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    2022年新营一模测试卷(4月)第一节:完形填空At the age of forty-five, my usually well-ordered life became full of changes. After twenty-two years of working in a 1、a plan to use less staff led to the unemployment (失业)of over one hundred people, I being one of them.My once secure (稳妥的)future became However, I was not a single parent,3 the family did not depend only on my income (收入).My motto has always been, “Change is good; change is progress.But when it influenced my livelihood (生活,生计)I had to change it to, "4 change and make the most of it." From the beginning, I 5 tolook at this matter not as 6 luck, but as a welcome chance. I refused to become sorry,7 ,1 actively planned to do something new and different.Having a positive attitude (积极的态度)made all the difference in the way I pursued (追求) the future. First, I decided to 8 to college and graduate many years later than I should have. Doing this at my age needed more 9, Not being a graduate had never held me backin my career in the bank, but now it was a personal goal I eager to achieve. With a lot of determination, I went to evening classes and became an adult 10, In the class, I becamemore and more 11, During this time, I realized that 12 throws in our way,personal growth never stops. The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate (再评估)my past life. It used to be filled with endless, and sometimes meaningless events. But now, my heart and life are completely around people I 13.The loss of my job led to some14 changes in my life. Revisiting the past maderoom for the 15, I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the most of it.1. A. factoryB. companyC. bankD. hospital2. A. brightB. uncertainC. unimportantD. clear3. A. ifB. orC.butD. so4. A. AcceptB. RefuseC. ExpectD. Collect5. A. consideredB. happenedC.choseD.imagined6. A. perfectB. rareC. goodD. bad7. A. insteadB. thereforeC. anywayD. however8. A. attendB.turnC. returnD. join9. A. timeB. moneyC. riskD. courage10. A. teacherB. studentC. managerD. doctor11. A. afraidB. confidentC. nervousD.generous12. A. whateverB. whoeverC. whereverD.Tiangong II space lab to study how plants grow without an Earth-like environment.Use it or lose it The human body grows with the pull of Earth's gravity (重力).But in space, our bones and muscles (切L肉)don't need to support our body's weight. This will cause bone and muscle loss. Astronauts can lose up to 20 percent of their muscles after a couple of weeks. That is dangerous for astronauts because they will be too weak to work.Astronauts have different ways to precent this. Zhai introduced a special uniform called "penguin suit”. Wearing it, astronauts use their muscles to stretch the bands in it. This keeps their muscles strong. Wang also showed students how she walked on a machine, and rode a bicycle. Astronauts exercise like that every day to prevent muscle loss.Young voices -Students were really interested in the lecture. A 13-year-old boy from Tianjin said, “The most exciting thing I learned is that astronauts "fly" all the time because there is no gravity/9Yin Peixin, an 11-year-old girl from Hubei said, “My favorite experiment is the one with the table tennis ball. Wang put the ball into a glass of water, but the ball didn't float (漂浮).This was so magical!,7Look! It was an eye-opening experience that would light up students' interest in science, wasn't it?31. What do we know about the 2021 space lecture from Paragraph 1?A. It was similar to the one 8 years before.B. It took place half a year ago.C. It showed astronauts9 life and work.D. It was given in a smaller classroom.32. From Paragraph 2, what did Ye want to show the students?A. How