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    Unit 3 单元基础知识过关-高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.pdf

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    Unit 3 单元基础知识过关-高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.pdf

    Unit 3单元检测案i.单词拼写(请根据首字母和汉意提示,在横线上写出单词的正确形式。每题2 分,共 40分)l.We should learn from f(失败)and never give up.2.The dancer was tall and g(优雅的)and was loved by theaudience.3.They have won c(锦标赛)in many sports events.4.Knowing the rules will help you to m(掌握)a large number ofwords.5.Their team won not only gold m(奖章),but also glory for theircountry6.As an a(运动员),I like all kinds of sports,such as soccer,boxing and skiing.7.1 feel it a great h(荣幸)to host the party.8.Patience and d(决心)are what it takes to do the job well.9.His father got i(受伤的)in a car accident and has been inhospital for weeks.lO.He gathered all his s(力量)and finally made it.1 l.He ran into the room with his face covered with s(汗水).12.lt is said that he is a 1 _(传奇人物)and always a champion inthe swimming13.Do you know how many athletes from around the world will c(竞争)in the 2024 Olympic Games?14.She opened a book and p(假装)to read,with tears dropping onthe open page.15.Seeing such a crowd of a(观众)below the stage,he was toonervous to know what to say.16.It turns out that just looking at green plants can reduce s(压力),lower blood pressure and put people into a better mood.17.Only by being p(积极的)about yourself can you get bothphysical health and mental health.18.The girl often j(慢跑)on the playground after she recovered.19.Zhangjiakou,a beautiful city in northern China,will h(举办)theYouth Ski Race in December.20.There are plenty of reasons why a child shouldnt c(作弊)in anexam.1._ 2._ _ 3._4._ 5._6.7.8.9._ 10._11._ 12._ _ 13._14._ 15._16._ 17._ _ 18._19._ 20._I L 根据汉语提示完成句子(每题2 分,共 10分)21.It is my duty as an official to(树立好榜样)thepublic.22.The official(辞去工作)and set up his ownbusiness.23.We used to be good friends,but our friendship(破裂)about a year ago.24.lt is(由于)his hard work that he won first placein the marathon.25.(她成功的秘诀)is her positive attitude andamazing ability.I I I.单句写作(每题2 分,共 10分)26.损失两大主力球员是一个巨大的挑战,但是郎平没有气馁。27.她曾经面对过各种困难,她知道只要这些年轻球员们齐心协力,就能获胜。28.这位被称为飞人乔丹的球员用他那优雅的动作和跳跃改变了篮球运动。29.一旦我开始考虑健康而不是体重,事情就开始改变了。30.我不再减少食用喜爱的食物,转而增加健康食物的摄入。I V.语法填空(每 题 1.5分,共 15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There are many“Living Legends of Sports“at home and abroad.They areathletes 31 are masters in their sports and set good examples for us.One of them is Lang Ping,a coach who led China womens volleyball team to32(medal)at world championships and the Olympics.When the Chinese team was preparing 33 the 2015 World Cup,her determination was tested.One of the best players got 34(injure),and the team captain left because of heart problems.However,Lang Ping didntlose heart or give up.And she really made 35.Two weeks36(late),they were world champions!In the past,I always 37(pretend)that I was working hard for myfuture.38(actual),I was wasting time and got nothing at last.There are too many things that I can learn from Lang Ping.I must stop39(compare)myself with actresses and models on TV.Only by beingpositive about 40(I)and working hard can I really realize mydream.V.阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(每题2 分,共 10分)Ways to Show Gratitude(感激)COVID-19 has a way of making people feel like their world was turnedupside down overnight.They struggle with feeling frightened and feeling likeeveryone is overreacting(反应过度).41Give thanks for everyday things42 In fact,being grateful for something as small as a fresh cup ofcoffee a sunny day or a perfect parking spot can give you a better mood andtrain your brain to see the good rather than the bad.43One way to make gratitude a regular part of your day is to make it a habitto think of three things you are thankful for each day.It doesn t really matterwhether