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    学习好资料 欢迎下载 七年级牛津初中英语预备课程教学案 Unit 6 In the park 要点直击 1.on,in,under,behind,between 等在英语中为介词,用来表达东西在哪儿。(1)I m between the trees.我在两棵树之间。between 意为“在(两者)之间”,通常与 and 连用。例如:I m between Millie and Peter.我在米莉和皮特之间。(2)Peter is in front of the gate.皮特在大门前。2.in front of 意思是“在的前面”,表示某个物体在某个范围之外的前方。如:There is a big tree in front the building.楼前有一棵大树。in the front of 意思为“在前部”,表示某物在某范围之内的前部。如:There is a teacher s desk in the front of the classroom.教师前面有一个讲台。3.Where is the bird?小鸟在哪儿?It s in the tree.在树上。in the tree(在树上)强调的是外部事物在树上。on the tree(在树上)则表示本身长出的东西在树上,如花,树叶,果实等。4.What about shops?商店呢?What about?意思是“怎么样?”表示一种询问或建议。如:I m a student.What about you?我是学生,你呢?5.What s under the tree?树下有什么?What s+介词词组?是一个非常重要的句型,用来询问“某地于什么”。回答这个句型通常“There be 句型”,有时还可用 It s 或 They re 6.It s not very big but it s beautiful.虽然它不是很大,但是很漂亮。but 是转折连词,意为“但是,可是”。放在第二个句子前面。如:The room is small,but it s very clean.这个房间虽小,但是很干净。课堂检测 一、用代词的适当形式填空。1.There is a letter for _(she)mother.2.That is _(she)coat.The coat is red._(its)is a new one.3.Whose(谁的)pens are these?_(their)are _(we)pens.4.Give _(he)a toy,please.5._(we)eyes are black._(us)come from Japan.6.Tim and Bill are twins._(their)are from England._ (them)parents are teachers in No.6 Middle school.7.Don t look at _(I)book.8.These are _(we)cars.二、把下列短语翻译为英语 1.看 2.在他的书桌上 3.在门后 4.在他们的椅子下 5.在地板上 6.在我们的课桌里 7.在两棵树中间_ 8.在床下 _ 9.摘花_10.喂鸟_ 11.在的右边_12.在操场中间_ 13.许多,大量_14.在两只盒子之间_ 15.树上的鸟_ 16.在我家附近_ 三、用适当的介词填空。1.There are some flowers _ front of the classroom.学习好资料 欢迎下载 2.The little boy is the middle of the room 3.There are two windows _ the wall and a map of China _the wall 4.Whos _ duty today?Do you know?5.Who is _ you and Ann?6.Where is your mother _?7.The girl _ the red skirt is my lovely sister.四、补全对话。Lucy:Mum,can you see my pen?Mother:No,I can t._ it on the desk?Lucy:Let _ see.It s my pen.Mother:_ is your pencil-box?Lucy:Oh,my pencil-box is in my bag.Mother:Where is your bag?Lucy:I can t see.Mother:Is it on your desk?Lucy:No,it _.Mother:Look!Lucy.It s _ _.Lucy:_?Mother:Behind the door.Lucy:Oh,it s here.Mother:Is _ pencil in your pencil-box?Lucy:Yes,it is.Thank you very much,mum.五、句型转换。1.There are some cats in the tree.(对划线部分提问)_ in the tree?2.The dog is behind the door.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the dog?3.There are two hundred teachers in our school.(对划线部分提问)_ _ teachers _ _ in our school?4.Don t open the window.(改为肯定句)_ the window.5.We have thirty boys in our class.(改为同义句)_ _ thirty boys in our class.六、完形填空。I _1_ a good friend at school.He is _2_English boy.His _3_ is Tom.He is_4_.We are _5_ No.8 Middle School.But we are not in _6_class.He is in Class Three.Im in Class Two.His home is behind _7_.Toms father and mother are teachers.Toms sister _8_ a student.She is six.She is a nice _9_.Look,today she _10_ in a while hat.()1.A.am B.can C.have D.find()2.A./B.a C.an D.the()3.A.teacher B.name C.man D.girl()4.A.nineth B.tenth C.thirteens D.fourteen()5.A.at B.on C.to D.in()6.A.a same B.the different C.different D.the same()7.A.my home B.my C.me D.I()8.A.not is B.is not C.are not D.not are()9.A.boy B.girl C.mother D.woman()10.A.have B.is C.put D.is 六、根据汉语完成句子。