cell grows on the space station.B. How rice is grown on the Tiangonglab.C. How to better grow space plants.D. How to study the rules of plantgrowth.33. What does the part “Use it or lose it" mainly talk about?A. The reasons fbr muscle loss.B. Muscle loss in space and ways tostop it.C. The necessity of daily exercise.D. The advantages of "penguin suit”.34. According to the article, which is NOT TRUE about the 2021 space lecture?A. The influence is far more than one hour.B. It showed the differences withoutgravity.C. It interested the kids with the experiments.D. It first introduced plant growth inspace.35. What's the writer's purpose of writing this article?A. To light up people's interest in space experiments.B. To explain the importance of studying plants in space.C. To introduce the space lecture by Chinese astronauts.D. To make scientific knowledge popular among readers.【答案】3LC 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了中国宇航员在地球上空400千米的地方举行的太空 讲座。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据文中第一段“Three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu showed how they live and work on the space station and did some interesting experiments.“可知, 2021太空讲座的内容是展示了宇航员的生活和工作。故选C。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据文中第二段“In the lecture, Ye showed experiments about cell growth in a weightless environment.”可知,叶想向学生们展示细胞是如何在太空站生长的。故选Ao 【33题详解】主旨大意题。根据文中"But in space, our bones and muscles don't need to support our body's weight. This will cause bone and muscle loss. Astronauts can lose up to 20 percent of their muscles after a couple of weeks.和 Astronauts have different ways to precent this. Zhai introduced a special uniform called “penguin suit”. Wearing it, astronauts use their muscles to stretch the bands in it. This keeps their muscles strong. Wang also showed students how she walked on a machine, and rode a bicycle.”可知,"Use it or lose it”部分主要谈论太空中的肌肉损失和阻止它 的方法。故选B。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据文中“As early as 2016, Chinese scientists tried to grow rice on the Tiangong II space lab to study how plants grow without an Earth-like environment.”可推理出,关于 2021 太 空讲座是第一次将植物生长引入太空是错误的。故选D。【35题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,短文主要介绍了中国宇航员在地球上空400千米的地方举行的 太空讲座,故推理出,作者写这篇文章的目的应是介绍中国宇航员的太空讲座。故选C。 第三节:单词填空36. Both my parents were really busy at that time my mom was cooking w my dad wastraining his car.【答案】(w)hile【解析】【详解】句意:那时候我的父母都很忙,妈妈在做饭,爸爸在训练他的车。根据首字母提示 和“my dad was training his car.”可知,前后动作是同时发生,while“当时”符合句意,故 填(w)hile。37. Failure is the mother of (成功).【答案】success【解析】【详解】句意:失败是成功之母。介词of表所属,后接名词,success成功,不可数名词。 故填 success o38. Jack's mother was so tired. She fell asleep as soon as she 1 down on the bed.【答案】(Day【解析】【详解】句意:杰克的妈妈太累了。她一躺在床上就睡着了。根据首字母提示和“fell asleep” 可知,躺在床上,lie“躺。结合fell,用过去式,lay符合句意,故填ay。39. Literature helps others think and(鼓励)us to open our minds.【答案】encourages【解析】【详解】句意:文学帮助别人思考,并鼓励我们打开我们的思想。根据中文提示和“Literature helps others think”可知,此处需要一个动词三单形式与helps并列,encourages“鼓励”符合句 意,故填 encourages。40. My brother didn't go to the museum yesterday and n did I. He went to the moviesand I went to the park.【答案】neither【解析】【详解】句意:我哥哥昨天没去博物馆,我也没去。他去看电影,我去了公园。根据"My brother didn't go to the museum yesterday"及"He went to the movies and I went to the park“,可知,我 哥哥昨天没去博物馆,我也没去,上文的情况也同样适用于下文,且是否定情况时,用neither+ 助动词+主语,此处表达“我也没去、故填neither。41. Though he is a child, he knows much k of science.【答案】(k)nowledge【解析】【详解】句意:虽然他是个孩子,但他知道很多科学知识。根据首字母提示和“ofscience” 可知,知道科学知识,knowledge“知识”,不可数名词,故填(k)nowledge。41.1 of going for trips, Chinese people chose to stay at home during the COVID-19outbreak.【答案】nstead【解析】【详解】句意:在新冠肺炎爆发期间,中国人们没有去旅行,而是选择待在家里。