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    2021年全国乙卷 +甲卷 01 听力--高考真题全方位解析+二次开发(学生版).docx

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    2021年全国乙卷 +甲卷 01 听力--高考真题全方位解析+二次开发(学生版).docx

    听力理解-高考真题全方位解析+二次开发 (学生版)2021年全国甲卷短对话1. What is the man doing?A. Asking the way.B. Giving directionsC. Correcting a mistake.2. What dress size does the woman want?A. 8.B. 10.C. 12.3. What is the woman likely to do?A. Make a phone call.B. Handle the problem.C. Have a rest.4. Which tour does the man seem to be interested in?A. The evening tour.B. The half-day tour.C. The full-day tour.5. Where are the speakers?A. At a canteen.B. At a clinic.C. At a bank.长对话6. What does the woman think of the match?A. Entertaining.B. Discouraging.C. Boring.7. What do the speakers plan to do on Tuesday afternoon?A. Watch a game.B. Play tennis.C. Go to the cinema.8. What does the man advise Mrs. White to do?A. Go on a diet.B. Do more exercise.C. Get enough sleep.9. Which can be included in Mrs. White's breakfast?A. Eggs.B. Sausages.C. Porridge.10. What is the man?A. teacher.B. A physician.C. A chef.11. How does Nancy look to Daniel?A. Confused.B. Excited.C. Anxious12. Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play?A. To comfort Nancy.B. To express his regret.C. To show his pride.13. What is Nancy going to do next week?A. Take a school test.B. Have a check-up.C. Go in for a competition.14. What does Daniel offer to do for Nancy?A. Rewrite her lines.B. Drive her to the theatre.C. Help her with the practice.15. What was Prof. Stone's grandfather afraid of?A. Leaving his home.B. Parting from his son.C. Taking early retirement.16. What does old age mean to many elderly Americans?A. Lack of moral support.B. Loss of self-worth.C. Change of living habits.17. What will Prof. Stone talk about next concerning elderly people?A. Public services they ask for.B. Health care available to them.C. Contributions they can make.独白18. What does the speaker's mother want her to be?A. A confident person.B. A warm-hearted person.C. A humorous person.19. Why did the speaker feel lonely in her childhood?A. She often traveled by herself.B. Her family moved frequently.C. Her mother was busy working.20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?A. Importance of home schooling.B. Mother-daughter relationship.C. A role model in her family. 2 / 4拓展练习一、话题词汇积累地点与场所词汇 (问路)get lost _ask the way _give directions _地点与场所词汇 (购物) 1 / 1a size twelve dress _try on _地点与场所词汇 (旅行)evening tout _half-day tour _full-day tour _schedule _ 地点与场所词汇 (看病)dizzy _have some chest pain _clinic _have a look _ 地点与场所词汇 (饮食)on a diet _salty _fast food _ fried food _steak _sausage _porridge _dessert _ 二、核心词汇替换 1 / 1medical care = _take a rest = _on the move = _worried = _help sb. get through = _play meaningful roles= _三、一词多义(请根据句意猜测划线词的词义)pain 1. _ He is a real pain.2. _ It pained me to see my child suffer like that.3. _The death of his son gave him infinite pain.4. _No pains, no gains.a. n. 讨厌的人或事b. n. 疼痛,痛苦c. n. 辛苦,努力d. v. 使痛苦,使烦恼match1. _Our side beat the other in the match.2. _Bill is no match for his brother on this.3. _The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie.4. _He struck a match and lit his cigarette.a. n. 比赛,竞赛b. v. 对手,敌手,相配的人或事物c. n. 火柴d. v. 和.相配,相称,匹敌四、作文素材积累1. As soon as I saw the crowd of people down there, my heart beat so fast that I was unable to say a single word.(as soon as. 一.就.)译文:_仿写:我们一到就受到了邻居们的欢迎。_2. She often tells me that I can be anyone I want, as long as Im confident of myself.(as long as.只要)译文:_仿写:只要你幸福,这就是最重要的事情。_3. Unlike friendships that can fade or break, I know Ill always be connected to my mother no matter what I face.(no matter what+名词 无论,不论) 译文:_仿写:无论你遇到了什么困难,你都应该坚持自己的梦想。_ 4 / 4


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