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    English Cross Cultural Communication Courseware目录CONTENTSOverview of Cross Cultural CommunicationThe presentations of cultural differencesDeveloping cross cultural communication skillsCase analysis of cross cultural communicationSuggestions for cross cultural communication practice01Overview of Cross Cultural Communication Cross cultural communication refers to the exchange of messages,ideas,and information between individuals or groups from different cultural backgroundsDefinition It involves complex interactions between cultural values,beliefs,norms,and behaviors,often leading to misunderstandings and miscommunicationsCharacteristicsDefinition and characteristicsGlobalization With the increasing interconnectivity of the world,effective cross cultural communication is critical for international business,trade,and cooperationCultural understanding It promotes mutual understanding and respect between people of different cultures,leading to more inclusive and harmonious societiesProblem solving Cross cultural communication often involves conflict resolution and innovative problem solving,leading to better outcomes in personal and professional settingsThe importance of cross cultural communicationChallenges Different languages,dialogues,and communication styles can create misunderstandings and communication barriers Cultural differences in values,beliefs,and norms can also lead to conflict and misinterpretationOpportunities Cross cultural communication opens up new perspectives and ways of thinking,leading to innovations and creativity It also fosters cultural exchange and understanding,promoting global unity and cooperationThe challenges and opportunities of cross cultural communication02The presentations of cultural differencesGestures and body language Different cultures have different means for the same style or body language For example,in some cultures,eye contact is essential during conversation,while in others it is considered unsatisfactorySpace and distance The amount of personal space people require when interacting with others can vary depending on culture In some cultures,people stand close to each other during conversation,while in others they maintain a greater distanceTouch The amount and type of touch during interaction can vary significantly between cultures In some cultures,touch is common and considered friendly,while in others it is avoided or considered inappropriateNon verbal communicationVocabulary01 The same word can have different means in different cultures For example,the word privacy has a different emphasis in Western culture compared to some Eastern culturesGrammar02 The structure and formality of language can vary between cultures Some languages are more formal and hierarchical,while others are more relaxed and casualIdioms and provers03 Idioms and provers that are common in one culture may be unfriendly or have different means in another cultureLanguage communicationIndividualism vs.collectivism Some cultures value individualism and personal freedom,while others place greater emphasis on collectivism and group harmony Different cultures may have different expectations about gender roles and behaviors Some cultures emphasize personal achievement and hard work,while others believe in Fate and destiny as determining factors in successMasculinity vs femininityAchievement vs.FateValues and beliefs The way people greet each other can vary between cultures Some cultures prefer formal meetings,while others use more casual meetings or even touch or hang as a sign of friendship Dining customs and etiquette can vary significantly between cultures Some cultures have very strict rules about how to eat,what to eat,and who should eat together,while others are more relaxed The rules and norms for appropriate behavior in social situations can vary between cultures For example,some cultures consider it important to decline an invitation or refer to food,while others view it as acceptable or even expectedGreetingsDining etiquetteSocial normsSocial customs and etiquette03Developing cross cultural communication skillsUnderstanding cultural differences It is essential to recognize and apply the differences in culture between English speaking counties and ones own culture This includes understanding of values,beliefs,conditions,social norms,and communication stylesExamining cultural differences Once the differences are recognized,it is important to show respect for them This involves avoiding stereotypes,biases,and judgments about other culturesEnhancing cultural sensitivityComparing cultural norms It is helpful to compare and contrast cultural norms between two or more cultures to identify similarities and differences This can be done through the study of history,literature,art,film,music,and other cultural expressionsUnderstanding language barriers Language is a key component of culture,and understanding the linguistic nuances and cultural references in English can help overcome communication barriersLearning knowledge about cultural differencesCommunication etiquette Understanding and following the rules of communication etiquette in English speaking cultures,such as meetings,introductions,and farewells,is essentialNon verbal communication Non verbal cues,such as eye contact,legal expressions,and styles,play a significant role in communication Understanding their means in different cultures is crucialMastering cross cultural communication skills To function effectively in an English speaking country,one must be able to adapt to new cultural environments This involves modifying behavior,communication style,and social norms according to the local cultureAdapting to new cultures Developing the ability to function confidently in different cultural settings requires a combination of knowledge,skills,and attributes that consistent cultural competenceBuilding cultural competenceCultivate cultural adaptability04Case analysis of cross cultural communication010203Business Negotiation Styles Different cultures have unique negotiation styles,such as directness in the US and subtitly in Japan Understanding these styles can help avoid misunderstandings and improve outcomesNon verbal Communication Body language,legal expressions,and other non verbal cues play a significant role in cross cultural negotiations Understanding how to interpret these cures correctly is critical for effective communicationDecision Making Processes The way individuals from different cultures make decisions that can vary widely It is important to understand the decision making styles of the other party to ensure that you are on the same pageCross cultural communication in business negotiationsCustomer Service:The way customer service is provided can vary across cultures It is essential to be aware of cultural differences and adjust service delivery according to ensure satisfactionHospitality and Protocol:Understanding local customs and protocols for hospitality is critical for providing an authentic experience to international tours This includes things like meetings,gift giving,and table menInterpretation and Translation:Accurate interpretation and translation of information is essential for effective communication in the tourism industry It is important to ensure that all relevant information is accessible and understandable to international toursCross cultural communication in International TourismTeaching Styles:Understanding and adapting to different teaching styles can be challenging in an international educational setting It is important to be aware of cultural differences in teaching methods and learning styles to ensure effective teaching and learningStudent Interaction:Cross cultural communication is essential for effective student interaction This includes understanding cultural differences in group dynamics,participation,and expressionAssessment and Evaluation:Understanding how students from different cultures perception assessment and evaluation criteria is critical for fair and accurate evaluation It is essential to take cultural differences into account when designing assessment methods and criteriaCross cultural communication in Educational Exchange05Suggestions for cross cultural communication practiceAvoiding cultural stereotypes It is important to avoid assigning that all people from a certain culture have in a particular way Examining cultural differences means understanding that each individual is unique and may have different beliefs,values and behaviors要点一要点二Assessing cultural differences Learning to assess the differences in other cultures is essential for effective communication This involves understanding the values,conditions,and ways of life of people from different cultures and showing respect for themRespect cultural differencesImprove language proficiencyGood language skills are essential for effective cross cultural communication It is important to speak clearly,using correct grammar and promotion,and avoiding language that could be interpreted differently in different culturesSpeaking clearly and correctlyEffective listening is critical in cross cultural communication It involves understanding the message behind the words,detecting any unspoken messages or tones,and showing that you value what the other person is sayingListening activityUnderstanding local customs It is important to familiarize yourself with the local customs and etiquette of the culture you are communicating with This will help you avoid any faux pas and show respect for the people and their cultureAdapting to local customs When it is necessary or appropriate,it is considered to adapt your behavior to match the local customs This shows that you value their culture and are willing to respect itLearn local cultural customsUsing video conferencing:Video conferencing allows you to communicate face to face with people from different cultures,which helps to improve cUtilizing modern technology for cross cultural communicationTHANKS感谢您的观看


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