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    原版英语RAZ 教案(T) Deserts Dry_LP.pdf

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    原版英语RAZ 教案(T) Deserts Dry_LP.pdf

    Deserts DryLesson PlanLEVELT T1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Nonfiction/Informational Page Count:16 Word Count:1,226Book SummaryDeserts Dry asks readers to think about what they already know about deserts and adds surprising new facts about three of the most unique deserts in the world:the Sahara,the Gobi,and the Atacama.The book explains that some deserts are home to expert horse herders,lakes of salt,underground oceans of oil,and ancient civilizations.It also describes different animals and plants that can be found in these inhospitable climates and explains how they survive.Photographs and captions support the text.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy AskandanswerquestionsObjectives Usethereadingstrategyofaskingandansweringquestionstounderstandtext Identifydetailstocompareandcontrastdifferentdeserts Identifyandusehyphenatedcompoundadjectives Identifythemeaningofandusethesuffix-estMaterialsGreen text indicates resources available on the website BookDeserts Dry(copy for each student)Chalkboardordryeraseboard Worldmap KWLS,contentvocabulary,compareandcontrast,hyphenatedcompoundadjectivesworksheets Discussion cards Indicates an opportunity for students to mark in the book.(All activities may be demonstrated byprojectingthebookoninteractivewhiteboardorcompletedwithpaperandpencilifbooks are reused.)Vocabulary Content words:Story critical:dormant(adj.),dunes(n.),evaporates(v.),irrigation(n.),nomads(n.),oasis(n.)Enrichment:minerals(n.),moisture(n.),resource(n.)Before ReadingBuild Background Writetheworddesert on the board.Show students magazines and books featuring photos taken in deserts around the world,and use the world map to reference them.Ask students to describe what they see and discuss what they may already know about deserts.CreateaKWLSchartontheboardandhandouttheKWLSworksheet.Review or explain that the K stands for knowledge we know,the W stands for information we want to know,the L stands for the knowledge we learned,and the S stands for what we still want to know about the topic.As various topics are discussed,fill in the first section(K)on the board with information students knowaboutthetopic.HavestudentscompletethesamesectionoftheirKWLSchart.Deserts DryLesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Askstudentswhattheywouldliketoknowaboutdeserts.Havethemfillinthesecondsection(W)oftheirchart.Writetheirquestionsontheclasschart.Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Givestudentstheircopyofthebook.Guidethemtothefrontandbackcoversandreadthetitle.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.Encourage them to offer ideas as to what type of book it is(genre,text type,fiction or nonfiction,and so on)and what it might be about.Showstudentsthetitlepage.Discusstheinformationonthepage(titleofbook,authorsname).Askstudentstoturntothetableofcontents.Remindthemthatthetableofcontentsprovidesan overview of what the book is about.Ask students what they expect to read about in the book basedonwhattheyseeinthetableofcontents.(Acceptallanswersthatstudentscanjustify.)Introduce the Reading Strategy:Ask and answer questions Discusswithstudentshowhavingpriorknowledgeaboutthetopic,andaskingandansweringquestions while reading,can help readers understand and remember the information in a book.Directstudentstothetableofcontents.Remindthemthatthetableofcontentsprovidesanoverview of the information in a book and how it is organized.After previewing the table of contents,use it to model asking questions.Think-aloud:Before I read a book,I often think of questions about the topic that Im curious about.As I read,I try to answer some of these questions.I can use the table of contents to think of questions I would like to have answered about deserts.For example,one section is titled“The Sahara.”This makes me wonder where this famous desert is located and what lives there.Ill have to read the book to find out.Ill write these questions on the chart.Havestudentslookattheothersectiontitles.Havethemwriteanyquestionstheyhavebasedonthe covers and table of contents in the W sectionoftheirKWLSchart.Havestudentspreviewtherestofthebook,lookingatthephotographsandcaptions.Invitethem to read through the glossary and index.Have them add any additional questions they mighthaveontheirKWLSchart.Invitestudentstosharetheirquestionsaloud.Writesharedquestions on the class chart on the board.