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    英语阅读指导主旨大意主旨大意题是阅读理解中学生失分最多的题目,因为该类题目不仅考查略读文章、领会大意 的能力,也对归纳概括能力提出了较高的要求。该类题目在文章中没有明显的解题依据,需要从 文章中提炼、抽取一些关键词、主干句进行加工概括,才能归纳出文章的主旨。一、了解题型特点与设问方式命题解读1 .主旨大意题考查的是对文章内容的深层次理解,它要求在充分理解全文的前提下,对整篇文章 的主旨大意有一个较为清晰的印象。主旨大意题分为标题归纳类和文章大意类。2 .标题归纳类要求学生选出文章的最佳标题,文章大意类(内容)考查文章或段落的主旨大意。 题型特点.把握主旨大意题常见的设问方式。The best title for the passage is.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?The passage is mainly about.What is the text mainly about?The main idea of the second paragraph probably is.What is the first paragraph mainly about?1 .掌握主旨大意题的考查角度。(1)高频考点:标题归纳题、文章大意题。低频考点:段落大意题。二、掌握主旨大意题的解题捷径熟知主旨大意题的解题捷径题型特点解题捷径Winberg, a marine ecologist at the University of Wollongong, has spent decades studying seaweed.She believes seaweed's fast growth rate and ability to absorb vast amounts of carbon dioxide can help fight climate change, deacidify the ocean, and change the way we farm, not only in the ocean but also on land.“If we used the infrastructure we have in the ocean and created seaweed islands, we would actually get rid of many climate change issues we have today, “ says Winberg.Realizing seaweed's potential as a climate solution, Winberg opened Australia's first land-based, commercial seaweed farm in 2013.On her farm in New South Wales, Winberg produces seaweed extracts (提取物)that are used in food, cosmetics and medicines.Like plants on land, seaweed absorbs CO2 and grows biomass (生物量).Coastal marine systems can absorb carbon at rates up to 50 times greater than forests on land, according to Emily Pidgeon, senior director of strategic marine initiatives at Conservation International.Globally, seaweed is thought to absorb nearly 200 million tons of CO2 every yearas much as New York State's annual emissions.And when seaweed dies, much of the carbon locked up in its tissues is transported to the deep ocean.By raising pH levels in the ocean, seaweed also improves growing conditions for shellfish such as oysters and mussels» whose shells become more fragile (脆弱的)in acidic environments.The potential for seaweed cultivation doesn't stop in the ocean.Winberg has found there are benefits of doing it on land too.She believes that seaweed farming offers “huge potentialto not only address the climate crisis, but also feed a growing population in a sustainable way.According to Winberg, one hectare (公顷)of a seaweed fann can produce more protein than the same amount of land used for cattle. We're sitting on undiscovered, renewable, sustainable resources, v she says.【语篇解读】45000多年前,人类发现海藻可以用来做防水袋。现在人们可以用海藻来解决世 界上的气候问题。1 .What is mainly introduced about seaweed in Paragraph 1 ?Alts use.B.Its history.C.Its origin. D.Its appearance.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,45 000多年前,人类发现了海藻可以用来做防水袋。 45 000年后它被用来解决"pressing problems",如今它被用来解决世界上的气候危机。故可知该 段主要介绍了海藻的用途。故A项正确。答案:A.Why is seaweed spoken highly of according to the text?A.It lowers the ocean temperature directly.B.It contributes to shellfish's growing speed.C.It produces the same amount of protein as cattle.D.It grows fast and can absorb carbon at a high rate.解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的“She believes.on kind”可知海藻生长速度快,能吸收大量二 氧化碳;根据第四段内容可知,沿海海洋系统吸收碳的速度高达陆地森林的50倍。由此可推知, 海藻生长迅速,并且能以很高的速度吸收碳。故D项正确。答案:D.What is Winberg's attitude towards seaweed?A.Unclear. B.Favorable.C.Critical. D.Doubtful.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“She believes.but also on land",第三段中的“If we used.says Winberg” 和第六段中的 “She believes.a sustainable way” 可知,Winberg 对海藻持支持 态度o答案:B2 .What is the best title for the text?A.CO2,a Killer of Climate ChangeB.Pollution, the World's Climate CrisisC.Seaweed, a Potential Climate SolutionD.Infrastructure, a Way of Eliminating Climate Issues解析:主旨大意题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段的最后一句"Today, it is used to address the world's climate crisisw可知,现在人们可以用海藻来解决世界上面临的气候问题。