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    2022初中教案北师大版初二(上)英语第6讲:unit 3 语法篇(原卷版).docx

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    2022初中教案北师大版初二(上)英语第6讲:unit 3 语法篇(原卷版).docx

    Unit 3语法篇_理解并掌握形容词比较级、最高级的用法形容词比较级、最高级 一、形容词比较级、最高级变化规则 1.单音节词的变化: 情况加词尾法例词 一般情况 直接加词尾 small, smaller, smallest 以e结尾的词 加-r, -st large, larger, largest 以辅音y结尾的词 变y为i,再加词尾 busy, busier, busiest 以重读闭音节结尾的词将这字母双写再加词尾 big, bigger, biggest2. 双音节、多音节词的变化:(1) 少数以-er, ow, -ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er(比较级),-est(最高级)。以-e结尾的词只加-r和-st。eg:  clever cleverer cleverest   narrow narrower narrowest    able abler ablest,其他双音节都在前面加单词more和most。 (2) 多音节词三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most。例如:more/most beautiful 但是,以形容前缀un开头的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy, untidy,我们可以说:unhappierunhappiest   untidieruntidiest (3) 由-ing分词和-ed分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如knowknown)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级。more(most) striking   more(most) interesting  more(most) wounded3. 不规则形式          good /well            better            bestbad /ill        worse            worstmany /much                 more             mostlittle                    less               leastfar                     farther           farthest /further          furthestold                        older                    oldest /elder                   eldest二、形容词原级、比较级和最高级的用法1. 形容词原级用法:(1)修饰原级的词:very, too, so, quite(2)同级比较 as + adj 原级 + as 例如:Tom is as tall as Mike. Tom和Mike一样高。 not + as + adj/ adv 原级+ as 例如:Tom is not as tall as Mike. Tom不如Mike高。2. 比较级的用法(1). 两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词than 例如:Tom is taller than John. Tom比John高。(2). Which/Who is + 比较级, A or B ? 例如:Which is easier, maths or English? 数学和英语哪个更容易?(3). A is the +比较级 + of the two.表示两者中“较”,例如: Tom is the taller of the two boys. Tom是这两个男孩中较高的 。(4). 比较级+ and + 比较级,“越来越”例如:Now it is hotter and hotter. 现在越来越热。(5).The + 比较级, the + 比较级“越,越”,例如: The more, the better. 越多越好。 The more you practice, the easier it becomes. 你练得越多,做起来就变得越容易。(6). 比较对象相同,可用that/those代替第二个比较对象,例如: The weather in Shanghai is better than that in Wuhan. 上海的天气比武汉的好。(7).能修饰比较级的副词及短语:much/a lot/far(的多)、a little/a bit(一点儿) 、 even(甚至更,还)、still(还要,更),例如: This city is much more beautiful than that one. 这个城市比那个美丽得多。Today is even hotter than yesterday. 今天甚至比昨天都热。3. 形容词最高级用法(1).the+最高级+ of/in (三者及以上范围的),例如:Roses are the most beautiful of all flowers. 玫瑰是所有花中最漂亮的。(2).Which/Who is the + 最高级A ,B or C ? 例如: Which is the biggest, the moon, the earth or the sun ? 月亮、地球和太阳,哪个最大?(3).one of the + 最高级 + 名词复数 + in/ofShenzhen is one of the biggest cities in China. 深圳是中国最大城市之一。(4). the + 序数词 + 最高级 + 名词 + in/of The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。(5). This is the + 最高级 + 名词 (that) I have ever seen/listened. This is the most beautiful city that I have ever visited. 这是我参观过的最漂亮的城市。1. -Which season do you like_, winter or summer? -Summer. A. well B. better C. best D. the best2. Mo Yan is one of _writers in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous3. Its possible to get 100 dollars a day in this company, and some days you can get_. A. much B. more C. little D. fewer4. There will be_jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people. A. many         B. more     C. fewer        D. fewest5. -Nick, what kind of movies do you like_, action movies or comedies?-Comedies, I think. A. good       B. better         C. best      D. well 6. -What do you think of her teaching English? -Great! No one teaches_in our school.A. good B. worse C. better D. best 7. -Its smoggy these days. Thats terrible!-Yes, I hope to plant trees. _trees, _air pollution.A. The more; the fewer B. The less; the more C. The less; the fewer D. The more; the less基础演练一、填入形容词的适当形式1. Fred is the _(short ) in his class .2. My book is _( new ) than my sisters .3. That piece of chicken is the _( heavy )in the fridge.4. Annie says Sally is the _ (kind) person in the world. 5. Our classroom is _   (wide) and _  (bright)  than yours. 6. Which is_(strong)Li Lei or Wu Tong?7. They are too_(young) to _(carry) the bag.8. It is so_(hot)_ we stay at home.9. She is a very_(clever) girl.10. Li Lei is as _(strong) as John.二、单项选择1. Jane is_than Betty.A. taller B. tall C. tallest D. not as tall2. The Yellow River is one of _rivers in China. A. long           B. longer           C. longest          D. the longest3. -Which is_, the sun, the moon, or the earth? -Of course, the moon is.A. small B. smaller C. the smallest D. smallest4. In our city, its_in July, but its_even in August.A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter5. Someone says “Time is money. ” But I think time is_important than money.A. least B. much C. even more D. much least巩固提高一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. He is_(bad) at learning maths. He is much_( bad) at Chinese and he is the_( bad)at English.2. The Yangze River is very_(long). In fact, its _( long)river in China.3. Which do you like_(well) of all the coats?4. The_(much), the _(good).5. Saturday is my _(busy) day in a week.6. Sue is a little _( beautiful) than her sister.7. He is one of the_(friendly) people in the class, I think.8. Toronto is _(large) city in Canada.9. Good health is_(important) thing in life.10. Which eats_(many), the mouse, the dog or the horse?