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    电大本科会计学位英语机试语法题1语法 .pdf

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    电大本科会计学位英语机试语法题1语法 .pdf

    语法题 1.It was not very _ of you to sell the house.The price is increasing everyday.这不是很明智的你要把房子卖了 A.clear B.friendly C.wise 明智的 D.kind 2 None of them spoke English _ Sam.A.except B.exception C.except for D.except of 3 It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.很难想像她听了这个消息后会做出什么样的反应。A.comment B.impression C.opinion D.reaction 反应 4 Mr.Wang is an engineer _ profession。王先生是一个工程师的职业 A.at B.on C.by D.with 5 The boy _ the dog with a thick stick but the dog did not yield这个男孩赢得了狗与一个杠子但狗没有屈服 A.came with B.won over C.won at D.came at 6 They were so far away that I couldnt _ their faces clearly.A.make up B.make at C.make out 辨认出 D.see through 7 I didnt know what to do,but then an idea suddenly _ to me.我不知道要做什么,但是然后我忽然想起一个主意(A good idea suddenly occurred to me.我忽然想起一个好主意。)A.happened B.occurred C.emerged D.appeared 8 Send us a message if you _ any difficulty.如果你遇到困难,就给我们发信息 A.had B.will have C.have had D.have 9 Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall,youll have to raise your voice.The race was so close that everyone was _ at the finish.因为我们大厅后面,你必须提高你的声音.比赛非常激烈,大家都屏住呼吸在终点 A.working out B.winning over C.thinking of D.holding his breath 屏住呼吸 10 He is given answers that only _ his confusion。他给出了自己的答案,只会增加混乱 A.come with 产生 B.add with C.come up 发生 D.add to 导致 1-5 CADDB 6-10 CBDDD 11 Inquiries _ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.关于病人情况的询问可以当面进行,也可以打电话 A.concerning 关于 B.affecting C.following D.revealing 12 This is a _ argument.A.convinced 被说服的 B.convincing 有说服力的 C.inconvincible D.convince 13 He said he _ return from Germany the next day.A.was to B.is going to C.would go to D.is to 14 Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _ down the economy.没有人知道金融体系的不稳定会把经济拖垮多久多严重 (drag down 拖垮 向下拖)A.settle B.drag C.knock D.put 15.Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _ down the economy A.put B.settle C.drag D.knock 16 She did not feel _ going out,as she had a slight headache.(feel like 想要)A.like B.after C.for D.about 17 Its a pity _ you missed such an interesting program.A.when B.what C.that D.which 18 If you dont go to school _,you will not learn your lessons very well.A.finally B.regularly 有规律地 C.exact D.properly 19 He smiled and told me I would receive收到 a(n)_$100 a year!A.exactly B.addition C.extra 额外的 D.more 20 His plan _ by those who heard it.A.were laughing at B.was laughing at C.was laughed at D.was laughed 11-15 ABABC 16-20 ACBCC 21 My father never gave me _.A.much advice B.many advices C.a lot of advices D.many advice 22I believe you and Sally will really impress留下印象 the teacher.Well,dont expect 期待 _.A.us of too much B.too much of us C.of us too much D.us for too much 23、_ _many of the customers work during the day,Billy has to collect the money from them at night.因为许多顾客白天上班,所以毕利只好晚上去收钱 A.Although B.Therefore C.From D.Since 24 Please dont leave the building _ to do so.请不要离开大楼除非被告知这么做 A.because asked B.if asking C.when asking D.unless asked 25 _he works hard,(只要他努力工作)I didnt mind when he finishes the experiment 实验.A.So long as B.As well as C.So far as D.As soon as 26 I know that either you or your father _ a copy.A.has B.are to have C.have had D.have 27 I know nothing about it _ what I have read in the papers.除了我在报纸上读到的 其他的有关这件事情我一概不知 A.beside B.expect C.except D.besides 28 Sunglasses are used to _ peoples eyes from the light of the sun.A.protect B.stop C.save D.prevent 29 Get up earlier _ you can catch the train tomorrow morning.A.in order B.so that 因此 C.such that D if 30 The police did not at first her the crime(警察刚开始没有把她和犯罪联系起来)A.contact with(与-联系)B.connect 连接 to C.contact to D.connect,with(相连)21-25 ABDDA 26-30 ACABA 31.If the train arrives _ it should be three oclock exactly.A.in time B.on time(准时)C.from time to time D.at times 32.Many words in the English language are French in _ A.context B.source C.origin(起源)D.vocabulary 33.This is the problem _ you should pay attention.