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    人教高中英语Unit 3 Period 5 Reading for writing(课件)(共22张PPT).pptx

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    人教高中英语Unit 3 Period 5 Reading for writing(课件)(共22张PPT).pptx

    人教版 选择性必修二Period 5 Reading for Writing:Health EatingUnit 3 Food and Culture Thefirstwealthishealth.ByRalphWaldoEmerson,Americanthinker,writerandpoetbrainstormsomehealthyeatingHabits.1.Eatslowly.2.Donteattoomuchfatorsugar.3.Eathealthyfood.4.Haveabalanceddiet.HealthyEatingReadthepassageandthensumupthemainideaofeachparagraph.Paragraph1 The real killer is _Paragraph2 Reducing _is keyParagraph3 Keep it _and _Paragraph4 _eating is good.Paragraph5 The _you look at food is most important sweetssugarfreshbalancedSlowwayTask1:Whatarethekeydetailsthatsupporteachpoint?A.The real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food,as it is sugar.Detail:_Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.And in America,people who receive 25%of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10%a day.Task1:Whatarethekeydetailsthatsupporteachpoint?B:Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks.Details:_The average American gets 1/3 of his or her sugar through sweet drinks alone.Task1:Whatarethekeydetailsthatsupporteachpoint?C:You can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foodrather than processed foods.Detail:_Detail 1:Processed foods often contain less nutrition,and have higher quantities of sugar,salt,and fat than fresh ingredients.Detail 2:Besides this,it is also important to have some meat,beans,or dairy products in your diet,as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth.Task1:Whatarethekeydetailsthatsupporteachpoint?D:A fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.Detail:_Detail 1:People who chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry.Detail 2:Eating slowly also allows your body to digest your food better and will allow you to enjoy your food more.Underlinethelinkingwordsinthepassagethatintroduceanotherwayofsayingwhatwasalreadymentionedintheprevioussentence.putmoresimply;inotherwords,whatthismeansisthat Writedownthelinkingwordsinthepassagewhichshowthatcontrastingideasarebeingintroduced.ratherthan;rather;however;while What makes up a healthy diet?Scientists have found that the real driver of poor health is sugar rather 1_so much fatty food.This is true 2_(regard)of how healthy the rest of their diet might be So if you want to be healthy,you have to cut down on sweet.Beyond this,you can keep healthy by consuming diferent3_(category)of fresh foods.especially fruit and vegetables.It is also important to have some meat,beans,or dairy products,4provide the necessary protein for bones and muscle growth.Consolidation:fill in the blanks based on the text.The ideal diet is a_5_(balance)one,without too much or too little of any one thing.Finally,a_6_(fundament)key to healthy eating is to eat slowly,which also allows your body_7(digest)your food better.In addition,_(consistency)eating habits like taking three meals a day at the same time and eating a modest amount of food each time a day9_(be)better for our health.There is no one trick 10_healthy eating.It maters that having a healthy towards food.It is up to you to make the right decisions about your diet.Consolidation:fill in the blanks based on the text.DiscussionWrite down everything you eat and drank over the last three days.And share your ideas about your eating habits,whether they are healthy or not?beansbeansbreadbreadbutterbuttercheesecheesecucumbercucumbereggseggslemonslemonsmeatmeatmilkmilkmushroomsmushroomsnoodlesnoodlesnutsnutsorangesorangespeaspeaspotatoespotatoesricericespaghettispaghettisugarsugartofutofucabbagecabbagepeachespeachesOverall,I think I have a balanced diet.For breakfast,I typically eat noodles and an egg,plus a box of milk,which are rich in nutrition and provide the necessary energy for the whole morning.For lunch,I will balance meat with fresh vegetables,which are cooked neither too salty or too sweet.For breakfast,I will eat less and hardly eat meat.More importantly,I usually eat quite slowly,which is vital to my health.Aswith与一样;正如Alargequantityof大量的Inotherwords换句话说Cutdownon减少Recommenddoing建议做Beontherighttrack在正确的轨道上Orrather或者更确切地说Haveahealthyattitudetowardssth对某事有健康的态度Beconsistentwith是一致的Amodestamountof适量的Inaddition除了Endupdoingsth结束做某事Allowsbtodosth允许某人做某事put more simply,while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous,we already know that sugar is a killer.1 while conj.1)当时;(引导时间状语从句)It began to rain while we are playing on the playground.当我们在操场上玩耍时,天开始下雨了。(2)而,然而(连接前后两个并列分句,表示对比).My brother likes football,while I prefer basketball.我哥哥喜欢足球,而我更喜欢篮球 (3)尽管,虽然(引导让步状语从句,用于句首).While I am willing to help,I do not have much time available.尽管我愿意帮忙,但是我没有多少时间。1.【辨析】when,while与as引导的时间状语从句(1)when引导时间状语从句时,从句的动作可与主句的动作发生,也可先于主句的动作发生。当表示两个动作同时发生。when可与as,while互换。He entered the room when/while/as the meeting was going on.正在开会时他走进了房间。When she comes,Ill inform you.她来时我会告知你。2.while引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词用延续性动词表示主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。They arrived while we were having dinner.我们正在吃饭时,他们到了3.as 引导时间状从句时强调从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生,可以做“一边一边”The students took notes as they listened.Read the letter and write a reply to the letter.Dear friend,Nowadays,I have a big problem.I always eat too much,and I like to eat fast food so much though I know it is junk food.As a result,I become fatter and fatter.Whats more,I have a poor appetite(胃口胃口).I often feel tired.I have seen the doctor who said that is just because of my eating habit.I want to know your attitude to Chinese food and western food.Could you give me some suggestions and give me a healthy recipe for me?Look forward to receiving your reply.yours,Ben


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