棵树之间意为在两者之间通常与连用例如我在米莉和皮特之间皮特在大门前意思是在的前面表示某个物体在某个范围之外的前方如楼前有一棵大树意思为在前部表示某物在某范围之内的前部如教师前面有一个讲台小鸟在哪儿在树上种询问或建议如我是学生你呢树下有什么介词词组是一个非常重要的句型用来询问某地于什么回答这个句型通常句型有时还可用或虽然它不是很大但是很漂亮是转折连词意为但是可是放在第二个句子前面如这个房间虽小但是很干净我们的课桌里在两棵树中间在床下摘花喂鸟在的右边在操场中间许多大量在两只盒子之间树上的鸟在我家附近三用当的介词填空学习好资料欢迎下载四补全对话五句型转换对划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改为肯定句学习好资料 欢迎下载 1.不要迟到了。_ _ late again.2.她的花在椅子后面吗?Are _ _ _ the chair?3.禁止在这个湖里游泳。_ _ _ the lake.4.他们在哪里?在咖啡馆左边。_ _ they?They re _ _ _ _ the caf.5.湖上有船吗?没有。_ there a boat _ the lake?No,_ _.6.树上有多少个苹果?_ _ apples are there _ the tree?7.有一只猫在椅子下面。There is a cat _ _ _.8.别在公园里摘花。_ _ _ in the park.9.地面上有一些书和照片。There are _ books and photos _ _ _.10.有许多学生在操场上。There are _ students _ _ _.11.房子附近有很多美丽的花。_ the house,there are _ _ _ beautiful flowers.八、阅读理解。A 根据短文内容判断正误,选“T”或“F”。This is our classroom.It is very big.It has four windows.The windows are big,too.There are 45 students in our class.Everyone has a desk and a chair.They are all new.We look after them very well.In our classroom there are two blackboards.One is for the teachers and the other(另一个)is for the students.The walls are white.On the walls there are some pictures,and there are two maps,too,a map of China and a map of the world.In the morning the students come to school very early(早),and the teacher comes to school early,too.We has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We like our lessons very much.Our classroom is good.Our class is good,too.We like our class and our classroom.()1.The classroom is big,but the windows are small.()2.There are 45 desks and chairs in the classroom.()3.There is one big blackboard in the classroom.()4.There are two maps on the wall.()5.They have four lessons everyday.B 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Lily and Lucy are American girls.They look the same.They are twins.They are very young.They are twelve years old.They are in the same school.Their father is a worker.Their mother is a teacher.Their parents like them very much.Lily and Lucy s bedroom is big and nice.There are two desks in it.There are many books and a computer on one desk.There is a very beautiful picture on the wall.They like their bedroom very much.棵树之间意为在两者之间通常与连用例如我在米莉和皮特之间皮特在大门前意思是在的前面表示某个物体在某个范围之外的前方如楼前有一棵大树意思为在前部表示某物在某范围之内的前部如教师前面有一个讲台小鸟在哪儿在树上种询问或建议如我是学生你呢树下有什么介词词组是一个非常重要的句型用来询问某地于什么回答这个句型通常句型有时还可用或虽然它不是很大但是很漂亮是转折连词意为但是可是放在第二个句子前面如这个房间虽小但是很干净我们的课桌里在两棵树中间在床下摘花喂鸟在的右边在操场中间许多大量在两只盒子之间树上的鸟在我家附近三用当的介词填空学习好资料欢迎下载四补全对话五句型转换对划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改为肯定句学习好资料 欢迎下载()1 Lily and Lucy are _ girls.A England B Chinese C American D Japanese()2 They look _.A the same B the different C same D young()3 How old are they?They are _.A thirteen B eleven C twenty D twelve()4 Their parents like_.A she B them C her D hers()5 How many people are there in Lily s family?A four B five C six D seven()6 Where is the computer?It s _.A in the bedroom B on one desk C on the wall D on the other desk 棵树之间意为在两者之间通常与连用例如我在米莉和皮特之间皮特在大门前意思是在的前面表示某个物体在某个范围之外的前方如楼前有一棵大树意思为在前部表示某物在某范围之内的前部如教师前面有一个讲台小鸟在哪儿在树上种询问或建议如我是学生你呢树下有什么介词词组是一个非常重要的句型用来询问某地于什么回答这个句型通常句型有时还可用或虽然它不是很大但是很漂亮是转折连词意为但是可是放在第二个句子前面如这个房间虽小但是很干净我们的课桌里在两棵树中间在床下摘花喂鸟在的右边在操场中间许多大量在两只盒子之间树上的鸟在我家附近三用当的介词填空学习好资料欢迎下载四补全对话五句型转换对划线部分提问对划线部分提问对划线部分提问改为肯定句


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