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    $number01Special Review Courseware for Middle School Englis目目录录Types of PronounsThe Usage of PronounsThe position of pronouns in sentencesSpecial usage of pronounsAnalysis of Pronouns in the Middle School Entrance Examination01Types of Pronouns123Personal pronounsPossessive personal pronouns my,mine,your,yours,his,her(s),its,our(s),their(s).Used to show possession or ownership.Subjective personal pronouns I,you,he,she,it,we,they.Used as the subject of a verb.Objective personal pronouns me,you,him,her,it,us,them.Used as the object of a verb or preposition.ThisThatTheseDemonstrative pronouns used to point out something near the speaker.used to point out something near the listener or away from both the speaker and listener.used to point out a group of things near the speaker.WhoWhoeverWhomWhomever used to ask about the identity of a person.used in conditional sentences to ask about an unspecified person.used to ask about the identity of the object of a sentence(objective form of who).used in conditional sentences to ask about an unspecified person(objective form of whoever).01020304Interrogative pronouns02The Usage of Pronouns单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提一一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八九文,单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果单击此4*25Personal pronouns can also be used in the possessive form to show ownership,such as my,your,his,hers,its,our,and their.When using personal pronouns,it is important to maintain clarity and avoid ambiguity.For example,she should be used to refer to a female person,and he should be used to refer to a male person.The Usage of Personal PronounsThe usage of demonstrative pronouns010203Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out specific things or people.They include this,that,these,and those.When using demonstrative pronouns,it is essential to be clear about what you are referring to.For example,if you say that is a good book,the listener will need to be able to see which book you are referring to.It is important to note that demonstrative pronouns are not always used in isolation;they can also be used in combination with other words,such as that is my book.Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.They include who,what,which,where,when,and why.When using interrogative pronouns,it is essential to maintain clarity and avoid confusion.For example,if you ask who is that?it should be clear who you are referring to.It is important to note that interrogative pronouns can also be used in indirect questions,such as I wonder who that is.The usage of interrogative pronouns03The position of pronouns in sentencesPersonal pronouns are used to replace a noun in a sentence.They can be either subjective or objective.Subjective pronouns are used as the subject of a verb,while objective pronouns are used as the object of a verb or preposition.Personal pronouns have different forms for each gender and number.The forms he,she,it,they,and we are used for the masculine,feminine,and plural genders,respectively.The position of personal pronouns in a sentence depends on the role they play in the sentence.Subjective pronouns usually appear before the verb,while objective pronouns usually appear after the verb or preposition.010203The position of personal pronouns in sentencesPronouns can be placed at the beginning,middle,or end of a sentence,depending on the emphasis and flow of the sentence.Placing a pronoun at the beginning of a sentence can create emphasis or highlight the importance of the pronoun.For example,It was he who won the game.Placing a pronoun at the end of a sentence can create a more casual or conversational tone.For example,I saw him yesterday.Indicating the position of pronouns in a sentenceInterrogative pronouns are used to ask a question.They include who,what,which,where,when,and why.The position of interrogative pronouns in a question depends on the type of question being asked.For example,in a yes/no question,the interrogative pronoun usually appears at the beginning of the sentence,while in a wh-question,it appears after the subject.The position of interrogative pronouns in sentences04Special usage of pronounsPersonal pronouns can also have different forms depending on the grammatical person and number.For example,I can become we when referring to a group that includes the speaker,and you can become yall in Southern American English.Personal pronouns are used to refer to specific individuals or groups.In English,personal pronouns include I,you,he,she,it,we,and they.When using personal pronouns,it is important to consider the context and the intended meaning.For example,I is used when the speaker is referring to themselves,while you is used when the speaker is referring to the listener or another person.The Special Usage of Personal PronounsDemonstrative pronouns are used to point out specific things or people.In English,demonstrative pronouns include this,that,these,and those.When using demonstrative pronouns,it is important to consider the context and the distance from the object being referred to.For example,this is used when the object is close to the speaker,while that is used when the object is farther away.Demonstrative pronouns can also be used with articles to create phrases that describe specific things or people.For example,this article or that person.Special usage of demonstrative pronounsInterrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.In English,interrogative pronouns include what,who,which,and where.When using interrogative pronouns,it is important to consider the context and the type of question being asked.For example,what is used when asking about a specific thing or action,while who is used when asking about a specific person.Interrogative pronouns can also be used with prepositions to create complex questions or phrases that ask for more specific information.For example,where to go or which one to choose.Special usage of interrogative pronouns05Analysis of Pronouns in the Middle School Entrance Examination请输入您的内容Analysis of Pronouns in the Middle School Entrance ExaminationTHANKS


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