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    教师资格考试中学教育知识与能力章节考点(4.4)(Teacher qualification examination,middle school education,knowledge and competence,chapter 4.4)Teacher qualification examination,middle school education,knowledge and competence,chapter 4.4 The fourth section is learning transfer I.overview of migration (1)the meaning of learning transfer;Transfer of learning is a kind of study on the impact of another kind of learning,that is in a kind of knowledge,skills and attitudes in the context of knowledge,skills and attitudes in another situation in the affected.In addition,the use of the knowledge and skills to solve the problem also includes the transfer of learning.The migration is not only the previous learning effect on later learning,but also to influence subsequent learning on previous learning.(two)types of migration;1.,positive transfer,negative transfer and zero transfer According to the different nature of migration,the migration effect of different division of learning transfer is divided into positive and negative transfer,positive transfer refers to a kind of learning a positive effect on another kind of study,produce the learning effect.The negative transfer refers to between two kinds of learning mutual interference,zero barriers.Transfer refers to a study on another kind does not have a positive impact,also does not have a negative impact.2.horizontal migration and vertical migration According to the migration of different contents of abstraction and generalization level division,transfer is divided into horizontal migration and vertical migration study.Horizontal migration of lateral migration also refers to the interaction of the same level of generalization experience.4.The vertical migration also called vertical migration,which is the mutual influence between different levels of generalization experience specifically.Is a high level of generalization,the experience with the mutual influence between the lower level of the generalization of experience.The vertical migration in two aspects:one is the bottom of the transfer,two is a top-down migration.3.general transfer and specific transfer According to the different contents of migration and division,transfer of learning is divided into general and specific migration migration.General migration migration,also known as the common non special migration,is a kind of learning in the acquisition of general principle,methods,strategies and attitudes to migrate to another kind of learning.The specific migration also called special migration,refers to the special the specific experience,a study in the acquisition of direct transfer to another kind of learning,or through some elements of the re combination of to migrate to the new situation.4.assimilative migration,adaptive migration and recombinant migration According to the internal psychological mechanism for the migration process of different division,transfer of learning is divided into assimilation of migration,migration and reorganization of compliance transfer.Assimilative transfer means does not change the original cognitive structure,cognitive experience directly to the original application to a class of essential characteristics of things in the same to the original cognitive structure.No substantive changes in the migration process,just get a full compliance.Migration refers to the application of the original cognitive experience in new situation,need to adjust the original experience or experience of old and new to be summarized,the formation of a higher level of cognitive structure to accommodate the new experience,in order to adapt to the changes in the outside world the recombinant transfer refers to the re combination of some elements or components in the original cognitive system,adjusting the relationship among the components or the establishment of a new relationship,which applied to the new situation.In the process of restructuring,the basic experience The composition is constant,but the relation between the components has changed,that is,to adjust or recombine 5.,forward migration and reverse migration From the point of view of migration,migration can be divided into forward and backward migration,which refers to the influence of prior learning on subsequent learning.Reverse transfer is the influence of successive learning on prior learning (three)the role of migration 1.for the transfer can promote to improve the ability to solve problems.The ultimate goal of learning is to be applied to practical knowledge and experience in different kinds of situations.In the school situation,most of the problem is realized through migration,migration is a concrete manifestation of students problem solving.The school will the knowledge and skills to solve practical problems outside,it also depends on the migration.2.,migration is an effective way to generalize and systematize the acquired experience,Is the key ability and character formation,migration is a key link to transform knowledge,skills and behavior norms to acquisition ability and character.Only through extensive migration,the original experience to reform,to summarize and systematize.3.migration has an important guiding role for learners,educators and related personnel training.The migration will help guide and improve teaching effect,promote students to learn more effectively.The effective application of the transfer principle,learners can in the limited time to learn faster and better,and in the appropriate context,active accurate application of the original experience,to prevent the inerting experience.Two,learn the basic theory of migration (1)early migration theory 1.form training theory Formal training is the Faculty of psychology represented by Wolf based on learning,a phenomenon first explained.Migration is the mental faculties to get the training and development of functional training results,as of muscle training.Attention and memory faculties are available through various forms of training and enhanced,and automatically migrate to other forms of training activities.That migration is unconditional and automatic.For functional training,the key is not the content of the training,but the training form,because the content is often easy to forget,the effect is temporary,but the form is permanent.Formal training has been popular in Europe and America for nearly 200 years.Because of its lack of scientific basis,it has aroused suspicion and opposition from some researchers 2.,the same element said Thorndike said that the same factors,a study has on another learning effect,is that they have the same elements.Then the woodwarth said the same elements instead of common elements,is a common occurrence to component migration in two kinds of activities.The same elements of Thorndike said at the time of the education sector has played a positive role,make the school out of that in the form of training under the influence of not considering the actual life to focus only on the form of training teaching in the course of the so-called,began to pay attention to pay attention to the application subject,teaching content arrangement as far as possible and the future application of combining.But the same elements proposed by Thorndike said is actually starting from the connectionist view,only refers to the elements of learning content in one-to-one correspondence,the so-called common stimulus response Association,and failed to fully consider the internal changes of learning process,and therefore failed to reveal the true essence