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    高考英语词汇讲解与练习1.conclusionconclusionn. (something that you decide when you have thought about all the information connected with the situation)结论;推论(1) come to/draw/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论in conclusion 最后,总之(2) conclude v. 推断出;结束conclude sth (from)(从)推断出某事conclude (from sth) that(从某事中)推断出conclude sth with/by以结束某事温馨提示 in conclusion 常作为总结语使用,有此用法的其他表达还有: in short, in brief, in a word, all in all, to sum up, briefly (speaking), on the whole 等。【佳句背诵】(1) Scientists have drawn a conclusion that smoking is greatly associated with lung cancer.科学家已得出结论:吸烟与肺癌密切相关。(2) The concert began with the national anthem and concluded with a piece of soft music.音乐会以国歌开始,并在一首柔和的乐曲中结束。【活学活用】单句填空 The scientists concluded their research that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer. The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its (conclude)are doubtful. This contest will last one and a half months, (conclude) at the middle of December. 完成句子 , walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise. 总之,散步是一种廉价、安全、有趣且易实施的锻炼方式。Only by undertaking the analysis of the data . 只有通过分析这些数据,你才能得出科学的结论。【答案】 from conclusions concluding In conclusion can you draw/come to/arrive at/reach a scientific conclusion2.fleefleevi. & vt. (fled, fled )(run away quickly)迅速离开;逃跑flee the country/city逃出国/城市flee to 逃往; 逃至flee from 从逃出来flee away 逃离【佳句背诵】When the war broke out, the railway station was crowded with thousands of families trying to flee the city.战争爆发时,火车站挤满了成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。【活学活用】单句填空 After waiting an hour, he (flee) the village. Japanese people are used to quickly (flee)from buildings in an event of an earthquake. Its very difficult for scientists to explain exactly what causes animal (flee) or panic before an earthquake. 完成句子 Hearing the dog barking fiercely, .(用倒装句) 一听到狗狂吠,小偷就逃走了。【答案】 fled fleeing to flee away fled the thief3.circumstancecircumstancen.(a fact or an event that makes a situation the way it is)条件,情况;情形,形势(常用复数circumstances)in/under the circumstances在这种情况下under any circumstances在任何情况下in/under no circumstances绝不,无论如何都不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)温馨提示 以下短语均表示“绝不”, 置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。in no case; on no account; in no way; at no time; by no means; on no condition 等。【佳句背诵】There is nothing we can do to help Linda. Her circumstances are beyond our control.我们帮不了琳达什么忙。她的处境是我们无法控制的。【活学活用】单句填空 the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident. Once we make a decision, in most (circumstance), there is no going back. 完成句子 It is obvious that we cant deal with the problem . 显然,直到我们了解全部情况后才能处理这个问题。Youngsters shouldnt follow negative information on mass media blindly . Under no circumstances on mass media blindly.(用倒装句改写) 在任何情况下,青少年都不应盲目跟从大众媒体上的负面信息。【答案】 Under/In circumstances until we know all the circumstances under any circumstancesshould youngsters follow negative information4.foundfoundvt. (to bring something into existence)创建; 建立(1) foundon/upon(=baseon)把基于上, 把建立在之上be founded on/upon(=be based on)建立在之上; 以为基础或根据(2) foundation n.基础;基金会;建立build up/lay a solid foundation for为奠定坚实的基础【佳句背诵】Peter Bullock was not only an exciting teacher, but also the man who founded the debate club in my school.彼得·布洛克不仅是一位令人兴奋的老师, 他还是我校辩论俱乐部的发起人。【活学活用】单句填空 The whole theory was founded a mistaken belief. Ryans experience led him to set up a (found) to encourage more people to help. One of the most important sites is Lake Tana itself, with many ancient monasteries (found)on Tanas 37 islands. 完成句子It was four years college life . 正是四年的大学生活为他的工作打下了坚实的基础。 St. Louis was founded in 1764 by French traders, and today it is the fifteenth largest urban area in the United States. , St. Louis today is the fifteenth largest urban area in the United States. (用过去分词作状语改写) 【答案】 on/upon foundation founded that laid/built up a solid foundation for his work Founded in 1764 by French traders5.passionpassionn.(a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc.)酷爱;激情;热爱(1) have a passion for酷爱,喜爱have a passion to do sth 殷切希望做某事(2) passionate adj. 