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    高考英语基础核心词汇讲与练(一)【重点字词解析】1.freshman/fremn/n.(especially NAmE)(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生2.senior/si:ni(r)/adj.(级别、地位等)较高的;年长的n.较年长者senior high school (美国)高中3.junior/du:ni(r)/adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年4.challenge/tælnd/n.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向挑战5.confusing/knfju:z/adj.难以理解的;不清楚的confused/knfju:zd/adj.人感到糊涂的;迷惑的6.carefully英/'kefl/美/krfl/adv.仔细地;小心翼翼的;诚惶诚恐地;颇有分寸地7.course英/ks/美/krs/n.(有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座;(大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程;(船或飞机的)航向,航线v.快速地流动;奔流第三人称单数:courses 复数:courses 现在分词:coursing 过去式:coursed8.adviser英/dvaz(r)/美/dvazr/n.顾问;提供意见者复数:advisers9.suitable/su:tbl/adj.适合的;适用的suitable for 对 适合的10.chemistry英/kemstri/美/kemstri/n.化学;物质的化学组成(或性质);(常指有强烈性吸引力的)两人间的关系复数:chemistries11.fluent/'flu:nt/ adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的12.graduate/'rædet/vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位/'rædt/n.毕业生13.recommend/rekmend/vt.建议;推荐;介绍14.sign up ( for sth) 报名(参加课程)15.advanced/dv:nst/ adj.高级的;高等的;先进的advance/dv:ns/n.前进;发展vi.前进;发展vt.发展;促进16.literature/ltrt(r)/ n.文学;文学作品17.extra-curricular/'ekstr k'rkjl(r)/ adj.课外的;课程以外的 18.coach英/kt/美/kot/n.(体育运动的)教练;私人教师;(多指)考前辅导教师;长途汽车;长途客车v.(对体育运动、工作或技能进行)训练,培养,指导;辅导(尤指为让学员参加考试);指示;特殊指导;专门传授第三人称单数:coaches 复数:coaches 现在分词:coaching 过去式:coached 过去分词:coached19.obviously/bvisli/adv.显然地;明显地20.improve英/mpruv/美/mpruv/v.改进;改善21.volunteer英/vlnt(r)/美/vlntr/n.义务工作者;志愿者;自告奋勇者;主动做某事的人;志愿兵;义勇兵v.自愿做;义务做;无偿做;主动建议(或告诉);自愿参军;当志愿兵22.instead英/nsted/美/nsted/adv.代替;顶替;反而;却23.soup英/sup/美/sup/n.汤;羹v.使振作;打扮;竖起24.homeless英/hmls/美/homls/adj.无家的;无家可归的人们munity英/kmjunti/美/kmjunti/n.社区;社会;团体;社团;界;共享;共有26.responsible英/rspnsbl/美/rspnsbl/adj.有责任;负责;承担义务;应受责备;作为原因;成为起因27.advanced英/dvnst/美/dvænst/adj.先进的;高级的;高等的;(发展)晚期的,后期的v.(为了进攻、威胁等)前进,行进;(知识、技术等)发展,进步;促进;推动advance的过去分词和过去式28.prepared英/prped/美/prperd/adj.准备好;有所准备;愿意;事先做好(或写好等)的v.使做好准备;把预备好;使(自己)有准备;防范;预备(饭菜);做(饭)prepare的过去分词和过去式29.university英/junvsti/美/junvrsti/n.(综合性)大学;高等学府30.future 英/fjut(r)/美/fjutr/n.将来;未来;未来的事;将来发生的事;前景;前途;前程adj.将来的;未来的;将来发生的【阅读针对性训练】Summer Programs for TeensUniversity of Maryland: TERP Young ScholarsThis program is the perfect summer camp for academically talented teenagers who want to pursue academic interests, explore career opportunities, and discover college life at the University of Maryland.During three weeks of intellectual exploration, teens can study with students who share similar interests, and communicate with some of the universits best teachers.Upon successful completion, students can earn three college credits.Carpe Diem: The University-bound AdventureCarpe Diem supports both American and international students in applying to a university by providing private consultation.This 2-week experience also includes tours of famous East Coast universities.Students will also have the opportunity to build their resumes(简历) by working with writing experts.Great Books Summer ProgramThis is a lively, warm and welcoming summer camp community of outstanding teens, who love literature and ideas.In the past eleven years, it has gathered middle and high school students from across the world to read selections