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    阅读拓展训练(三)As digital devices have taken over society, "keyboard activity is now often recommended as a replacement for early handwriting J a new study notes. The idea is that typing may be easier for young children.The potential benefits of handwriting for learning and memory have been debated for some time. The new study set out to answer two questions. How does handwriting compare to using a keyboard or drawing when it comes to learning new information? And how similar are handwriting and drawing?In all, 12 adults and 12 seventh-graders took part. Researchers asked each of them to write and draw with a digital pen. Each was also asked to type on a keyboard. While performing these tasks, each volunteer wore a cap that held electrodes (电极)next to their head. It looked somewhat like a hair net fitted with 256 sensors which recorded the volunteersbrainwaves, a type of electrical activityas EEGs.The electrodes noted which parts of the brain turned on during each task. And they showed that the brain activity was about the same in both the kids and the adults. Writing turned on memory areas in the brain. Typing didn't. Drawing images and writing also turned on parts of the brain involved with learning. Writing even activated language areas.This suggests, according to Van der Meer, the new study's leader, that when we write by hand, "we both learn better and remember better." Her team now suggests “that children, from an early age, must be exposed to handwriting and drawing activities in school.”These new findings back up other studies showing potential benefits of handwriting, says"WWWWWWWWWWWWWA/WWWW/VWWWWWWWWW/WWWWWWWWWWWWWWXA/WWW/WWW/W/W'W/WVVWWWWWWWWWVWW/WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWJrWWWZW/Joshua Weiner who was not involved with the new study. His own students type faster thanchildren. 17”So start by planning some stay at home family dinners together. Just family talk.A - It's a time to teach them to be a member of their culture.B - Each night the dining table would be set with a simple cloth.C Why not cut back on a few activities and have dinner with your family?D What accounts for this decline in families eating together today though?E They also learn good table manners, something that will benefit them for life.F It was important for children and parents to sit down together and get to know each other.G - However, there is still something unique about the time a family spends around the dinner table.【重点词汇】approachvitaldepressed【认知词汇】disorder【中译英翻译】参加植树活动是应对环境污染的一个极好的方法,这对吸收有害气体起到关键作用。Casual Dress in the WorkplaceFor Ruth, an employee at an insurance company, Friday isn't just another workday. It is the day when she can wear a sweater and casual trousers instead of business suit.18 “It is a real treat. It puts us in good mood and winds the week down." Ruth has joined thousands of workers across the United States who happily change from jackets, ties, and dresses to jeans, polo shirts, and sweaters on Fridays.Why dress-down Friday? ”I think it gives an atmosphere of less formality (正式)J says President Matthew of Entex Industries. Today, dressing casually on the job is a way to show your company is in style. Another contributor is faxes, voice mail and email, which have reduced public contact. 19However, even though dressing down is popular, the trend is controversial. Some workers remain strongly opposed. "You have got all the time in the world to dress down when you retire/9 declared one woman. 20 "We had some very important guests come in on a Friday a few months ago J says another worker. "These people dressed in navy suits. Our people dressed way down. I thought it was embarrassing. It sent the wrong message about our company." Many people feel that suits, ties and dresses are superior to casual clothes in creating a positive professional image.21 Some experts think it will go away one day. As long as the trend continues, though, dressing casually can cause a little confusion in the workplace. Business people aren't sure what to wear, and many people just put on whatever they feel like in the morning.22They believe dressing down at work is one of the signs that the society is lowering its standards of everything. Czardas and John T. Malloy, author of Dress for Success, saypsychological changes occur when people dress up. "There is no question what you wear affects what you do, your performance, and your attitude J says Malloy.A Will the dress-down trend last?B - Will dressing casually become popular?C The casual dress trend worries some fashion professionals.D It is when she feels more confident and gets ready for next promotion.E She loves the day away from her usual dressy suits and high-heeled shoes.F Others worry that dressing casually lowers an employer's professional image.G -With fewer out-of-the-office meetings, people are dressing less to impress and more for comfort.