根据力going for trips, Chinese people chose to stay at home during the CO VID-19 outbreak.” 可知,此处表示 的是“疫情爆发期间,中国人们选择待在家里,而不是外出旅行。”结合首字母L可用instead o俨而不是“,所以此空应是Instead。故填(I)nstead。43. A thief broke into the house and(偷)many expensive things.【答案】stole【解析】【详解】句意:小偷闯进房子,偷走了许多昂贵的东西。steal"俞",是动词,根据“A thief broke into the house”可知,此处动词用过去时态;故填stoleo44. Cothers9 homework is wrong. You should do it yourself.【答案】(C)opying【解析】【详解】句意:抄别人的作业是不对的。你应该自己做作业。根据"You should do it yourself.” 可知,此空所在的句子应表示的是抄别人的作业这件事情是错误的,结合首字母C,可用 copy others ,homework “抄别人的作业”,该句缺少主语,所以此空应用copy的动名词形式 copying o 故填(C)opying。45. Social workers in our community are patient enough to(解释)how to use it.【答案】explain【解析】【详解】句意:我们社区的社工很有耐心地解释如何使用它。explain“解释”,动词不定式符 号to后接动词原形,故填explain。46. Doctors and nurses are brave enough to p us from COVIND-19.【答案】(p)rotect【解析】【详解】句意:医生和护士有足够的勇气保护我们免受新冠肺炎的伤害。根据“from COVIND-19”可知,保护我们不受新冠的伤害,protec俨保护”符合句意,故填(p)rotect。47. He won the first prize in the competition because of an(不同寻常的)picture.【答案】unusual【解析】【详解】句意:他因为一张与众不同的照片在比赛中获得了第一名。根据中文提示可知, unusual“不同寻常的”,形容词作定语,故填unusual。48. The rain was beating heavily a the windows when I woke up last night.【答案】(a)gainst【解析】【详解】句意:昨晚我醒来时,雨正重重地敲打着窗户。根据首字母提示和“beating heavily” 可知,雨重重地敲打着窗户,agains俨碰、撞”符合句意,故填(a)gainst。49. Good(交流)is important in an organization.【答案】communication【解析】【详解】句意:良好的沟通在一个组织中是很重要的。根据中文提示可知,需要一个名词作 主语,communication"交流”符合句意,故填 communication。50. When I got to the top of mountains, the sun was r.【答案】(r)ising【解析】【详解】句意:当我到达山顶时,太阳正在升起。根据"When I got to the top of mountainsthe sun”以及首字母可知,表示“升起”,rise“升起”,且根据“was”可知,用过去进行时“was doing”, 故填(r)ising。51. With the(发展)of 5G, HUAWEI makes people's life more convenient.【答案】development【解析】【详解】句意:随着5G的发展,华为让人们的生活更加便捷。根据中文提示和“theof,可 知,需要一个名词,developmen俨发展”,不可数名词,故填development。52. The song has r us of the beauty of nature.【答案】(r)eminded【解析】【详解】句意:这首歌让我们想起了大自然的美。根据首字母提示及“us of the beauty of nature”可知,此处是remind sb of sth"使某人想起 ”,空前有has,此处动词用过去分词 形式,故填(r)eminded。53. My brother loves reading books,(尤其, 特另ll) science fiction.【答案】especially【解析】【详解】句意:我哥哥喜欢读书,尤其是科幻小说。根据中文提示可知,此处需要副词, especially"尤其、特别”符合句意,故填especially。54. Many foreign t come to China to visit Great Wall every year.【答案】(t)ourists【解析】【详解】句意:每年都有许多外国游客来中国参观长城。根据首字母提示和“visit Great Wan” 可知,是很多游客来旅行,tourists”游客”符合句意,故填ourists。55. Mary bought two(围 巾),one was for her mom and the other was for her grandma.【答案】scarfs#scarves【解析】【详解】句意:玛丽买了两条围巾,一条给妈妈,另一条给奶奶。scarf,围巾";根据空格前 的限定词“two”可知此处填复数名词。“scaf的复数形式是scarfs或scarves。故填scarfs/scarves。 语法填空A Hong Kong-based robotics company says it plans to produce 56 (thousand) of humanoid robots in 2021.The company's founder and CEO, David Hanson, told Reuters the COVID-19 is going to need more and more robots 57 (keep) people safe.The company says it plans to marke offer its humanoid robots as helpers in the 58 (medicine) field. For example, they can 59 (use) to take temperature or do physical exercises with older people."Social robots like me can help take care of the sick or elderly in many kinds of healthcare and medical uses.”Hanson said the company's robots are so human-like, they could also serve the public supermarkets 60 in the airline.The humanoids “can be so useful during these times when people are 61 (terrible) lonely Hanson said.Johan Hoorn is 62 social robotics expert. He said that, although the technology is still 63 (develop), the pandemic could speed up relationships 64 robots and humans."I am sure that pandemic will 65(actual) help us get robots earlier in themarket because people (will) start to realize that there is no other way,“ Hoorn said.In China, robotics company CloudMinds helped set up a robot-run field hospital for COVID-19 patients in Wuhan.