热情的;怒不可遏的; 热烈的be passionate about 对充满热情【佳句背诵】While working there, out of a strong passion for knowledge, he continued to study, earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.在那里工作期间,出于对知识的强烈热爱,他继续学习,于1905年获得物理学博士学位。【活学活用】单句填空 Our purpose is to make students develop a passion lifelong learning in a safe and secure environment. Tango is a (passion) dance, which brings the dancers together in a way words cant express. From that day on, Mr Abott had a passion (invent) a new kind of medicine. 完成句子He learning and travel, beginning with Russia, where he spent time as a young man. 他对学习和旅行有着莫大的热情,他的旅程从俄罗斯开始,并在那里度过了他的青年时期。When she first arrived in China, she paper-cutting. when she first arrived in China paper-cutting. (用强调句改写) 她对剪纸的酷爱是在她第一次来到中国时培养起来的。【答案】 for passionate to invent had a passion for/was passionate about developed a passion for;It was;that she developed a passion fore to powercome to power上台;执政(be) in power执政;当权in ones power 在某人的掌控中beyond ones power=out of ones power某人力所不能的do all/everything in ones power to do sth尽某人所能做某事温馨提示 come to/into power 表动作, 为非延续性动词短语, 不能与一段时间连用; 延续性动词短语形式应用be in power执政, 在位(表状态)。【佳句背诵】Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany.1933年,希特勒在德国上台执政后,形势发生了变化。【活学活用】单句填空 The new law would give the president the power (appoint) the central banks chairman. The party has been power for many years, and it has showed its strengths in dealing with important issues. Not that John doesnt want to help you, but that its his power. 完成句子After the Nazis in Germany, many scientists left Germany. 纳粹夺取了德国的政权之后,许多科学家都离开德国了。The local government is trying its best to save the ancient building dating back to the Qing Dynasty.The local government the ancient building dating back to the Qing Dynasty.(同义句改写)【答案】 to appoint in beyond came to power is doing everything in its power to save7.consequenceconsequencen. (a result of sth that has happened) 结果; 后果; 影响(1) as a consequence=in consequence/as a result结果,因此as a consequence of =in consequence of/as a result of 因为;由于take/suffer/face the consequences (of sth)承担(某事的)后果(2) consequent adj.作为结果的;随之而来的consequently adv. 结果,因此【佳句背诵】It is as a consequence of =in consequence of/as a result ofmans activities that many species have died out.正是由于人类的活动,许多物种已经灭绝了。【活学活用】单句填空 The flight was delayed because of fog, and (consequent), he didnt make it to his best friends wedding in time. Whether big or small, what all our choices have in common is that they lead to specific (consequence). His death was totally unexpected and, consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement. 完成句子If you insist on eating so much, youll have to ! 如果你坚持吃这么多,你会自食其果的!Shelly had her hospital experience. , she decided to become a nurse. her hospital experience, Shelly decided to become a nurse.(同义句改写) 由于有在医院工作的经验,雪莉决定当一名护士。【答案】 consequently consequences in suffer/take/face the consequences As a consequence;As a consequence of8.take up a positiontake up a position担任;任职take up 继续;开始从事(一项新的工作)或开始承担(一项新的责任);占据空间、位置;接受(建议或挑战);学着做;拿起take off 脱掉;起飞;休假;开始成功take on 雇用;呈现take over 接管take in 收留;包括;理解;记住;欺骗take down 拆掉;写下take back 收回(所说的话)【佳句背诵】After spending time in Europe, he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA.在欧洲度过一段时间后,他终于在美国普林斯顿高等研究院谋得研究员一职。【活学活用】【一词多义】Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. When did you take up Japanese as a second foreign language? Harry took up the tale at the point where John had left off. I took up the telephone receiver only to dial a wrong number. 完成句子It is said that Peter of the travel agency at the end of next month. 据说,彼得将在下个月月底担任旅行社的负责人。Sally has asked for sick leave, and I have to for a couple of days. 萨莉请了病假,这几天我得接替她的工作。【答案】 占据(时间、空间) 学习 继续(中断的话) 拿起 will take up his post/position as the head take over her work9.encounterencountervt. (to meet sb, or discover or experience sth, especially sb/sth new, unusual or unexpected) 偶然碰到;遇到 n. 邂逅;遭遇(1) encounter sb/sth 偶然遇见encounter problems/difficulties遇到问题/困难(2) an encounter with sb/sth相遇/邂逅/遭遇温馨提示 表示“偶遇,遇见”的同义词有:bump into, come across, run into, meet with。【佳句背诵】In fact, Einstein often encountered people on the street who would stop him and ask him to help explain things.事实上,爱因斯坦经常遇到当街拦住他,请他帮忙解释各种事情的人。【活学活用】单句填空 If you undertake the project, you are bound (encounter) difficulties. Despite the hardship he (encounter), Mark never gave up the pursuit of knowledge. What impressed and inspired me most were my (encounter) with young people. 