这是你所应注意的问题 A.to which B.on which C.at which D.which 34.The _ you are,the happier they will be.你越友善,他们就将越开心。A.more kinder B.more kind C.kinder D.kind 35.We were _ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.A.put back B.broke down C.held up D.kept off 36.Unless he is _ intense love,he hardly ever looks into someone elses eyes for very long.A.confessing B.refusing C.granting D.covering 37.The speech _,a lively discussion started.演讲结束后,活跃的讨论开始了 A.being delivered B.be delivered C.was delivered D.having been delivered 38.Mr.John kept thinking hard,but failed to _a workable plan.一直在苦思冥想,可是还是没有提出一个可行的计划。A.come up with B.come up against C.come up to D.come up for 39.He never _ to read the news but turned at once to the crossword on the last page.A.worried B.noticed C.pained D.troubled 费心 40.All Im trying to do is to _ why your condition has not been improved.A.look for B.find out C.search for D.look over 31-35 BCACC 36-40ADADB 41.This is the hotel _ I met the famous actor Chen Long.A.which B.in which C.that D.in that 42.Not until your work is finished _.A.you can leave B.can you leave C.you cant leave D.cant you leave 43.I can hardly believe my eyes.This _ man is actually a scientist who once won the Nobel Prize.A.remarkable B.unusual C.magnificent D.unremarkable 44.I ran _ Alice,who was on her way to see how I was getting along.我在艾丽斯来看我的路上遇到了她。A.up B.out of C.over D.into 45.The government will have to work hard _the confidence of the people after the terrible event.在那次可怕的事件后,政府将必须努力工作去赢回/挽回人们的信心 A.to win back B.to win through C.to come up with D.to come at 46.I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _.我很努力地试着去说服他加入我们组,但是他拒绝了我 A.disapproval B.rejection C.refusal 拒绝 D.decline 47.Do you think that the labor bill will be passed?Oh,yes.Its _ that it will.A.sure B.likely C.near positiveh D.quite certainly 48.Could I borrow that book when youve finished _ it?A.to read B.not to read C.in reading D.reading 49.I will repair this new TV set without charging because it is under _.我将免费修好这台新电视机,因为它在保修期内。A.initial B.trial C.guarantee D.maximum 50.They have never heard any .顾客投诉 A.a customer complaint B.the customers complaints C.customers complaint D.the customers complaints 41-45BBDDA 46-50 CBDCC 51.Ill call to see you this evening _ I can stay only a few minutes.A.which B.however C.even D.though 52.Some of your suggestions have been adopted but others have been _as they are not workable.一些建议被采纳,但其他的因为十分不可行(而)被拒绝 A.turned away B.turned down C.turned back D.turned out 53.The United Nations Conference on Global Environment,which took place earlier this year in Vienna,was a very _ meeting 联合国全球环境会议,其中发生在今年早些时候的维也纳,是一个非常富有成效的会议 A.productive B.communicative C.aggressive D.protective 54.You _ drive on the right in the U.S.A.A.will be B.must C.have to D.shall 55.It was a long drive to get to the beach and we three took the wheel .开车去海滩的路程不短,我们三个人轮流驾驶.A.over turn B.with turn C.in turn D.on turn 56Im leaving now.Make sure _ the door.A.to have locked B.after locking C.you have locked D.for you to lock 57.He didnt live up to_ had been expected of him 他没有辜负人们对他的期望 A.what B.which C.that D.all 58.The escaped prisoner waited until _ of night before leaving his hiding place.A.dark B.deep C.depth D.dead 59.Life insurance,_available only to young,healthy persons,can now be obtained for old people.人寿保险,以前只在年轻,健康的人,现在可以得到的老人。A.before B.after C.former D.previously 60.I felt that I was not yet _ to travel.