of deep migration.3.,the theory of empirical generalization The representative experience theory is the American psychologist Judd.This theory is based on Judd in the I908 years of the underwater strike target classic experiments.Experience theory believes that the general principle and experience is the key to migration,migration depends on the general principle of the relationship between the understanding of memory in the new situation.The role of the principle of learning more thoroughly,to the new situation adaptability is stronger,the migration is better.Transfer is the key to learners are summed up,and two kinds of activities have the common principle or generalized experience.Experience theory emphasizes the role of the general experience of migration,emphasizing the principle of understanding,which is more than the same elements have progress.But generalization the experience is only one of the effects of migration of the conditions of success,and not all the migration.4.,the theory of relationship transformation The representative of this theory is the Gestalt psychologists,support the theory of classic experiments is cohler L929 do the chicken feeding experiment.Gestalt stressed insight is a decision of the transfer of learning factors.They prove that substantive migration produces is the individual understanding the relationship between things.Learning experience can transfer the whole depending on the relationship between the various elements can understand the relationship between the ability to understand the principle and practical things.The individual can find the relationship between things,the more able to generalize,promotion,transfer is also more common.(two)modern transfer theory 1.Ausubels theory of cognitive structure American educational psychologist Ausubel proposed cognitive structure theory,argues that any meaningful learning is carried out on the basis of past learning,meaningful learning in a migration.The original cognitive structure clarity,stability,generality,inclusiveness,coherence and authenticity and other characteristics are always affect new learning to obtain and maintain.This theory represents from the cognitive perspective to explain a mainstream migration.Following the 2.after the in-depth study on the migration of Ausubel,researchers(1)emphasizes the role of cognitive structure in the migration theory This kind of view advocates that certain elements in the cognitive structure are the basic condition that determines whether migration can occur Taking Anderson and other people as representatives,the author thinks that if there are productive cross or overlapping in the two situations,the transfer can be produced.Production is the basic component of cognition,and a production is a condition an action rule According to Gatel,Ji g et al as the representative of that structure,around two in the context of internal relations and contact characteristics is one of the key components of migration,and surface characteristics are of no great importance.If the structure characteristics of two kinds of situations before and after the match or the same,gave birth to the migration.(2)emphasize the influence of the interaction of the external environment and the subject on the transfer The theory holds that migration is determined by the external physical environment,social environment and subjective factors.The theory emphasizes that social interaction and cooperative learning can promote the generation of migration 3.the characteristics of modern transfer theory On the traditional and modern migration research,study on the migration is the traditional macro and thick lines;and Study on migration of modern is more microcosmic and meticulous,pay more attention to the cognitive characteristics of migration,the cognitive component and migration process of migration can occur on the inner mechanism has been analyzed deeply this,promote and deepen the research of transfer.4.,the essence of migration The migration is essentially a process of integration of old and new experience,integration is the integration of old and new phenomenon of experience,through analysis,synthesis,abstraction and generalization of cognitive activities,the interaction between new and old experience,thus forming an integrated structure,in the system,a complete system of psychological stability regulating activities in function.Three,transfer and teaching On the one hand,it is one of the main goals of effective teaching to enable students to have the greatest degree of migration.On the other hand,the real and effective teaching must be based on the law of migration (1)the main factors affecting migration;1.similarity of learning tasks The similarity of the size of the main components is a common task in two with the decision,a common component of many will have great similarities,and lead to the result of transfer.A common component is not only a learning materials(such as stimulation)in learning environment,learning outcomes(such as clues,reaction,learning process,learning)the goal,also is the attitude,emotion and so on.The migration generated both by the objective similarity effect,but also by subjective similarity.(1)study the similarity of materials A classic study is actually learning materials similar in migration in vitro said the same elements of Thorndike.Jake and Holly Yorke think that learning material similarity includes two kinds:structural characteristics of similar surface characteristics are similar.(2)consistency between learning goal and learning process;Whether the requirements are consistent or similar will determine,to some extent,whether the processing process is similar,and then determine whether the migration can occur 2.original cognitive structure The characteristics of the original cognitive structure directly determine the possibility of migration and the extent of migration.The impact on migration is mainly manifested in the following aspects (1)if a learner has the corresponding background knowledge,which is a basic prerequisite of migration.The expert has strong ability of migration,one of the reasons is that they have to solve a problem of the rich background or cognitive structure.But,Sometimes,even though individuals have the experience they need to migrate,they can not be actively applied by learners,and they are in an inert state in the mind,and therefore not conducive to migration (2)general level of original cognitive structure is very important to transfer the role.In general,the higher the level of general experience,the greater the possibility of migration,the effect is better.But if from the concrete examples of isolation and study the abstract concept,principle,to a certain extent is not conducive to the effective migration.(3)whether learners have corresponding cognitive skills or strategies,as well as metacognitive strategies that regulate and control cognitive activities,also affect the generation of migration To study and set 3.To set and often refers to the same kind of phenomenon,a kind of power to state that precede certain activities and to the activities of the cup of water.Lu Hutchins experiment set influence migration of a typical example.General effects on migration performance into two types:positive and negative stereotype will have a positive impact.To solve the problem,solve the problem of process migration to the back of the front can make the back problem solving speed,the problem becomes easier.A


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