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    英语7下-第3讲 Unit 2 Neighbours(精英教案)-2020-2021学年七年级英语下册同步培优教案(译林牛津版).docx

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    英语7下-第3讲 Unit 2 Neighbours(精英教案)-2020-2021学年七年级英语下册同步培优教案(译林牛津版).docx

    主 题7B Unit 2 Neighbours学习目标1. 掌握Comic stripGrammar重点词汇、句型;2. 掌握Integrated skillsSelf-assessment重点词汇、句型; 3. 掌握一般将来时的基本结构以及基本用法。教学内容【课堂导学】处理上次课课后巩固作业及预习思考内容。1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索Whats a good neighbour?I want to have a friendly neighbour.Reasons:1. A friendly neighbour must be very kind to others. We can be good friends.2. A friendly neighbour is easy to talk with, we may talk about our hobbies.Lets shareyours!【知识点梳理】Comic stripGrammar重点词汇、句型【知识梳理1】Im afraid they wont welcome visitors like you.(1)afraid adj. 意为 。 be afraid that . be afraid of sth./doing sth. be afraid to do sth. (2) like用作 ,指某人或某物 。常用的固定搭配有 ; 。like 也可以用作 ,表示 like sb./sth. like doing like to do sth. 【例题精讲】1. Im afraid of dogs.2. He is afraid that things may change.3. He looks like his father.4. She likes dancing very much.【巩固练习】翻译句子他们害怕上数学课。 我们喜欢在周末练习打篮球。 答案:(1)afraid adj,意为:害怕的 be afraid that .“担心,恐怕”,是一种委婉的语气。be afraid of sth./doing sth 表示“害怕(做)某事”be afraid to do sth .害怕/不敢做某事(2)like用作介词,指某人或某物“像,相似,类似”。常用的固定搭配有be like.“像样子”;look like.“看起来像”;like 也可以用作动词,表示“喜欢”之意。like sb/sth 喜欢某人/某物like doing 喜欢做某事(习惯)like to do sth 喜欢做某事(具体的事)【巩固练习】They are afraid of having Maths.We like practising playing basketball at weekends.【知识梳理2】Most of them have 14 floors. (1)most of them 他们中的大多数,为固定搭配 (2) most与most of的区分most+ ,泛指多数,无范围。most of+ ,仅指某一范围以内的多数。most of+人称代词,of不能少。【例题精讲】1.大多数学生 most of the students 2.我的大部分时间 most of my time【巩固练习】1. most young people 2. most of the young people 3. most of them 答案:(1)most of them 他们中的大多数,为固定搭配“most of + 复数代词”(2)most与most of的区分most+名词(不包括人称代词),泛指多数,无范围。most of+this/these/that/those/物主代词名词,仅指某一范围以内的多数。【巩固练习】大多数年轻人 大多数年轻人 他们中的大多数【知识梳理3】Theyre kind and helpful.helpful adj. 意为 ,反义词为 ,意为 。【例题精讲】He is so helpful and often helps me with my English.【巩固练习】翻译句子我想要一个乐于助人的邻居。 答案:helpful adj. 意为“有用的,愿意帮忙的”,反义词为helpless “无用的,没有帮助的”。【巩固练习】I want to have a helpful neighbour.【知识梳理4】They help us with all kinds of problems. help sb with sth = help sb (to) do sth 【例题精讲】We often help the old men do some shopping.【巩固练习】翻译句子他经常帮助我学习英语。 答案:help sb with sth = help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人解决某种困难【巩固练习】He often helps me with my English.He often helps me learn English.【知识梳理5】There is something wrong with my computer.(1) 不具体指明代替任何特定的名词或形容词的代词称为 。其分为代替人或代替物两类,代替人的不定代词有: ;代替物的复合不定代词: 。 (2) 由some构成的复合词通常用在 中,由any构成的复合词通常用在 。(3) 形容词修饰不定代词时放在 。 【例题精讲】Is there anything wrong?【巩固练习】翻译句子所有人都在这里吗? 答案:(1)不具体指明代替任何特定的名词或形容词的代词称为不定代词。不定代词分为代替人或代替物两类,代替人的不定代词有:somebody,anybody,nobody,everybody;代替物的复合不定代词:something,anything,nothing,everything。(2)由some构成的复合词通常用在肯定句中,由any构成的复合词通常用在疑问句和否定句中。(3)形容词修饰不定代词时放在不定代词的后面。【巩固练习】Is everyone here?【知识梳理6】Some college students are ready to help.be ready to do sth. = be glad/willing to do sth. be ready to do sth. 还可以表示 be /get ready for sth. 【例题精讲】Im ready to help you learn English. 我乐于帮助你学习英语。【巩固练习】翻译句子我准备好吃大餐了! 答案:be ready to do sth. = be glad/willing to do sth. 乐于做某事 be ready to do sth. 还可以表示:准备做某事be /get ready for sth. 为做好准备【巩固练习】 I am ready to have a big meal!【知识梳理7】Some of them often visit the old people and do some shopping for them.do some shopping 动词短语,意为 ,为固定结构,类似短语:do some cleaning do some reading do some washing 【例题精讲】I often help my mother do some cleaning. 我经常帮我妈妈打扫卫生。答案:do some shopping 动词短语,意为“买东西”,为固定结构,类似短语:do some cleaning 打扫卫生do some reading 阅读书do some washing 洗衣服【知识梳理8】Youre lucky to live in a community center like that, Simon.(1)lucky adj 意为 ,be lucky to do sth (2)lucky 名词为 ,副词为 【例题精讲】1. Im lucky to visit you.2. Luckily, he didnt hurt his legs.