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    新人教版 选择性必修B2U5 Using Language—Listening.pptx

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    新人教版 选择性必修B2U5 Using Language—Listening.pptx

    本课件已在中国版权保护中心登记作品著作权,本课件已在中国版权保护中心登记作品著作权,未经许可,禁止商用、分享、转载!未经许可,禁止商用、分享、转载!版权提示Unit 5 FIRST AID【版本:人教册别:选择性必修二版本:人教册别:选择性必修二】Using Language Listening:Learning to call emergency servicesLearning to call emergency servicesLearning ObjectivesIdentify different kinds of medical emergencies;Practice listening for the introductions with an emergency phone call in the UK;Study language features of introductions,commands and procedures;Practice describing the steps for rescuing a drowning victim.contentsLead-inListening and SpeakingHomeworkLead-inSome emergency callsDo you know more emergency calls of different countries?P54 E1 In groups,try to match the countries with the emergency numbers.Australia _Canada _China _Japan _Most European countries _New Zealand _South Korea _the UK _the US _119112120111000911999000911120119112111999119911P54 E2 match the pictures below to the medical emergencies,and then discuss if you call 120 for these medical emergencies how would you describe the situation?bad cut/bleedingThe bleeding leg photo shows a man in a conversation worker uniform,with a big cut on his right leg.He seems to be awake,and able to move,so it suggests that it is not an urgent emergency.sprained ankleThe woman is wrapping her hands around her right ankle and seems to be in some discomfort.She is sitting on the ground and I dont think she can easily walk on that foot right now.poisoning This picture showed a small child in a medicine cabinet,he is picking up a medicine.If he were to take the medicine,it would be very dangerous and potentially fatal.heart attackThis photo shows a man grasping the left side of his chest tightly.He might be struggling to breathe and dealing with a lot of pain.He should be seen by a doctor immediately.drowningThis photo shows a man in water struggling to keep above it.He might be drowning.Please send help!DiscussionHave you ever called 120?If so,what happened?What are some other medical emergencies that you would call 120 for?Yes,I called 120 when a neighbour suffered an accident.The ambulance came and took her to the hospital.I would also call 120 for someone injured in a car accident,for a stroke victim,or someone with a compound fracture.prediction What kind of emergency call is it?Who is the victim?What can you predict about the content of the listening?Before listening IIListening and SpeakingP54 E3 Listen to a 999 call in England and answer the questions.1.Why did the boy called 999?_2.Who else was in the room?_3.How did the boy describe the old mans condition?_4.Among the medical emergencies in Activity 2,which do you think the boys grandfather duffer from?_Because his grandfather was having a serious health problem and they needed an ambulance.The boys mother was in the room with the boy and grandfather.“his breathing has gotten really bad I think hes dying his face looks funny hes started to breathe again his lips are blue hes making strange noises hes not breathing again hes not breathing anymore.Perhaps he suffered from a heart attack.Follow instructionsWhen giving commands,people usually use the imperative.Its simple and clear.To help the listeners follow what to do next,they use words such as first,next,then,after that,and finally.When listening to the instructions in English,you should Listen carefully and dont panic.Follow the order of the instructions given to you.Answer any questions simply and directly when asked.Listening tipP55 E4 Listen again.Number the following instructions the operator gave._ Press down,twice a second._ Check to see if there is food in his mouth._ If your mother needs a break,change places._ Put him on his back._ Remove any pillows._ Tell your mom to put her hand in the middle of his chest.536124DISCUSSIONDISCUSSION:How did the operator keep the boy calm?What did the operator do to make this call a success?By telling him to calm down and calmly ask him questions.She asked only the questions necessary to clearly find out the problem,and then she provide short and clear instructions as to what to do.P55 E5Operator:Hello,this is the _.Boy:Hi,its my grandfather.his _ has gotten really bad.We need an _!Operator:OK.Could you tell me your _?Boy:18 West Highgate.Operator:And your phone number?Boy:Oh,itsits 655-212.Please hurry!I think hes dying!Operator:Now _ and tell me whats wrong.Boy:His face looks funnyGranddad!Granddad!Keep breathing!Help,please!Operator:Right.How old is he?Boy:Hes 68P6 E4 Listen again and complete the conversation.ambulancebreathingambulanceaddresscalm downOperator:And are you with him now?Boy:Yes,Me and _.Operator:Ill tell you what to do.First,is he on his back?Boy:Yes,I just moved him _.Operator:Next,remove any pillows.Boy:OK._?Operator:Now look in his mouth.Any food there?Boy:No.Oh,hes started to breathe again!Operator:So,hes breathing?Boy:Yes,but his lips are blue!Hes making