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    2023学年度人教版必修3Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Period4 Grammar学案设计.docx

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    2023学年度人教版必修3Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Period4 Grammar学案设计.docx

    2023 学年度人教版必修 3Unit 5 Canada aThe True North w Period4Grammar 学案设计1 .Grasp the grammatical rules of noun clauses as the appositive in this unit;leam to put them into practice freely.2 .Learn to construct the grammatical trees and use the noun clauses in real situations through self-study and cooperative exploration.3 .Be absorbed in English study and enjoy the beauty of English.学习过程一、语法聚焦(同位语从句)学习建议:依据所列例句,理解并尝试总结同位语从句的用法。(一)同位语从句的基本概念1 .Tom,our monitorjs a handsome boy.汤姆,我们的班长,是一个帅气的男孩。1.1 myself will do the experiment.我要自己做这一试验。3.She is the oldest among them six.她是她们六人当中年龄最大的。4. Yes terday I met Tom,a friend of my brother's.7 .We have offered him the position,but I don't have the slightest idea he will accept it.A.howB.ifC.whether D.that8 .People all over the world have a dream they will always live a peaceful life.A.that B.whatC.whichD. where课后作业1 .Master what we have learned today.2 .Tidy the mistakes in the paper.参考答案学习过程(一)同位语详细内容 名词 抽象后面 详 细内容(二)【归纳总结】(1)只起连接作用,既无含义也不充当任何成分(2)不充当任何成分,意为“是否(3)充当从句主语或宾语,意为谁"什么(4)充当从句状语,意为“哪里"怎么样"什么时候(三)2.(should);do 3.whether;that(四)小结凝问浣全与疑问词相同;状语课堂练习1 .that we should take the train from west to east across Canada sounds very exciting.2 .The idea that they decided to clone the first human being surprised many people at the meeting.3 .He broke the rule that no one is allowed to smoke on campus.4 .In the letter he expressed his wish that he would come and visit China again.课后提升挑战一1 3.1.The Chinese basketball fans went wild with joy when they heard the news that Yao Ming had collected forty points for the Houston Rockets in the game.2 .There is no doubt that he is the right person for this job.3 .The captain gave the order that all the soldiers had to reach the village before dawn.0.1. that 2.that 3. that 4.how 5. what 6. whether4 .1. that 一 which5 .how that6 . ifwhether7 .wherethat/which 或去掉 where8 .when 一 that挑战二9 .B 2,B 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A昨天,我遇到了汤姆,我哥哥的一个挚友。10 He told me the news that the plane had exploded.他告知我那架飞机爆炸的消息。以上句子的画线部分在句子中充当的成分是0它是 句子成分的一种,它位于名词、代词后面,补充说明它们的, 它可以由、代词、数词、名词性短语或从句等充当。11 The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.要横贯整个大陆的想法是令人兴奋的。12 The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.海轮可以开到五大湖,让女孩们感到惊讶。同位语从句在句中作某一名词尤其是名词的同位语, 一般位于该名词,说明说明该名词的。这些抽 象名词通常有fact,news,idea,truth,hope,problem,information,belief,thought,doubt,promi se,question 等。(二)同位语从句的连接词细致视察下列句子,留意连接词的用法。13 The news that Mr Li will be our new English teacher is true.李先生将会是我们的新英语老师的消息是精确的。14 He hasn't made the decision whether he will go there.他还没有确 定他是否会去那儿。15 The question who should do the job is being discussed at the meeting.谁该做这份工作正在会议上探讨。4.1 have no idea what the boy is doing in the next room now.我不知道那个男孩在邻屋里做什么。5.We haven't yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation this year.我们还没有定下来今年到哪里过暑假。6.1 have no idea how I can get to the railway station.我不矢口道如何 去火车站。6.2 have no idea when he will be back.我不知道他什么时候回来。 1 )that引导同位语从句时,如句1;(2)whether引导同位语从句时,如句2;(3)连接代词who,what等引导同位语从句时,如句 3,4;(4)连接副词 where,how,when等在从句中,如句 5,6,7。(三)同位语从句的留意事项1 .The story goes that William Tell killed the king with an arrow.传闻威廉特尔用箭杀死了国王。Word came that their team had won.