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    2024年Unless的用法总结 Unless 的用法 你们知道unless的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 语法学习:Unless 的用法 Unless 的用法 一、unless的基本用法 连词unless:意为“除非假如不”,“除了”,多引导一个否定意义的真实条件句,有时也可引导非真实条件旬。 unless引导条件句时 (1) 主句为确定句。 如: Unless I visit every bookstore in town.I shall not know whether I can get what l want. 假如我不到城里每一家书店去看看,我就不知道是否能买到我想要的书。 You will miss the bus unless you hurry up. 你要不快点就会错过班车。 Youll fail in chemistry again unless you work harder. 假如你不再加把劲,你化学考试还会不及格。 (2) 主句为否定句。 如: Unless you oil the motor regularly.it wont run smoothly. 要不是你常常给发动机上油。它就不会转得那么顺畅。 I wouldn't be saying this unless I were sure of the facts. 要是我对这些事情没有把握,我就不说这话了。 You will never get anywhere unless you have set your goal. 假如你不设定目标,你哪儿也去不了。 小词不简洁 unless口语用法指南 STRUCTURE 结构 As mentioned above, unless is a conjunction which we use in conditional phrases. In written English, the clause that follows unless is the subordinate clause (SC) meaning that it needs a main clause (MC) to make a complete sentence. It is similar to how we use if in conditional phrases. 之前提过,unless是在条件句中运用的连词。在书面语种,运用unless的从句叫做从属句(SC),须要主句(MC)让句子完整。这就像if在条件句里的用法一样。 When unless comes before a main clause we use a comma: unless放在主句之前加逗号: Unless it rains, well go for a picnic tomorrow. en(SC) (MC) /en 除非下雨,否则我们明天去野餐。 When the main clause comes first, no comma is required: 主句在前,不须要逗号: They wont come unless you invite them. en(MC) (SC) /en 除非你邀请他们,否则他们不会来。 Unless is like If in that we dont not use will/would after it. We only use the present simple tense. 像if一样,我们不会在unless后面运用will/would。只运用一般现在时。 Unless I hear from you, Ill see you at 5pm. 除非你通知我,否则我和你下午5点碰面。 HOW DO WE USE “UNLESS”? 如何运用“unless”? Unless and if not unless和if not Ok, so unless is similar to “if .not” and together they mean “except if”. Note: We refer to real conditional situations and NOT impossible situations. unless和ifnot很相像,它们都表示“除非”。留意:我们指的是真实的条件状况,而不是不行能的状况。 If you dont study, you will fail your exam./ Unless you study, you will fail. 假如你不学习,你考试就过不了。/除非你学习,否则你就过不了考试。 We could eat at Frankie and Bennys if theyre not closed on a Monday/ We could eat at Frankie and Bennys unless they are closed on a Monday. 假如弗兰基班尼餐馆周一不关门,我们可以在那吃饭。/除非弗兰基班尼餐馆周一关门,否则我们就在那吃饭。 Ill make dinner if nobody wants to/ Ill make dinner unless someone else wants to. 假如没人想做饭的话,我做吧。/除非没别人想做饭,那么我就来做吧。 If you dont stop smoking, you will feel bad/ Unless you stop smoking, you will feel bad 假如你不戒烟,你会不舒适的。/除非你戒烟,不然你会感觉不舒适。 Note that the sentence after unless is always a positive sentence. You cannot have a negative sentence after unless because that would make the sentence a double negative and senseless. 留意:unless之后的句子总是确定的。在unless之后不能接否定句,因为这就造成了双重否定,句子没有意义。 Example: Unless you dont study, you will fail. (?) 例句:除非你不学习,否则你就会失败。(我注:即使是此句的中文译文也是一个有语义问题的病句,双重否定后使句子无逻辑意义了,符合逻辑的句子应当是“除非你学习,否则你就会失败。”) .arning: Typical Error 警告:典型错误 We dont use “unless” when we mean if. 表示“假如”的时候不用unless。 Example: If you feel ill, I can drive/ Unless you feel ill, I can drive 例句:假如你觉得不舒适,我来开车吧。/除非你觉得不舒适,否则我来开车吧。 Spoken English 口语 When speaking, we use unless to introduce an extra thought or piece of information: 说话的时候,我们用unless表达一些额外的思索或者是信息: He didnt even know about the crash unless hed heard about it on the radio. 他都不知道那场空难除非他在广播上听说了。 A: Oh look. Neil next doors got a new car. A:看!尼尔的邻居有了辆新车! B: Unless theyve got a visitor. B:除非他们来客人了。 HOW ABOUT “NOT UNLESS”? not unless的用法呢? Not unless is similar to only if not unless和only if相像 Example: 例句: Shall I tell Liz what happened? Not unless she asks you (= only if she asks you) 我须要告知利兹发生的事吗?除非她问起来。 Will you come shopping with me? Not unless you offer me lunch (= only if you offer me lunch) 你和我一起去逛街吗?除非你给我供应午餐。 unless 与 if . not 的用法区分(知其然,知其所以然) 两者都可表示否定的条件,有时可换用。如: Come tomorrow unless I phone if I dont phone. 