由此可知,C项“海藻, 一种潜在的气候解决方案”适合作文章标题。答案:CBIf the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) is a guideline to save the planet, garbage-sorting is where the efforts start.Since May 1, Beijing has started to carry out mandatory garbage-sorting in new efforts to better protect the environment.Under the new regulation, residents are required to classify household waste into four categories: kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and other waste.People who fail to sort their garbage properly can be fined from 50 to 200 yuan, reported Xinhua.Some residential communities in Beijing have introduced rewards to encourage residents to sort their garbage.According to Xinhua, residents can earn points by classifying their domestic waste correctly and then exchange the points they accumulated for daily necessities such as soap.Garbage-sorting practices have reached over 70 percent of housing estates in 18 cities, including Shanghai , Xiamen and Hangzhou , according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.Shanghai first enacted a mandatory garbage-sorting regulation in July 2019 and has had a 90 percent compliance (服从)rate among its housing estates.According to a report by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, over 90 percent of the public believe that garbage-sorting is important for the protection of the environment.However, garbage-sorting is still a big problem in China.Only 30 percent of participants said they think they are completely sorting their waste, the report noted.According to Xinhua, it's partly because many people lack the willingness to sort their own waste.Also, some previous garbage regulations didn't include fines for people who failed to obey them.uIt's a must to have a legal guarantee to promote garbage-sorting, “ Liu Jianguo, a professor from Tsinghua University, told China Daily.u Aside from China, many countries like Germany, Spain and Britain, also ask people to sort waste into specific categories.In Japan, there is a fixed time for the sorting of each kind of garbage and littering.”【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。自5月1日起,北京开始实施强制垃圾分类,以更好地保 护环境。文章介绍了这一政策的相关规定,说明了如今中国垃圾分类的现状和存在的一些问题, 以及其他人对于中国垃圾分类的一些看法。3 .What can vve learn about the new regulation in Beijing?A.It hasn't been put into use yet.B.Residents can sort the garbage as they like.C.People can get money if they classify their domestic waste correctly.D.Those who can't sort the garbage as the new rule requires shall be fined.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “People who fail to sort their garbage properly can be fined from 50 to 200yuan, reported Xinhua.n可知,据新华社报道,没有对垃圾进行分类的人将被处以50元 到200元的罚款。答案:D.What's the problem in garbage-sorting in China?A.Most people are unaware of its importance in protecting environment.B.Some people don't want to take the trouble to sort the garbage.C.Only residents in big cities can sort the trash correctly.D.The government doesn't have enough money to support garbage sorting.解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,90%的人意识到垃圾分类的重要性,但只有30%的受 访者表示,他们认为自己已经完全对垃圾进行了分类,部分原因是许多人不愿意对自己的垃 圾进行分类。选B。答案:B.What can we infer from Liu Jianguo's words?A.It's difficult to carry out garbage-sorting in China. B.Some laws in garbage-sorting are needed.C.People in developed countries can better sort the garbage.D.We should learn from Japan.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 “It's a must to have a legal guarantee to promote garbage-sorting"可知,清华大学教授刘建国在接受中国日报采访时表示“推广垃圾分类必须 要有法律保障”。由此可推知,刘建国认为需要制定一些垃圾分类的法律。答案:B.What's the best title of the passage?A.Garbage-sorting, a New Start in China B.New Regulations in Beijing C.Argument on Garbage-sorting D.How to Sort Domestic Garbage解析:主旨大意题。文章的第一段提到,自5月1日起,北京开始实施强制垃圾分类,以更好地 保护环境。根据新规定,居民需要将生活垃圾分为四类:厨房垃圾、可回收垃圾、有害垃圾和其 他垃圾。