【巩固练习】翻译句子他足够幸运通过了考试。 答案:(1)lucky形容词,意为“幸运的”,be lucky to do sth 意为:有幸做某事(2) lucky 名词为luck, 副词为luckily.【巩固练习】He is lucky enough to pass the exam.Integrated skillsSelf-assessment重点词汇、句型【知识梳理1】Simon wants to ask someone to fix his bicycle. fix 用作及物动词,表示 ,其后直接跟 作 。(1)fix 用作 ,指 。(2)fix 用作 ,指 。(3)fix 也可以表示 ,与 可互换。【例题精讲】1. He is fixing a lamp in the room.2. we will fix the picture on the wall.3. I can fix the iPhone for you.【巩固练习】我想修理一下我的汽车。 答案:fix 用作及物动词,表示“安装,使固定”,其后直接跟名词、代词作宾语。(1)fix 用作“安装”,指安装门窗,电灯,机器等。(2)fix 用作“使固定”,指把某物固定在另一物体上。(3)fix 也可以表示“修理”,与repair 可互换。【巩固练习】I want to fix my car.【知识梳理2】He will make a fire. (1) fire用作 ,意为 。be on fire set something on fire catch/take fire (2) fire也可用作 ,意为 ,make/start/build a fire意为 。【例题精讲】1. The house was on fire when we got there. 2. We want to know who sets the car on fire. 【巩固练习】翻译句子公交车着火了。 答案:(1)fire用作不可数名词,意为“火”。be on fire着火了set something on fire“引火烧某物”catch/take fire“着火了”(2) fire也可用作可数名词,意为“火灾,燃料”,make/start/build a fire意为“生火”。【巩固练习】The bus catches fire.【知识梳理3】Volunteers also help the old people. the +形容词表示 ;作主语时,谓语动词一般用 。【例题精讲】The rich should help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。【巩固练习】翻译句子我们不能嘲笑矮小的人。 答案:the + 形容词表示某一类人;作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。【巩固练习】We cant laugh at the short.【知识梳理4】Im going to be a computer engineer.be going to. 表示 ;be going to be + (表示职业的名词),意为 。【例题精讲】1. Im going to listen to music after school. 2. Im going to be a teacher when I grow up. 【巩固练习】翻译句子我将要去夏威夷度假。 她将来会成为一位老师。 答案:be going to. 表示打算或计划做某事;be going to be(表示职业的名词),意为“打算当(从事某种职业)的人”。【巩固练习】I am going to Hawaii for holiday.She is going to be a teacher. 【知识梳理5】I want to help sick people .sick adj意为 。可以用作 。ill也有 之意,与 可以通用,但是ill只能作 。【例题精讲】1. The sick person needs our help.(sick用作定语)2. The pet dog is badly ill.【巩固练习】翻译句子生病的人看起来比较虚弱(weak)。 答案:sick adj,意为“生病的,恶心了”。可以用作定语、表语和宾语补足语的句子成分。ill也有“生病的”之意,与sick可以通用,但是ill只能作表语(俗称表语形容词)。【巩固练习】Sick people look weak.【知识梳理6】Is your washing machine not working?(1) work ,意为 ,是 名词。 (2) work ,意为 。【例题精讲】1. His work is selling shoes.2. My watch doesnt work.【巩固练习】这是一件难事。 我们必须努力工作。 答案:(1)work 名词,意为“工作”,是不可数名词。 (2)work 动词,意为“工作”。【巩固练习】It is hard work.We must work hard.一般将来时【知识梳理1】一般将来时概述一、基本结构一般将来时有两种结构:be going to do / will do 例:We will have a picnic in the park this weekend. = We are going to have a picnic in the park this weekend. 批注:如果主语是第一人称,句子是表示征求别人意见的一般疑问句时,用shall,will用于第二人称you, 而be going to则不能表示征求别人的意见。例:Shall we go climbing tomorrow? Will you go shopping with me soon?二、用法详解 (1)将来要发生的动作。例:We will have a writing competition next Sunday. My mother will buy a coat for me. (2)将来一段时间内的状态。例:I will work in the shop during this summer holiday. (3)一般将来时的时间标志有:tomorrow, soon, this evening, tonight, this weekend, in two days, in 2020, next week等。例:I will finish my work in two days. We will take part in Marys birthday party tonight.三、句式变化(1) 一般将来时的否定句:在be动词或者will后面直接加not。 例:He wont go out because it is raining. He isnt going to play the piano this evening. (2)一般将来时的一般疑问句:直接将be动词或will提前放到句首。 例:Will you have a test next week? Are you going to join us? (3)一般将来时的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词开头,后面加一般疑问句。 例:When will you finish your homework? 四、特殊注意点(1)主将从现:if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来动作,主句用将来时。例:If you work hard, you will get better grades. If you eat too much, you will become fat. (2)现在进行时表将来:如果该动作是计划安排好了的,且动词是come, go, arrive, leave, end, start, end等表示动向的动词时,可用现在进行时表将来。例:Christmas is coming. Mr. Smith is leaving for Beijing this evening. (3)一般现在时表将来:第一种就是出现在主将从现原则中,其次考查较多的是时刻表。例:The train leaves at three oclock.【例题精讲】单项选择1. - Is he going to see you tomorrow? - _.A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he will D. No, he isnt2. It is too hot today, Simon is going to _ with his family .A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swimmer3. - _ we go shopping together now?