from the greatest works of literature, experience heated discussions and enjoy summer camp fun with other literary-minded students.Participants can gain confidence in their ability to read a text closely and express their ideas clearly both verbally and in writing.Zeal TravelWe offer our teens two-week and three-week long trips to Hawaii, Alaska, Australia and Spain.All trips include 1525 hours of community service activities.Depending on your trip of choice, youll be helping Hawaiians protect their forest ecosystem, caring for dogs in Spain, working with Habitat for Humanity, and much more.Every trip also includes exciting outdoor activities like surfing, driving, ice-climbing, hiking and more.The possibilities are endless and there is a zeal trip for every interest.1.Which program offers students the opportunity to develop academic interests?A.Carpe Diem.B.Zeal Travel.C.University of Maryland.D.Great Books Summer Program.2.What can students do in Great Books Summer Program?A.Learn how to write stories.B.Attend a campus cultural event.C.Make friends with famous writers.D.Read and discuss the great works of literature.3.What is special about Zeal Travel?A.It includes a lot of thrilling outdoor activities.B.It provides community service for students.C.It offers students exciting free trips.D.It will last 3 weeks.【参考答案】CDA(二)【重点字词解析】1.honour 英 n(r)美nr n.尊敬;尊重;崇敬;荣幸;光荣;正义感;道义;节操v.尊敬,尊重(某人);给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号);信守,执行(承诺)2.glory英 lri美lri n.荣誉;光荣;桂冠;(对上帝的)赞颂,赞美,崇拜;壮丽;辉煌;灿烂v.夸耀;得意3.coach英 kt美kot n.(体育运动的)教练;私人教师;(多指)考前辅导教师;长途汽车;长途客车v.(对体育运动、工作或技能进行)训练,培养,指导;辅导(尤指为让学员参加考试);指示;特殊指导;专门传授4.volleyball英 vlibl美vlibl n.排球运动5.medal英 medl美medl n.奖章;勋章v.(在比赛中)获得奖牌(或奖章)第三人称单数:medals 复数:medals 现在分词:medaling 过去式:medaled 过去分词:medaled6.championship英 tæmpinp美tæmpinp n.锦标赛;冠军地位复数:championships7.abroad英 brd美brd adv.在国外;到国外;广为流传;在室外;到室外;户外8.prepare for英 prpe(r) f(r)美prper fr 准备;为作准备;为做准备9.determination英 dtmnen美dtrmnen n.决心;果断;坚定;(正式)决定,确定,规定;查明;测定;计算10.test英 test美test n.测验;考查;(医疗上的)检查,化验,检验;试验;测试v.测验;考查;试验;检查;化验;检验;测试11.injured英 ndd美ndrd adj.受伤的;有伤的;受伤的人;伤员;伤兵;委屈的;受到伤害的v.(尤指在事故中)伤害,使受伤;损害,伤害(名誉、自尊等)injure的过去分词和过去式12.captain英 kæptn美kæptn n.船长;机长;(海军)上校;(陆军或美国空军的)上尉;首领;领导者;(尤指运动队的)队长v.担任的队长(或船长)13.challenge英 tælnd美tælnd n.挑战;艰巨任务;挑战书;(比赛等的)邀请,提议;质询;质疑;提出异议v.对怀疑(或质疑);拒绝接受;向(某人)挑战;(尤指在对方不情愿时)强烈建议(某人做某事);考查的能力;考验的技巧14.lose heart英 luz ht美luz hrt 失去信心;灰心;泄气15.two weeks later英 tu wiks let(r)美tu wiks letr 两周后16.Brazil英 brzl美brzl n.巴西;巴西坚果17.foot英 ft美ft n.(人或动物的)脚,足;有脚(或足的);有只脚(的);用脚(或足的);(袜子的)足部v.走,踏;合计,结算(up),加(to),支付第三人称单数:foots 复数:feet 现在分词:footing 过去式:footed 过去分词:footed18.graceful英 resfl美resfl adj.优美的;优雅的;雅致的;(尤指在困境中)得体的,有风度的19.move英 muv美muv v.(使)改变位置,移动;变化;改变;转变;前进;进步;进展n.行动;移动;活动;改变;转变;动摇20.jump英 dmp美dmp v.跳;跃;跳跃;跳过;跃过;跨越;快速移动;突然移动n.跳;跃;跳跃;(比赛中需跳过的)障碍物;突升;猛涨;激增第三人称单数:jumps 现在分词:jumping 过去式:jumped 过去分词:jumped21.impressive英 mpresv美mpresv adj.令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的22.mental英 mentl美mentl adj.思想的;精神的;思考的;智力的;精神病治疗的;精神健康的;疯狂;发疯23.strength英 stre美stre n.体力;力气;力量;强度;毅力;坚强决心;意志力量24.unique英 junik美junik adj.唯一的;独一无二的;独特的;罕见的;(某人、地或事物)独具的,特有的25.second英 seknd , sknd美seknd , sknd det./ord.第二(的);(重要性、规模、质量等)居第二位的;另外的;外加的adv.以第二名;以第二位;(用于列举)第二,其次n.秒(时间单位);片刻;瞬间;秒(角度单位)v.支持,赞成(主意、建议等);附议v.