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    语法填空专练(二)Taking street dance to campus校园中的街舞The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, _L (wide) recognized for cultivating talented people in science and technology, may seem like an unlikely place for hip-hop, 2 a group of postgraduate and doctoral students gathered there 3(share) their pursuit of authenticity in both scientific research and hiphop dance.The university 4_ (boast) four campuses at various locations in Beijing. Although living in different campuses, far apart from one another, these students have founded 5 dance club called HD Crew. On weekends, they enjoy several hours away from their study and research schedule, _6_ (travel) from the four campuses to meet at a rented dance studio in Haidian district.They learn and practice moves and routines of 7_ (vary) street-dance genres including hip-hop, popping, locking and jazz.1' Dance helps me unwind after a stressful week of study," says Hu Weimin, 26, a member of HD Crew and a doctoral student _8 (specialize) in optics.Jazz is his favorite. The formation of his _9 (passionate) fbr dancing can be traced back to his early years, when he was still at primary school and liked to imitate the performances of Cantopop idols from their music videos. Il was not until he became an undergraduate student in China University of Geosciences in Wuhan 10 he started to formally learn from dance teachers.1. widelyyet2. to shareboasts3. atraveling4. variousspecializing5. passion(hatHit show educating public on rule of law狂飙A police drama based on real organized crime cases is helping educate the public about the value of the rule of law and their rights, experts said.A special campaign _1_ (launch) by the central government on fighting 2 (organize)_ crime and legal departments* rectification measures are used as much of the background for?77?e Knockout.The drama tells the story of a police officer's fight against organized crime over 20 years, and shows the rise and demise of underworld figures and corrupt officials.It has received a rating of 9.1 out of 10 on Douban, one of China's most-visited review platforms, and 3 (become) one of the most discussed topics on social media since mid-January. Many viewers have applauded the show's plotlines and the actors' _4_ (performance), and also praised the efforts of police officers in battling organized crime. In January 2018, the central authorities launched 5 three-year nationwide special campaign to fight organized crime.In May 2022, the Anti-organized Crime Law took effect, giving greater legal clout to fight such crimes. From July 2020 to December 2021, commissions for political and legal affairs at all levels also conducted 6(education) rectification for officials in public security organs and procuratorates as well as lawyers and other related groups to 7 (strength) internal supervision and root out those who undermine trust in the departments.It educated viewers to have a positive attitude on seeking help through legal avenues, rather than 8(violent), when encountering unfairness, Wei said. The program also deterred potential gangsters from pursuing criminal activities. "Stories of fighting organized crime are often attractive to audiences, and this reflects people's expectations and trust in advancing rule of law. The hatred of gangsters and the pursuit of justice among viewers is the same. 9 is the simplest understanding of a law-based society," said Zhi Fcina, a professor 10 the Film and Television Research Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Keys:1. launchedorganized2. has becomeperformances3. aeducational4. strengthenviolence5. whichatSmaller cities becoming coffee gold mines小城市的咖啡馆It is no secret _J_ coffee consumption has been rising exponentially in China over the past few years, and industry players have forecasted that this growth 2 (continue) for years to come as more coffee companies and startup cafes are poised to make their entry into smaller cities.According to Daxue Consulting, Chinese coffee _320l 8.Businessaw a staggering 500 percent increase between 2006 and 2018.Business intelligence service provider China Briefing also reported that China's coffee market surged by 31 percent over the previous year in 2021, and is likely 4 (have) a compound annual growth rate of 9.63 percent between 2022 and 2025.Though the number of coffee 5 (drinkeijin China has ballooned in recent years, most coffee consumers are from well-developed tier-1 and tier-2 cities 6_ Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen of Guangdong province, and this explains why top domestic coffee brands like Manner Coffee and M Stand have just a few stores in lower-tier cities.7 as an increasing number of people across the country develop a taste for coffee, smaller cities and towns are being viewed as gold mines.Furthermore, statistics from Meituan, a major online food and beverage delivery platform, show that the growth of cafes in lower-tier markets, 8 (include) small cities, towns and even rural areas, was much higher than 9 in major cities last year.According to National Business Daily, Starbucks' expansion plan for the Chinese market involves 0 (open) new stores in nearly 3,000 counties, county-level cities and city districts. It has also been reported that local coffee giant Luckin will be opening new stores in small cities like Xinxiang in Henan, Daqing in Heilongjiang and Dezhou in Shandong province.1. thatwill continue2. consumptionto have3. drinkerslike4. ButIncluding5. ThatOpeningEarly experience prompts dedication to the cause保护环境For the past 22 years. Yuan Ri she has devoted her days to environmental protection, I (spend) more than 16,400 volunteer hours on related activities.So far, a paper-recycling initiative she launched in 1999 2(see) more than 1.2 million trees planted, and in 2021, the 29-ycar-old was selected as one of China's 100 model environmental protection (volunteer).The Beijing native's passion for the environment was triggered by a story about a German woman she saw in a newspaper as a child. Having failed to find a way to recycle batteries in China, the woman took her used cells back to Germany when she left the country for good.After she learned that battery leakage can cause 4(pollute), Yuan started saving the used cells _5 her toys in a plastic bag, instead of throwing 6 away.When she heard that a children's organization was recycling such items and that children 7 sent used batteries to it would receive toy military rank badges as a reward, she collected 120 cells.8_(excite) by her endeavor, Yuan couldn't wait to send the batteries to the organization. "I became a lieutenant platoon leader," she recalled.Beyond her _9_ (expect), the organization sent a letter of commendation to her, which put her 10 (firm) on a path of environmental protection.1. Spendinghas seen2. volunteerspollution3. fromthem4. whoExcited5. ExpectationsFirmly


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