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    高考英语写作高分表达(一)【高分词组】2名词(词组)1.优点普通表达advantage / benefit / strength 高级表达merit2.空无一人的街道普通表达Streets without people 高级表达streets devoid of pedestrians3.未知领域普通表达unknown area高级表达uncharted territory 形容词(词组)1.累人的普通表达tiring高级表达physically demanding2.贵得离谱普通表达extremely expensive 高级表达prohibitively expensive 动词(词组)1.过度思虑某事普通表达think too much about sth 高级表达dwell on sth2.使人极其焦虑普通表达make sb extremely anxious 高级表达lead to an anxious paralysis 3.有严重的缺陷普通表达have a serious shortcoming高级表达be fatally flawed4.有着广泛的应用普通表达can be widely used / have a wide application 高级表达be broadly applicable5.专注于某事普通表达focus on sth高级表达moor yourself to sth 6.低估普通表达underestimate / devalue高级表达downplay7.担忧普通表达be worried / concerned 高级表达fret8.使某人失去信心普通表达make sb lose confidence 高级表达demoralize sb9.被所包围普通表达be surrounded with / by高级表达be enveloped in 10.摆脱强烈的恐惧感普通表达get rid of the strong sense of fear高级表达shake the overpowering sense of dread11.全力应付普通表达struggle to deal with 高级表达wrestle with 12.充满痛苦普通表达be filled with pain 高级表达be consumed by pain 13.天生就普通表达be born to 高级表达be hardwired to 14.立马引起关注普通表达get attention immediately 高级表达instantly command attention 15.羡慕地看着某人普通表达look at sb with envy高级表达cast admiring glances at sb【高分句型】1.人们越来越关心.普通表达People became increasingly concerned about sth.高级表达Concerns over sth mounted.2.Sb认为sth不容乐观。普通表达Sb be pessimistic about sth高级表达Sb gives a downbeat assessment of sth3.是合乎情理的。普通表达It is reasonable/ plausible that高级表达It stands to reason that4.大家都心知肚明普通表达It goes without saying that高级表达Theres an unspoken recognition that5.A是B的基石;A是B的必备要素。普通表达A is the basis of B / B is based on A.高级表达A is a building block to B.6.A被B所吸引普通表达A is attracted / drawn to B.高级表达A gravitates to/toward B.7.某人对某事有深刻的了解普通表达Sb have a deep understanding of sth.高级表达Sb gain remarkable insights into sth.8.的要点是普通表达The main point of is that 高级表达The big takeaway of is that9.A与B不能相提并论普通表达A is insignificant when compared with B.高级表达A pales in comparison with B.10.某事成为关注的焦点普通表达Sth becomes a focus of concern.高级表达Sth becomes an intense preoccupation.11.我突然感到恐慌。普通表达Panic seized me.高级表达A wave of panic engulfed me.12.B使A更糟糕,使A雪上加霜的是B普通表达A is made worse because of B.高级表达A is compounded by B.13.某人一直担忧普通表达Sb is always worried / concerned about高级表达Sbs lingering concern is 14.某人经过多次尝试才能普通表达Sb is able to do after many attempts.高级表达It takes sb multiple tries to be able to do15.与大家想的相反,.普通表达Different from what people think, .高级表达Contrary to popular opinion, .16.最近在某地变得非常流行普通表达 has become very popular in sp recently.高级表达 has become the latest trend to sweep sp.17.我突然间领悟到了普通表达I suddenly understood 高级表达I had an epiphany about 18.A是导致B的最主要原因普通表达A is the main reason for B.高级表达A is the biggest contributor to B.19.A等同于B;A无异于B普通表达A is equal to B.高级表达A is tantamount to B.20.对环境和社会产生影响普通表达.has effect on the environment and society.高级表达.has environmental and social implications.(二)【高分词组】1.摧毁某人的信心普通表达destroy ones confidence高级表达crush ones confidence2.不情愿做某事普通表达be unwilling / reluctant to do 高级表达lack the inclination to do3.不喜欢,讨厌普通表达dislike / hate高级表达be averse to4.称赞,称道普通表达praise / compliment高级表达speak approvingly of5.打乱日常节奏普通表达disrupt the routine高级表达upset the routine6.丧失,被剥夺普通表达lose, be deprived of高级表达be stripped of7.