完成句子I will never forget the great difficulty when I entered senior high school. 我永远不会忘记我进入高中时在学习英语中遇到的巨大困难。It was at the airport my high school classmate yesterday, which gave me a big surprise. 昨天就在机场我遇到了我的高中同学,这让我感到很惊讶。【答案】 to encounter encountered encounters (that/which) I encountered in learning English that I encountered10.sumsumvi.(to state the main points of sth in a short and clear form)总结;概括; n. (an amount of money)金额,款项;总数(1) a sum of一笔in sum 总之;总而言之(2) sum up=give a summary of总结;概括to sum up=in summary=to summarize总之;概括地说(3) summary n. 总结;概括;概要(4) summarize v. 总结,概述温馨提示 “总之”的表达法还有:in a word, in short, in brief, in conclusion, all in all。【佳句背诵】(1)Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about the person.用你的笔记写你的介绍,并总结你对这个人的看法。(2)To sum up, being a good journalist requires writing skills, curiosity and commitment to finding the truth.总而言之,做一名好记者需要写作技巧、好奇心和发现真相的决心。【活学活用】单句填空 She left large sum of money in her will to found a wildlife sanctuary. However, (sum) up an entire career in just 140 characters is a challenge for many job hunters. Our teacher asked us to write a (summarize)of the story. 完成句子 , we cant continue the project unless we have more workers. 总之,除非我们有更多的工人,否则我们就不能继续进行这个项目了。Many people spoke at the meeting, and finally the chairman summarized the discussion.Many people spoke at the meeting, and finally the chairman .(用sum up改写) Many people spoke at the meeting, and finally the chairman .(用summary改写) 【答案】 a summing summary To sum up summed up the discussiongave a summary of the discussion11. persuadev. (cause sb to do sth by giving them good reasons for doing it)说服;劝说(1) persuade sb to do sth =persuade/talk sb into doing sth说服某人做某事persuade sb not to do sth =persuade/talk sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事try to persuade sb to do sth 尽力劝说某人做某事(2)persuasive adj.有说服力的,令人信服的【佳句背诵】(1)Despite all my efforts to persuade him to give up smoking, he never made up his mind. 虽然我尽力劝他别吸烟了,但他还是下不了决心。(2)We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us. 我们已经让他们相信与我们合作是值得的。活学活用单句填空Over the last seven years, public service campaigns have tried a wide range of methods (persuade) people to put down their phones when they are behind the wheel. (persuade) parents to allow children to take up the game has been a significant challenge. Brown believes England has to put forward a (persuade) argument in order to win support from other nations.完成句子While shopping, people sometimes cant help something they dont really need. 在购物时,人们有时禁不住被说服买一些他们并不真正需要的东西。【答案】 to persuade Persuading persuasive being persuaded into buying/being persuaded to buy12.switchvi. & vt. (使)改变; 转变; 转换; 交换n. (a change from one thing to another, especially when this is sudden and complete) 开关; 转换器; 改变(1) switch on (=turn on) 开(电灯、机器等),接通(电流等)switch off =turn off 关(电灯、机器等),切断(电流等)switch (over) fromto从转换到(2) switch n.开关;转换器;改变make a switch (from) to(从)转变为【佳句背诵】When you are on vacation abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary. 当你在国外度假时,你可以在必要时使用智能家居控制器来打开或关闭电源。活学活用单句填空 According to the airline rules, you should switch your mobile phone before boarding. Wed take the train into the city centre, then a bus, (switch) to the train, and then maybe a taxi. 完成句子/一句多译Please ensure that before you leave the office. 你离开办公室之前,请务必将所有灯都关掉。He took up the violin at the age of five, and five years later. He took up the violin at the age of five, five years later.(用分词改写) 他五岁时开始学习小提琴,五年后转而学习钢琴。【答案】 off switching all the lights are switched off switched to the pianoswitched to the piano13.distantadj. (far away in space or time)遥远的;远处的;疏远的(1)distance n. 距离,间距at a distance 隔一段距离;从远处in the distance 在远处at a distance of 在的距离keep sb at a distance对某人冷淡;与某人疏远keep distance from 与某人保持距离(2)distance vt. 拉开距离; 与疏远distance oneself from 使自己疏远;使自己不介入【佳句背诵】It is believed that driverless cars will enter thousands of households in the not-too-distant future. 相信在不久的未来,无人驾驶汽车一定会走进千家万户。活学活用单句填空 He saw the house from a (distant) of about a block, and his heart began to jump.The motorcycle let off steam with a loud noise and then disappeared th


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