要是我没有打电话,明天就来。 You wont catch the train unless you hurry if you dont hurry. 你要是不赶快,你就赶不上火车了。 但是在下列状况下,通常要用 if . not 而不用 unless: 1. 当所述条件要引出一种新的想法或状况时。如: Ill be angry if Im not invited to the party. 假如不邀请我参与晚会,我会生气的。 I will be surprised if he doesnt have an accident. 他要是不出事,我倒感到惊奇了。 2. 当要引出一个表示假想的条件句时。如: If he werent so silly, he would understand. 他要不是那样傻的话,他就会明白了。 If I hadnt stopped her, she would have jumped down. 要不是我阻挡了她,她就跳下去了。 注: 间或可见到 unless 用于假想条件句,但有不少语法家反对这一用法,建议学生不要仿照。顺便说一句,unless 有时用于引出一个补充前言的话,此时若谈论的是过去的状况,留意不要与表示想象的条件句相混淆。如: I couldnt have got to the meeting on time unless I had caught an earlier train. 我不行能刚好赶到会场,除非我赶上了较早的一班火车。 若将上句中的 unless 换为 if . not,则意思有很大差别: I couldnt have got to the meeting on time if I had not caught an earlier train. 要是我没有赶上早一班火车,我就不行能刚好到会了。 【英语角】小词不简洁,unless用法大全 STRUCTURE 结构 As mentioned above, unless is a conjunction which we use in conditional phrases. In written English, the clause that follows unless is the subordinate clause (SC) meaning that it needs a main clause (MC) to make a complete sentence. It is similar to how we use if in conditional phrases. 之前提过,unless是在条件句中运用的连词。在书面语种,运用unless的从句叫做从属句(SC),须要主句(MC)让句子完整。这就像if在条件句里的用法一样。 When unless comes before a main clause we use a comma: unless放在主句之前加逗号: Unless it rains, we'll go for a picnic tomorrow. 除非下雨,否则我们明天去野餐。 When the main clause comes first, no comma is required: 主句在前,不须要逗号: They won't come unless you invite them. 除非你邀请他们,否则他们不会来。 Unless is like If in that we don't not use will/would after it. We only use the present simple tense. 像if一样,我们不会在unless后面运用will/would。只运用一般现在时。 Unless I hear from you, I'll see you at 5pm. 除非你通知我,否则我和你下午5点碰面。 HOW DO WE USE “UNLESS”? 如何运用“unless”? Unless and if not unless和if not Ok, so unless is similar to if .not and together they mean except if. Note: We refer to real conditional situations and NOT impossible situations. unless和ifnot很相像,它们都表示“除非”。留意:我们指的是真实的条件状况,而不是不行能的状况。 If you don't study, you will fail your exam. 假如你不学习,你考试就过不了。 Unless you study, you will fail. 除非你学习,否则你就过不了考试。 We could eat at Frankie and Benny's if they're not closed on a Monday. 假如弗兰基和班尼餐馆周一不关门,我们可以在那吃饭。 We could eat at Frankie and Benny's unless they are closed on a Monday. 除非弗兰基和班尼餐馆周一关门,否则我们就在那吃饭。 I'll make dinner if nobody wants to. 假如没人想做饭的话,我做吧。 I'll make dinner unless someone else wants to. 除非没别人想做饭,那么我就来做吧。 If you don't stop smoking, you will feel bad. 假如你不戒烟,你会不舒适的。 Unless you stop smoking, you will feel bad. 除非你戒烟,不然你会感觉不舒适。 Note that the sentence after unless is always a positive sentence. You cannot have a negative sentence after unless because that would make the sentence a double negative and senseless. 留意:unless之后的句子总是确定的。在unless之后不能接否定句,因为这就造成了双重否定,句子没有意义。 Example: Unless you don't study, you will fail. (?) 例句:除非你不学习,否则你就会失败。 (我注:即使是此句的中文译文也是一个有语义问题的病句,双重否定后使句子无逻辑意义了,符合逻辑的句子应当是“除非你学习,否则你就会失败。”) Warning: Typical Error 警告:典型错误 We don't use unless when we mean if. 表示“假如”的时候不用unless。 Example: If you feel ill, I can drive. 假如你觉得不舒适,我来开车吧。 Unless you feel ill, I can drive. 除非你觉得不舒适,否则我来开车吧。 Spoken English 口语 When speaking, we use unless to introduce an extra thought or piece of information: 说话的时候,我们用unless表达一些额外的思索或者是信息: He didn't even know about the crash unless he'd heard about it on the radio. 他都不知道那场空难除非他在广播上听说了。 A: Oh look. Neil next door's got a new car. A:看!尼尔的邻居有了辆新车! B: Unless they've got a visitor. B:除非他们来客人了。 HOW ABOUT “NOT UNLESS”? not unless的用法呢? Not unless is similar to only if not unless和only if相像 Example: 例句: Shall I tell Liz what happened? Not unless she asks you (= only if she asks you) 我须要告知利兹发生的事吗?除非她问起来。 Will you come shopping with me? Not unless you offer me lunch (= only if you offer me lunch) 你和我一起去逛街吗?除非你给我供应午餐。 Unless 的用法总结


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