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    达 州 市 2 0 2 3年 初 中 学 业 水 平 考 试 暨 高 中 阶 段 教 育 学 校 招 生 统 一 考 试 英 语 试 卷(样 卷)(本 试 卷 分 为 第 I 卷、第 H卷 两 部 分。考 试 时 间 1 2 0分 钟,满 分 1 5 0分。)温 馨 提 示:1.答 题 前,考 生 务 必 将 自 己 的 姓 名、座 位 号、考 号 用 0.5毫 米 黑 色 签 字 笔 填 写 在 答 题 卡 上。监 考 老 师 统 一 将 条 形 码 贴 在 答 题 卡 规 定 的 位 置 后,考 生 须 认 真 核 对,确 认 无 误。2.选 择 题 必 须 使 用 2 B铅 笔,在 答 题 卡 相 应 位 置 规 范 填 涂。如 需 改 动,用 橡 皮 擦 擦 干 净 后,再 选 涂 其 他 答 案 标 号;非 选 择 题 用 0.5毫 米 黑 色 签 字 笔 作 答,作 答 必 须 写 在 答 题 卡 的 对 应 框 内,超 出 答 题 区 书 写 的 答 案 无 效;在 草 稿 纸、试 题 卷 上 作 答 无 效。3.考 试 结 束 后,将 试 卷 及 答 题 卡 一 并 交 回。第 I 卷 选 择 题(共 1 0 0分)第 一 部 分 听 力(共 三 节 满 分 3 0 分)一、听 句 子,选 图 片。(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 1.5分,共 7.5分)你 将 听 到 五 个 句 子,请 在 下 列 五 幅 图 中,选 出 与 所 听 句 子 内 容 相 符 的 图 片,并 将 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 号 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑。听 完 每 个 句 子,你 都 有 5 秒 钟 的 时 间 来 回 答 有 关 小 题 和 阅 读 下 一 小 题,每 个 句 子 读 两 遍。A B C D E二、听 句 子,选 答 语。(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 二 分,共 7.5分)你 将 听 到 五 个 句 子,请 根 据 所 听 内 容,从 题 中 所 给 的 A、B、C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 答 语,并 将 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 号 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑。听 完 每 个 句 子,你 都 有 5秒 钟 的 时 间 来 回 答 有 关 小 题 和 阅 读 下 一 小 题。每 个 句 子 读 两 遍。6.A.Ifs OK.B.Thank you.C.Dont worry.7.A.Yes,it does.B.Yes,they do.C.They eat meat.8.A.It5s on the desk.B.Its very big.C.It5s over there.9.A.One kilo.B.They are fresh.C.Ten yuan a kilo.10.A.OK.B.No,I dont.C.Thank you.三、听 对 话,选 择 最 佳 答 案。(共 1 0 小 题,每 小 题 L 5 分,共 15分)你 将 听 到 两 段 对 话 或 一 段 独 白。每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题,从 题 中 所 给 的 A、B、C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项,并 将 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 号 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑。听 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 前,你 将 有 5 秒 钟 的 时 间 阅 读 各 小 题;听 完 后,各 小 题 给 出 5秒 钟 的 作 答 时 间。每 段 对 话 读 两 遍,独 白 读 三 遍。请 听 第 一 段 对 话,回 答 第 11 1 3 小 题。11.How did Tom go to Los Angeles?A.By plane.B.By train.C.By car.12.Who did Tom go to Los Angeles with for his summer holiday?A.Iron Man.B.His parents.C.Elsa.5913.How long did Tom stay in America?A.A week.B.Two weeks.请 听 第 二 段 对 话,回 答 第 1 4-1 6 小 题。14.How old will the mans daughter be?A.9.B.10.15.What color is the dress?A.Brown.B.Pink.16.How much will the man pay at last?A.10 dollars.B.20 dollars.请 听 下 面 一 段 独 白,回 答 1 7-2 0 小 题。17.Jay Chou is a _singer.A.pop B.rock18.Jay Chou is years old now.A.39 B.4319.What instruments can Jay Chou play?A.Piano.B.Guitar.20.Which is the best word to describe(描 述)Jay Chou?A.Strange.B.Poor.第 二 部 分 基 础 知 识 运 用(共 三 节 C.Three weeks.C.11.C.White.C.15 dollars.C.classicalC.50C.Both A and B.C.Successful.满 分 3 0分)第 一 节 单 项 选 择(本 题 共 1 0小 题,每 小 题 1分,计 1 0分)从 每 小 题 所 给 的 A、B、C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 可 以 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 答 案。21.-Hey,Jack!Do you know _ girl with glasses over there?Yes!Shes my cousin,Lucy.S h e s outgoing girl.A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an2 2.-Is Tina similar_ her mother?一 No,she is quite different her mother.A.from;at B.in;from C.to;from23.Life is a(n).When you laugh in front of it,itll also laugh and so will itwhen you cry to it.A.mirror B.competition C.diary24.-Im afraid e-books might be bad for our eyes.-Hmm,but they will be helpful fbr us we put them to good use.A.even though B.as long as C.as soon as25.-Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.-Thafs too bad.Everyone be a book lover.Reading is more enjoyable.A.could B.should C.would26.Is Ella popular in your class?-No,she isnt.Because she doesnt others9 problems.A.care about B.make up C.feel like27.?1 play it every day.A.What do you usually do after schoolB.How do you play the pianoC.How often do you play the piano28.-How do you like your school?1 think our school is b e c o m i n g.A.more beautiful and more beautifulB.more and more beautifulC.most and most beautiful602 9.