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    广东省汕尾市陆丰市2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题(word版)一、单项选择() 1. Kathy isunderstanding girl. I always have great time when I' m withher.A. an; anB. an; aC. a; anD. a; a() 2. I'm busy now.Susan, please help me add to the vegetable soup.A. three spoon of saltB. three spoons of saltC. three spoons of saltsD. three spoon of salts() 3. 一Wang Lin did in the final exam this term again.一That' s true. No one is better than him in his class.A. worstB. worseC. bestD. better() 4. You could hardly imagine how amazing the Great Wall was you saw it withyour eyes.A. ifB.unlessC.soD.when() 5. Joe' s schoolbag is different Tony' s but similar Mike' s.A. with;toB.to; withC.from; toD.from;with() 6. My father advised me the school music club.A. joinB.joinedC.to joinD.joining() 7.1 can* t spend money on the car. It is expensive for me.A. too much; many tooB. much too; too muchC. too much; much tooD. many too; too many() 8. The radio says it will be snowy tomorrow.一Really? If it, I to school.A. snows; walk B. snows; will walk C. will snow; walk D. will snow; will walk() 9. 一 Can you go to the zoo with us this afternoon?. I have to write to my friend.A. Good ideaB. Sorry, I cant t C. Yes, F d love to D. Yes, please二、语法选择() 10.通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每 题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。Do you like going to the movies? of the students like movies very much. Last Sunday I went to a middle school and asked some students their favorite movies. Some of their were really interesting. Here their likes and dislikes.Tom eleven-year-old boy likes watching thrillers(恐怖片)because they are scary exciting.His classmate Jane stand documentaries但己录片).She told me they are for parents. But she really likes sitcoms because funny.Mike is a big boy He said he didn, t mind documentaries. But he doesn' t like comedies they are boring. And the coolest movies are action movies. enjoys them very much.1.A.MostB.NoneC.MuchD.Any2.A.forB.aboutC.toD.with3.A.questionsB.questionc.answersD.answer4.A.wasB.werec.isD.are5.A.theB.anc.aD./6.A. butB.andC.orD.so7.A. don1 tB.isn' tC.can' tD.doesn' t8.A. it isn' tB.it isc.they aren* tD.they are9.A. soB.andc.becauseD.if10.A. No oneB.Everyonec.SomeoneD.None三、完形填空() 11 .通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答 案。What do you think our life will be like in th future? I don* t think we will have to do housework at home because can help us. For example, robots will help us cook. The food they cook will be healthier and more delicious. We will such food. Then we will spend more time reading books which can make a . We will only need to them.A new kind of clothes will be made. They will be warm in winter and cool in summer. We can freely in space like an astronaut to any planet in this kind of clothes. Rockets will become common transportation (普通的交通). are making science develop (发展)faster and faste匚 They that our life will be better and better. I believe the prediction will soon.1.A.interestingB. boringC. relaxingD. unusual2.A.rocketsB. computersC. robotsD. telephones3.A.agree withB begin withC. help withD. fall in love with4.A.soundB. pollutionC. friendD. difference5.A. listen toB.play withC.look forD. look at6.A. seeB.visitC.flyD. fall7.A. wellB.probablyc.reallyD. simply8.A. AstronautsB.Teachersc.StudentsD. Scientists9.A. hearB.improvec.predictD. dream10.A. come trueB.come overc.come upD. come out四、阅读单选() 12. One day a famous teacher was walking with his student. On the way they saw a lake.They stopped and the teacher told the student, T m thirsty. Get me some water from that lake.nJust when the student reached the lake, a cow was walking in the lake. So the water became very dirty. He thought, “I can, t give the dirty water to my teacher!"He came back and told the teacher, “The water is very dirty. We can, t drink it." After about half an hour the teacher asked the student to get some water again. So he went back to the lake.But the lake was still dirty. So he told the teacher the same thing. After some time the teacher asked him to go back again. But this time he found the water was clear. The mud(泥)in the water came to the bottom(底).So he got some water.The teacher looked at the water and said to him. "You did nothing to make the water clear. You just let it be-Your mind is also like that! When it is b。优“ed (被打.