处于困境普通表达be trapped in高级表达be mired in8.(例如物价等)一直居高不下普通表达be kept at a high level all the time高级表达remain stubbornly high9.不翼而飞,消失得无影无踪普通表达disappear completely高级表达disappear without trace10.屈服于普通表达give in to高级表达succumb to11.无休止地普通表达nonstop高级表达relentlessly12.特别在意,有的情结普通表达particularly care about, pay particular attention to高级表达have an obsession about, have a complex about13.引发众人的愤怒普通表达cause the public to become angry高级表达trigger the public anger14.给某人带来创伤普通表达bring sb trauma高级表达leave a deep scar on sb15.自信心爆棚普通表达be full of confidence / be extremely confident高级表达swell with confidence16.被所环绕普通表达be surrounded by高级表达be framed by17.受所影响普通表达be influenced by高级表达be swayed by18.弱势群体普通表达the disadvantaged高级表达the underprivileged19.不知道,未注意到普通表达be unaware of高级表达be oblivious of / to20.被吸引住,被迷住普通表达be attracted by / to, be fascinated by高级表达be riveted by / to【高分句型】1. 变得越来越不可能。普通表达 has become increasingly impossible.高级表达Hopes of have faded.2.某人逐渐意识到普通表达Sb gradually realized that 高级表达Sb sank into the realization that 3.A可以抵消掉B的一部分副作用普通表达A can reduce some bad effects of B高级表达A is a counterweight/counterbalance to B4. 的观点几乎大错特错普通表达The idea that is almost completely wrong.高级表达The idea that can scarcely be more wrong.5. 变得越来越先进和普遍普通表达 become increasingly advanced and popular高级表达 grow in sophistication and prevalence6. 的事实使某人失去了做某事的机会普通表达The fact that makes sb lose the opportunity to do 高级表达The fact that disqualifies sb from 7.技术正在迅猛地发展。普通表达Technology is developing rapidly / at an accelerated speed.高级表达Technology is developing by leaps and bounds.8.某人没工夫做某事普通表达Sb doesnt have the time to do .高级表达Sb doesnt have the luxury of time to do .9.就算为了挣钱,你也不能远离家人普通表达Even if you have to earn money, you cant stay away from your family高级表达The pursuit of money cant justify your time away from your family.10.专家认为A并不一定会导致B。普通表达Experts believe A doesnt necessarily lead to B.高级表达Experts argue the correlation between A and B is weak.11.做某事已经变得自然而然了。普通表达Doing sth has become a habit.高级表达Doing sth has become second nature.12.是一件幸事。普通表达Its good to do .高级表达Its a blessing to do .13.A被认为比B重要。普通表达A is considered to be more important than B.高级表达A takes precedence over B.14.某物起不到一点作用。普通表达Sth is not helpful at all.高级表达Sth serves no purpose. 15.某物经常让某人想起。普通表达Sth often makes sb think of / Sth often reminds sb of .高级表达Sth serves as a constant reminder of .16.我们都喜欢。普通表达We all like .高级表达We share an interest in / a love of .17.大部分人相信 。普通表达Most people believe that / Its widely believed that .高级表达A belief (that is) widely shared is that .18.想象一下自己正在做 。普通表达Imagine yourself doing .高级表达Picture yourself doing .19.他走神了普通表达He was absent-minded.高级表达His mind wandered.20.A易受B的影响普通表达A is easily affected by B.高级表达A is vulnerable / susceptible to B.(三)【高分词组】1.使某人明白某事普通表达make sb realize sth高级表达bring sth home to sb2.不想要的后果普通表达unwanted result高级表达unintended consequence3.沉浸于(某项活动)普通表达be lost in高级表达be engrossed in4.一本十分精彩的书普通表达a very interesting book高级表达a page-turner5.变得兴致勃勃普通表达become interested高级表达become intrigued6.一般来说普通表达generally高级表达typically7.认真思索某事普通表达think about sth carefully高级表达contemplate sth; mull sth over8.困惑的;迷惘的普通表达be confused, be at a loss高级表达be in a fog9.遥远的地区普通表达remote areas高级表达far-flung areas10.唤起快乐的情绪普通表达arouse happy emotions高级表达stir up happy emotions11.