- OK, but _ you wait for a moment ?A. Shall; shall B. Will; will C. Shall; will D. Will; shall4. - There is _ wrong with my car. Can you take me to Shanghai? - No problem.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything5. - Shall we go swimming this afternoon? - _.A. Yes, I will B. Thanks a lot C. Good idea D. No, I wont 6. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating. A. isnt rain                   B. wont rain C. doesnt rain                D. doesnt fine7. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to            B. will going to be C. is going to be             D. will go to be8. He _ very busy this week, he _ free next week. A. will be; is            B. is; is C. will be; will be           D. is; will be答案:1-5 DACBC 6-8 CCD【巩固练习】用动词的适当形式填空1. There_(be) a great concert tonight, isnt there?2. - I need some paper. - I _(bring) some for you.3. I am afraid there _(be) a meeting tomorrow. I cant join you.4. _ your father _(go) to work every day last year?5. If she isnt free tomorrow, she _(not take) part in the party.6. I _(be) tired. I _(go) to bed early tonight.7. We all think their team _(win).答案:1. is going to be 2. will bring 3. will be /is going to be 4. Did; go 5. wont take 6. am; will go 7. will win【巩固练习】(此部分测试时间为25分钟左右,讲评时间为10分钟左右。对本次所学内容进行检测)教学建议:此部分必须由班级学员合作完成。建议步骤为:1) 在25分钟内学员独立完成测试;2) 老师给出答案,学员相互批改;3) 在5分钟内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂;4) 老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Ill be (luck) if I get any of my money back. 2.Mr Williams is an (art). He lives in the capital of England. 3.Im feeling much (well), thank you very much. 4.The place of interest(名胜)attracts(吸引) more than 30 million (visit)every year. 5.It is (help) to discuss your problems with your friends. 6.- What does your mother do on Sunday mornings? - She often walks to a big supermarket and does some (shop) there. 答案:lucky artist better visitors helpful shopping 二、单项选择1. - I live on the third floor. How about you, May? - On the fifth floor.- Oh, I live two floors _ you .A. under B. below C. over D. above2. - What does Mr Smith do every day ? - He sends lots of letters to people. he is a busy_.A. doctor B. policeman C. cook D. postman3. Mike is a _ boy. He always helps his classmates with their homework.A. helpful B. beautiful C. sick D. lucky4. - How does you mother go to work? - _.A. By foot B. By a bus C. By bus D. In a bike5. - There is _ wrong with my car. Can you take me to Shanghai? - No problem.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything答案:1-5 BDACB三、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子1. 你的冰箱坏了吗?Is there with your fridge? 2. 你正担心穿什么去参加聚会或如何设计你的家吗?Are you to wear to a party or your home? 3. 我们很幸运有像这样的社区。It a community center like this. 4. 我表妹的自行车坏了,因此打算请人修它。My cousin Annies bike , so shes going it. 答案:1.anything wrong 2. worried about what how to design 3.is lucky enough for us to have 4. is broken to ask someone to fix四、句型转换 1. The cupboard is not the same as the wardrobe. (改为同义句)The cupboard is _ _ the wardrobe.2. I will be in Shanghai in two days.(对划线部分提问)_ _ will you be in Shanghai?3. My computer is broken. (改为同义句) There _my computer. 4. Jack has his own farm. (改为同义句)He is the _ _ a farm.5. He doesnt need to come here early. (改为同义句)He _ _ here early.6. Lets go to the cinema.(反义疑问句)Lets go to the cinema._, _?7. She reads English every day. (用this evening改写为一般疑问句)_?8. It's about ten minutes walk to the hospital from here.(划线部分提问)_ _ is it from here to the school?9. I want to know how I can get there.(同义句)_10. when, can, teach, piano, you, the, me, to, play (?) (连词成句)_?答案:1. different from 2. How soon 3. is something wrong 4. owner of 5. neednt come 6. shall we


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