我觉得我还没有足够的力量去旅行 A.strongly enough B.enough strongly C.strong enough D.enough strong 51-55 DBACC 56-60 CAADC 61.Without even thinking about _ he was doing,he stopped the car.“他甚至都没想自己在做什么,就把车停下了 A.whether B.where C.that D.what 62.It seems very difficult _.让这个孩子停止哭泣,似乎很难 A.to stop the child to cry B.restraining the child to cry C.to keep the child from crying D.holding the childs crying 63._ that my head had cleared,my brain was also beginning to work much better.既然我的头脑清醒了,我的脑瓜也开始更好地工作 A.For B.Since C.Now D.Despite 64.He lived to be ninety-eight,the _ man in Bulgaria.A.healthiest B.healthful C.health D.healthily 65.The noise of the traffic _ Paul from his work.A.prevented 防止 B.distracted C.annoyed D.upset 66.Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _ well.A.her hair B.her hairs C.the hair D.the hairs 67 It the eyes to read in such poor light.在这样暗的光线下看书对眼睛有害 A.hurts B.hurt C.has hurt D.is hurt 68、The small boy kept _his mother for a penny,so she gave him and he ran to the candy shop.A.ask B.to ask C.asked D.asking 69、He had two houses.He lived with his wife and child in the outer house,_ was comfortable and clean.A.that B.where C.which D.it 70、As I opened the door and went in,the children _ on the bed playing.A.were sitting B.sat C.are sitting D.sit 61-65 DCCAB 66-70 AADCA 71、He had four copies of this article_ in black.A.typing B.typed C.to be typed D.type 72、They that place before the earthquake took place.A.left B.had left C.would leave D.have left 73、Yesterday morning she _ one of her old friends in the street.A.looked up B.built up C.led to D.came across 74、Please dont get angry with him._,he was only 4 years old,you know.A.Well B.Then C.However D.After all 毕竟 75、If you _as I told you,this wouldnt have happened.A.had done B.did C.would do D.have done 76、Thunderstorms are _common in Ireland than in England.爱尔兰的雷雨远较英格兰为少。A.much more less B.the least C.much D.much less 77、I remember the whole thing as if it _ yesterday.A.happened B.happens C.had happened D.has happened 78、_this job,you have to have enough experience.A.To complete B.Completing C.Completed D.Having completed 79、He suddenly realized how much they_.A.had both changed B.both changed C.were both changing D.have both changed 80、I don t like living with a room mate.Im moving _ my familys house.A.back to B.from C.out of D.back 71-75 BBDDA 76-80 DCAAA 81、You are_ these problems.They cant be real.A.missing B.looking at C.imagining 想像 D.working at 82、I left my house early ,the traffic was terrible and it took me a long time to get there.我早早离开我的房子,然而交通太糟糕了,我花了很长时间去那里 A.However 然而 B.Although C.Because D.And 83、I never have coffee sugar.我喝咖啡不用糖 A.unless B.in spite of C.without 没有 D.despite 84、Seriously ,I dont understand the situation at all.A.spoken B.speak C.being spoken D.speaking 85、His French was no than M.Partiers English.A.good B.best C.the better D.better 86、Would you like some salad?_ 你喜欢沙拉吗 A.No.B.Yes.C.No,thanks.D.Of course.87、I _ him ever since he moved to America.A.have never heard of B.had never heard of C.never heard of D.never hear of 88、If it _ true,it will cause us a lot of trouble.A.is going to be B.is C.was D.will be 89、He was afraid to _ Mary when she was doing her homework.A.intend B.interrupt C.insert D.interest 90、Jack was riding his new mountain bike _ top speed.A.at B.with C.in D.on 81-85CACDD 86-90 CABBA 91、I usually go back to my hometown by train,but this time Ill _ there by bus for a change.A.try going B.try to go C.try for going D.try and going 92、that may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.因此,聪明的机器人,它们的建设,最终可能减少 90 个百分点的地盘需要的劳动量 A so clever the construction robots B such clever construction robots are C so clever are the construction robots D such construction robots are clever 93、The students today is to write a book report这个学生的作业是写一份读书报告 A.association B.assignment 作业 C.attendance D.responsibility 94、This is a argument A convinced b convincing c inconvincible d convince 95、The officials in the at London airport were very polite.