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    译林小学英语六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 教案 .doc

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    译林小学英语六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 教案 .doc

    Unit 7 Summer holiday plans教案1教学目标:1、知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词South Africa, Thailand, exciting,frightening, tiring, interesting, comfortable, spicy, delicious2、能力目标:能听懂、会说、会读、会写日常交际用语I want to go to-. I want to-. Thats -.3、情感、态度、价值观目标:培养学生主动交流个人的意见看法,帮助学生树立良好的兴趣爱好和引起学生对生活的热爱。教学重点:掌握新单词,运用所学句型I want to go to-. I want to -.That's -进行交流。教学难点:exciting, frightening, tiring, interesting理解与运用教学过程:Step 1.Warming-up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song”If you are happy”3. Free talk(设计意图:先唱一首欢快的歌曲带动学生的气氛,然后运用学生已掌握的句型了解学生的情况,拉近与学生的距离,为学生学习英语创设环境。)Step 2.Presentation1First enjoy some pictures of travelling.T: I like travelling. Now lets enjoy some pictures of travelling. OK?(屏幕展示教师的旅游图片)(设计意图:创设假期旅游的情境)2导入课题: Summer holidayT: Whats the weather like?Ss: Its very hot.T: Yes, its very hot. But theres good news that summer holiday is coming. Lets plan our summer holiday.(设计意图:与学生自由交谈天气情况,自然过渡到本文内容summer holiday.)3.T: Before we travel, we must know more about countries. Look at the pictures Guess: Which country is it?(屏幕展示各国图片)Ss: China, the UK, the USA, Canada -T: Follow me to travel around the world. The route is Australia - South Africa - Thailand -the Great Wall(长城) - Xian - Hainan( 设计意图:让学生充分的利用已有的知识,为以下新学内容做好铺垫,旅游线路的设计,将本课学习的知识形成了一条清晰的线索。)4(1)T:First I want to go to Australia. I want to ski there. Thats exciting.(Show CAI)利用音标教授新词,带读齐读one by one读。教师贴教具 I want to go to -. I want to -. Thats -.Australia和exciting,教授exciting这个单词时,向学生展示了欢乐谷的激动场面,突破难点exciting这个单词。(2)T:I want to go to South Africa. I want to see hippos, elephants and lions. Thats frightening.(Show CAI)利用音标教授新词,带读齐读one by one读。教师贴教具South Africa和frightening, 教授frightening这个单词时,先让学生闭上眼睛,利用CAI呈现一张可怕的图像,再让学生睁开眼睛,突破难点frightening这个单词。(3)T: I want to go to Thailand. I want to eat a lot. The food is spicy and delicious. (Show CAI)利用音标教授新词,带读齐读one by one读。教师贴教具Thailand,spicy和delicious。教授spicy和delicious呈现pepper和一盘可口美味的食物,突破难点spicy和delicious这两个单词。(4)T:Now we are in China. First, I want to go to the Great Wall. I want to climb there. Thats tiring but beautiful. Show CAI)利用音标教授新词,带读齐读one by one读。教师贴教具the Great Wall, tiring和beautiful。教授tiring和beautiful时,呈现个人的一张爬华山的照片,突破难点tiring这个单词。(5)T: Next, I want to go to Xian. I want to go to lots of museums. Thats interesting. Show CAI)利用音标教授新词,带读齐读one by one读。教师贴教具Xian和interesting。(6)T:At last, I want to go to Hainan. I want to stay in a nice hotel. Thats comfortable. 分节教学单词com-for-ta-ble.带读-大小声游戏读-小组齐读-小组one by one检测.( 设计意图:在教授本课的新单词时,我采取了设计旅游路线的方法,将本课要学习的内容串联起来,这样就可以帮助学生形成一条清晰的思路。在引入每个新词的时候,我都利用图片创设情境,并通过图片让学生充分感受,突破难点的学习。comfortable这个单词比较长,采取分节教学,有节奏地朗读,增加了趣味性。 新单词的机械性操练以小竞赛的形式进行,降低枯燥的感觉,让学生在玩中快乐地重复学习。)5.conclusion:利用句型I want to go to -. I want to -. Thats -.总结本课的学习内容。(设计意图:让学生对刚学习过的内容进行归纳总结)Step 3 Practice1Play a game: 踩地雷游戏规则:根据我读的单词,判断正误,对的大声跟读,错的保持沉默并跺脚!( 设计意图: 以游戏的形式操练单词,即能降低枯燥的感觉,又能让学生在玩中快乐地重复学习。)2Find my partner游戏规则:根据我所给的音标卡,读出单词,并让一个学生将图片找出来,带领全体学生齐读。( 设计意图:此环节目的是让学生运用音标去认读记单词,因为到了高年级,随着单词的难度增大,记忆单词就要逐步过渡到利用音标去记单词。)3.读词游戏游戏规则:这个游戏分两步,比赛谁能最快读出单词,难度逐步加大。(设计意图:检测学生对本课新单词的掌握情况)Step 4 Consolidation and development1、总结本课新单词,找出其生成的规律。2、Pair work:同桌之间互相交流一下暑假的旅游计划,用上我们今天学的句型。(设计意图:让学生自主地运用所学的语言知识,进行简单的交际活动)3学生展示活动Step 5 Sum up and homework.1. Listen to the tape and recite Part A.2. Talk with your friends about what you want to do for the coming summer holiday.Unit 7 Summer holiday plans教案2教学目的:知识目标1.能听懂,会读,会说单词:summer holiday, go back to, how long, stay, sound, Disneyland, ocean park Taipei, photo, travel, traveler, travel around the world, different 2.能听懂,会读,会说句型:Where will you go for the holiday?How long will you stay there ? 能力目标能正确理解并朗读文章内容,尝试表演。情感目标能够在课上的活动中发现学习英语的乐趣,乐于去表达说出英语。教学重点:1.复习一般将来时态,掌握将来时态句型的变化形式2.初步理解一般将来时态的肯定否定的用法教学难点:理解一般将来时态的用法教学准备:白板 PPT 图片教学内容: Step 1: Showing timeT:Talk about your last summer holidayLets say somethings about(复习一般过去式的用法)T:Last summer holiday ,I went to BeijingT:But this summer holiday, what will you do ? What are your plans for this summer holiday ? (出示图片,引出课题)Step 2: Reading time(一)Some interesting places in the worldShow some pictures of interesting places in the world.教学单词:Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Taipei Disneyland ocean park (二)Watch the cartoon then match and saya.Mike will go .b.Yang Ling will go .c.Liu Tao will go .d.Su Hai will go .(朗读句子,理解句子大意,观看卡通片,理解课文大意)(三)Read story time and find the answerQs:1.What are the children doing?2.Where will Mike go for the holiday?3.How long will he stay in London?4.How will Yang Ling go to Beijing?5.Will Su Hai go to Disneyland ?6.What else place will she go ?(阅读问题,自由朗读课文。划出答案,并读一读)讲解短语:the summer holiday, how long, sound great, stay there, by plane, ocean park, travel around the world, be excited about, travel plans 连读句子:The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. That sounds great. Ill show you some photos after the holiday. (四)Read after teacher(五)Read in groupsStep3: Acting timeAct in groups, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .Step4: Creating timeHelp Mike fill the blanks:My friends and I will be busy in the summer holiday.lMy family and I will visit Grandma and Grandpa in _. We will stay there for _.lYang lings _ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer. She will go there by _.lSu Hai and her family will visit _ and _ in Hong Kong.lLiu Tao will go to _ with his parents. He will take some _ and show them after the holiday.Step4: Assignment the homework1.Recite Story time.2.Finish exercises on page 70.


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