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    新人教版 选择性必修三 U2 Using Language—Listening.pptx

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    新人教版 选择性必修三 U2 Using Language—Listening.pptx

    本课件已在中国版权保护中心登记作品著作权,本课件已在中国版权保护中心登记作品著作权,未经许可,禁止商用、分享、转载!未经许可,禁止商用、分享、转载!版权提示Unit 2 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE【版本:新人教册别:选择性必修三版本:新人教册别:选择性必修三】Using Language Listening:Give advice on changing bad habitsGive advice on changing bad habitsLearning Objectives Students can record the key points of listening content in the form of tables;Students can use the principle of habit circulation to analyze the formation process of bad habits and how to change bad habits;Students can distinguish between facts and opinions;Students can use the functional sentences to suggest correctly,and ask others for advice as well as give advice to others.ContentsLead-inListening and SpeakingHomeworkLead-in1.What kind of bad habit is mentioned in the video?2.What are the dangers of this bad habit?3.What behaviors can lead to this bad habit?Watch and answer the questions.1.What kind of bad habit is mentioned in the video?2.What are the dangers of this bad habit?Not sleeping enough.Lack of sleeping can result in hormonal imbalance(荷荷尔尔蒙蒙失失衡衡),illness,and,in extreme cases,death.When we lose sleep,learning,memory,mood,and reaction time are affected.Its even been linked to diabetes(糖糖尿尿病病)and obesity(肥胖肥胖).3.What behaviors can lead to this bad habit?Many behaviors can lead to the bad habit,such as playing mobile phone or computer games before going to bed or drinking too much coffee,etc.(P18 E1)Look at the pictures.What choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits?action:_ _ _problem:_causes:_suggestion:_ _I would suggest that she switch off her phone before going to bed.The woman is using her mobile phone in bed.She is yawning too,which shows shes tired.She isnt getting enough sleep._ _The main cause of her problem is that she allows herself to useher mobile phone in bed.Choosing to stay up too late playing computer games can mean that one does not sleep enough,too.action:_ _ _problem:_causes:_suggestion:_ _ _The man is playing a phone for a long time when he looks after his baby at home.He is using a phone too much.Preferring to play games or use social media on phones canmake it easier for people to use them too much.I suggest that the man put his phone somewhere he will not see it.And then read a book that interests him.action:_ _ _ _problem:_causes:_suggestion:_ _ _The girl is eating cupcakes,and there are many desserts and many cups of milk tea on the table.She looks so happy when she is eating.The girl is overeating.Choosing to eat when one feels bored,stressed or depressed can lead to overeating.The girl can change another way to deal with bad emotions such as meditation(冥想),yoga,journaling,etc.action:_ _ _ _problem:_causes:_suggestion:_ _ _This person bought a lot of things at one time when she went shopping.Because she carried a lot of shopping bags on her hand.The person is overspending.Choosing to buy many things one wants and not things one needs can lead to overspending.The girl should analyze areas in which her typically overspend,and think about why she made those purchases.action:_ _ _problem:_causes:_suggestion:_ _ _The man is sitting at a table with many cups of coffee on it,and he is going to finish these cups of coffee.The man is drinking too much coffee.Staying up too late and not sleeping enough can lead one to drink too much coffee the next day.I suggest that the man should go to bed early and get enough sleep every day.You are going to listen to a conversation.The main speaker is a doctor who just gave a talk to a class and now he is going to answer some questions from the students.IIListening and SpeakingWhile-listening:(P18 E2)Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.Student 1Student 2ProblemCueRoutine Reward Walk outside for just 5 minutesHas trouble sleeping because of using the phone before going to sleepFeels depressed about being a little overweightGoing to bedFinishing dinnerDont keep the phone in the room so you wont pick it up before bed/While-listening1.Why is a good nights sleep important for the first student?2.Why does the second student never exercise?3.What is the experts bad habit?Do you think it is a health problem?4.What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit?(P18 E3)Listen again and answer these questions.(P18 E3)Suggested answers:1.Why is a good nights sleep important for the first student?A good nights sleep is important because it will help with their schoolwork.2.Why does the second student never exercise?Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising.I would suggest that the expert change the habit slowly by drinking smaller cups of weaker coffee,and then try to change coffee for another drink.Later he should do more exercise as this can stimulate the body like coffee does but has more positive benefits.3.What is the experts bad habit?Do you think it is a health problem?The expert drinks too much coffee.It can be a health problem because too much is bad for the heart and can cause headaches and other problems.4.What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit?Read the Audio Script Teacher:Thank you so much for speaking to the class,Doctor.It was a really interesting talk.Doctor:Thats very kind of you.Teacher:Could you answer some questions about habits and lifestyle from the students?Doctor:Sure,Id love to.Student 1:Hello,I have trouble sleeping.It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night.Its affecting my schoolwork because Im always tired in the daytime.Doctor:I see.What do you do just before your go to sleep?Student 1:I usually pick up my phone.Post-listening Doctor:Oh,I think the phone could be the problem.It makes your brain more active,which makes it hard to sleep.Your cue is going