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    B3U4-4 Reading for Writing (背诵版).docx

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    B3U4-4 Reading for Writing (背诵版).docx

    对本资料的使用有任何疑问请联系小助手微信:naodong12BOOK 3 UNIT 4 SPACE EXPLORATIONReading for Writing Present an argument about space exploration根据解释写出单词 单词解释1. not showing serious thought, feelings, etc. about something2. a piece of equipment used to check or record something3. having the same amount of space or time between each thing or partadj. shallown. monitoradj. regular英译汉 阅读词汇 3 / 31. an argumentative essay 议论文2. satellite image 卫星图像3. around the globe 全世界4. billions of dollars 数十亿美元5. fatal diseases 致命的疾病6. shallow view 肤浅的观点7. fight against 对抗8. space-based science 基于太空的科学9. such a rapidly increasing population 如此迅速增长的人口10. high-end products 高端产品11. advanced technology 先进技术12. heart monitor 心脏监测仪13. everyday products 日常用品14. memory foam pillows 记忆海绵枕头15. smartphone cameras 智能手机摄像头16. at present 目前17. short-term and long-term problems 短期和长期的问题18. unsolved mysteries 未解之谜19. run out of sth. 用光20. establish independent colonies 建立太空基地21. average temperature 平均气温22. greenhouse gases 温室气体23. make the most sense 最有意义24. warm sth up热身25. a shallow view 肤浅的观点汉译英 写作词汇1. 有关系,有影响 make a difference 2. 记录数据 record data 3. 为某人提供有用的建议和意见 provide useful recommendations and advice for sb.4. 仔细分析 careful analysis5. 各种太空任务 various space missions 6. 探索太空 explore space 7. 提供益处 provide many benefits for sth8. 满足需求 meet the requirements for sth 9. 生活在一个不同的环境中 live in a different environment10. 保持身心健康 stay healthy in mind and body11. 推动科技进步 promote technological improvements 12. 找到的解决方案 find the solution to 13. 使某人忙于 keep sb busy with doing填写划线部分 词形转换1. globe n. 地球 global adj. 全球的 globally adv. 全球地2. argue vi. 争论;论证 argument n. 争吵;辩论 argumentative adj. 好辩的;争论的3. fate n. 命运 fatal adj. 致命的4. analyze vt. 分析 analysis n. 分析5. regular adj. 有规律的 regularly adv. 有规律地 irregular adj. 无规律的6. limit n. & vt. 限度,限制 limited adj. 有限的 limitless adj. 无限的 limitation n. 限度填写划线部分 熟词生义1. With such a low salary, I cant make ends meet.这么低的工资,我入不敷出。2. Now we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table. 现在我们在餐桌上有智能手机陪伴我们。3. The students are looking forward to having a chance to explore the topic with the lecturer. 学生们期待着有机会与讲师探讨这个话题。4. The kite that is used to give lessons is a diamond kite with rainbow patterns.用于上课的风筝是带有彩虹图案的菱形风筝。汉译英,可用于日常写作仿写 写作句型1. 责任义务 我们应该解决世界上穷人温饱问题,立即找到如污染、致命疾病等问题的解决方案。We should feed the world's poor and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as pollution and fatal diseases.2. 担心忧虑 科学家还担心人类移居火星后能否保持身心健康。Another big concern for scientists is whether humans can move to Mars and still stay healthy in mind and body.3. 话题引入 神舟十五号成功发射的话题最近越来越热门。The topic of the successful launch of Shenzhou 15 is becoming more and more popular recently.4. 太空探索好处 首先,探索太空已经在对抗世界饥饿的斗争中发挥了作用。Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger.5. 太空探索好处 其次,太空探索已经促进了有利于我们所有人的技术进步。Secondly, space exploration has already promoted technological improvements that benefit us all.6. 太空探索好处 最后,将宇航员送入太空帮助人们思考世界问题,甚至找到解决这些问题的方法。Finally, sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about the worlds problems and even to find ways to solve them.7. 太空探索好处 因此,基于太空的科学有助于提高农业产量,从而为地球上不断增长的人口提供充足的食物。As a result, space­based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow enough food to feed Earth's increasing population.8. 总结归纳 总而言之,太空探索给世界提供了很多好处。In closing, exploring space provides the world with many different benefits.9. 总结归纳 因此,它应该继续下去,以便为人们的短期和长期问题提供新的以及更好的解决方案。Therefore, it should continue to provide new and better solutions to people's short-term and long-term problems.


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