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    小学英语湘少版三年级起点五年级下册《Unit 6 I'll make a beantiful card.》课教案-五年级英语教案.docx

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    小学英语湘少版三年级起点五年级下册《Unit 6 I'll make a beantiful card.》课教案-五年级英语教案.docx

    Unit 6 ril make a beautiful card教学目标1. Knowledge objects:(1) . Students can listen, speak, read and write the words.(2) . Students can ask others, What will you do for your mother? And then, they can answer the question with the new words.2. Ability objects:(1) . Students can listen and understand the teachers question: What will you do for your mother? And answer it correctly.(2) .Students can make some cards for their mother.3. Moral object:Let students learn to respect their parents.2学情分析五年级的学生已经掌握了一定的词汇,会用英语进行简单的表达。母 亲节这个话题对学生来说很熟悉,所以他们有一定的生活经验,对这个话 题会比较的感兴趣。本节课我将从谈论母亲节的话题入手,自然的过渡到 单词的教学。利用多媒体教学来学习本课的有关单词,调动学生学习英语 的积极性。3重点点根据定单党的教学目标和五年级学生的学情特点,我确立了以下教学 重点和难点。1. Teaching important points:(1) . To recognize and read the new words fluently.(2) . To understand the phrases: make a card, buy him/her a box of chocolates, buy flowers for him/her, cook a dinner, celebrate Mother" s Day. Students can understand the conversation and the meaning of it.2.Teaching difficult points:(1) . The pronunciation of restaurant and chocolates.(2) . Understanding the dialogue and saying “Happy Mother, s Day” to their mother in life.4教学过程4.1教学活动活动 1【导入】Unit 6 ril make a beautiful cardStep 1 warming up1 .Greetings2 . Sing a song : you are my sunshine3 .Show ppt, lead in today' s topic Mother' s Day活动2【讲授】Unit 6 Fil make a beautiful cardStep 2 Presentation& Drill1. The pronunciation of rose and its meaning .2. Show ppt , let students read the word together .3. Present restaurant and drill it with a game, such as high and low voice .4. Take out chocolates and show them to class. And then present ppt to students. Drill it with magic fingers.5. Show a card to students and ask them what it is. Then present “Mother' s Day card” . Next drill it with a game一fast reaction.活动3【活动】Unit 6 ril make a beautiful cardStep 3 Presentation&Drill1. Listen and fill in the form.2. Students read the conversation by themselves and underline the words or phrases that they don' t understand.3. Students follow the teacher to read the difficult words, for example, favourite, delicious and celebrate.4. Follow the teacher to read the dialogue and then read together.活动4【练习】Unit 6 ril make a beautiful cardStep 4 Practice1. Four students for a group and role一play. A student plays Miss Li, other students play Lingling, Peter, Anne and Mingming.2. Check out. Ask some groups to perform the dialogue in front of the blackboard.活动5【测试】Unit 6 ril make a beautiful cardStep 5 Consolidation1 . The use of “will” . will +动词原形:将要2 .Role - play Four students for a group, a students playfather, other students play children to practice “I will活动6 l总结】Unit 6 r 11Step 6 Summary:1. I will涛动7【作业】Unit 6 r 11 make a beautiful card2. New wordsmake a beautiful cardStep 7 Homeworka big hug and say“ I love you” ,1 .Give your mother2 . Make a Mother, s Day card.


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