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    江苏泰州三年(2021-2023 )中考英语真题分题型分类汇编-04短文填空一、短文首字母填空(2021 江苏泰州统考中考真题)Sometimes, children can't keep a single bit of information in their mind while they are doing something else. If so, they may have problems with their working memory. It is an important s 1 for children. Here are some t 2 to help improve children's working memory.Read actively. They may form long-term (长时间的)memories more e 3 when children take part in active reading. Active reading i 4 not only asking notes, but also speaking aloud and asking questions about the material that they are reading.Use visualization (形象化)skills. When reading something, ask children to imagine the scene of the story and d 5 it. For example, ask them to set a table for a few people and have a p 6 in their mind, and then have a description.Ask them to teach others. Teaching a 7 person means being able to understand the information well before saying it aloud. When children are learning a new skill, ask them to show others h 8 to do it. They should be able to explain it to others.Moreover, there are lots of matching games that can be p 9 to improve their working memory, or you can use something simple 110 a magazine or a newspaper.Have them find a certain word as many times as they can in one minute.(2022.江苏泰州.统考中考真题)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短 文完整、通顺(请在答题卡上写出完整单词)。It was a beautiful fall day. I was out riding my bicycle. I guessed I rode over a hole in the road. All of a sudden, WHAM(石平)! I fell off my bicycle. My right side really h 11 !My head hit the ground h 12 .1 lay there for a few minutes. I tried to get up, b 13 I failed! "There must be s 14 wrong with me J I thought. I felt so t 15 that I had to still lie there. Then I saw b 16 on my shoe. My hand and knee were bleeding.As I lay there, I took off my helmet. There was a sharp rock sticking out of it. I looked at it in f 17 . Thank goodness I wore my helmet!I shouted for help. At that time, a truck went by. The driver s 18 his truck and came to help me. He put my bicycle in the back of his truck and drove me to the hospital.When my mother got to the hospital, she gave me a big hug(拥抱)."I'm so glad you were wearing your helmet. The helmet saved your life/9 she said. She knew I was c 19 before and did not always wear my helmet. "Mum, it was not the helmet i 20 that saved my life, but safety awareness did. Til ride my bicycle with great care later on!”二、语法填空(2023江苏泰州中考真题)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。有提示词的空格不限一词,无提示词的空格限填一词。Students at a university in Anhui Province will probably not receive their diplomas (毕 业文凭)if they fail a fitness test. The test has running, standing long jump and some other sports 21 (activity). This rule has caused hot discussion. According to the plan, the new rule 22 (come) into force soon. And if students fail to pass the fitness tests, they won't get their diplomas.However, it is not a one-time test like gaokao. Students who fail the tests 23 graduation will be given another chance. He can take the test for a 24 (two) time. And if they fail again, they will have to take the test even after graduation.Do you think it is 25 only university doing so? No! If students want to enter Tsinghua University, they also have to be able to swim. Or they will prepare to learn swimming. And they must pass a swimming test after school begins.Tsinghua University will ask the students 26 (learn) swimming and will organize a swimming test for all new students in September. If students fail to swim as long as at least 50 metres, they will have to take the swimming course throughout their studies. And of course, students are also reminded to learn and practise swimming 27 (safe). They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, 28 the university won't give them diplomas.University students 29 (encourage) to do more exercise after class. But some just stay in the classroom all day long. Few students take exercise even if they are free. They need to do some exercise to keep 30 (they) healthy. Swimming is also a survival skill. It does no harm to people at all and is the correct sport for students. Any student who wants to enter Tsinghua University, remember, swimming is your necessary skill.