大量的食物普通表达a lot of food高级表达an abundance of food12.对某物的强烈渴望普通表达a strong desire for sth高级表达a (desperate) craving for sth13.在身体状态最佳时普通表达in the best physical condition高级表达in peak physical condition14.留心普通表达be careful高级表达be mindful15.凌乱的房间普通表达a messy room高级表达a cluttered room16.注定会失败普通表达be certain to fail高级表达be destined to fail17.令人望而生畏的普通表达look difficult and frightening高级表达look daunting / intimidating18.因某事表扬某人普通表达praise sb for sth高级表达give sb credit for sth19.赢得关注普通表达get attention高级表达garner attention20.调整期望值普通表达adjust ones expectations高级表达calibrate ones expectations【高分句型】1.做某事很重要。普通表达Its very important / vital to do 高级表达Its imperative to do .2.罗列/盘点一下生活中的快乐。普通表达List what brings you joy in life.高级表达Take inventory of what brings you joy in life.3.当提及有人就会质疑。普通表达Some people raise doubts when it comes to sth / doing.高级表达There are some skeptics when it comes to sth / doing.4.做某事有额外好处。普通表达Theres another advantage to doing 高级表达Theres an added bonus to doing5.某事物将永远存续下去。普通表达 will continue to exist.高级表达 is here to stay.6.A与B无关。普通表达A has nothing to do with B.高级表达 A has no bearing on B.7.A与B相一致。普通表达A agrees with B / A is in agreement with B; A is consistent with B.高级表达A is congruent with B.8.A反映了B。普通表达A reflects B.高级表达 A is a mirror of B./ A mirrors B.9.A比B高出许多。普通表达A is much taller than B.高级表达 A towers over B.10.我更加明白了。普通表达I know more clearly (than ever) that高级表达 I have a heightened awareness that11.竞争越来越常见,越来越激烈。普通表达Competition is becoming increasingly/growingly frequent and intense.高级表达 Competition is increasing in frequency and intensity.12.做某事让人打开眼界。普通表达Doing is a great surprise .高级表达 Doing is an eye-opener .13.某人觉得某事不足为奇;某人对某事习以为常。普通表达Sth wont appear strange to sb;Sth wont surprise sb.高级表达 Sth wont come as news to sb.14.A对B造成巨大损失;A对B产生不良影响。普通表达A causes great damages to B;A has bad effects on B.高级表达 A takes a toll on B.15.某人逐渐明白。普通表达Sb gradually realized that高级表达 It dawned on sb that16.竞争变得越来越激烈。普通表达Competition is becoming increasingly fierce/keen/intense.高级表达 Competition is intensifying.17.对于,谁都说不准。普通表达No one is sure about sth.高级表达 Sth is anyones guess.18.某事给我们的教训是普通表达Sth teaches us a lesson that 高级表达 Sth serves as a lesson that 19.人们一直担忧普通表达People cant get rid of the worry that 高级表达 There is a nagging worry that 20.某人把A归因于B。普通表达Sb attributes/owes A to B.高级表达 Sb ascribes A to B.(四)【高分词组】1.居住于普通表达live in 高级表达reside in 2.爱购物的人普通表达a person interested in shopping 高级表达a shopping enthusiast 3.噪音引起的听力丧失普通表达hearing loss caused by noise高级表达noise-induced hearing loss 4.戛然而止普通表达stop suddenly 高级表达come to a crashing halt 5.声名鹊起普通表达become famous 高级表达come/rise to prominence 6.让人欣慰普通表达make sb relieved 高级表达come as a relief 7.住在附近普通表达live nearby 高级表达live in proximity 8.因筋疲力尽普通表达be exhausted by 高级表达be drained by9.受困扰普通表达be troubled by 高级表达be plagued by 10.真相大白普通表达become publicly known 高级表达come to light 11.从中恢复过来普通表达recover from 高级表达bounce back from 12.以告终普通表达end up with 高级表达culminate in/with 13.有争议的话题普通表达a controversial issue 高级表达a contentious issue 14.对某物的更精确的描述普通表达a more accurate description of sth高级表达a more accurate snapshot of sth15.详述普通表达discuss sth in detail 高级表达expand on sth16.在很大程度上普通表达to a great extent 高级表达in large part 17.精力有限普通表达a limited amount of energy 高级表达a finite amount of energy 18.