临时调派;短期调任26.secret英 sikrt美sikrt adj.秘密的;保密的;外人不得而知的;(指行为与习惯)暗中进行的,未公开的,隐秘的;诡秘;神秘n.秘密;机密;诀窍;秘诀;奥秘;奥妙27.accept英 ksept美ksept v.收受;接受(建议、邀请等);(认为合适或足够好而)接受;同意;认可28.practise英 prækts美prækts v.练习;实习;训练;经常做;养成的习惯;从事(医务工作、法律专业等);执业29.share英 e(r)美er v.共有;合用;分配;分摊;分享;共享n.(在若干人之间分得的)一份; (在多人参加的活动中所占的)一份;正常的一份;可接受的一份30.Chicago英 kg美kgo n.芝加哥桥牌;芝加哥(在美国中西部;为美国第二大城)【阅读针对性训练】A primary school principal in north China has become the latest Internet celebrity for leading some cool moves during a morning exercise routine with his students.Every morning, 40-year-old principal Zhang Pengfei at Xiguan Primary School in Linyi County, Shanxi Province would lead about 700 pupils in the playground in a synchronised ghost shuffle routinea dance that incorporates contemporary jazz steps with heel, toe and arm movements.The bold headmaster thought the fun and energetic exercise routine would better encourage students to get active instead of being glued to their mobile phones.The schools new 30-minute dance routine has replaced the government-imposed broadcast callisthenics programme, a short workout that has been a requirement at every primary, middle and secondary school in China since 1951.I thought we needed a change because the students have been losing interest in doing the broadcast callisthenics routine, Zhang told the Southern Metropolis News.The dedicated principal said he came across a group of people doing the “ghost shuffle” routine at a public plaza last summer and decided to learn the dance himself.“I thought the dance would be great for kids,” he said.“The music is full of energy and it really gets the happy feeling of flowing.” In October, he introduced the choreographed(编排的)routine to all of his students and shortly after, even teachers and staff were joining in.“Now the students arent constantly on their phones.I sometimes catch them watching different dance routine videos and learning new moves!”the proud headmaster told reporters.The video quickly went around on Chinese social media, with a Weibo topic page titled principal leads students in ghost dance routine gathering 250 million views.This is perhaps the best adaptation of sport and entertainment for children, a comment on Weibo read.1.What can we know from the passage?A.Zhang Pengfei is a primary school principal in south China.B.Xiguan Primary Schools new 30-minute dance routine is both fun and energetic.C.Doing the broadcast callisthenics routine is only required at primary schools in China.D.Few people showed interest in Zhang Pengfeis ghost dance routine video on Weibo.2.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.People hold a critical attitude towards the adaptation.B.People hold an indifferent attitude towards the adaptation.C.People hold a negative attitude towards the adaptation.D.People hold a supportive attitude towards the adaptation.3.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.A famous primary school principal:Zhang PengfeiB.Traditional callisthenics programmes in ChinaC.A Chinese principal leads students in a ghost shuffle routineD.An Internet celebrity in China4.From which part of a magazine can we read this passage?A.Agriculture. B.Technology. C.Economy. D.Education.【参考答案】BDCD6


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