扰)just let it be. Give it some time.” 1. One day the teacher asked his student to.A. get some water to drinkB. get some water to wash his faceC. make the lake clearD. drive away the cow in the lake2. How many times did the student go to the lake?A. Only once.B. Twice.C. Three times. D. Four times.3. Who made the dirty water clear?C. The cow.D. No one.A. The teacher.B. The student.when his mind was bothered.4. The teacher told his student that he shouldA. ask him for helpA. ask him for helpB. do nothingC.drink some water D. eat something5. From the passage we know thatthe teacher wanted his student to work hardthe teacher wanted his student to work hardthe student was very lazyA. the teacher taught his student something useful B.C. the student knew how to make the water clear D.()13. Do you want to know what our life will be like in the future? Let' s have a look. You may be surprised!You will go to the kitchen when you are hungry. You will give orders to the kitchen robot. The robot will prepare the food for you in a few minutes. Then it will send it to you.In the kitchen you will find a special food machine. The food machine will tell you what your body needs. It will help you eat healthily. The food machine will connect with the kitchen robot. The robot can get signals(信号)and messages from the food machine.After having a meal, you can go to your home office. You will work at home and you don' t need to go out to work any more.You will have a special information screen. You can get any information on the screen. When you receive a message from a friend in America, your information screen will be turned on automatically(自动土也).Your friend' s face appears on the screen. The screen will translate English into Chinese. And the Chinese words appear at the bottom.1. What is the second paragraph about?A. It s about healthy food.B. It' s about the kitchen robot.C. It* s about a nice kitchen.D. It s about a robot which can do homework.2. According to the passage,will tell you what your body needs.A. the kitchen robotB , the food machineC. the information screenthe computer3. What does the underlined word “message” mean in Chinese?C.信息D.笔记B. on the screenD. on TVB. Food machine.D. Mini computer.A.菜单B.机器You can see your friend' s faceA. on the wallC. on the Internet4. Which is not mentioned in the passage?A. Work place.C. Information screen.五、短文选词填空() 14.用方框里所给单词的适当形式完成下面的短文,并把答案填写在答题卡指定的位 置上。每个空只能填写一个正确单词。when buy swim learn money school lesson cheap good dangerousMike always loves ships. When he was older, he said UF m going to be a soldier.0 But his eyes were not very and he did not get in.Then he said “F m going to 2 a small boat and F m going around the world." But boats were very expensive and Mike did not have enough 3.Last summer Mike found a swimming 4 near his house. The lessons were 5 and Mike began going to the school at every weekend and having 6. Now he is a good swimmer.Last week a little boy said to him "You5 re a very good swimmer. How do you 7 to swim so well?""I' m not good at all." Mike said and he smiled. "8 I' m in the water I say to myself, There are9 fishes behind me! think I will live a beautiful life in twenty years. Then F m very afraid and I 10 quickly."六、读写综合() 15.A.叵I答问题请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整, 并把答案写在答题卡指定的位置。Four students are talking about the future after class.Li LuIn 2050, China will be richer than it is now. Beijingwill get ready for the 40th Olympic Games in 2052.There will be more pandas living happily in China.I believe that 2050 will be the year of China.Liu GangA holiday to the moon will no longer (不再)be a dream. We can also travel farther to other planets and talk with the spacemen. We might also eat something like pills instead of food. Everyone will enjoy a longer life.Song LeiRobots will be very popular. They will do what people don5 t want to do. We' 11 build new homes on other planets. Maybe we will have an exciting talk at my new home on another planet!Zhang LiBy the year 2050, cloning (克隆)will be used in many ways. It will make animals which disappeared (消失)many years ago come to life. There will be no pollution. The whole world will be one big family. There will be no wars.1. When is the 40th Olympic Games?2. According to Liu Gang will people be able to go to the moon for a holiday?3. What will we do on other planets?4. What will be used in many ways by the year 2050?5. Will there be wars in the year 2050? 6. B.书面表达请根据要求完成短文写作,并将作文写在答题卡指定的位置C每个人都希望自己的未来美好 幸福。请根据以下提示要点写一段话描绘你二十年后的生活展望,约80词。要点包括:1.你将生活的城市及理由;2.你将从事的工作及理由;3,你未来的家状况;4.表达你为美好生 活努力的决心。 I


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