引起他人的羡慕普通表达cause others to envy you 高级表达elicit feelings of envy19.讨厌自己的人普通表达people who dislike themselves 高级表达people with self-loathing 20.努力去解决普通表达try to solve 高级表达grapple with 【高分句型】1.A与B紧密相关。普通表达A is closely related to B.高级表达A is intimately tied up/bound up with B.2.富人获取了绝大部分的收益。普通表达Most of the gains are obtained by the rich.高级表达The gains have been disproportionately captured by the rich.3.贫富差距依旧存在。普通表达The gap between the rich and the poor continues to exist .高级表达The gap between the rich and the poor persists.4.某人应该为某事负责。普通表达Sb should be responsible for sth.高级表达Sb should be held liable for sth.5.一想到我就觉得难过。普通表达Whenever I think of , I feel sad.高级表达The mere thought of triggers sadness.6.某事在社交媒体上迅速传开。普通表达Sth spread quickly on social media.高级表达 Sth went viral on social media.Sth swept social media.7.(某种现象)表明了。普通表达Sth shows that 高级表达Sth is a sign that 8.A产生于B。普通表达A comes/derives from B.高级表达 A is a product of B.9.我坚信普通表达I firmly believe that高级表达 My conviction is that10.我们不能就某事达成共识。普通表达We cant agree on sth.高级表达 We have a profound lack of consensus on sth.11.对某事的意见分歧严重。普通表达Opinion is divided on sth.高级表达 Theres opinion polarization in sth.12.我们对某事无法达成共识。普通表达We dont agree on sth.高级表达 We have a profound lack of consensus on sth.13.A唯一的可取之处是B。普通表达As only advantage is B.高级表达 As saving grace is B.14.A导致B出现的机率增大。普通表达A increases the likelihood of B.高级表达 A raise the odds of B.15.人们认为A比B重要。普通表达A is considered more important than B.高级表达 A takes precedence over B.16.人们对变得越来越激动。普通表达People become more and more excited about 高级表达 Excitement about builds.17.A远优于B。普通表达A is much better than B.高级表达 A eclipses B; A towers over/above B.18.A明显体现了B的好处普通表达A clearly shows/proves the benefit of B.高级表达 A is testimony to the virtue of B.19.A预示着B普通表达A is an indication of B.高级表达 A serves as a bellwether of B.20.人们认为sth是转瞬即逝的。普通表达People see sth as short-lived.高级表达 People see sth as ephemeral.(五)【高分词组】1.志同道合的人普通表达people sharing similar ideas高级表达like-minded people 2.不受的影响普通表达be immune to 高级表达be impervious to 3.广泛的,各种各样的普通表达a variety of; a wide range of 高级表达a wide array of 4.以为基础普通表达be based on 高级表达be predicated on5.积累财富普通表达accumulate wealth 高级表达amass wealth 6.A与B相似普通表达A is similar to B高级表达A is akin to B7.对着迷普通表达be attracted by 高级表达be bewitched by 8.给人留下深刻的印象普通表达leave sb a deep impression 高级表达leave sb an indelible impression 9.避免被遗忘普通表达prevent sth from being forgotten 高级表达rescue sth from oblivion 10.减肥普通表达lose weight 高级表达shed weight 【高分句型】1.A与B背道而驰。普通表达A is the opposite of B.高级表达A runs counter to B.例句This action runs counter to the goal of environmental protection.这一行动与环境保护的目标背道而驰。2.A使人想到B。普通表达A reminds sb of B.高级表达A is reminiscent of B.例句The way he joked was reminiscent of my former deskmate.他开玩笑的方式让我想起了我以前的同桌。3.A是B的典型代表;A很好地诠释了B。普通表达A is a perfect example of B.高级表达A epitomizes B.例句The wider availability of job opportunities epitomizes the attraction of cities.更广泛的就业机会很好地诠释了城市的吸引力。4.人们最想要的是普通表达What one wants most is 高级表达 is the height of aspiration.例句In the 1980s, a tape recorder of our own was the height of aspiration.在20世纪80年代,我们最渴望的是拥有自己的录音机。5.很难解释。普通表达 is hard to explain.高级表达 defies explanation.例句The reason for these excess deaths defies explanation.这些额外死亡的原因无法解释。6.A与B几乎完


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