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    小学英语六年级下册检测题 一英汉短语互译:hot dog_ dollars and five cents_ 3.多少钱_4.在 12 点半_ our favourite dish_ 6.在树下_ 7.在周四_ 8.去公园_ 9.进来_ to drink_ 11 起床_ 12吃早饭 13 Lets _(去野餐)14 One hour _(剩余).15 These _(淘气的鸭子)are eating our Were going to eat at _(8 点 30 分).17 _(看)the ducks.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空:he_(want)an apple?father_(want)a cola and I_(want)some milk.you_(want)_(eat)noodles?No.you help_(we)?s go and help_(he).you (do)tomorrow?I (visit)my grandparents.and I _(be)at school now.(not close)the window,please.our food_(be)very very nice.10 Last Sunday,I (clean)my room.But my sister (not clean)her room.11 Look!What the girl (do)?She (cry)三、选择:()you want some rice?A.Yes,I want.B.Yes,I do.C.No,you dont.()dogs do you want?A.much B.many C.some ()they?Theyre 12 pounds.A.much ()4.Amy wants three_,and you?A.cola B.colas C.colaes()5.How much is it?-_.A.Its three dollars and seventy-five cents.B.Its three dollar and seventy-five cent.C.Its three dollars and seventy-five cent.()6.Lets look _ the weather tomorrow.A.in B.at C.on ()7.It will be _in Beijing.A.snow B rain C cloudy ()8.There are some _.A cat B duck C dogs ()9.Im _.I want to eat bread.A hungry B thirsty C naughty ()10.There are some dark _ in the sky.A cloud B clouds C cloudy ()11.Were going to the park _ eleven.A on B at C in ()12.Theyre going to _ books at home.A read B reading C reads()13.It is _ now.Run,boys!A rain B rains C raining ()14.The birds are singing the tree.A.about B.on C.in ()15.Shes buying things your birthday.A.in B.to C.for 四、连词组句:1.you,do,what,drink,to,want,(?),how much,a,is(?)_,I,chicken,please,some(.)_ ,does,eat,Daming,to,want(?)_,cent,twenty-five,and,is,it(.)6 is past it twelve half 7 to you going what are do 8 will warm Sanya it be in 9 I will be the winner 10 to you eat when going are 11.,are,sandwiches,the,ducks,our,eat 鸭子点分看二用所给动词的适当形式填空三选择四连词组句五改写下列句子划线部分提问划线部分提问作出回答改为否定句划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改成单数句子做肯定回答改成肯定句六阅读理解阅读短文判断式分现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词复数现在分词形容词副词四单项选择分五用所给单词的正确形式填空分六看图仿写句子补全句子分提示词七连词成句分八写一写你下个周末的打算12.cows,drinking,the,are,water 13.for,shes,birthday,buying,your,things 14.had,in,we,park,a,the,picnic 15.falling,the,down,apples,are,stairs,the 五、改写下列句子:s twenty yuan.(划线部分提问)_?wants two hamburgers and a cola.(划线部分提问)_?you want orange juice or milk?(作出回答)_.is some rice in the bag.(改为否定句)_.man in the car is my uncle.(划线部分提问)1.My mum is at the supermarket.(对划线部分提问)2.He is playing football.(对划线部分提问)3.The ducks are swimming on the pond.(改成单数句子)4.Can you help me carry the apples?(做肯定回答)5.I cant carry them all.(改成肯定句)六、阅读理解:It is on Sunday morning.The sun is shining.We have no classes.We are playing in the park.Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree.Some boys are climbing the hill.Tom is drawing by the lake.Mike and John are swimming in the lake.Where are Betty and Mary?They are sitting under a small tree.They are reading a picture book.We are very happy.()s the weather like today?A.Its Sunday.B.Its fine.C.Its raining.()are they playing?A.In the park.B.On the hill.C.In the lake.鸭子点分看二用所给动词的适当形式填空三选择四连词组句五改写下列句子划线部分提问划线部分提问作出回答改为否定句划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改成单数句子做肯定回答改成肯定句六阅读理解阅读短文判断式分现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词复数现在分词形容词副词四单项选择分五用所给单词的正确形式填空分六看图仿写句子补全句子分提示词七连词成句分八写一写你下个周末的打算()is climbing the hill?A.Some girls.B.Some boys.C.Some teachers.()are Betty and Mary?A.They are on the tree.B.They are under the tree.C.They are in the lake.