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    新人教必修一系列课 B2U3 Discovering Useful Structures.pptx

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    新人教必修一系列课 B2U3 Discovering Useful Structures.pptx

    免费免费查查看看使使用用说说明明免费查看使用说明主讲人TheThe InternetInternet高中英语新人教高中英语新人教B2U3B2U3 DISCOVERINGDISCOVERING USEFULUSEFUL STRUCTURESSTRUCTURESLearningObjectivesBytheendofthisclass,youwillbeableto:comprehend and apply present perfect passive voice to talk about online activities through observing and summarizing the uses of present perfect passive voice.understand the convenience the Internet brings to us and reflect on our online habits through reviewing the reading context and talking about an online habit survey.DiscoveringtheRulesPA RT 1HowhasourlifebeenchangedbytheInternet?Alipay has been used to pay for goods and services.Cash was exchanged for goods and services before.HowhavewebeenchangedbytheInternet?Mobile phones and telephones were used for social communication before.Social media apps have been downloaded for social communication.HowhavewebeenchangedbytheInternet?Local newspapers were subscribed to keep up with the news in the past.Any news from anywhere in the world has been updated up to the minute with a click or two.HowhavewebeenchangedbytheInternet?All kinds of malls and stores were frequently visited for shopping in the past.More than 15 billion items have been sold on T-mall in 2021.StudyingtheRulesPA RT 2Observetheredwordsandthink.Alipay has been used to pay for goods and services.Social media apps have been downloaded for social communication.Any news from anywhere in the world has been updated up to the minute with a click or two.More than 15 billion items have been sold on T-mall in 2021.Q1:What tenses are these?What is the form of the tense?Q2:When do we use“has”?When do we use“have”?present perfect tensehave/has donesingular subjectplural subjectObservetheredwordsandthink.People has used Alipay to pay for goods and services.People have downloaded social media apps for social communication.People have updated any news from anywhere in the world up to the minute with a click or two.People have sold more than 15 billion items on T-mall in 2021.Alipay has been used to pay for goods and services.Social media apps have been downloaded for social communication.Any news from anywhere in the world has been updated up to the minute with a click or two.More than 15 billion items have been sold on T-mall in 2021.Q1:What is the difference between the two groups of sentences?Q2:When do we use“been”?have/has done(active)vs.have/has been done(passive)in passive voice Summaryverb formhave/has+donehave/hasbeen+doneactivevoicepassivevoiceApplyingtheRulesPA RT 3Classes were mainly attended at school.Learning sites _(visit)by over 1000,000 people every day since last year.havebeenvisitedHowtoattendclasses?PastNowHowtosurftheInternet?Desktops instead of mobile phones were used more often.The keyboard _(not use)for a long time.hasnotbeenusedPastNowHowtoread?Paper pages were read by book lovers.In the past years I _(inspire)to buy e-books instead of paper books.havebeeninspiredPastNowHowtoplantravel?Travel agencies were enquired to know more about destinations and make travel plans.Hotels,tickets,and travel packages _(book)online.havebeenbookedPastNowObservethesentenceswithpresentperfectpassivevoice.How has our life been changed by the Internet?Learning sites have been visited by over 1000,000 people every day since last year.The keyboard has not been used for a long time.In the past years I have been inspired to buy e-books instead of paper books.Hotels,tickets,and travel packages have been booked online.Sentencestructuresofthepresentperfectpassivevoice.Discuss in groups about how our life has been changed by the Internet,using present perfect passive voice.You can draw your own pictures and then give a presentation in class.Howto.?PastNowDiscussPractice1.I have downloaded the software to help my phone battery last longer.1.Someone has lost an identity card.2.Have you confirmed the Wi-Fi password?3.Have you pressed the button yet to copy the file?4.Has anyone made a comment about the online database?Work in pairs and change the sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Example Theyve built a kind of new PC with more functions.A kind of new PC with more functions has been built.RolePlay I have downloaded the software to help my phone battery last longer.The software has been downloaded to help my phone battery last longer.Change the sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Check the answers in role play.Someone has lost an identity card.An identity card has been lost.RolePlayChange the sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Check the answers in role play.Have you confirmed the Wi-Fi password?Has the Wi-Fi password been confirmed?RolePlayChange the sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Check the answers in role play.Have you pressed the button yet to copy the file?Has the button been pressed yet to copy the file?vt.按,压;敦促 RolePlayChange the sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Check the answers in role play.Has anyone made a comment about the online database?Has a comment been made about the online database?RolePlayChange the sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Check the answers in role play.Changethesentencesintothepresentperfectpassivevoice.1.I have downloaded the software to help my phone battery last longer.2.Someone has lost an identity card.3.Have you confirmed the Wi-Fi password?4.Have you pressed the button yet to copy the file?5.Has anyone made a comment about the online database?The software has been downloaded to help my phone battery last longer.An identity card has been lost.Has the Wi-Fi password been confirmed?Has the button been pressed yet to copy the file?Has a comment been made about the online database?Translate the sentences.Find out the meanings of sentences with present perfect passive voice.同现在完成时一样:表示动作在说话之前已经完成,强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或产生的结果。被动语态:表示被动的动作Summarypresent perfect passive voice表示动作在说话之前已经完成,强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或产生的结果。表示被动的动作passivevoicebe+donepresentperfecttensehave/has+donehave/hasbeen+doneAHappinessSurvey1.Have you been satisfied with your school life up to now?2.Have you been happier in senior high than in junior high till now?2.What have you been most satisfied with in high school recently?3.What have you been most unsatisfied with in high school lately?4.What have you done to make you happier in high school yet?6.How has it ever made you feel happier?Answer the questions in the survey and work in pairs asking each other the questions.You can add more questions about school happiness as you like.Report the result of your partners survey in class.ConclusionPA RT 4Summary被动动作在说话前已完成,强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果presentperfectpassivevoicestructurefunctionS.+have/has been done.持续到现在继续下去already,yet,just,never,recently.positivesentencenegativesentence一个被动动作起始于过去specialquestionWh-+have/has+S.+been done.genenralquestionS.+have/has not been done.Have/Has+S.+been done.Practice1.An IT club _(build)by Jan,an English teacher in Birmingham,UK last year.An IT club,which becomes quite successful,_ (build)by Jan.2.The online company has been started one year ago.The online company has been started for one year.The online company was started one year ago.The online company has been started.wasbuilthasbeenbuiltPractice3.The small business has made Jan feel less lonely.Jan _ less lonely by the small business.4.The IT club has offered the old great help._5.Jan has never been laughed since she decided to start the IT club.has been made to feelGreat help has been offered to the old.The old have been offered great help.at免费免费查查看看使使用用说说明明免费查看使用说明脑 洞 英 语 课 堂


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