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    Unit 8 第1课时 原卷版.docx

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    Unit 8 第1课时 原卷版.docx

    Unit 8 第1课时 一、单项选择1This question is much _AseriousBmore seriouslyCmore seriousDserious2Why do you look so worried ? Oh ,my new watch has _.AmissingBlostCmissedDgone missing3Jacks brother is a dishonest man ,He is always _,so nobody believes him .AlieBlyingCliesDlied4The Chinese _ in red when they get married.AdressedBare dressedCwearDare worn5Lucy is really _ and _ than Lily.Afunny; much outgoing Bfunnier; most outgoingCfunny; much outgoing Dfunnier; more outgoing二、完型填空A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They 6 the lights,pull up the covers and close their eyes. After they sleep for six or seven 7 ,they wake up again. It sounds very strange,doesn't it?Sleep puzzles(使困惑)science all the time. 8 and doctors would like to talk about why one can't fall asleep. They are not so sure 9 causes sleep. You will sleep the best both 10 you are in good health and when you don't eat too much or too little. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are 11 ,too. They advise against two in one bed. Strange things 12 during sleep. For example,you often move during your sleep. You should feel 13 if you didn't move. You also 14 . Part of your brain is still 15 when you dream. Don't worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were finished while their writers were dreaming.6Aturn onBturn offCturn upDturn down7AsecondsBhoursCdaysDmonths8AScientistsBNursesCArtistsDInventors9AwhyBhowCwhichDwhat10AafterBwhenCbeforeDuntil11ApleasedBpossibleCimportantDfunny.12AhappenBhappensChappenedDhappening13AhungryBtiredCrelaxedDworried14AsleepBwake upCthinkDdream15AbusyBasleepCawakeDsleepy三、阅读单选AMy parents went to work and left my brother and me alone at home. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching television. Suddenly the doorbell rang. My younger brother rushed to open the door thinking that our parents came home. Outside,stood a tall man wearing a black raincoat. He said that he was a salesman and asked politely if our mother or father was at home. Without thinking,my brother said,“No. ” He asked if we would like to buy some books,which he was selling. I quickly explained that we were not supposed to buy anything without our parents' permission(允许). Then,as I was about to close the door,he forced his way into our house. He took out a knife and forced me to tie up my brother's hands with a rope which he took out from his pocket. I tied up his hands but I tied it in a special way. The man then tied my hands up and locked both of us in the kitchen. Soon,he went upstairs to search the bedroom for valuables. I managed to teach my brother to untie the rope on his hands. He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police,but the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside and I did not have the keys to unlock them. Luckily,the robber(强盗)forgot to lock the kitchen window. My brother managed to get out of the house through the window and I told him to go to the neighbourhood police station and call for help. Of course,my brother brought the police to our house and the robber was caught.16Before opening the door,the writer's brother _.Athought it was one of his friendsBdidn't ask who it wasCknew it was a strangerDfelt very frightened17What can we learn from the passage?_AThe writer let the stranger in.BThe tall man looked like a robber.CThe writer didn't like the books.DThe writer obeyed his parents' words.18Why did the writer tie up his brother's hands in a special way?_ABecause his brother could untie himself.BBecause he had no choice but to do that.CBecause he wanted to win the robber's trust.DBecause he didn't like his younger brother.19Why couldn't the writer call the police at home?_ABecause there was no telephone there.BBecause he was afraid of the robber.CBecause he couldn't get through.DBecause the line was too busy.20From the text, we can know that the writer was _.Acalm and smartBimpolite and worriedCwell-behaved and energeticDwarm-hearted and generousBHolmes said,“Somebody sent a letter with five pips(桔核)in it from India,and arrived seven weeks later to kill John's uncle. Then they sent five pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill John's father Now they have sent five pips to John from London!”“The letters are all from sea ports(海港). The writer was on a ship when he wrote the letters,”I replied. “Very good,Watson!And John's enemy is in London already!”“Well,I hope they won't kill young John,”I said. But they did. The next morning,we read in the newspaper that a policeman found him die near Waterloo Station. Holmes was very angry about it. “He came to me for help and those men murdered him!I'm going to find them,if it's the last thing I do!”he said to me,and he hurried out of the house. At night,when he came back,he was tired,but pleased,he said,“I know the names of John's enemies!And now I'm going to send them a surprise!This will frighten(使惊恐)them!”He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope(信封). On it he wrote “S. H. for J. C”“I'm sending the pips to captain(船长)James Calhoun. His ship is called the Star. He and his men are sailing back to Georgia,USA”“How did you find him,Holmes?”I asked. “Ship's papers,”he said. “I've looked at hundreds of them today. Only one ship,the Star,was in the three ports at the right times,and this morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia. I found out that the captain and two of his men,all Americans,weren't on the ship last night,so I'm sure they killed John. When they arrive in America,they'll get the pips and then the police will catch them!”21Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?_AAll the letters were sent from the same sea port.BWaterloo Station lies in London, England.CJohn ate the five pips and then died.DHolmes didn't know murderer was in London.22Why was Holmes pleased when he came back?_ABecause he had a good time all the day.BBecause finding the murderers was his last thing.CBecause he got an orange with five pips in it.DBecause he knew who the murderers were.23Who do you think the underlined letters “J. C” stand for?_AJames CalhounBJames ColumbusCJohn CallhounDJohn Columbus24How many murderers ware there in the case to kill John?_AOne.BTwoCFour.DThree.25Where is this story mostly taken from?_AA detective novelBA science fictionCWorld newsDA school story四、完成句子26我的自行车已经不见了,所以我正忙着找它呢!My bike _,so I _27昨天晚上发生一起谋杀案。一名年轻女子被杀害了。A murder _last night . A young woman_28他就是过去常常帮我学习英语的人。He is the person _my English in the past .29他们今天为什么那样打扮?_they _today?


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