()are Betty and Mary doing?A.They are reading a picture book.B.They are dancing.C.They are playing.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Amy and Lucy are in the dining hall at Beijing International School.There are fifty tables in it.There are also some pictures about food and drink on the wall.In the pictures,we can see juice,tea,hamburgers,beef and can see some vegetables too.Amy and Lucy come from the US.They both like Chinese food and drinks.Amy likes eating noodles and Lucy likes drinking Chinese tea.But Lucy doesnt like eating noodles because she cant use chopsticks(筷子).()1.Amy and Lucy are in the school science lab.()2.There is some food and drink on the table.()3.Amy likes drinking Chinese tea.()4.Lucy cant use chopsticks.()5.Lucy doesnt like eating noodles.鸭子点分看二用所给动词的适当形式填空三选择四连词组句五改写下列句子划线部分提问划线部分提问作出回答改为否定句划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改成单数句子做肯定回答改成肯定句六阅读理解阅读短文判断式分现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词复数现在分词形容词副词四单项选择分五用所给单词的正确形式填空分六看图仿写句子补全句子分提示词七连词成句分八写一写你下个周末的打算一、圈出不同类的一项。(10 分)1.phone nothing cold 2.start park warm 3.rain train said 4.meet bread meat 5.cry shy carry 6.mine we they 7.walk big small 8.sweater computer dress 9.flute suona birthday 10.jump sing tall 二、根据提示把句子补充完整。(5 分)1.Daming is _(演奏)the erhu.2.He goes to the supermarket for the first _.(次,回)3.The _ is drinking water.(奶牛)4.There are some _ on the pond.(鸭子)5.He looks _(像.一样)his father.三、写出下列单词的相应形式。(8 分)1.run(现 在 分 词)_ 2.stop(现 在 分 词)_ 3.get(现 在 分 词)_ 4.have(现 在 分 词)_ 5.party(复 数)_ 6.ring(现 在 分 词)_ 7.snow(形 容 词)_ 8.loud(副 词)鸭子点分看二用所给动词的适当形式填空三选择四连词组句五改写下列句子划线部分提问划线部分提问作出回答改为否定句划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改成单数句子做肯定回答改成肯定句六阅读理解阅读短文判断式分现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词复数现在分词形容词副词四单项选择分五用所给单词的正确形式填空分六看图仿写句子补全句子分提示词七连词成句分八写一写你下个周末的打算_ 四、单项选择。(10 分)()1.Lingling can play_basketball,but she cant play _flute.A.the;/B.the;the C./;the()2.He s swimming,_its getting too cold.A.but B.and C.or ()3.I m flying _the sky.A.on B.in C.above()4.I cant hear you.Please speak _.A.loud B.loudly C.lowly()5.The phone is _ to wave him up in the morning.A.running B.ringing C.waving()6.It starts _,we have to stop the work.A.to snow B.snow C.snowing ()7.She s _exercise,but it _ too hot.A.do get B.doing getting C.doing gets()dog starts to bark very _.A.loud B.loudly C.Cloud()s _the bus.A.getting on B.get on up()10.Zhang Wei gave it to _.A.my B.I C.me 五用所给单词的正确形式填空。(12 分)1.My brother usually _(go)to work at 7.2.-Where _(do)you _(go)yesterday morning?-I _(go)to the park.3.Listen!Who _(sing)in the room?4.-Look!What _(be)the boy _(do)?-He _(write)an email.鸭子点分看二用所给动词的适当形式填空三选择四连词组句五改写下列句子划线部分提问划线部分提问作出回答改为否定句划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改成单数句子做肯定回答改成肯定句六阅读理解阅读短文判断式分现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词复数现在分词形容词副词四单项选择分五用所给单词的正确形式填空分六看图仿写句子补全句子分提示词七连词成句分八写一写你下个周末的打算5.Hes walking in the park,but it _(start)to snow.6.Im _(run),but it starts _(rain).7.You _(have)a party now.六、看图仿写句子,补全句子。(6 分)(提示词:watch TV,have lunch,read books,ride bikes)Hes riding bikes,but it starts to rain._,but the bell rings._,but the bell rings._,but his sister starts to sing.七连词成句。(8 分)1.him friends hear his cant.2.stops everyone he and waits.3.starts sing her to brother .4.are happy they but are we not very(,.)八 写一写你下个周末的打算。鸭子点分看二用所给动词的适当形式填空三选择四连词组句五改写下列句子划线部分提问划线部分提问作出回答改为否定句划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改成单数句子做肯定回答改成肯定句六阅读理解阅读短文判断式分现在分词现在分词现在分词现在分词复数现在分词形容词副词四单项选择分五用所给单词的正确形式填空分六看图仿写句子补全句子分提示词七连词成句分八写一写你下个周末的打算


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