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    人教高中英语Unit 3 Period 3 Discovering useful structures(课件)(共19张PPT).pptx

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    人教高中英语Unit 3 Period 3 Discovering useful structures(课件)(共19张PPT).pptx

    人教版 选择性必修二Period 3DiscoveringusefulstructuresUnit3FoodandCultureThepastperfecttenseanditspassivevoice1.1.Enable Enable the Ss to the Ss to master the usage of past master the usage of past perfect tense perfect tense and its passive and its passive voice in this voice in this unit.unit.2.2.Enable the Ss to use the relevant grammar Enable the Ss to use the relevant grammar flexibly.flexibly.The Past Perfect Passive By the time the tornado ended,more than 700 people had been killed.到龙卷风结束时,已有700多人丧生。Q:Which event happened first?a.the tornado ending b.700 people dying past had been killedA past event before another past event/a past time when/before/after/bynowactivepassiveThe room looked nice.Somebody had cleaned it.The room looked nice.It had been cleaned.had donehad been done2.过去完成被动时基本用法表示表示过去某一去某一时间或某一事件前已或某一事件前已发生且生且已已被被完成完成的的动作或状作或状态。如:The work had been finished by us by nine o clock yesterday.昨晚九点前我们已完成了工作。Grace realized a mistake had been made by her.格瑞丝意识到她犯了个错误。The project had been completed by the end of 1999.到1999年底他们已完成了那个项目。1.After being discovered by Dutch explorers in 1606,the eastern half of Australia _(claim)by the British in 1770.2.His sister left home in 1998,and _ ever since.3.She _(return)home and _(find)all her furniture _(ruin)by the flood.4.This Monday morning I was informed I _ as one of three exchange students from our college.foundhadbeenruinedreturnedhadnotbeenheardofhasbeenclaimedhadbeenchosen5.Arthur was surprised when he _(arrive)home because the tornado _(take)the feathers off his chickens.6.We _(leave)the house when the thunderstorm _(finish).7.He _(try)to drive back to his home before the flood _(pass)through the village.arrivedhadtakenlefthadfinishedhadtriedpassed 1)用于用于wish后的宾语从句中,表示对过去未做成的事情的某种感后的宾语从句中,表示对过去未做成的事情的某种感叹或愿望。如:叹或愿望。如:IwishIhadbeenthereatthattime.那时候我要在那儿就好了。(事实上我不在那儿。)那时候我要在那儿就好了。(事实上我不在那儿。)IwishIhadtoldhimaboutit.我要是告诉他那事就好了。(事实上我没告诉他。)我要是告诉他那事就好了。(事实上我没告诉他。)2)用于对过去事实进行虚拟的条件句中。如:用于对过去事实进行虚拟的条件句中。如:IfIhadhurried,Iwouldnthavemissedthetrain.如果我快点的话,我就不会误了火车。如果我快点的话,我就不会误了火车。Ifyouhadbeenattheparty,youwouldhavemethim.如果你去了晚会,你就会见到他的如果你去了晚会,你就会见到他的。3)过去完成时常用在引述动词一般过去时后的间接引语中过去完成时常用在引述动词一般过去时后的间接引语中。Theysaidthattheyhadplantedthetreesonthehillside.他们他们说他们把树种在山坡上了。说他们把树种在山坡上了。Jacktoldmehehadreadthebookbefore.杰克告诉我他以前读过那本书。杰克告诉我他以前读过那本书。Juliesaidshehadgonetoseehimthedaybefore.朱莉说她前一天已经去看过他朱莉说她前一天已经去看过他。4)think,want,hope,plan,intend,mean和和suppose等词的过等词的过去完成时可以用来表示本来要做而没做或无法做的事,或没有实去完成时可以用来表示本来要做而没做或无法做的事,或没有实现的希望或意图现的希望或意图。EvehadhopedtoseemoreofChina.伊芙曾希望在中国多观光一番。伊芙曾希望在中国多观光一番。Ihadintendedtobethereontime.我本打算准时去的。我本打算准时去的。Gretahadmeanttoseeheroffattheairport.格瑞塔本打算是要去机场送她的。格瑞塔本打算是要去机场送她的。practice I _ the operation to be painful,but I didnt feel a thing.2.I _to go on a trip,but I was busy.3.I _to see you,but I had to look after my baby.had expectedhad meant had intended 5)用在用在“主语主语+hadhardly/scarcely(nosooner)+过去过去分词分词+when(than)从句从句句型中,句型中,从句用一般过去时从句用一般过去时。当当hardlyscarcely,nosooner位于句首时,主句要倒装位于句首时,主句要倒装。Ihadnosoonerreachedhomethanitbegantorain.我刚到家我刚到家就开始下雨了。就开始下雨了。Hardlyhadweleftthehousewhenitbegantorain.我们刚我们刚离开家,天就开始下雨了。离开家,天就开始下雨了。(2)与与.bytheend.bythetime.等连用。等连用。Bytheendofthatyear,Henryhadcollectedmorethanathousandpostcards.到到那年年底那年年底,Henry已经收集了一千多张明信片已经收集了一千多张明信片。Bythetimetheyarrived,wehadgoteverythingready.在他们到这之前,我们已经准各好一树了在他们到这之前,我们已经准各好一树了。(3)用在用在“Itwasthe+序数词序数词+time(that).”或者或者Itwasthe+形容词形容词最高级最高级+名词名词+(that).”句型句型中中(从句从句用过去完成时用过去完成时)。Itwasthefirsttime(that)IhadbeentoShanghai.那那是我是我第一第一次次去上海去上海。ItwasthemostinspiringperformanceIhadwatched.这是这是我看过的最激励人心的我看过的最激励人心的表演表演(4)用在用在Itwas+一段时间一段时间+since从句从句句型中句型中(从句用从句用过去完成过去完成时时)例句例句ItwasatleastthreemonthssinceIhadleftBeijing.我离开我离开北京至少有三个月了北京至少有三个月了。句型句型转换:A:The chef had set up a farm to table restaurant before his new cookbook workbook was published.B:A new farm to table restaurant _by the chef before his new cookbook was published.A:They had finished their dinner by the time Sam joined them.B:Their dinner _by the time Sam joined them.Find more sentences using the past perfect tense and the past perfect passive voice from this unit.had been set up had been finished Find more sentences using the past perfect tense and the past perfect passive voice from this unit.1.Prior to coming to China,my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America,with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.2.A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend,and finally,we found it.Complete the two conversations with the correct forms of the words in the box using the past perfect tense or the past perfect passive voice.1 Carol:_you ever _ any Scottish food before your trip to St Andrews last year?Paul:No,not really.But I _about haggis many times before we went there.Carol:Oh.Did you try it?Paul:Oh,yes!You know what?We_ late for supper that day,and so we just ate whatever was left in the university canteen.We _our meal before we learnt we_ just_,haggis!Carol:My goodness!Paul:Well,it was not bad.I have to say.2 Caro:When I got to the tea house yesterday,I found nobody there._it_?Paul:Oh,Im so my that forgot to tell you!The get together was cancelled yesterday morning because Sally,the hostess,_into a car accident.Carol:Oh,Im sorry to hear that.Hope Sally recovers soon!Arrive cancel eat finish Get Taste tellhadtastedhad been toldarrivedhad finishedhadeatenHadbeen cancelledhad got


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