参考答案:10 C11 C12A13 B14D15 G16 E17 A18 E20 F21 A22Cthey can write, he finds. Slowing down seems to require them to “think more" when taking notes, he says. He adds that this could "improve memory and enhance learning." Weiner concludes that "writing may be beneficial as it involves more of a "brain response”.Van der Meer recognizes that learning to write by hand is a slower process. She is also aware that it requires fine motor skills. But, she adds, “If we don't challenge our brain, it can't reach its full potential/91 - A cap was used in the experiment to.A -give the volunteers instructionsB-record the volunteers5 every moveC -help the volunteers better focuson the task D-keep track of the volunteers5 brain activity2 - What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?A The tools invented by the researchers.BThe background of the participants.C -The process of the experiment.D-The application of the study.3 - What did the research team find?A Typing made the brain more active.B Writing turned on more areas in the brain.C - Drawing activated the area related to memory.D Adults could do better than kids in taking notes.4 - Which of the following would Van der Meer probably agree with?A Keyboards should be used as little as possible.B - Requirements for hand-written notes will benefit kids.C The process of writing slows down the brain response.D Typing gives us a chance to improve memory and learning.【重点词汇】replacementdebateinvolveactivateexposepotential【认知词汇】devicesensor【中译英翻译】L作为一位传统文化迷,我及其渴望参加这类与文化交流有关的活动。2.那几次艰苦的训练激发了他的潜力。You may have heard that humans only use 10 percent of their brainpower, and that if you could unlock the rest of your brainpower, you could do so much more. However, there is a powerful body of evidence debunking the 10 percent myth. Scientists have consistently shown that humans use their entire brain throughout each day.Despite the evidence, the 10 percent myth has inspired many references in the cultural imagination. A 2013 study showed that about 65 percent of Americans believed the myth, and a 1998 study showed that a full third of psychology majors, who focus on the workings of the brain, fell for it.Neuropsychology studies how the anatomy (构 造)of the brain affects someone's behavior, emotion, and cognition. Over the years, brain scientists have shown that different parts of the brain are responsible for specific functions. Contrary to the 10 percent myth, scientists have proven that every part of the brain is integral for our daily functioning. Many brain imaging studies that measure brain activity when a person is doing a specific task show how different parts of the brain work together. For example, while you are reading this text on your smartphone, some parts of your brain, including those responsible for vision, reading comprehension, and holding your phone, will be more active.However, some brain images unintentionally support the 10 percent myth, because they often show small bright splotches (斑点)on an otherwise gray brain. This may imply that only the bright spots have brain activity, but that isn't the case. Rather, colored splotches represent brain areas that are more active when someone's doing a task compared to when they're not. The gray spots are still active Just to a lesser degree.A more direct counter to the 10 percent myth lies in individuals who have suffered braindamage. If the 10 percent myth were true, damage to perhaps 90 percent of the brain wouldn't affect daily functioning. Yet studies show that damaging even a very small part of the brain may have devastating consequences. For example, damage to Broca's area hinders proper formation of words and fluent speech, though general language comprehension remains intact.Another line of evidence against the 10 percent myth comes from evolution. The adult brain only constitutes 2 percent of body mass, yet it consumes over 20 percent of the body's energy. In comparison, the adult brains of many vertebrate speciesincluding some fish, reptiles, birds, and mammalsconsume 2 to 8 percent of their body's energy. The brain has been shaped by millions of years of natural selection, which passes down favorable traits to increase likelihood of survival. It is unlikely that the body would dedicate so much of its energy to keep an entire brain functioning if it only uses 10 percent of the brain.5 - What does the underlined phrase "fell for" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A - Believed.B Proved. C Developed. D Discovered.6 - Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A We have a huge potential for brain development.B - We consume too much body energy using our brain.C We rely on every part of our brain for daily activities.D We can see inactive brain areas by using brain images.7 Which of the following can best describe the author's