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    专题二 七选五-题组二.pptx

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    专题二 七选五-题组二.pptx

    专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()题组二题组二Passage 1(2023全国卷甲,10分)Tricks To Becoming A More Patient Person Heres a riddle:What do traffic jams,long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common?Theres one answer:1.In the Digital Age,were used to having what we need immediately and right at our fingertips.However,research suggests that if we practiced patience,wed be a whole lot better off.Here are several tricks.G专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()Practice gratitude(感激)Thankfulness has a lot of benefits:Research shows it makes us happier,less stressed and even more optimistic.2.Showing thankfulness can foster self-control,said Ye Li,researcher at the University of California.Make yourself wait Instant gratification(满足)may seem like the most feel good option at the time,but psychology research suggests waiting for things actually makes us happier in the long run.And the only way for us to get into the habit of waiting is to practice.3.Put off watching your favorite show until the weekend or wait 10 extra minutes before going for that cake.Youll soon find that the more patience you practice,the more you start to apply it to other,more annoying situations.EB专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()4.So many of us have the belief that being comfortable is the only state we will tolerate,and when we experience something outside of our comfort zone,we get impatient about the circumstances.You should learn to say to yourself,5.Youll then gradually become more patient.CF专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()A.Find your causesB.Start with small tasksC.Accept the uncomfortableD.All this adds up to a state of hurryE.It can also help us practice more patienceF.This is merely uncomfortable,not intolerableG.Theyre all situations where we could use a little extra patience专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()1._G解析 根据空前的Theres one answer可知,本空要回答前面的问题What do traffic jams,long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common?(交通堵塞、排长队和等待假期开始有什么共同之处呢?)。根据文章标题Tricks To Becoming A More Patient Person和常识可知,这三种情况都需要人们多点耐心,故G项符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()2._E解析 本段第一句讲到了Thankfulness has a lot of benefits(感恩有很多好处),空前讲到了一些好处it makes us happier,less stressed and even more optimistic(它让我们更快乐、压力更小,甚至更乐观),因此,空处讲到的应该还是好处,且涉及主题耐心,故E项它也可以帮助我们练习更耐心符合语境,E项中的also与上句形成了递进关系。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()3._B解析 根据空前的the only way for us to get into the habit of waiting is to practice(我们养成等待习惯的唯一方法就是练习)可知,空处讲到的应该是如何练习,结合空后的Put off watching your favorite show until the weekend or wait 10 extra minutes before going for that cake(把看你最喜欢的节目推迟到周末,或者多等10分钟再去吃那个蛋糕)可知,此处讲到的都是一些细小的事情。B项从小任务开始承上启下,故B项符合语境。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()4._C解析 本空考查段落主旨句。根据本段中的when we experience something outside of our comfort zone,we get impatient about the circumstances(当我们经历舒适区之外的事情时,我们会对状况感到不耐烦)可知,本段主要围绕如何在不舒服的情况下培养耐心展开,故C项接受不舒服适合作本段的主旨句。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()5._F解析 本段主要讲到了接受不舒服,因此,空处讲到的也是在不舒服的情况下,自 己 可 以 给 自 己 的 心 理 暗 示,故 F项 This is merely uncomfortable,not intolerable(这只是令人不舒服,并不是让人无法忍受)符合语境,且能引出下文Youll then gradually become more patient(然后,你就会逐渐变得更加有耐心)。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()【核心词汇】riddle n.谜,无法解释的情况have sth.at ones fingertips有随时可供使用foster v.促进,助长,培养,鼓励 in the long run从长远来看get into the habit of养成的习惯解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了变耐心的一些方法。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()Passage 2(2023浙江1月,12.5分)With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever,why not book your next domestic vacation on a train?Compared to other alternatives,its comfortable and relaxing.Here is some advice on how to make a trip by rail as pleasant as possible.Plan ahead.Most long-distance trains,especially the sleeping car accommodations,sell out very quickly.1.But no matter when you travel,its a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance.D专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()Use a travel agent.Consider turning your travel plan over to a travel agent and letting him double-check all the details,make suggestions,and then handle the actual reservations.A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets.2.Then you wont have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals.Bring a blanket.When youre riding on trains,you wont be provided with a blanket for free,even if your trip is an overnight one.3.In the summer in particular,the air conditioning can make them quite cold.GC专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()Arrive early.Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week,so missing yours can be a disaster.4.Note:The times listed on the schedules are departure times,not arrival times.E Have fun.5.Read a book,knit,do a crossword puzzle,or simply watch the world unfold outside the window.To calculate your speed as you do,divide 3,600(the number of seconds in an hour)by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile(the distance between two mileposts).If it takes the train 53 seconds to travel one mile,youre going 67.92 mph.A专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()A.Train trips arent for impatient types.B.Youll have views from both sides of the train.C.The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control.D.Thats particularly true during busy summer months.E.You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one.F.Chances are the cost will be a lot less than the cost of one bedroom.G.He may also book you in a sleeping car thats right next to the diner.专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()1._D解析 分析语境寻线索:空前的句子提供的信息是大多数长途火车票,尤其是卧铺票,很快就会卖完对比选项定答案:D项夏天旺季的时候尤其如此符合语境。解题时,可以着重关注选项中的代词That和空后一句中的连词But,以帮助厘清段落中的逻辑。2._G解析 空前的句子主要陈述代理人能给旅行者带来的好处:可以帮忙订到打折票。选项G则陈述了另外一个好处:可以帮忙订到离就餐车厢近的卧铺车厢。而空后的句子是对选项G的进一步补充:这样的话,你就不需要在移动的火车上每天三次穿过几节车厢去就餐。解题时,可以着重关注选项中的副词also和空后一句中的副词Then,以帮助厘清段落中的逻辑。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()3._C解析 从空后句子中的in particular可以看出,这句话是对空处的进一步解释。选项C车厢中的温度经常很难控制和空后的句子尤其是夏天,空调会使车厢变得很冷在逻辑上吻合。4._E解析 空前的句子提供的信息是大多数火车一天只有一个班次,甚至有的火车一周只有三个班次,所以错过你的班次简直是一种灾难,选项E如果要坐下一班次的车,你可能得等超过24小时是对空前句子的进一步解释。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()5._A解析 空后的句子罗列了一些在火车上可以做的事情,比如读书、编织、做填字游戏、看窗外的风景,甚至计算火车的速度,这些都是需要耐心的活动,所以空处应该起到引出这些活动的作用。A项火车旅行不适合没耐心的人可以很好地实现这一功能。【易错点拨】本题的干扰项是B项,B项主要的问题是无法和后面的Read a book,knit,do a crossword puzzle进行衔接。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()【核心词汇】domestic adj.国内的 alternative n.可供选择的事物reservation n.预订 turn sth.over to sb.把移交给(他人管理)discount v.打折扣 unfold v.展现,呈现;展开【熟词新义】snake 常用义:n.蛇 本文义:v.蜿蜒前进解读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一些使火车旅行更舒适的建议。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()Passage 3(2022新高考卷,12.5分)Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner.One reason was:Youll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym,while another read:1.With a workout partner,you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle(微妙)competition.So,how do you find a workout partner?First of all,decide what you want from that person.2.Or do you just want to be physically fit,able to move with strength and flexibility?Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.CD专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media,but it probably wont result in a useful response.3.If you plan on working out in a gym,that person must belong to the same gym.My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park.Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do,how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session,and her age.It also listed her favorite sports and activities,and provided her phone number.4.You and your partner will probably have different skills.5.Over time,both of you will benefit your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit.The core(核心)of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.BGF专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()A.Your first meeting may be a little awkward.B.A workout partner usually needs to live close by.C.Youll work harder if you train with someone else.D.Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?E.How can you write a good seeking a training partner notice?F.Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.G.Any notice for a training partner should include such information.专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()1._C解析 根据空后一句有一个运动伙伴,你将会训练得更努力,因为你们之间有一种微妙的竞争可知,C项如果你和别人一起训练,你会更努力符合语境。空后一句中的you will increase your training effort 与C项中的Youll work harder语义一致。故选C。2._D解析 由空后的问句及连词Or可知,空处也应用一般疑问句,询问你的锻炼需求,与空前一句中的decide what you want呼应。【技巧点拨】根据句式结构解题。D项中的Do you want to be与空后的Or do you just want to be在行文逻辑和语言结构方面都非常契合。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()3._B解析 根据空后一句如果你打算在健身房锻炼,那个人(你的伙伴)一定得是同一个健身房的可知,空处内容应该与运动伙伴所在的位置有关。由此可知,B项运动伙伴通常需要住在附近符合语境,故选B。4._G解析 空前介绍了作者的运动伙伴发布的寻找运动伙伴的通知的内容,故空处也应与帖子内容有关。G项任何寻找训练伙伴的通知都应包括这些信息符合语境,故选G。【技巧点拨】空处位于段尾,一般具有总结和归纳的作用。G项是对这类通知所包含信息的归纳和概括,并起到强调作用。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()5._F解析 根据空前你和你的伙伴可能有不同的技能可推知,F项接受你和运动伙伴之间的不同之处,学会合作符合语境,F项中的differences对应空前的different,故选F。专题二专题二 七选五七选五题组二题组二()【核心词汇】fitness n.健康 show up 露面,出现physically adv.身体上 flexibility n.灵活性session n.一段时间,一节 close by在不远处,在近旁【熟词新义】1.run 常用义:v.跑 本文义:v.发表,刊登2.title 常用义:n.标题 本文义:v.加标题3.list 常用义:n.列表,清单 本文义:v.列出解读:本文主要讲述了人们与同伴一起运动的诸多好处,以及如何才能找到一个好的运动伙伴。


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