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    CulturalCulturalIdentityIdentity文化认文化认同同Part A.Identity 1.Definition of Identity 2.Classification of IdentityPart B.Cultural Identity 1.Definition of Cultural Identity 2.Two Extreme Thoughts of Cultural Identity 3.Construction of Cultural Identity 4.China Should Preserve Cultural Identity In Cross-Cultural communication Identity To talk about our identity,we try to answer the question:who am I?Ones identity consists roughly of those attributes that make one unique as an individual and different from others.Or it is the way one sees or defines oneself.Identity is an abstract,multifaceted concept that plays a significant role in intercultural communication interactions Generally speaking,there are two kinds of identity,namely,Individual identity and collective identity Individual identity means identity that plays an important role in the individuals psychological well-being Collective identity is a social construction that provides group of members with a sense of belonging and who share traditions,heritage,language,and similar norms of appropriate behavior.e.g cultural identity,ethnic identity,racial identity,national identity,gender identity and so on.Cultural identity Cultural identity is the identity of a group or a culture or of an individual as far as one is influenced by ones belonging to a group or a culture.It is similar to and overlaps with,identity politics.Cultural identity,可以译为文化身份或者文化认同,是跨文化传播学(intercultural communication)术语,主要用于文化与文学研究中的民族本质特征,如探讨具有某个民族的文化背景的人在另一个民族土壤中是如何维持自己的文化身份的 文化身份(文化认同)主要诉诸文学和文化研究中的民族本质特征和带有民族印记的文化本质特征。它包括认同与建构两个方面。认同实际上是一种立场,是一种价值的判断与选择。Generally speaking,when we say cultural identity,we refer to the dominant one.If not emphasizing,cultural identity refers to the one in a national level.The formation of one nations cultural identity needs a long period of time.During this period,people share a same history,religion,values,culture,language,forefather and custom,etc.They regard the most meaningful things,such as culture as their most important things.Globalization,intercultural marriages,and immigration patterns promise to add even greater complexity to cultural identities in this centuryTwo extreme thoughts of Cultural IdentityA.Persisting in oriental traditional culture Those people refused to accept another culture and persisted in their original cultural identity,they followed original life style and behavioral patterns and afraid that if they forget original identity,they will be regarded as national betray.B.Persisting in occidental heterogeneous culture Those people are sensitive to western culture,custom,and settings and constantly meditate whether their own behaviors conform to the habits and standards of the westerners or not.Therefore,they sometimes underplay eastern culture consciously and follow the custom and ways of thinking of western people completely Construction of cultural identity In the environment of globalization,a country or a nations boundary become hazy,so does cultural identity,but on the other hand,this new identity can be reconstruct.Under the background of the modern world,this constructivism become very obvious.(multinational corporation,Chinese Americans)Construction of cultural identity is a dynamic process from quantitative change to qualitative change.文化身份的”混杂性”特征:由后殖民主义家霍米巴巴提出的,身份本身是不确定的,身份本身也可以是双重的,也可以是混杂的。China Should Preserve Cultural Identity in Cross-Cultural Communication 1.China should be more cautious when face the impact of foreign culture.As for foreign culture,we should take the essence and discard the dregs 2.China should strengthen our cultural identity to make our country stand in the nations of the world 3.We should pay more attention to our own traditional Chinese culture.There is no time to delay to protect our culture and keep our culture identity.The EndThank you!


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