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    高考英语写作高分句型(一)1.表示“反驳”There is virtually no empirical evidence to support the use of illustrations in teaching reading.基本上没有实证证据来支持阅读教学中使用插图是有效的。这句话的empirical的意思是based on experience,表示实证的,与theoretical(理论的)相对应。virtually表示几乎,同义词有practically, almost。其中virtually, practically都比较正式。There is virtually no empirical evidence to support sth.可以用来反驳某些观点。类似的表达有There is virtually no solid evidence to support There is only anecdotal evidence(传闻证据)to support 2.表示“解决方案”The adverse effects of such things as television, video games, or limited language experiences at home, can be offset by experiencing 'rich' language at school.诸如电视、视频游戏、家庭有限的语言经历等造成的不利影响可以通过在学校的丰富的语言体验来弥补。一般来说,普通学生写解决方案会把问题和解决方法分开来写。例如Too many cars pose a great threat to our environment.Therefore, the government needs to improve public transport and provide cleaner fuel.现在我们就可以用The adverse effects of can be offset by 来改写了:The adverse effects of too many cars on our environment can be offset by improving public transport and providing cleaner fuel.其中的offset本义是“抵消”,可以用counteracted, remedied来替代,或者用表示“缓解”的词来替代,如reduced, mitigated, eased, relieved.3.表示“好处”A whole range of policies, from farm-price support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damage and (often) make no economic sense.Scrapping them offers a two-fold bonus: a cleaner environment and a more efficient economy.从支持农产品价格到保护煤炭开采的一系列政策都会破坏环境,而且(通常)没有经济意义。取消这些政策会带来双重好处: 更清洁的环境和更高效的经济。Scrapping them offers a two-fold bonus是一种比较简洁新颖的表达。Scrap意为get rid of,two-fold意为“双重的”,如果想要表达多重的,就是multi-fold。我们用Doing offers a two-fold bonus就可以表达“做某事可以带来两个好处”,例如:Embracing remote work offers a two-fold bonus: increased employee satisfaction and reduced carbon emissions from commuting.接受远程工作有双重好处:提高员工满意度,减少通勤带来的碳排放。另外一个常见的词组是an added bonus(额外的好处),可以这样来用:Doing offers/provides an added bonus of (做某事可以带来的额外好处)例如:Cycling to work not only reduces carbon emissions but also provides an added bonus of improving personal health and fitness.骑自行车上班不仅减少了碳排放,而且还提供了改善个人健康的额外好处。(二)1.Sth has been a consistent source of woe for sb.某物是某人心中永远的痛。woe的含义是great sadness。例如:However successful he is, his family of origin has been a consistent source of woe for him.(无论他多成功,他的原生家庭是他心中永远的痛)这个句子中我们要注意a consistent source这个地道的用法。当我们想表达B产生的主要原因就是A,就可以用A has been a consistent source of B。例如:她不开心的主要原因就是经常加班。Overwork has been a consistent source of her unhappiness.2.The enormity of hits home.某人突然深刻意识到的严重性。这句话源自这样一个句子:The enormity of losing a parent hits home.(我突然可怕地意识到我要失去父亲了)。其中enormity就是“严重性”、“可怕性”的意思,类似gravity。以这种抽象名词作主语,就避免了“人”作主语,显得比较高级。Hit home意思如下:从英文释义:to become very clear and obvious in usually a forceful or unpleasant way可看出这表示“人们突然深刻明白某种意义(往往是令自己不舒服的)”,就如例句给出的:The truth about their marriage finally hit home.她终于明白了他们的婚姻意味着什么。要注意hit home的主语是物。例如:The enormity of supporting the whole family hit home after the sudden death of her husband.在她丈夫突然去世后,她突然意识到她要肩负养活一大家子的重任。3.A compares unfavorably with BA比不上B。原句是The diameter of Uranus compares unfavorably with that of Jupiter and Saturn.(天王星的直径小于木星和土星的直径)有时候为了明确语义,我们可以在句末加上in sth(在某方面)。例如:Hongkong compares unfavorably with Shanghai in size.这句话就比Hongkong is smaller than Shanghai要高级。反之,“A比B好”就可以用A compares favorably with B.例如:Girls may compare unfavorably with boys in taking risks, but they tend to perform better in dealing with interpersonal relationship.(三)1.Despite linguists' best efforts, many languages will disappear over the next century.But a growing interest in cultural identity may prevent the direst predictions from coming true.虽然语言学家已做了最大的努力,但很多语言将在下世纪消亡。然而随着人们对文化认同越来越感兴趣,最糟糕的预言可能不会实现。 may prevent the direst predictions from coming true / materializing.可能会避免最糟糕的预言成真;可能会避免大家最担心的结果出现。Direst的原形是dire,表示“严重的”、“可怕的”。例如:只有采取积极的举措才能避免最可怕的预言变成现实。Only taking proactive measures can prevent the direst predictions from coming true.我还在外刊中看到过一个类似的句子: risk confirming the most pessimistic assumption of 有可能不幸被言中,出现(某种状况)。例如:We need to carefully consider our next steps because any hasty decisions could risk confirming the most pessimistic assumption of our project failing.我们必须十分谨慎地考虑下一步,因为任何匆忙的决定有可能会印证最悲观的预测,即项目失败。其实这两个句型在很多情况下可以互换,例如上面这一句可以改成Only giving careful consideration to our next steps can prevent the direst prediction of project failing from coming true.