to bed.The routine is picking up your phone.To change the cycle,dont keep your phone in your bedroom at night.Youll find you sleep better,and much easier too!Student 1:Thank you,Doctor.Ill give it a try.Doctor:Youre welcome.Any other problems I can help with?Student 2:Hi,I feel depressed about being a little overweight.I want to exercise every night after dinner,but I always just pick up my phone.What can I do?Read the Audio ScriptPost-listening Doctor:To create a good habit is the same as creating a bad one,but you must take small steps to begin with.So,your cue can still be finishing dinner,but make the routine to turn off your phone and walk outside for just five minutes.A five-minute walk is so easy.Its hard to say no!When this has become a habit,walk for longer.Dont worry about losing weight at first.Focus on the habit of going out and build from there.Read the Audio ScriptPost-listeningStudent 2:Thanks for the advice,Doctor.Ill try it tonight.Teacher:Well thank you again for your talk today,Doctor.Now,would you like a cup of coffee?Doctor:Thats very nice of you,but I drink too much coffee.I still have some bad habits,too!Read the Audio ScriptPost-listeningPost-listening:Structure of Audio ScriptPart 1:opening up the conversationPart 2:asking for and giving advice on changing bad habitsPart 3:closing up the conversationTeacher&DoctorDoctor&Student 1Doctor&Student 2Teacher&DoctorRead the dialogue between doctor and the two students,analyze the function of each sentence.S1 DS2 DAsking for and giving advice(S1 D)What do the speakers say?Whats the function?Address the doctorState the problemGive details about the problemDescribe the bad result of the problemAsk for more details(to find the cause of the problem)Answer the doctors questionS1:Hello.I have trouble sleeping.It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night.Its affecting my schoolwork because Im always tired in the daytime.D:I see.What do you do just before you go to sleep?S1:I usually pick up my phone.What do the speakers say?Whats the function?State an opinion Explain supporting idea to his opinionAnalyse the cue and routine of S1s bad habitSuggest a new routine and rewardExpress gratitudeMake a decisionRespond to gratitudeInvite more questions/Start a new topicD:Oh,I think the phone could be the problem.It makes your brain more active,which makes it hard to sleep.Your cue is going to bed.The routine is picking up your phone.To change the cycle,dont keep your phone in your bedroom at night.Youll find you sleep better,and much easier too!S1:Thanks,Doctor.Ill give it a try.D:Youre welcome.Any other problems I can help with?Asking for and giving advice(S1 D)What do the speakers say?Whats the function?S2:Hi,I feel depressed about being a little overweight.I want to exercise every night after dinner but I always just pick up my phone.What can I do?Address the doctorState and describe the problemAsk for adviceAsking for and giving advice(S2 D)What do the speakers say?Whats the function?D:To create a good habit is the same as creating a bad one,but you must take small steps to begin with.So,your cue can still be finishing dinner.but make the routine to turn off your phone and walk outside for just five minutes.A five-minute walk is so easy.Its hard to say no!When this has become a habit,walk for longer.Dont worry about losing weight at first.Focus on the habit of going out and build from there.State a suggestionFurther explain how by using the habit cycle theory Explain why small steps will helpPoint out an important tip focus on habit building firstS2:Thanks for the advice,Doctor.Ill try it tonight.Express gratitude and the decision to tryAsking for and giving advice(S2 D)Decide whether these statements from the conversation are facts(F)or opinions(O).Discuss the opinions with a partner and see if you agree on them.(P19 E4)FOOFFFOOBrainstormingDo you know some expressions about“asking for and giving advice”or“accepting and refusing asvice”?My problem is.Im having problems with.I cannot stop Please give me some advice about.I think/believe you should.So,why dont you.?Well,have you thought about.?In my opinion,.Asking for and giving adviceSure,Ill do that.Thats a good idea!Thats just what I need!Lovely!Great!Terrific idea!Sorry,but I.Id like/love to.,but Thats a good idea,but.Thank you for telling me,but Its a nice thought,but I cannot because Accepting and refusing adviceWhats Speaker A and Bs problem?What does Speaker C suggest?Why didnt Speaker A accept Speaker Cs suggestion?What should you pay attention to if youre giving others advice?What should you pay attention to if youre refusing others advice?Read the conversation and answer the questions.Whats Speaker A and Bs problem?Watching too much TV.What does Speaker C suggest?Speaker C suggests that they spend time on something more active instead.For example,try to get more exercise.Why didnt Speaker A accept Speaker Cs suggestion?Because Speaker A doesnt really enjoy exercising.Refuse politely and explain why you dont think the suggestion is good for you so further advice would be given.Give more detailed advice.Explain why this advice may help.What should you pay attention to if youre giving others advice?What should you pay attention to if youre refusing others advice?sleeping too muchovereatinggame addict TV addictInternet addictstaying up too late overspending(P19 E5)Work in pairs.Choose a bad habit from the table below and have a conversation with your partner about it.The expressions above may help you.focus on asking for and giving advice on ONE bad habit;include reasonable and helpful suggestions that suit personal preference;use proper expressions when asking for and giving advice;use proper expressions when accepting and refusing advice.principleHomeworkPractice the conversation with your partner,we will show it next class.THANK YOU


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