attitude towards the 10 percent myth?A - Objective.B Doubtful.C Unconcerned.D Supportive.8 - What is the best title for the passage?A - What Percentage of the Human Brain Is Used?B - How Can the Human Brain Be Fully Developed?C - How Can the Myth of the Human Brain Be Solved?D - What Are the Functions of the Different Parts of the Human Brain?A video circulated on social media earlier this year, showing a tourist opening the door of a vehicle, reaching out an arm and attempting to stroke a passing lioness. The lioness shrugged him off, but it could have easily gone horribly wrong.Reckless behaviour around wildlife risks the safety of both people and animals. People risk being attacked, mauled (撕咬)and possibly killed, while animals can be harmed, removed or put down, irrespective of whether they were only defending themselves. Animal attacks can also cast a destination in a negative light, causing temporary closures or scaring off visitors. All just so someone could boast that they had stroked a lion or captured a moment on a camera phone.“Tourists are getting more and more reckless around wildlife and the source of the problem is social media." says wildlife photographer Anette Mosshachers. "People risking their lives or doing stupid things with wildlife are after 'likes' and followers, something to show off on social mediasays Mossbacher, "The greater the risk, the more likes' they get. With some clients, it seems like a sickness or addiction.”Yet social media is not entirely to blame. People have always taken risks for an experience. Foolish behavior and a tendency to get cocky around dangerous animals must have been around since the dawn of humanity. A hunger for attention online might drive some of the current madness, but some individuals might be trying to recreate a piece of the action they have seen on television. Perhaps the adrenaline (肾上腺激素)rush when close to wild animals causes an evaporation of common sense.“There's a worrying lack of awareness that animals several times our size, weight, speed and strength can easily hurt ussays wildlife photographer David Lloyd. "I don't think parksare doing enough to raise awareness. Tourists need to know how their presence can affect wildlife. A good example is cheetahs (猎豹)on vehicle rooftops. It may be a thrill for the bystanders, but the consequences if a mother cheetah falls off would be severe. She would no longer be able to hunt, so her cubs could easily starve.”“People aren't getting the education about why they need to stay away from wildlife, including avoiding diseases, keeping people secure and letting wildlife be wild,“ says Philip Muruthi, vice president of species conservation and science for the African Wildlife Foundation. "We need to educate tourists through signs, pamphlets and frontline drivers. We should stick to guidelines, and there needs to be enforcement through the law.”9 - What can we learn about reckless behaviour around wildlife?A It harms tourists more than animals.B It enables tourists to get intimate with animals.C It may bring more profits to a tourist destination.D It may get animals killed for defending themselves.10 As for Mossbacher,s opinion on what drives people's reckless behavior, the author is.A sympatheticB - disapprovingC - doubtfulD - indifferent11 What does the underlined word “cocky“ in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A Selfish.B Frightened.C Arrogant.D Shocked.12 What can we conclude from the passage?A Parks are expected to take more responsibilities for educating tourists.B Raising tourists5 awareness means stressing the danger of animals to them.C - More regulation of the tourist industry is the key to raising tourists5 awareness.D - Penalties rather than education can stop people taking silly risks around wildlife.Where did your family eat dinner last night? In the car on the way to sport? At McDonald's? Or at the dinner table?familiesate dinner together at home seven nights a week. Another quarter said they ate together three or fewer nights a week.Once upon a time the situation was different. 13 Plates, forks and spoons would be laid out. As dinner time approached, an increasing number of hungry mouths would begin to appear with the question, "Whafs for dinner”?14 The data seems to point to two main issues: overworked parents and over-scheduled children. When mum or dad do get home in the evening, they are soon in the car again to send the children to soccer, music, tutoring, and a host of other events.This nightly ceremony around the dinner table is both vital and fruitfulut is what keeps a /W/ZWW/WWWZ/V/ZV/1/KZVV/VZWXZ/VXZV"WVZ/VC/VZ</VZ*Z/WZW/1AZ/ZXZ/W/ZV/V/ZW/W/W'>/W/VZAZW/WVX/WW/X/WW/W/W/VWZVWV</W/W/W/VWZV/WXZ/WZVZ/VWV/WV<Z/ZA/WW/WV/*yXZ/WWV*W/WWZW/WZV/WW/W family together. Sure, the conversation is not always significan


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