据新华社报道,没有对垃圾进行分类的人将被处以50元到200元的罚款。由此可知,A 项“垃圾分类,中国的新起点”最适合作文章标题。答案:A专题强化练(七)主旨大意题标题归纳类A2022广州普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)Several years ago, Jason Box, a scientist from Ohio, flew 31 giant rolls of white plastic to a glacier (冰,I) in Greenland.He and his team spread them across 10,000 feet of ice, and then left.His idea was that the white blanket would reflect back the rays of the sun, keeping the ice below cooLWhen he came back to check the results, he found it worked.The exposed ice had melted faster than the covered ice.He had not only saved two feet of the glacier in a short time.No coal plants were shut down, no jobs were lost, and nobody was taxed or fired.lt was just the sort of fix we're looking for.44Thank you, but no thank you, “ said Ralph King, a climate scientist.He told Grey Childs, author and commentator, that u people think technology can save the planet, but there are other things we need to deal with, like consumption.They burned $50, 000 just for the helicopter to bring the plastic to the glacier.n This experiment, gives people false hope that climate change can be fixed without changing human behaviour.lt can't.Technology won't give us a free ride.Individuals respond to climate change differently.Climatologist Kelly Smith is hardly alone in her prediction that someday soon we won't be climate victimswe will be climate choosers.More scientists agree with her that if the human race survives, the engineers will get smarter, the tools will get better, and one day we will control the climate.But what then ? ”Just the mention of us controlling the climate sent a small shiver down my back, “ Grey writes. " Something sounded wrong about stopping ice ages by our own will, “ he says.Me? I like it better when the earth takes care of itself.I guess one day we will have to run the place, but for the moment, sitting at my desk, looking out at the trees bending wildly and the wind howling, I'm happy not to be in charge.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。以一个付出巨大代价保护冰川的实例告诉人们,看起来气候 变化可以在不改变人类行为的情况下得到解决。但不同的人对此有不同的看法,比如有人认为科 技不能帮助人类在不改变自身行为的前提下修正气候变化;有人对人类控制气候的说法感到一丝 恐惧等。1 .Why does the author mention Jason Box's experiment in the first paragraph ?A.To introduce a possible solution to climate change.B.To describe a misleading attempt to fix the climate.C.To report on a successful experiment on saving the glacier.D.To arouse people's attention to the problem of global warming.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“This experiment.give us a free ride”可知,作者认为这个实 验会给人们一种错误的希望,但其实气候变化在不改变人类行为的情况下不能得到修正。由此可 知,作者在第一段提到Jason Box的实脸是为了描述一次具有误导性的修正气候的尝试。答案:B.Which statement would Ralph King most probably agree with?A.The fight against climate change will not succeed.B.Technology is not the final solution, let alone its high cost.C.It's best to deal with climate change without changing our behaviour.D.Jason's experiment plays a significant role in fixing climate change.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段Ralph King所说的话可推知,Ralph King认为用科技解决气候问 题花费高,且科技不是最终解决方案。答案:B.What is Grey Childs* attitude to human's controlling the climate?A.Favourable.B .Tolerant.C.Doubtful. D.Unclear.解析:观点态度题。根据第三段中的 “Just the mention.backM "Something sounded.by our own will"可知,Grey Childs认为人类控制气候听起来就有点让人害怕,故Grey Childs对此持怀疑态 度。答案:C.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.But should we fix the climate?B.Is climate change a real problem?C.How can we take care of the earth?D.What if all the glaciers disappeared?解析:主旨大意题。第一段作者介绍了 Jason Box拯救冰川的实验;第二段作者认为此次实验传 递给人们错误的希望,并认为在不改变人类行为的情况下科技不能修正气候变化;第三段作者介 绍了不同人对人类控制气候的看法;第四段作者认为地球有自己的规律,我们应顺其自然。故本 文可用A项(但是我们应该修正气候吗?)作标题。