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    音像制品管理条例(2001年12月25日中华人民 共和国国务院令第341号公布 根据2011年3月19日国务 院关于修改音像制品管理条 例的决定第一次修订 根 据2013年12月7日国务院 关于修改部分行政法规的决 定第二次修订根据2016 年2月6日国务院关于修改 部分行政法规的决定第三次 修订根据2020年11月29日音像制品管理条例(2020修订)Regulations on the Administration of Audio andVideo Recordings (2020 Revision)制定机关:国务院发文字号:中华人民共和国国务院令第732号公布日期:施行日期:效力位阶:行政法规法规类别:音像制品与电子出版物Issuing Authority : State CouncilDocument Number : Order No. 732 of the State Council of the People's Republic of ChinaDate Issued : 11-29-2020Effective Date : 11 -29-2020Level of Authority : Administrative RegulationsArea of Law : Audio and Video Recordings and Electronic PublicationsRegulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Recordings (Promulgated by Order No. 341 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on December 25, 2001, amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Recordings on March 19, 2011; revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Certain Administrative Regulations on December 7, 2013; revised for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016; revised for the fourth time in accordance with theDecision of the Statedirectly under the Central Government where it is located. The competent publication administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 60 days of accepting the application, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant. If the application is approved, an Audio and Video Recordings Manufacturing Permit shall be issued to the applicant; or if the application is disapproved, the reasons for disapproval shall be explained. The formation of entities engaging in the radio or television program production business shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations?9 In paragraph 3, “The approval of the formation of an audio and video recordings manufacturing entity" is replaced with “The approval of an application for engaging in the audio and video recordings manufacturing business.The application shall clearly state the following:(1) the name and address of the audio and video recording manufacturing entity;(2) the name(s), address(es) and qualification certifying documents of the legal representative or principal responsible person(s) of the audio and video recording manufacturing entity;(3) the sources and amount of funds of the audio and video recording manufacturing entity.之日起60日内作出批准或者 不批准的决定,并通知申请 人。批准的,发给音像制品 制作许可证;不批准的,应 当说明理由。广播、电视节目 制作经营单位的设立,依照有 关法律、行政法规的规定办 理。申请书应当载明下列内容:(一)音像制作单位的名称、地 址;(二)音像制作单位的法定代表 人或者主要负责人的姓名、住 址、资格证明文件;(三)音像制作单位的资金来源 和数额。审批从事音像制品制作业务申 请,除依照前款所列条件外, 还应当兼顾音像制作单位总 量、布局和结构。The approval on the establishment of an audio and video recording manufacturing entity shall not only be in accordance with the conditions enumerated in the preceding paragraph, but also take the total number, distribution and structure of the audio and video recording manufacturing entities into consideration.Article 18 Where an audio and video recording manufacturing entity intends to change its name or scope of business, or to merge another audio and video recording manufacturing entity, or to establish a new audio and video recording manufacturing entity due to merger or division, it shall go through the formalities of examination and approval in accordance with Article 17 of these Regulations.An audio and video recordings manufacturing entity which changes its address or its legal representative or primary person in charge or terminates its manufacturing operations shall under the recordation formalities with the competent publication administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located.Article 19 An audio and video recording publishing entity shall not entrust an entity which has not obtained the nLicense for Manufacturing Audio and Video Recordingsn to manufacture audio and video recordings.Where an audio and video recording manufacturing entity is entrusted to manufacture audio and video recordings, it shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, conclude an entrustment manufacturing contract with the entrusting publishing entity; and shall verify the entrusting publishing entityfs "License for Publishing Audio and Video Recordingsn or the attestation on the publications published under its own imprint and the power of attorney for manufacturing audio and video recordings, which is covered with the seal of the entrusting publishing entity.第十八条音像制作单位 变更名称、业务范围,或者兼 并其他音像制作单位,或者因 合并、分立而设立新的音像制 作单位的,应当依照本条例第 十七条的规定办理审批手续。音像制作单位变更地址、法定 代表人或者主要负责人,或者 终止制作经营活动的,应当向 所在地省、自治区、直辖市人 民政府出版行政主管部门备 案。第十九条音像出版单位 不得委托未取得音像制品制 作许可证的单位制作音像制 品。音像制作单位接受委托制作音 像制品的,应当按照国家有关 规定,与委托的出版单位订立 制作委托合同;验证委托的出 版单位的音像制品出版许可 证或者本版出版物的证明及 由委托的出版单位盖章的音像 制品制作委托书。