-Could you tell me how to k e e p?-Eating more vegetables good for your health.A.healthy;is B.healthy;are C.health;are30.-How was your last summer vacation?A.Thank you very much B.It is great C.It was really fantastic第 二 节 完 形 填 空(本 题 共 1 5小 题,每 小 题 1 分,共 计 1 5分)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,掌 握 其 大 意,然 后 从 短 文 后 各 题 所 给 的 A、B、C、D 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 可 以 填 入 相 应 空 白 处 的 最 佳 答 案。ANow more and more people get to know the importance of doing sports.It canbring fun to us and it can also make us 31.So what should we do?First,we should choose(选 择)our favorite ones from different kinds of sports.The sports must be right for us.Second,we must warm up(热 身)before 32.Third,as a beginner,you had better have an exercise plan.For example,33 areyou going to exercise each time?How many times a week?If youre a lover of sports,3 4 important to know this.Last but not least,you had better not exercise if you feel3 5,or it will be very dangerous.31.A.healthily32.A.to exercise33.A.how long34.A.thats35.A.fineB.warm C.healthyB.exercises C.exercisingB.how often C.how manyB.this is C.ifsB.ill C.fitBWater is important.We all 36 water.Most people drink about two liters(升)of water every day.Water 37 us to grow plants,wash and cook vegetables.In some countries,there is a lot of clean water.38,in some places,clean water ishard to find.This is a big 39.Today,about 20%of people dont have enoughwater.By 2025,about 70%of people around the world might not have enough water.Some places are always 40.There isnt a lot of rain.Sometimes peoplebuild cities in those places.I dont think it is a good 41.Other places do haveenough water,but people in these places dont know how to use water 42,andthey waste too much of it.So we should do something 43 to help save water.We should save water asmuch as possible.We can take 44 showers.We can turn off the tap(关 掉 水 龙 头)when we do the dishes or brush our teeth.We can clean our cars less often.Canyou 45 other ways to save water?36.A.give B.sell C.need D.move37.A.helps B.teaches C.wishes D.orders38.A.Unluckily B.Happily C.Hopefully D.Interestingly39.A.way B.symbol C.program D.problem40.A.wet B.dry C.new D.old41.A.service B.fact C.prize D.idea42.A.badly B.well C.quickly D.strangely43.A.difficult B.funny C.dangerous D.useful44.A.hotter B.quieter C.longer D.shorter45.A.hear of B.take care of C.think of D.dream of61第 三 节 补 全 对 话(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 1分,计 5 分)根 据 对 话 内 容,从 下 面 方 框 中 选 出 适 当 的 选 项 补 全 对 话。其 中 有 两 项 为 多 余 选 项。A:Hello,Jill.46B:No,Im quite busy.A:Really?.B:Yes.I have two music lessons and I have lots of homework to do.A:47B:Three times a week,on Monday,Thursday and Saturday.A:48B:Pop music.A:49B:No,Im not.A:Great!50B:Sure.I want to go there to relax.A.What kind of music are you learning?B.Are you free this Saturday?C.What can you do?D.Can you go to the beach with me?E.How often do you have music lessons?F.Do you want to be a music teacher?G.Well,are you busy this Sunday?4 6.4 7.4 8.4 9.5 0.第 三 部 分 阅 读 理 解(共 两 节 满 分 4 0 分)第 一 节(共 15小 题,每 小 题 2 分,计 3 0分)阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,根 据 短 文 内 容,从 每 题 所 给 的 A、B、C、D 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 答 案。What should we do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt?Hereare some steps you should follow.But always remember to look for medical care afterfirst aid(急 救)if the wound is serious.Broken bones(骨 头):Take away clothing from the wound.Use an ice pack.Dont move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive.Animal bites(咬 伤):Wash the bite area with soap and water.Pack the woundwith a clean cloth if it is bleeding.If the bleeding has stopped,cover the area with abandage and take the person to the hospital.Make sure you remember what kind ofanimal it is so the doctor can find the right way to treat him or her at once.Fainting(昏 厥):Have him or her lie with feet lifted a little.Dont move thebody if you think