答案:AB(2022武汉武昌区高三质检)Do you want to level up your mask-wearing while also looking like you're about to battle with Batman? This is life-wearing Razer Zephyr, a wearable air purifier.A version of Razer's latest appliance made waves in January during the Consumer Electronics Show.It's no suiprise that lech companies are considering a leap beyond cloth and surgical masks that have come to define the COVID-19 pandcmic.lt has a hard shell with two belts to fit onto your head.There are two air exchange chambers (腔)on the front, featuring double circulating fans to help circulate cool air.The chambers feature N5 filters (过滤器)providing two-way protection for you and those around you.It's also transparent (透明的) with inside lights and an anti-fog coating to help solve one of the key issues with mask-wearing: watching mouths move when you speak.Good as the mask appears, will it protect you from COVID-19? According to Razer, the mask is registered with the Food and Drug Administration and lab tested for 99% BFE, or Bacterial Filtration Efficiency, a measure of how well it filters out bacteria. "It is not tested specifically against the COVID-19 virus, but offers the same functionality and adequate protection due to its 99% BFE rating, " Razer's website says.There's also the financial cost to consider.The mask itself is $99, and Razer sells a pack of 10 sets of N95 filters for $30.By comparison, a quick search for Surgical masks on a shopping website turned up a box of 5() masks for between $11-$14.u I've tried out the $99 Zephyr for roughly a week now.Wearing the Zephyr feels comfortable.The adjustable head straps (带)allow for the ideal fit.Above all, it feels breathable thanks to the air circulating through its fans, “ one commented on the shopping website .【语篇解读】本文是说明文。主要介绍了一款可穿戴空气净化器,这种设备可以有效预防新型 冠状病毒。文章具体介绍了这种设备的工作原理、使用感受等。2 .Why is the Zephyr made transparent?A.To fix lights inside.B.To circulate cool air.C.To test the anti-fog coating.D.To expose mouth movement.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段尾句uItrs also transparent (透明的)with.when you speakM可知, 该设备被制成透明的是为了在说话时人们可以观察到嘴巴的活动。答案:D.What can be inferred from the third paragraph about the Zephyr?A.It's officially approved.B.lfs highly rated by consumers.C.Ifs specially designed against COVID-19.D.It's adequately protective against all viruses.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的第二句中的“According to Razer.Drug Administration”可知, 这款口罩已在美国食品药品监督管理局注册。据此可以推知,该设备已经通过官方批准。答案:A.What probably appeal (s) to the buyer most according to the comment?A.Its adjustable fans.B.Its air circulating system.C.Its comfortable head straps.D.lts high but reasonable price.解析:细节理解题。根据尾段中的“Above all, .through its fans”可知,该设备的空气循环系统 是最吸引买家的地方。答案:B.What is the best title for the passage?A.An Innovative Mask Makes a HitB.Surgical Masks Are Being Improved C.Wearable Technology Changes Our Life D.A New Treatment for COVTD-19 Is on the Way 解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章首段第一、二句为全文的主题句,又结合下文内容可知, 本文主要介绍了研制成功的一款创新面具:可穿戴的空气净化器。故A项最适合作本文标题。 答案:ACJose Hernandez made his dream of becoming an astronaut a reality and he did so despite unbelievable difficulties.“I was working in a field near Stockton, and I heard on my radio that Franklin Chang-Diaz had been selected for the Astronaut Corps, “ said Jose, who was a senior in high school at the time. "I was already interested in science and engineering, " Jose remembered. "But that was the moment I said,'I want to fly in space. "As one of four children in a migrant (移民)farming family from Mexico, Jose-who didn't learn English until he was 12 years old-spent much of his childhood traveling with his family from Mexico to southern California each March, then working northward to the Stockton area by November, picking strawberries and cucumbers at farms along the route.They would then return to Mexico for Christinas and start the cycle all over again in the spring. "Some kids might t


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