他们队获胜的消息传来。小结:分隔式同位语从句:当含有同位语从句的句子谓语部分过短时,可 以把谓语动词提前,使同位语从句与名词隔开,以避开头重脚轻的现象。2 .(l)Our teacher gave us some advice that we use the computer.我们的老师给我们建议应当运用电脑。(2)The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule should be adopted.应当采纳新规定的建议是主席提出来的。(3)The teacher gave the order that all the homework be finished in three weeks.老师吩咐我们全部的作业应当在三周内完成。先行词为名词 advice,suggestion,order,demand,command,request,desire,proposal 等后的 同位语从句要运用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用 +的形 式。3 .名词doubt后的同位语从句用 引导;no doubt后的同位语从句用 引导。(1)1 have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time.我怀疑他们是否能按时完成这项任务。(2)There is no doubt that Lily will keep her promise.毫无疑问莉莉 会信守诺言。(四)同位语从句与定语从句的区分1.1 still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.我还记得我第一次来北京的那天。(定语从句)2 .Do you have any idea when he will be back?你知道他什么时候回来吗?(同位语从句)3 .This is the house where I lived two years ago.这是我两年前住过的房子。(定语从句)4 .Then arose the question where we were to get the machinesneeded.那时就产生了这样一个问题,我们到哪儿找寻所须要的机器。(同 位语从句)小结:当when,where等引导定语从句时,其意思与先行词的意思基本相 同,没有 意义;但它们引导同位语从句时,与先行词毫无关系,其意义,即when表示“什么时候,where表示“哪儿。它们引 导这两种从句时,都在从句中作 o课堂练习Rewrite the following sentences with noun clauses as the appositive.1 .He suggested that we should take the train from west to east across Canada.lt sounds very exciting.His suggestion _2 .They decided to clone the first human being.The idea surprised many people at the meeting.3 .No one is allowed to smoke on campus.But he broke the rule.4 .He hoped that he would come and visit China again.He expressed his wish in the letter.课后提升挑战一小试牛刀I .将下面的句子改写为含有同位语从句的句子。1 .Yao Ming collected forty points for the Houston Rockets in the game.When the Chinese basketball fans heard the news,they went wild with joy.2 .He is the right person for this job.No one has any doubt about it.3 .The captain gave the order.All the soldiers had to reach the village before dawn.固用适当的连接词填空,使下列句子意思完整。1 .They expressed the hope they would come over to China soon.2 .The fact he didn't see Tom this morning is true.3 .Word has come some American guests will come to our college for a visit next week.4 .He can't answer the question he got the money from his home yesterday.5 .Do you have any idea is actually going on in the classroom?6 .The problem we should have the meeting in the hall must be decided at once.因下列各句中均有一处错误,请改正。1 .Our team has won the game,that made us very happy.2 .Fve come with a message from Mr Wang how he won't be able to see you this afternoon.3 .He must answer the question if he agrees with what she said or not.4 .Fve read the book where you gave me the day before yesterday.5 .One of the men held the opinion when what the book said was right.挑战二典题在线6 .Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?Yeah,but I have no idea he did it;that/s one of his favorite universities.A.when B.whyC.that D.how7 .The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total beliefyou are better than anyone else on the sports field.A.howB.thatC.whichD. whether8 .The notice came around two in the afternoon the meeting would be postponed.A.when B.thatC.whether D.how9 .A story goes Elizabeth of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen.A.whenB. whichC.what D.that10 There's a feeling in me we'll never know what a UFO isnot ever.A.thatB. whichC.of which D.what11 There is still some doubt the system will work even though all the factors have been considered.A.thatB. whichC.whyD. whether


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