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    原版英语RAZ 教案(T) Deserts Dry_CQ.pdf

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    原版英语RAZ 教案(T) Deserts Dry_CQ.pdf

    Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick CheckLEVELInstructions:Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.Name Date Quick Check continued on following pageT T1.What is the valuable resource hidden under the Sahara?A salt pansB oil reservesC the green oasisD the Nile River2.What is the“fascinating sort of treasure”the Gobi Desert holds?A the Nile RiverB excellent horse trainersC fossilsD all of the above3.What is a nomad?A a person who moves from place to place with no permanent homeB a person who only trains horses for a livingC a person who lives in the Atacama DesertD a person who searches for fossils4.What did the author think might be a surprising fact about the Gobi Desert?A The Gobi Desert is too harsh to support cities.B The Gobi Desert is cold.C Nomads in Mongolia are excellent horse trainers.D Small rodents called jerboa live there.5.What mineral do the Gobi,Sahara,and Atacama deserts share?A oilB saltC copperD all of the aboveDeserts Dry Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick Check(continued)LEVELName Date T TDeserts Dry6.What effect does the Nile River have on the Sahara Desert?A The Niles water allows animals to live nearby in the desert.B The Niles water allows crops to grow.C The Niles water allows large cities of people to survive.D All of the above7.What characteristics do all deserts share?A More animals live in deserts than in any other place.B All are near oceans and mountains.C More water dries up than falls.D All of the above8.What is a resource?A a supply of something valuableB a solid,natural material from undergroundC an inactive plant or animalD a source of water in the desert9.How are the Gobi and Sahara deserts alike?A Both are on the continent of Asia.B Both have oil as a major resource.C Both contain enough food and water to support cities.D Both were used by traders to bring goods from Asia to Europe.10.What is moisture?A a supply of water used only to irrigate cropsB a place in a desert where there is waterC a small amount of waterD only the water in an oasis11.Extended Response:Explain one way this book might have changed how you think about deserts.12.Extended Response:If you had to go to one of the three deserts discussed in the book,which one would you go to and why?Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick Check Answer SheetLEVELT TMain Comprehension Skill:Compare and ContrastDeserts Dry 1.B Main Idea and Details 2.C Main Idea and Details 3.A Vocabulary 4.B Main Idea and Details 5.B Compare and Contrast 6.D Cause and Effect 7.C Compare and Contrast 8.A Vocabulary 9.D Compare and Contrast 10.C Vocabulary 11.Answers will vary.Example:I always thought deserts were hot,but I learned the cold areas of the North Pole and South Pole are deserts too.12.Answers will vary but should include a desert from the text supported by at least one detail about that desert.


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