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    Reading for Writing学学习目目标123通过分析文本熟悉并掌握学生简介的常见结构或写作要点能够写一篇语言简洁、结构清晰的学生简介通过阅读文本掌握描述性格和学习风格的短语和句子钟南山,男,汉族,中共党员,1936年10月生,福建厦门人,中国工程院院士。在新冠疫情中作出巨大贡献,成果丰硕,实绩突出。张桂梅,女,满族,中共党员,1957年6月生,华坪县民族中学教师兼儿童之家院长,她长期扎根于贫困地区的教育事业。L L e ea ad d i in n杨倩,女,汉族,2000年7月生,浙江宁波人,清华大学学生,女子射击运动员,中国奥运历史上首个00后“双金王”。1.Do you know all of your classmates names?2.Do you want to know more about their hobbies,personalities,learning styles and future dreams?A student profile may help you know others more.A student profile provides information about a student,and the information can be presented and used in different ways.Student ProfileStudent ProfileB B r ra ai in ns st to or rm m i in ng gWhat is“a student profile”?Pre-writing1.Whats Ann like?How do you know?2.What does“Youll never see me without a book or a pen”mean?3.Which profile do you like better?Why?Answer the questions.Activity 11.Whats Ann like?How do you know?She is active and curious about everything.Check your answers.We know this from the second,third,and fourth sentences.2.What does“Youll never see me without a book or a pen”mean?It means he nearly always carries a book or a pen with him because he likes to study.3.Which profile do you like better?Why?I prefer Anns becauseI prefer Thandos becauseI like the second profile better,because he paints a clearer picture of what kind of person he is.The first profile mostly contains lists.Check your answers.Task 1:A student profile can include the following parts.Fill in each part with the information from the student profiles.A.Name,age,grade,schoolB.PersonalityC.Favorite subjectD.Learning styleE.HobbiesF.Future plans and dreamsADBCFEAnn Wells,15,Grade 10,Lakeside High School active and curious physics learn best by doing dancing,skating,and reading short storiesto become an engineerActivity 2Study the organization and language features.Study the organization and language features.A.Name,age,grade,schoolB.PersonalityC.Favorite subjectD.Learning styleE.HobbiesF.Future plans and dreamsADBCFEThando Gowon,16,Grade 10,South Hill High Schoollook good,think fast,and play hardcomputer science reading and writing(visual and verbal)play computer gamesto start his own IT companyTask 2:Circle the phrases that Ann and Thando use to describe their personalities and underline the sentences that they used to describe their learning styles.Personality:Favourite subject:Learning style:Hobbies:Future plans and dreams:Your profile should include:Name:Age:Grade:School:Pre-writingI have an out-going personality soIm an active person and.Im curious about everything.l feel confident when Im speaking English.How to describe personality?out-goingeasy-goingcreativecuriouscarefulconfidentindependentactiveMy favourite subject is.l like.the best.What is your favourite subject?Chinesechemistry sciencemathmusicEnglishphysicsId like to work in groups.I prefer to listen to the teacher and take notes.I keep a learning diary every day.What are your learning styles?watch videos listen to the teacher and take notesmake mind mapswork in groups keep a learning diaryPainting and dancing are my hobbies.I play computer games at weekends.I enjoy writing poems.What are your hobbies?playing basketball swimmingdancingpaintingplaying computer games writing poems I plan to become.in the future.My dream is to.when I grow up.I wish I would be a.one day.I think my future will.Future plans and dreamsScientist,fire fighter,journalist,lawyer,barber(理发师),singer,painter,teacher,editor,designer,author.While-writingUse what you have learnt to write your own profile.1.Complete the outline and use it to draft your profile.Does the profile give you a good impression of the student?Are all the parts(name,age,grade.)included and organized in a good order?Are the sentence structures correct?Do all the sentences begin with capital letters?Are there any spelling mistakes?Use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft.Post-writingSome useful words and expressionsSome useful words and expressionsstudent profilebe curious aboutneverwithoutIT companypersonalityrevise/revisionHomework1.Get your draft back and revise it.2.Add a photo or drawing of yourself and show your students profile to your class.


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