音像制作单位不得出版、复No audio and video recording manufacturing entityshall publish, reproduce, wholesale or retail audio and video recordings.制、批发、零售音像制品。Chapter III Reproduction第三章复制Article 20 To apply for engaging in the audio and video recordings reproducing business, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:第二十条申请从事音像 制品复制业务应当具备下列条 件:(1) having the name and articles of association of the audio and video recording reproducing entity;(一)有音像复制单位的名称、 章程;(2) having a well-defined scope of business;(二)有确定的业务范围;(3) having an organization and the staff adapted to the needs of its scope of business;(三)有适应业务范围需要的组 织机构和人员;(4) having the funds, equipment and work premises adapted to the needs of its scope of business;(四)有适应业务范围需要的资 金、设备和复制场所;(5) other conditions provided for in laws and administrative regulations.(五)法律、行政法规规定的其 他条件。The approval of an application for engaging in the audio and video recordings reproducing business shall not only be in accordance with the conditions enumerated in the preceding paragraph, but also conform to the programming on the total number, distribution and structure of the audio and video审批从事音像制品复制业务中 请,除依照前款所列条件外, 还应当符合音像复制单位总 量、布局和结构的规划。recording reproducing entities.Article 21 An application for engaging in the audio and video recordings reproducing business shall be subject to the approval of the competent publication第二十一条申请从事音 像制品复制业务,由所在地 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府administrative department of the people's government出版行政主管部门审批。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版 行政主管部门应当自受理申请 之日起20日内作出批准或者 不批准的决定,并通知申请 人。批准的,发给复制经营 许可证;不批准的,应当说 明理由。申请书应当载明下列内容:(一)音像复制单位的名称、地 址;(二)音像复制单位的法定代表 人或者主要负责人的姓名、住 址;(三)音像复制单位的资金来源 和数额。第二十二条音像复制单 位变更业务范围,或者兼并其 他音像复制单位,或者因合 并、分立而设立新的音像复制 单位的,应当依照本条例第二 十一条的规定办理审批手续。音像复制单位变更名称、地 址、法定代表人或者主要负责 人,或者终止复制经营活动of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the applicant is located. The competent publication administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 20 days of accepting the application, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application, and notify the applicant. If the application is approved, a Reproduction Business Permit shall be issued to the applicant; or if the application is disapproved, the reasons for disapproval shall be explained.The application shall clearly state the following:(1) the name and address of the audio and video recording reproducing entity;(2) the name(s) and address(es) of the legal representative or principal responsible person(s) of the audio and video recording reproducing entity;(3) the sources and amount of funds of the audio and video recording reproducing entity.Article 22 Where an audio and video recording reproducing entity intends to modify its scope of business, or to merge another audio and video recording reproducing entity, or to establish a new audio and video recording reproducing entity due to merger or division, it shall go through the formalities of examination and approval in accordance with Article 21 of these Regulations.An audio and video recordings reproducing entity which changes its name or address or its legal representative or primary person in charge or terminates its reproducing operations shall undergo therecordation formalities with the competent publication administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located.Article 23 To accept an authorization to reproduce any audio or video recording, an entity engaging in the reproduction of audio and video recordings shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, conclude a reproduction authorization contract with the authorizing publishing entity; and shall verify the authorizing publishing entityfs "License for Publishing Audio and Video Recordings11, the duplicate of its business license, the power of attorney for reproducing audio and video recordings bearing the seal of the authorizing publishing entity and the power of attorney obtained by the publishing entity; and to accept an authorization to reproduce any audio or video recording not for sale, it shall verify the identity certificate of the authorizing entity and the power of attorney issued by the authorizing entity for reproducing audio and video recordings not for sale.The audio and video recording reproducing entity shall, within 2 years as of the completion of the reproduction of the audio and video recordings, preserve the entrustment contract, the samples of the audio and video recordings it has reproduced and the copies of the relevant attestation documents, so as to be ready for the inspection.的,应当向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政 主管部门备案。第二十三条音像复制单 位接受委托复制音像制品的, 应当按照国家有关规定,与委 托的出版单位订立复制委托合 同;验证委托的出版单位的 音像制品出版许可证、营 业执照副本、盖章的音像制品 复制委托书以及出版单位取得 的授权书;接受委托复制的音 像制品属于非卖品的,应当验 证委托单位的身份证明和委托 单位出具的音像制品非卖品复 制委托书。