, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively implement the partys eighteen big spirits, to Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and the scientific development concept as a guide, closely around the keep the partys advanced nature and purity that pragmatic and honest people as the main content, the implementation of the provisions of the central eight as a starting point, strengthen the education of the Marxist view of the masses and the partys mass line, with excellent style ningxinjuli for The construction of the Three Gorges project, the development of the Yangtze River, building a world-class large-scale clean energy group to provide a strong guarantee. The theme of group company of educational practice is changing the style, ningxinjuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group to provide a strong guarantee. Methods: take the lead of the party, from top to bottom. The focus of education is the leading bodies at all levels, leading organs and deputy division level and above cadres. Focusing the outstanding problem is: oppose formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagant wind. By resolutely opposed to the four winds, efforts to solve outstanding problems of Party members and cadres in the party spirit party party, affecting the outstanding problems of scientific development to the group company , the outstanding problems of the workers and the masses are strongly. To achieve the goal of requirements are: enhance the ideological quality of the cadres as well as to effectively change the style of work, close party masses relationship, establish image of pragmatic and honest people of. According to the requirements of the central, group company as Wuguan enterprises to participate in the partys mass line of the first batch of educational practice. Among them, group leadership and the departments of the headquarters of educational practice, by the central leadership and sent a steering group. Group owned enterprises and units in late August started, under the leadership of the Party group carry out educational practice, by the party sent a steering group of supervision and inspection. Corporation group and subordinate units of Education Practice time staggered, stubble, in accordance with the requirements of the quality of the progress of the subject of for complete educational pract


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