strange noises!Can you hurry!Operator:The ambulance is _.Is he conscious now?P6 E4 Listen again and complete the conversation.my motherWhat nexton his backon the way Boy:No.Hes not breathing again.Operator:Listen to me!Next,tell your mum to put her hand in the middle of his chest,and _.Boy:Mum,put your hand in the middle of his chest and push down.Operator:You need to do this quicklytwice per second.Boy:_,Mum!Hurry!Oh,hes not breathing anymore.Operator:Just be _ and do what I tell you.The ambulance is on the way.press the chest twice a second.Keep doing it.Boy:Keep doing it,Mum!Operator:I know its very tiring.If your mother needs a break,you should_.Boy:Please _!Oh,the ambulance is here!Operator:I can hear them.I can hear them.Boy:Oh,thank you so much.P6 E4 Listen again and complete the conversation.press downTwice a secondcalmchange placeshurry upListen again.Learn the language used to make emergency calls.Please write down the questions the operator asked.Could you tell me your address?And your phone number?Now calm down and tell me whats wrong.How old is he?And are you with him now?Is he on his back?Any food there?So,hes breathing?Is he conscious now?More language supportLearn the language used to make emergency calls.More language supportWhats your emergency?What emergency are you reporting?What service do you need,ambulance,police,or fire bridge?Whats your location?Where are you exactly?Whats the address of the emergency?Is the victim a male or a female?P55 E6 The pictures below show that what to do to rescue someone from drowning.In groups,discuss what is going on in each picture.Use the words given below.P55 E6 The pictures below show that what to do to rescue someone from drowning.In groups,discuss what is going on in each picture.Use the words given below.Lay the victim on his back.Check for a response by patting his shoulders and call him near each side of his ears.Shout for help and/or call 120.P55 E6 The pictures below show that what to do to rescue someone from drowning.In groups,discuss what is going on in each picture.Use the words given below.Lift his chin.Begin doing mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing:blow air in his mouth until his chest rises.Perform CPR by pushing down on the centre of his chest,and then giving him mouth-to mouth rescue breathing.Continue pushing on his chest and giving him mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing until help arrives.SPEAKINGSPEAKING First,you should lay the victim on his back.Next,you can turn his head to the side to drain out any water.Remove any grass or sand from his mouth.After that,check to see if his breathing by putting your ear between his mouth and nose,and seeing if you can feel his breath,while looking to see his chest is moving.If he is not breathing,check for a pulse.If on pulse and/or no breathing,call 120 or shout for help.If there is a pulse but no breathing,then move the victims head back and begin doing mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing:Tilt the persons head back and blow air in until his chest rises.Do this every five seconds.Finally if there is no pulse and no breathing,then push down on the chest at least 100 times per minute.Every thirty pushes,give him two deep breaths,and continue pushing on his chest and giving him mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing until help arrives.P55 E7 In pairs,role-play an emergency call.One of you will be the friend of a drowning victim,and the other will be a telephone operator giving first-aid instructions.Use the pictures and useful expressions above to help you.Sample ConversationO=Operator B=BoyO:Hello,this is emergency.B:Hi,its my friend.We are at the swimming pool and I think hes drowning.We need an ambulance!O:Ok.Could you telling me your address?B:We are at the pond of Zhongshan Park.O:And your phone number?B:Oh,it Please hurry!I think hes dying!O:And are you within him now?B:Yes.O:Ill tell you what to do.First,is he on his back?B:No,hes on hes on his side.O:Will youll need to roll him over then.Can you do that?B:Ok,what next?O:Now check for a response.When you call him,does he answer?B:No!O:Does he have a pulse?Is his heart beating?B:Let me check no!O:listen to me!Ture his head to the side,and then put your finger in his mouth to make sure that there is nothing in it.B:OK Ive done that.O:Now turn his head back up,and lift his chin back.B:Yes.OK.O:Just be calm and do what I tell you next.The ambulance is on the way.Breathe into his mouth until his chest rises.Do this twice.B:OK now what?O:Now push down on the middle of his chest really hard and really fast.Every thirty pushes,stop and give him two more breaths.B:Thats it?O:Yes,keep doing this until the ambulance arrives.And dont hang up the phone!Ill be right here if you need more help.The ambulance is on its way.B:OK!HomeworkReview situations requiring fist aid in Activity 2.Choose one emergency and collect its first-aid measures.Create your own dialogue.THANKS


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