there might be wounds from the fall.Make sure he or she canbreathe and let in fresh air.Clean the persons face with a cool cloth.Nosebleeds:Have the person sit up with his or her head tilted(倾 斜)forward alittle.Do not have the person tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavybreathing or coughing.Pinch(捏)the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.51.What should we do first when an animal bite happens?A.Put an ice pack on the wound.B.Wash the bite area with soap and water.C.Try to stop the bleeding with a clean cloth.D.Take the hurt person to the hospital.6252.When dealing with the problems o f,we shouldnt move the hurt.A.broken bones and animal bites B.animal bites and nosebleedsC.broken bones and fainting D.fainting and nosebleeds53.Which of the following is not right when a boys nose bleeds?A.Let his head not tilt back.B.Let his head tilt forward a little.C.Let him sit up.D.Pinch his nose for less than 10 minutes.54.Which part of a magazine may the passage come from?A.Lifestyle.B.Health.C.Sports.D.Education.55.What5s the main idea of the passage?A.First aid for some accidental wounds.B.Steps of looking fbr medical care.C.Advice on ways not to get hurt.D.Ways to ask for help in getting hurt.BYuan Longpinp is Chinas father of hybrid rice(杂 交 水 稻)This November,heand his team grew a new kind of hybrid rice called“Sanyou No.V Its yield can reach 1,500kg every mu(亩),about 20 percent higher than that of other rice.Thatmeans a 1-mu field can feed 5 people!Hybrid rice is very important fbr China.Aboutone-fifth of the worlds people live in China.But Chinaonly has less than 9 percent of the worlds cultivated landarea(耕 地 面 积).So the rice grown in China has to havea big yield(产 量).Hybrid rice is so strong that we can grow it in deserts,mountains,and snowy villages.Hybrid rice can take in water and nutrition(营 养)from theground better than other rice.It can take in sunlight better as well.Yuan Longping was bom in September,1930.He graduated from AgricultureDepartment in Southwest Agricultural Institute in 1953.When he was young,he sawmany Chinese people starving.He tried hard to make sure everyone had enough toeat.In 1960,Yuan found a special rice plant.It was a hybrid rice plant.It had moregrains than others.In 1973,he grew the rice successfully fbr the first time.“I had a dream.In my dream,rice plants grow as tall as sorghum(高 粱),each earof rice is as big as a broom(扫 帚)and each grain of rice is as big as a peanut(花 生)Yuan once said.Maybe the scientists dream will come true someday.56.What can we know about Sanyou No.1 in Para.1?A.It is not a new kind of hybrid rice.B.Its yield is about 20 percent higher than that of other rice.C.A 1-mu field can feed 15 people.D.Its yield can reach 500kg every mu.57.If Chinas cultivated land area is about 1.9 billion mu,then the worlds is a b o u t.A.21 billion mu B.17 billion muC.9.5billion mu D.38billion mu58.What does the underlined word starving”mean in Chinese?A.开 始 B.受 伤 C.生 病 D.挨 饿 59.When did Yuan Longping find a hybrid rice plant?A.In 1930 B.In 1953 C.In 1960 D.In 197360.What is Yuan Longpings dream?A.Each grain of rice is as big as a peanut.B.He wants to be a father of hybrid rice.C.Each ear of rice is smaller than a broom.D.Rice plants will grow taller than sorghum.63cAre you sorry for not traveling during the National Day?If you stay at home atthat time,I think you are very lucky.Why?Becausethere are too many people everywhere.In many placesof interest in China,its too crowded to do anything.Look at the picture.It was too crowded in theWest Lake on October 1st,2013.You even couldnttake photos fbr you or your friends.All what we couldsee were people.It was reported that there were about13 people per meter by the lake.My friends told methey could see nothing but many tourists on the Broken Bridge(断 桥).