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Compare and contrast Explaintostudentsthatonewaytounderstandconceptsinabookistotellhowinformationisalike and different.Modelhowtocompareandcontrast.Think-aloud:After looking at the photos in this book,I think we will be reading about both sand and snow.I know that sand and snow have similarities and differences.They both accumulate as very tiny pieces that pile together to form large,rolling hills.However,snow melts to become water,while sand never melts.Both can be packed together to build things and both can be fun to play in.However,snow is white in color,and sand can be a multitude of colors.ModelhowtocompareandcontrastinformationusingaVenndiagram.DrawaVenndiagramontheboard.LabeltheleftcircleSnow and the right circle Sand.Explain that information telling how snow and sand are similar is written where the circles overlap.Information that is only true of snow is written in the left side of the left circle.Information that is only true of sand is written in the right side of the right circle.Havestudentsidentifyothersimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweensnowandsand.WritethisinformationontheVenndiagram.Introduce the Vocabulary Asstudentspreviewthebook,askthemtotalkaboutwhattheyseeinthephotographs.Reinforce the vocabulary words they will encounter in the text.Deserts DryLesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T3 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Explaintostudentsthatsometimestheywillnotfindanycontextcluesthatdefineanunfamiliarword.Modelhowstudentscanusetheglossaryoradictionarytolocateawordsmeaning.Have a volunteer read the definition for dormant in the glossary.Have students follow along on page 13 as you read the sentence in which the word dormant is found to confirm the meaning of the word.Writetheworddormant on the board.Have a volunteer explain in his or her own words what happens to dormant seeds in the Atacama.Ask students to give examples of other living things that may become dormant,and list them on the board.Havestudentslocateeachoftheremainingcontentvocabularywordsintheglossary.Readanddiscuss their definitions as a class.Havestudentschoosetwocontentvocabularywordsfromthisbookwithwhichtheyweremostunfamiliar for the following activity.Introduce,explain,and have students complete the content vocabulary worksheet.Allow time for discussion when they are finished.Set the Purpose Havestudentsthinkaboutwhattheyalreadyknowaboutdesertsastheyreadthebooktofindanswers to their questions,and write what they learned in the L sectionoftheirKWLSchart.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Have students read to the end of page 7.Remind them to look for information aboutdesertsthatwillanswerquestionsontheirKWLSchart.Encouragestudentswhofinishearly to go back and reread.Whenstudentshavefinishedreading,havethemcircleanyquestionsontheirKWLSchartthatwere answered and write any new questions that were generated.Modelansweringaquestionandfillinginthethirdsection(L)ontheKWLSchart.Think-aloud:I wanted to know where the Sahara Desert is located and what lives there.I found out that the entire top third of the continent of Africa is home to the famous Sahara Desert,making it the largest desert in the world.I read that thorn trees,shrubs,and low-growing grasses survive there,as do several kinds of antelope,rodents,birds,and reptiles.I also read that the Sahara holds the worlds largest reserves of oil and that some countries have become incredibly wealthy from selling it.I noticed that the next section is titled“The Gobi.”I wonder if any people live in this desert.I will write this question on my chart.HavestudentswriteanswerstothequestionstheycircledintheL sectionontheirKWLSchart.Invite them to share the information they learned and the questions they generated as they read thebook.WritesharedresponsesontheclassKWLSchart.Check for understanding:Have students read to the end of page 11.Have them write answers they found while reading in the L sectionoftheirKWLSchartandadditionalquestionstheyraisedin the W section.Invite them to share the information they learned and the questions they generatedastheyreadabouttheGobiDesertonpages8through11.WritesharedresponsesontheclassKWLSchart.ReviewwithstudentstheinformationabouttheSaharaandtheGobi.Discusssimilaritiesanddifferences between these two deserts(similarities:get very little rain,have very little vegetation,crisscrossed by traders bringing goods to and from the region;differences:Sahara is in Africa,GobiisinAsia;Saharaisveryhot,Gobiisverycold).WritethisinformationinaVenndiagramonthe board.Have students work with a partner to further compare and contrast the Sahara and the Gobi deserts.Have them underline the information in their book.Discuss their responses and add the informationtotheclassVenndiagramontheboard.Deserts DryLesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T4 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Havestudentsreadtheremainderofthebook.RemindthemtolookforandwriteanswerstotheirKWLSchartquestions,aswellastolookforinformationtocompareandcontrast.Encourage them to add new questions they might have to their chart as they read.Have students make a question mark in their book beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce.Encourage them to use the strategies they have learned to read each word and figure out its meaning.After Reading Askstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheirbook.Usethisopportunitytomodelhowthey can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.Reflect on the Reading Strategy