伦敦机场的海关工作人员都很有礼貌(大写,是特指某地的海关)A.customs B.custom C.Customs 海关 D.Custom 96、He has a voice so that everyone can hear very clearly A.aloud B.loudly C.loud D.aloudly 97、What time do you usually in the morning?你通常早上什么时候起床 A.get up B.get on C.get over D.get through 98、You will need the things a pen,a notebook and a ruler.A.after B.following C.under D.below 99、Did he say anything about how the work A.was to be done B.to do C.was to do D.to be done 100、It made us very angry like theft A.to hear him talk B.to hear him to talk C.hear him to talk D.hear him talk 91-95 ACBBC 96-100 CABAA 101、It is desirable that the airplane_ as light as possible.最让人满意的情况就是飞机越轻越好 A is B were C be D had been 102、The business has_ from having one office to having twelve.业务已经从一家营业处扩展到12 家 A.expanded 扩大 B.exposed C.increased D.comprised 103、She _ a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销售量的新主意 A.came up with B.cam up at C.came by D.came for 104、I m learning French,but I still can t speak it_.我正在学习法语,但还说不好 A properly B normally C usually D really 实际上 105、_is easily seen.经济改革的优势是很容易看到的 A The advantage of the economic reform B The economics reform advantage C The reform of the economic advantage D The economic reform s advantage 106、The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parents _.女孩决心出国找她男朋友,尽管她父母反对 A agreement B allowing C letting D objection反对 107、As he was ill,he had to _ the party.A miss 错过 B avoid C regret D lack 108、Shall we request the chairman_ our suggestion again?我们要求主席考虑我们的建议了 A to consider B considering C consider D considered 109、The road is kept open_ the year.这条路全年开通 A throughout B though C thoughout D through 110、I be very nice if he could come for our party.如果他能来参加我们的聚会我很好 A.will B.would C.shall D.was going to 101-105CAADA 106-110DACAB 111、After the they drove to the Guest house at speed.A.top B.head C.whole D.every 112、She has nothing to do with the murder case.She is not it.她与谋杀案毫无关系 A.concerned with B.related in C.involved in 参与 D.concerned in 113、When her name was mentioned.I sam Mary from her seat.当提到她的名字。我山姆玛丽从她的座位 A.raise B.raising C.in rise D.rising 114、I could not persuade him to accept it make him see the importance of it.我既不能说服他去接受也不能让他了解其重要性 A.it only I could not B.or I could not C.no more than I could D.nor could I 115、The of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.本世纪空中旅行的连接使世界似乎变小了。A.vacation B.connection 连接 C.innovation D.liberation 116、We forgave his bad temper because we know that his son s illness had put him under great_ 我们体谅他的坏脾气,我们知道他儿子的病使他承受著很大的压力 A.emotion B.excitement C.crisis D.stress 压力 117、I was such a wonderful day that they decided it take a day to the mountain.这样美好的一天,他们决定要远足 A.away B.voyage C.boat trip D.excursion 远足 118、According to the author,the future doesn t need .作者认为,未来不需要的追随者 A.Creativity B.imagination C.creators D.followers 119、The sign _ that cars cannot enter.这种标志表示汽车不能入内 A moves B means C sounds D appears 120、Caught(赶上)a _of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.瞥见出租车之前就消失在街道拐角处 A vision B glimpse 瞥见 C look D scene 111-115 ACDDB 116-120DDDBB 121、The observer,s statement about the accident was very _ ,we know almost every thing about it now.观察者,对事故的陈述是非常具体的我们所知道的几乎每一件事对我们的 A especial B exceptional C special D specific 122、disturbing her,the news had a strangely calming effect.这消息非但没有令她不安,反而产生了一种奇怪的镇定效果 A instead B in stead of C in the stead D instead of 123、I,d rather read than watch television,the programs seem _all the time.我宁愿阅读也不愿看电视 节目似乎总是变得越来越糟 A getting wor


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