反之想表达“一语成谶”、“说中了(某种不好的结果)”、“最担心的事情发生了”,则可以用Ones worst / direst / most pessimistic assumption / prediction / fear came true / materialized / was realized.2.The timing of the playful stage in young animals provides an important clue to what's going on.年幼动物玩耍期出现的时间可以让我们深刻了解到底发生了什么。关于clue的用法如下:A provides an important clue to B.A为B提供了重要线索,A使得人们可以洞悉B。这个句型可以用来替代A enables us to understand B.例如:最近一次的降息让我们了解了政府想刺激消费的决心。The latest interest rate cut provided an important clue to the governments determination to stimulate consumption.其他类似的表达是A provides an insight into B.3.Children do not end up on the streets due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: a dearth of adequately funded schools, the demand for income at home, family breakdown and violence.儿童沦落到流浪街头并非出于单一原因,而是多种因素共同作用的结果: 缺乏资金充足的学校、家庭需要收入、家庭破裂及暴力现象。这句话不难,但是可以作为素材句应用于写作。注意not并非否定谓语动词,而是否定原因状语due to a single cause。整个句子是not but的结构,可用于表达因果关系。Sb do not end up due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: 某人最终并非出于单一原因,而是多种因素共同导致的:例如:Many young people do not end up jobless due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: insufficient job vacancies, job-skill mismatch and high expectations.(四)1.In the 1870s, as more immigrants arrived over the years and the U.S.economy slowed, anti-immigrant sentiment grew.Chinese laborers often became scapegoats for the country's problems.Prejudice and discrimination became pervasive and even led to violence.在19世纪70年代,随着越来越多的移民到来,美国经济放缓,反移民情绪高涨,中国劳工经常成为美国问题的替罪羊。偏见和歧视变得普遍,甚至导致暴力。A became scapegoats / the scapegoat / a scapegoat for B.A成为B的替罪羊,A为B背锅。这句话可以替代A was blamed for B, though it was not As fault.类似的句型是:A was made a scapegoat for B.Scapegoat还可以作为动词用,表示“使成为替罪羊”,所以还可以写出这样的句型:A was scapegoated for B.(A成为了B的替罪羊)例如:作为好脾气的助理,他经常为老板的决策失误而背锅。As a good-natured assistant, he often becomes the scapegoat for the bosss wrong business decisions.2.Recent studies propose that soft sound could be a potent tool for reducing chronic stress, a trigger that negatively affects all areas of the body.最近的研究表明,柔和的声音可以是减轻慢性压力的有力工具,而慢性压力会触发身体所有部位的负面反应。句子中的potent等于effective and powerful。Chronic可以替代long-term。Stress后面跟的同位语a trigger that 值得学习,补充说明了chronic stress的害处。可以提取这样一个句型A is a potent tool for reducing B, a trigger that negatively affects C.例如:Thinking of past successful experiences can be a potent tool for reducing anxiety, a trigger that negatively affects our daily routines, like sleep and social interactions.3.Strategically positioned near the mouth of San Francisco Bay, Angel Island housed Camp Reynolds during the Civil War.天使岛位于旧金山湾口附近,其位置具有重要的战略意义,内战期间是雷诺兹营的所在地。在这个句子中,strategically和house连个用得很妙,使得句子十分简练高级。一般人会写:Angel Island is located near the mouth of San Francisco Bay and has strategical implications, and there used to be Camp Renolds in it during the Civil War.对于这种句式,我们可以模仿写出更多,如Conveniently situated at the juncture of two metro lines, the new building houses several art galleries.这栋新大楼位于两条地铁线的交汇处,地理位置十分便利,里面好几个美术馆。(五)1.有了.之称Since then it has become common on every continent except Antarctica and gained a reputation as a tenacious pest.自那以后,德国蟑螂在除了南极洲以外的每个大洲都变得非常地常见,并且有了“打不死的小强”之称(顽固的害虫)。Sb/sth gained a reputation as .就可以表达".有了.之称"。Reputation这个词不仅用于褒义的场景,也可以用于贬义的场景。例如:With mounting evidence pointing to his plagiarism, he gained a reputation as an academic swindler.随着越来越多的证据指向他的剽窃行为,他就有了“学术骗子”之称。另外一种表达就是He became notorious for being an academic swindler.(他因学术造假而变得臭名昭著。)2.A与B不相称Society's response is incommensurate with the possibility of rapid, transformative progress that is expected by many experts.许多专家预计AI会带来快速的革命性的进展,但是社会的反应没有预想的那么积极。这句话的结构是A is incommensurate with B,表示A与B不相称/不匹配。incommensurate这个词比较好用,精准又高级,可以将它用于以下雅思写作话题的场景:1)I think the incomes of doctors and teachers are incommensurate with the contributions they make to society.2)The punishment those factories have received is incommensurate with the pollution they bring to environment.3.随着.,.会不可避免的出现As AI developers scale their systems, unforseen capabilities appear spontaneously.随着AI开发者升级他们的系统,无法预见的能力会不可避免地出现。"As ., .appears spontaneously." 这个句型可以用于利弊会同时出现的场景。例如As the customer base expands, negative reviews appear spontaneously.随着顾客越来越多,负面评价也会不可避免地出现。4


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