“We couldntwalk if the people in front of us didnt walk,“he said.He showed us a photo near theWest Lake.In the photo,we hardly found him out,there were too many people.So some people give the advice that we should not have the gold week(黄 金 周)any more.But other people say no about this advice.Whats your idea of it?Are yousorry now for not traveling during the gold week?I love staying at home more thantraveling next National Day.61.How did the writer feel about staying at home on National Day?A.He believed it was interesting to stay at home on National Day.B.He believed it was boring to stay at home on National Day.C.He felt lucky to stay at home on National Day.D.He felt sorry to stay at home on National Day.62.Which of the following is TRUE about the West Lake on National Day?A.You could find yourself easily on the photos you took that dayB.There were about 13 people per meter by the lake.C.You could walk as you like by the West LakeD.In many places of interest in China,people can do anything they like.63.From the passage,we can know that the gold week is i n.A.January B.April C.October D.August64.Why cant the writers friends find themselves in the picture?A.Because he was taking the photo.B.Because their eyes were ill.C.Because he didnt go there.D.Because there were too many people.65.Where do you think is the article from?A BC D第 二 节 阅 读 还 原(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 2 分,计 10分)根 据 短 文 内 容,从 下 面 方 框 中 选 择 适 当 的 选 项 补 全 短 文。选 项 中 有 一 项 为 多 余 选 项。Short videos became more and more popular.Many people make and share(分 享)short videos on popular video apps like Douyin and Kuaishou.The videos are not toolong.66 They show people their activities like cooking,exercising and singing.67 More than 50 percent of middle school students said they like watchingthese short videos.The videos let teenagers see funny and exciting things they dont usually seethem before.68.For example,a 12-year-old girl named Xiao Qianyu has madevideos showing how to leam jazz dance.This makes her win many fans(粉 丝).69.Some students spend too much time watching them and they dont haveenough time to study.To solve this problem,Douyin added a new function(功 能)inApril.70 if someone uses the app for over two hours a day.64A.It locks(锁)the appB.They are 15 seconds(秒)to a few minutes longC.However,the videos can also bring some problemsD.The teenagers shouldnt make the short videosE.Many teenagers like to share the fun things with othersF.Teenager enjoy these videos66.6 7.6 8.6 9.7 0.第 I I卷 非 选 择 题(共 5 0 分)蠡 1:需 着 遇 患?蠲 鼐 4 盘*畿 均 不 给 分。A.慈 璇 团 意 由 普 孚 每 及 板 语 提 示 自 由 由 被 箪 词 的 正.福 舷 式。(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 1分,i f 5 分)71.He never goes to a d for teeth cleaning.72.It is rainy.Why not take an u with you?73.Which one would you like to c _,the blue one or the yellow one?74.Ifs _(必 要 的)for children to drink a cup of milk every day.75.Can you find some _(差 另 U)between the twin brothers?71.72,万 74.75.B.用 括 号 内 所 给 单 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 1分,计 5 分 576.1 hardly ever go to the store because it is(crowded)than others.77.The central park is the best p l a c e(go)on weekends.78.Not everybody e n j o y s(watch)this show.79.Last year h e(break)his arm.80.A true friend reaches for your hands and_(touch)your heart.7 6.7 7.78.79.-80.第 二 节 句 子(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 0.5分,计 5 分)温 馨 提 示:只 要 有 大 小 写、单 词 拼 写、语 法 等 错 误,均 不 给 分。.短 肩 讲 给 施 示 完 血 幻 字。每 空 一 词 含 晶 照 词。81.He usually helps with housework twice a week.(对 划 线 部 分 提 问)does he usually help with housework?82.Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.(改 为 同 义 句)Tom is boy in his class.8 3.挑 战 通 常 能 激 发 我 们 最 好 的 一 面。(完 成 译 句)Challenge can usually the best in us.84.Tom和 我 很 多 共 同 点。(完 成 译 句)Tom and I have a l o t.85.如 果 你 认 真 对 待 学 习 在 考 试 中 你 将 会 取 得 好 成 绩。(完 成 译 句)If you your study youll get a good grade in the exam.8 82 83 84 85第 三 节 综 合 填 空(共 2 0小 题,每 小 题.1分,计 2 0分)温 馨 提 示:只 要 有 大 小 写、单 词 拼 写、语 法 等 错 误 均 不 给 分。A.语 法 填 空.阅 读 下 面 短 文 在 文 章 空 白 处 填 入.1 个 适 当 的 单 词 或 括 号 内 单 词 的 正 确 形 式。(共 10小 题,每 小 题 1分,计 10分)Our town is a


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