【答案】56. thousands57. to keep58. medical59. be used60. or 61. terribly62. a 63. developing64. between65. actually【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了机器人的蓬勃发展。【56题详解】句意:一家总部位于香港的机器人公司表示,计划在2021年生产数千个人形机器人。 thousands o代成千",故填 thousandso【57题详解】句意:该公司创始人兼首席执行官大卫汉森告诉路透社,新冠肺炎将需要越来越多的机器 人来保护人们的安全。根据"need more and more robots”可知,需要动词不定式作宾语补足语, to ke叩 符合句意,故填to keepo【58题详解】句意:该公司表示,计划将其人形机器人作为医疗领域的助手。根据"eld”可知,需要形容 词修饰名词,medical”医药的”符合句意,故填medical o【59题详解】句意:例如,它们可以用来测量体温或与老年人一起做体育锻炼。根据"to take temperature” 可知,用来测量体温,是含有情态动词的被动语态,be used符合句意,故填be used。【60题详解】句意:汉森表示,该公司的机器人非常像人类,它们也可以在公共超市或航空公司服务。根 据“in the airline”和“public supermarkets”可知,两者是选择关系,or符合句意,故填oro【61题详解】句意:汉森说,类人机器人“在人们极度孤独的时候非常有用”。根据“onely”可知,需要副 词修饰形容词,terribly“极其”符合句意,故填terribly。【62题详解】句意:约翰霍恩(Johan Hoorn)是一位社交机器人专家。根据"social robotics expert”可知I,需 要不定冠词表示泛指,social是辅音音素开头的单词,a符合句意,故填a。63题详解】句意:他说,尽管这项技术仍在发展中,但大流行可能会加速机器人和人类之间的关系。根 据“is stillW知,句子时态是现在进行时,developing符合句意,故填developingo【64题详解】句意:他说,尽管这项技术仍在发展中,但大流行可能会加速机器人和人类之间的关系。根 据“relationships”可知,是机器人和人类之间的关系,betweenand.“两者之间”,故填betweeno 【65题详解】句意:我相信,这场大流行实际上会帮助我们更早地将机器人推向市场,因为人们将开始意 识到没有其他办法。根据"help us get robots earlier in the market”可知,副词修饰动词,故填 actually o阅读下面短文,回答文后问题。Most of us use alarm clocks to wake up at the right time for school or work. We look at our watches to know the right time for the bus or train. However, there is also a right time to eat, sleep, exercise, and take medicine. We can't look at a clock fbr the right time for these activities. We must listen to the clock inside our bodies: the biological clock.Barbara Wells exercised every morning. She woke up at 6:00 a.m. She ran about two miles before she went to work. But Barbara's legs and back started to hurt. She did some exercise before she ran. But her legs and back still hurt. She ran slower, but the pain didn't stop. Barbara talked to her doctor. The doctor said, "Don't run in the morning. Try to exercise later in the day. That is the time when your body is at the right temperature fbr exercise after work." Her legs and back didn't hurt anymore.Today, doctors are learning more about chronobiology (n.生物钟学),the study of biological (adj.生物的)clocks. They are learning about the importance of time for our bodies. For example, it is best for people to go to sleep on time every night and to eat only when they're hungry. Also, doctors discovered that some illnesses, such as heat attacks, occur (v.发生)most often in the morning. This information tells them that the best time to take heart medication may be at night. When patients take heart medication (n.药物)at night, they may prevent a heart attack in the morning.Many doctors believe chronobiology (生物钟)can help us live healthier lives. It may be the right time to listen to these doctors!66. Do we all have biological clocks inside our bodies?67. How far did Barbara Wells run every morning?68. How did Barbara Wells? legs and back get well?69. What is the right time for the person who has a heart attack to take heart medication?70. What can we learn from the passage?【答案】66. Yes, we do.67. She ran about two mile./Two miles.68. She tried to exercise later in the day./She followed the doctor's advice.69. At night./The best time to take heart medication may be at night.70. Chronobiology can help us live healthier lives.【解析】【导语】本文介绍了时间生物学帮助我们生活更健康。【66题详解】根据"We must listen to the clock inside our bodies: the biological clock."可知,我们必须听我们 体内生物钟的。故填Yes, we do.【67题详解】根据"She ran about two miles before she went to work.“可知,在她上班之前每天早上跑2英里。 故填 She ran about two mile./Two miles.68题详解】根据"But her legs and back still hurt. She ran slower, but the pain didn't stop. Barbara t


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