you perform this exercise first thing in the morning or just before yougo to bed.The important thing is that you re taking time and reflecting on whatyou are grateful for.Keep track of everything youre grateful forUsing a phone app like Gratitude Plus,you can record the things you regrateful for.Another option is to use social media or even post-it notes toexpress your gratitude.44 This way,when you,re feeling down,you canreflect on the things that previously(以前)brought a smile to your face.Reflect on past negative experiencesLook back on the worst moments in your life.45 Consider not onlywhat you suffered,but also what you learned through the experiences.Whenyou find the positive in negative experiences,you have turned them intosomething positive that does you good in the end.A.Make gratitude a daily habitB.Stick to expressing gratitude in public.C.Then,compare those with where you are now.D.Gratitude doesn t have to be over the top or something significant.E.You can hardly stay strong while recalling the moments that ever happened.F.But learning to practice gratitude every day can bring some changes to yourlife.G.The key is to use a method to help you remember the things you are gratefulfor.V I.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 15小题:每小题1 分,满 分 15分)I was out of work when I was in Key Largo.Though I was in 46 timesI chose to enjoy my life.I 47 taking walks in the morning,which became alarge part of my 48 lifestyle.I walked out of my house for my little walk at about 7:30 one moming.Iusually 49 sneakers(运动鞋)for walking,but I decided to 50 with othershoes that day.While walking through the neighborhood for a while,I 51my feet were starting to hurt.But I 52 the peaceful walk so much that Iwent on.53 I felt like dancing.So I did.Some people passing by seemed a little54_ but amused(逗乐)by my early morning dance.I politely 55 as Icontinued my danceMy 56 went to how grateful I was to be here.I ran through all thethings I 57 my health,my great friends,my family,etc.I believed that mythanks 58 the dance I was performing-I have spent my life searching fbr my 59 here on earth.I have beenlooking fbr the meaning of life.But now I fully understand that my truepurpose is to spread this joy and show that the happy and peaceful 60 isfor all of us who truly seek it.46.A.newB.hardC.seriousD.dangerous47.A.lovedB.finishedC.suggestedD.imagined48.A.stressfulB.strangeC.curiousD.peaceful49.A.woreB.boughtC.threwD.left50.A.experimentB.optionC.journeyD.match51.A.guessedB.realizedC.dreamedD.believed52.A.experiencedB.doubtedC.enjoyedD.planned53.A.LuckilyB.SecretlyC.SimilarlyD.Suddenly54.A.surprisedB.movedC.pleasedD.interested55.A.wavedB.refusedC.pointedD.circled56.A.reasonB.effortC.mindD.question57.A.ownB.offerC.saveD.share58.A.made upB.differed fromcame acrossD.turned into59.A.choiceB.purposeC.wealthD.decision60.A.resultB.lessonC.lifeD.roleUnit 3 单元检测案参考答案i.单词拼写1.failures 2.graceful 3.championships 4.master 5.medals 6.athlete 7.honor 8.determination 9.injured10.strength 11.sweat 12.legend pete 14.pretended 15.audience 16.stress 17.positive 18.jogged 19.host 20.cheatII.根据汉语提示完成句子21.set a good example fbr/to 22.gave up his job 23.fell apart 24.because of 25.The secret to her successIII.单句写作26.Losing two important players was a big challenge,but Lang Ping did notlose heart.27.She had faced difficulties before,and she knew that her young playerscould win if they worked together as a team.28.The player who became known as4Air Jordanchanged basketball with hisgraceful moves and jumps.29.Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight,things began tochange.30.Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to mymeals.I V.语法填空31.whothat32.medals33.for34.injured35.it36.later40.myself37.pretended 38.AparingV.七选五41-45 FDAGCVI.完形填空46-50 BADAC 51-55 BCDAA 56-60 CADBC


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