参考答案:1. (s)kill 2. (t)ips 3. (e)asily 4. (i)ncludes 5. (d)escribe 6. (p)icture7. (a)nother 8. (h)ow 9. (p)layed 10. (l)ike【分析】本文主要介绍了一些提高孩子们工作记忆的建议。1 .句意:这是一项对儿童来说很重要的技能。根据“Sometimes, children can keep a single bit of information in their mind while they are doing something else. If so, they may have problems with their working memory.”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达重要的“技巧”,skill技巧,“an” 后接可数名词单数。故填(s)kill。2 .句意:以下是一些有助于提高儿童工作记忆的建议。根据下文“Read activelyUse visualization skills.和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“建议”,tip建议,“some”后接可数名 词复数。故填ips。3 .句意:当孩子们参加主动阅读时,他们更容易形成长期记忆。根据"Read actively”和首字 母提示可知,空格处表达“容易地”,修饰动词“form”,用副词,easily容易地。故填asily。4 .句意:主动阅读不仅包括做笔记,还包括大声说出来,并就他们正在阅读的材料提出问 题。 根据"not only asking notes, but also speaking aloud and asking questions about the material that they are reading.”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“包括",include包括,主语“Active reading”是动名词,谓语用动词的三单形式,“include”的三单是"includes”。故填ncludes。5 .句意:在阅读的时候,让孩子们想象故事的场景并加以描述。根据“Use visualization skills/9 和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“描述",describe描述,“imagine”是动词原形,所以空格处 也用动词原形。故填(d)escribe。6 .句意:例如,让他们为几个人摆一张桌子,在他们的脑海中有一个画面,然后有一个描 述。根据“and then have a description.”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“画面”,用名词,picture 画面,“a”后接可数名词单数。故填(p)icture。7 .句意:教别人意味着在大声说出之前能够很好地理解信息。根据"Ask them to teach others." 和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“另一个",用“another"。故填(a)nother。8 .句意:当孩子们在学习一项新技能时,让他们示范给别人看。根据“They should be able to explain it to others.”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“如何”做,用“how”。故填(h)ow。9 .句意:此外,有很多匹配的游戏可以玩,以提高他们的工作记忆。根据"there are lots of matching games”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“玩”游戏,play玩,根据“can be”可知, 该句为被动语态,故填"play"的过去分词“played"。故填(p)layed。10 .句意:此外,有很多匹配的游戏可以玩,以提高他们的工作记忆,或者你可以用一些简 单的东西,比如杂志或报纸。根据"something simple .a magazine or a newspaper.”和首字母 提示可知,空格后是举例“something simple”,用“like”。故填ike。11 . (h)urt 12. (h)eavily 13. (b)ut 14. (s)omething 15. (t)errible 16. (b)lood17. (f)ear 18. (s)topped 19. (c)areless 20. (i)tself【导语】本文讲述了作者在骑车时重重的摔倒,安全意识救了他的命的故事。11 .句意:我的右侧真的很痛!根据rfell。在my bicycle.”和首字母可知,此处是指受伤了。 hurt“受伤”,动词;本文主体时态为一般过去时,hurt的过去式还是hurt。故填(h)urt。12 .句意:我的头重重地撞在地上。根据"I lay there for a few minutes.”和首字母可知,此处 是指重重地摔在地下。heavily“重重地”,副词修饰动词。故填(h)eavily。13 .句意:我想站起来,但我失败了!根据“【failed!”可知,句子前后是转折关系,结合首字 母可知是连词bu亡但是"。故填(b)ut。14 .句意:我一定有什么问题。根据"There must bewrong with meJ可知,作者的脑袋重重 地摔在地上且站不起来,结合首字母可知应是something”一些东西"。固定短语there is something wrong with sb.”某人出了问题故填(s)omething。15 .句意:我感到非常糟糕,以至于不得不仍然躺在那里。根据"had to still lie there."和首 字母可知,作者摔在地上且站不起来,这是很糟糕的。terrible”糟糕的。形容词。故填(t)errible。16 .句意:然后我看到我的鞋上有血。根据"My hand and knee were bleeding.”可知,此处是 看到鞋子上的血。应用名词形式blood"血' 作动词的宾语。故填(b)lood。17 .句意:我害怕地看着它。根据“There was a sharp rock sticking out of it.”和首字母可知, 作者很害怕。固定短语in fear"害怕地,恐惧地”。故填ear。18 .句意:司机停下他的卡车来帮助我。根据“came to help me."和首字母可知,司机是停下 了车。stop“停止”,动词;本文主体时态为一般过去时,stop的过去式为stopped。故填topped。19 .句意:她知道我以前粗心,并不总是戴头盔。根据"did not always wear my helmet.”和首 字母可知,作者不总戴头盔,应是粗心的。careless“粗心的。形容词。故填(c)areless。20 .句意:妈妈,救我的不是头盔本身,而是安全意识。根据“safety awareness did.”和首字母可知,此处是指头盔本身。应用“thehelme/对应的反身代词itsef它自己工 故填tself。21 . activities 22. will come 23. of 24. second 25. the 26. to learn27. safely 28. or 29. are encouraged 30. themselves【导语】本文介绍安徽的一所大学将对学生进行体育测试的规定,如果学生测试不及格,将 无法获得毕业证。21 .句意:考试有跑步、立定跳远等体育活动。some other修饰可数名词复数,故填activities。22 .句意:按照计划,新规定将很快生效。根据“soon”可知,此处使用一般将来时,故填 will come。23 .句意:没有通过毕业考试的学生将会得到另一次机会。根据"Students who fail the testsgraduation will be given another chance.”可知,此处表示毕业测试,所属关系用of,故 填。f。24 .句意:他可以参加第二次考试。此处作定语修饰time,用序数词形式,故填second。25 .句意:你认为这是唯一一所这样做的大学吗? the only“唯一的",故填the。26 .句意:清华大学将要求学生学习游泳,并将于9月份为所有新生组织一次游泳测试。ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事。故填to learno27 .句意:当然,学生们也被提醒要安全地学习和练习游泳。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词 形式,故填safely。28 .句意:他们毕业的时候会游泳,否则大学不会给他们颁发文凭。根据“They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, .the university won't give them diplomas.”可矢口,必须学会游泳, 否则学校不给毕业证,or“否则”符合语境,故填。r。29 .句意:鼓励大学生在课后多做运动。本句主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,所 以用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are encouraged。30 .句意:他们需要做一些运动来保持健康。本句主语是They,所以是保持“他们自己”的 健康,用反身代词形式,故填themselves。


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