音像复制单位应当自完成音像 制品复制之日起2年内,保存 委托合同和所复制的音像制品 的样本以及验证的有关证明文 件的副本,以备查验。第二十四条音像复制单 位不得接受非音像出版单位或 者个人的委托复制经营性的音 像制品;不得自行复制音像制 品;不得批发、零售音像制 品。Article 24 An audio and video recording reproducing entity may not accept the entrustment of an entity or individual who is not engaged in the publication of audio and video recordings to reproduce profit-making audio and video recordings, or reproduce audio and video recordings of its own accord, or wholesale or retail audio and video recordings.Article 25 An audio and video recording reproducing entity engaged in the reproduction of optical disks must, when reproducing them, use the plastic mould etched with the SID code, which is checked and issued by the competent publication department under the State Council.Article 26To accept an authorization to reproduce any overseas audio or video recording, an entity engaging in the reproduction of audio and video recordings shall obtain the approval of the competent publication department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and go through registration formalities at the copyright administrative department according to law with the power of attorney of the copyright owner; the reproduced audio and video recordings shall be all transported overseas and shall not be distributed within China.Chapter IV ImportArticle 27 The business of importing finished audio and video recordings shall be operated by the entities engaging in the import of finished audio and video recordings which are approved by the competent publication department of the State Council; no entity or individual shall engage in the business of importing finished audio and video recordings without approval.Article 28 Whoever imports the audio and video recordings used for publication or the finished audio and video recordings used for wholesale, retail or lease, etc. shall report the contents to the competent publication department under the State Council for examination.第二十五条从事光盘复 制的音像复制单位复制光盘, 必须使用蚀刻有国务院出版行 政主管部门核发的激光数码储 存片来源识别码的注塑模具。第二十六条音像复制单 位接受委托复制境外音像制品 的,应当经省、自治区、直辖 市人民政府出版行政主管部门 批准,并持著作权人的授权书 依法到著作权行政管理部门登 记;复制的音像制品应当全部 运输出境,不得在境内发行。第四章进口第二十七条音像制品成 品进口业务由国务院出版行政 主管部门批准的音像制品成品 进口经营单位经营;未经批 准,任何单位或者个人不得经 营音像制品成品进口业务。第二十八条进口用于出 版的音像制品,以及进口用于 批发、零售、出租等的音像制 品成品,应当报国务院出版行 政主管部门进行内容审查。国务院出版行政主管部门应当自收到音像制品内容审查申请The administrative department for cultural affairs under the State Council shall, within 30 days as of the receiptof the application for examination of the contents of the audio and video recordings, make a decision on approving or not approving the application and shall notify the applicant. Tf the application is approved, the approval document shall be issued to the applicant; if the application is not approved, the reason thereof shall be stated.The entities that import audio and video recordings used for publication, and the import entities of finished audio and video recordings shall go through the import formalities in the customs with the approval documents by the administrative department for cultural affairs under the State Council.Article 29 Whoever imports the audio and video recordings used for publication shall register the copyright thereof in the administrative department for copyright under the State Council.Article 30 Whoever intends to import audio and video recordings for reference in research or teaching shall entrust an import entity of finished audio and video recordings to carry out the import in accordance with Article 28 of these Regulations.Whoever imports the audio and video recordings used for exhibition or display shall, after being approved by the competent publication department under the State Council, go through the formalities of temporary import in the customs.The audio and video recordings imported in accordance with this Article shall not be used for profit-making reproduction, wholesale, retail, lease or projection.书之日起30日内作出批准或 者不批准的决定,并通知申请 人。批准的,发给批准文件; 不批准的,应当说明理由。进口用于出版的音像制品的单 位、音像制品成品进口经营单 位应当持国务院出版行政主管 部门的批准文件到海关办理进 口手续。第二十九条进口用于出 版的音像制品,其著作权事项 应当向国务院著作权行政管理 部门登记。第三十条进口供研究、 教学参考的音像制品,应当委 托音像制品成品进口经营单位 依照本条例第二十八条的规定 办理。进口用于展览、展示的音像制 品,经国务院出版行政主管部 门批准后,到海关办理临时进 口手续。依照本条规定进口的音像制 品,不得进行经营性复制、批 发、零售、出租和放映。第五章批发、零售和出租Chapter V Wholesale, Retail and LeaseArticle 31 To apply for engaging in the audio and video recordings wholesale or retail business, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:(1) having the name and articles of association of the audio and video recording wholesaling, retailing or leasing entity;(2) having a well-defined scope of business;(3) having an organization and the staff adapted to the needs of its scop


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