Think-aloud:I wanted to know whether any people live in the Gobi Desert.I learned that the Gobi is too harsh and remote to support cities.I also read nomads inhabit the Gobi,moving from place to place in search of food.The lack of humans and dry climate in the Gobi have supported the preservation of delicate fossils for millions of years;so,today,scientists flock there for new discoveries.AskstudentstosharequestionstheyaddedtotheirKWLSchartwhilereading,andaskthemwhat questions were answered(or not answered)in the text.Have students write answers they found while reading under the L sectionoftheirKWLSworksheet.Reinforcethataskingquestionsbeforeandduringreading,andlookingfortheanswerswhilereading,keeps readers interested in the topic.It also encourages them to keep reading to find answerstotheirquestionsandhelpsthemunderstandandenjoywhattheyhaveread.Pointouttostudentsthatalloftheirquestionsmaynothavebeenansweredinthistext.Brainstormothersourcestheymightusetolocateadditionalinformationtoanswertheirquestions.Invite students to fill in the final section(S)on their worksheet with information they would still like to know about deserts.Reflect on the Comprehension Skill Discussion:ReviewwithstudentshowinformationisorganizedinaVenndiagram.Havestudentswork with a partner to identify similarities and differences between the Gobi and the Atacama deserts.HavethemwritetheinformationinaVenndiagramonaseparatepieceofpaper.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the compare-and-contrast worksheet by comparing the Sahara and the Atacama deserts.If time allows,discuss their answers.Enduring understanding:This book educates readers about several types of deserts and what makes each one unique.Now that you know this information,why is knowing about deserts important?Build Skills Grammar and Mechanics:Hyphenated compound adjectives Revieworexplainthatadjectives arewordsthatdescribenounsorpronouns.Anadjectivetellswhich one,how many,or what kind.Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:Rich,ancient cities survived on irrigated crops and the wealth of goods passing through.Have individual students come to the board and circle the adjectivesinthesentence(rich,ancient,irrigated).Then have them underline the nouns that eachadjectivedescribes(cities,crops).Tellstudentsthatsomeadjectivesarehyphenatedandthattheyarecalledhyphenated compound adjectives.Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:The Nile flows along the eastern edge of the Sahara,bringing life-giving water to crops and cities along its banks.Have avolunteercometotheboardandunderlinethehyphenatedcompoundadjective(life-giving).Haveanothervolunteerunderlinethenounthattheadjectivedescribes(water).Deserts DryLesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T5 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Check for understanding:Have students work with a partner to circle other hyphenated compoundadjectivesinthebook.Thenhavethemunderlinethenounthateachadjectivedescribes.Whentheyhavefinished,discusstheirresponses.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the hyphenated-compound-adjectivesworksheet.Discuss answers aloud when students have finished working.Word Work:Suffix-est Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.Point out the word largest.Discuss with students the meaning of the word.Erasethesuffix-est from the end of the word to write the root word large.Discuss with students howthemeaningofthewordchanged.Writethesuffix-est on the board and discuss its meaning(most).Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:The Atacama Desert is the driest place on Earth.Point out the word driest.Ask students to explain the meaning of the word.Erasethesuffix-est from the end of the word to write the root word dry.Ask students to explain how the meaning of the word changed.Point out that in words ending in-y,the-y is changed to an i before adding the suffix-est.Check for understanding:Writethewordlong on the board.Have students identify the meaning of the root word.Then have them add the suffix-est to the word(longest).Have students identify how the meaning of the word changed.Build FluencyIndependent Reading Allowstudentstoreadtheirbookindependently.Additionally,allowpartnerstotaketurnsreading parts of the book to each other.Home Connection Givestudentstheirbooktotakehometoreadwithparents,caregivers,siblings,orfriends.Havestudentscompareandcontrasttwoobjectsintheirhomeandwritetheinformationin aVenndiagram.Extend the ReadingInformational Writing ConnectionHavestudentsusetheVenndiagramtheycompletedontheircompare-and-contrastworksheettowrite a paper about the Sahara and the Atacama deserts.Have them separate the information into threeparagraphsjustastheyareseparatedontheVenndiagramwritingoneparagraphforeachsection.If time allows,invite them to illustrate their work and read their writing aloud in small groups.VisitWritingAZfor a lesson and leveled materials on informational writing.Science ConnectionReview the information from the“Do You Know?”se


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