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    Unit3 Reading随堂练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I went to visit the gardens in Suzhou last month and I enjoyed _(I). 2. It is good to see so many places of _ (interesting) in the World Park. 3. _ (final), we decided to go out for a picnic. 4. Last weekend, it _ (take) me about five hours to go to the park by bus. 5. When we were playing outside, we felt the sun _ (shine)on our heads and backs. 二、单项选择1. When did they _ Shanghai?At five yesterday. A. reached B. got toC. arrive at D. arrive in2. It _ Mr. Green an hour to fix up his bicycle yesterday. A. cost B. paid C. spent D. took3. Its cold outside. Youd better _ your coat and scarf. A. work out B. put outC. have on D. put on4. All of them are _ at the _ news. A. excited; excited B. exciting; excitedC. excited; exciting D. exciting; exciting5. Lily is flying to France. Soon she will arrive _ Paris _ the morning of July 9th. A. at; in B. in; onC. in; inD. on; on6. Dont _ the bus until it stops. A. turn off B. put onC. get off D. set up7. I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _ at the dancing party. A. myself B. himselfC. herself D. themselves三、从方框中选出适当的单词或短语并用其适当的形式填空interested, take a boat trip, join in, on the Internet, feel sick, by bus, get off, makeof, the city road, keep fit1. The Eiffel Tower is _ metal. And it looks very great and wonderful. 2. Jean _ on the river with her friends two weeks ago. They enjoyed themselves. 3. People often _ for the first plane trip.4. The country road was not very good, but it was better than _. 5. Li Ming _ the coach as soon as he arrived at the Shanghai Amusement Park. 6. She thinks doing sports can make her _. 7. If you need some information, please get it _. 8. From now on you can travel around the city of Nanjing _. 9. Boys and girls, please _ the game. Its exciting!10. There are a lot of places of_ in our capital. We can go and see them when we have time. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 乘公交车到南山花费了我们大约两个半小时。_ two hours and a half to go to the South Hill by bus. 2. 我们打算在北京的世界公园门口下公共汽车。We are going _ at the gate of the World Park in Beijing. 3. 我们在世界公园里观看了来自全世界的100多个名胜的模型。We visited _ from all over the world in the World Park. 4. 总有一天我们可以在一天内周游世界。Some day, we will be able to travel _. 5. 到达常州,我们简直不相信自己的眼睛。常州现在真是太美了!We could _ as soon as we _ Changzhou. Changzhou is really beautiful now!参考答案及解析一、1. myself 2. interest 3. Finally 4. took 5. shining 二、1. D 问句是特殊疑问句,前面有助动词did,谓语动词应用原形,故排除A、B;arrive in后面跟大地点,故选D。2. D 本题考查固定搭配。It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.是个固定句型,意为“做某事花费某人一些时间”,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。又因为事情发生在“昨天”,故选D。3. D 考查动词短语辨析。work out“算出”;put out“熄灭”;have on“穿着”;put on“穿上”。根据句意“外面很冷,你最好穿上大衣戴上围巾”可知选D。4. C 本题考查excited和exciting的区别。excited修饰人,exciting修饰物,故答案为C。5. B 本题考查介词的用法。arrive in后面跟大地点,在具体某一天的早晨用介词on,故选B。6. C 本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:在公交车停下来之前不要下车。turn off“关闭”;put on“穿上”;get off“下车”;set up“建立”。四个选项中只有C符合题意,故选C。7. D 考查反身代词辨析。enjoy oneself意为“玩得高兴”,根据从句主语Peter and his sister Sally可知是复数形式。故选D。三、1. made of 2. took a boat trip 3. feel sick 4. the city road5. got off6. keep fit 7. on the Internet 8. by bus 9. join in10. interest四、1. It took us about 2. to get off the bus3. models of more than one hundred places of interest 4. around the world in a day 5. not believe our eyes; arrived in


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