二、根据中文提示完成句子1. 在男子跳高中比赛中他赢得了金牌。 He won the_ in the _.2. 姚明是最高的篮球运动员。 Yao Ming is_. 3. 他是我们班第二高的学生。 He is the_student in our class.4. 他是我们班最强壮和最终的人。 He is the_and _ in our class.5. 他游泳游得最快。 He _.三、翻译1. 北京以众多的名胜古迹而闻名于世。_2.多做运动,你会更强壮。_3. 这首歌很受年轻人的欢迎。 _4. 过去的几年我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。_5. Tim比去年强壮得多。Tina也是。_一、单项选择1. She became a famous writer_the age of 37. A. in B. at C. on D. to2. Mike never gave up and at last he_. A. success B. succeeded C. successful D. successfully 3. The Voice of China became one of _TV shows last year. A. popular B. more popular C. much popular D. the most popular4. The students are very_in this_story.A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting5.Which country is_, Russia or America? A. big B. bigger C. more bigger D. much big6. The total population of China is_larger than that in Canada. A. very B. too C. much D. many7. My hometown is_beautiful than his.A. very much B. more much C. much more D. very more8. -Which is_in Beijing? - I think its autumn.A. good B. better C. best D. the best9. China is_country in the world.A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest 10. The air in Beijing is getting much_than a few years ago.A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest二、完形填空Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same 1 ?A new 2 -Hi, Keai is on at Beijing Childrens Art Theater. It tells the story of a boy called Keai. His parents would like him to become a painter or a 3 one day. They teach him to 4 and to play the violin, but Keai doesnt enjoy these activities. Then one day Keais parents see Liu Xiang win a gold 5 at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.“ 6 do they want me to be someone else?” Keai asks and says, “I only want to be 7 .”The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to 8 their children. It helps children to think about what kids want to do.Young audiences (观众) enjoy the story, and also the 9 in the play. There are two songs in the play. One of them, “Keais Song”, is very 10 to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!1. A. jobs B. dreams C. habits D. hobbies2. A. song B. film C. play D. opera3. A. writer B. teacher C. sportsman D. musician4. A. paint B. write C. run D. drive5. A. match B. ring C. medal D. race6. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where7. A. myself B. different C. alone D. great8. A. encourage B. understand C. criticize D. inspire9. A. light B. clothes C. skill D. music10. A. easy B. difficult C. important D. necessary_一、单项选择1. Lucy loves music and she takes lessons.A. cooking B. acting C. piano D. history2. -Where do you live?-I live an apartment.A. in B. of C. for D. on3. - you come to play soccer with me? -Sure, Id love to.A. Need B. May C. Must D. Can4. Beijing has become much than before.A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful5. milk do we need to make the bread?A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often (附:单选1-5,  2014-2015学年海淀区八年级第一学期期末练习英语)二、阅读理解AMany things can make summer great: swimming, camping, and the World Cup! The 20th FIFA World Cup will take place in Brazil from June 13 to July 14. Get ready for it! People around the world love football. The sport is very easy and cheap to play. All you need is a ball. Anyone or any country, rich or poor, can play it. A small or poor country like Ghana could never beat the US at the Olympics. But they can send the US home at the World Cup.In countries like Brazil and England, football is so popular that it has become part of their culture. People there will be very happy and proud if their national team wins the World Cup. This summer thousands of England fans will go to cheer for their team in Brazil, even though the trip could cost each of them 10,000 pounds! World Cup Numbers The FIFA World Cup happens every four years. Thirty-two teams play in the World Cup.   The World Cup usually lasts 30 days.   Only eight nations have won the 19 World Cup titles (冠军头衔). Brazil is on top of the list with 5 wins. Others include Italy, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, England, France and Spain.  According to FIFA, 3.2 billion people watched the 2010 World Cup. That is nearly half of the world population.1. The final of the 20th FIFA World Cup will take place in Brazil _.   A. at the end of June B. at the beginning of July  C. On June 13th D. On July 14th 2. Why do you think people around the world love football?  A. It's easy and cheap to play.  B. It can make summer great.  C. It's played from June 13 to July 14.  D. It's the same as swimming and camping. 3. Although the US is very powerful at the Olympics, _.  A. it can't beat anyone at the World Cup  B. it can be beaten at the World Cup  C. it can't get ready for the World Cup  D. it draws 3.2 billion people's attention 4. A large amount of cost can't prevent thousands of England fans from _.  A. sending the US home at the World Cup    B. becoming happy and proud of their country  C. going to cheer for their team in Brazil  D. taking football as part of their culture 5. Among all the eight nations who have won the 19 World Cup titles, Brazil _.  A. follows other seven nations B. is the fifth on the list  C. is lucky to win every time D. is on top of the list BMr. Smith made many tests (作试验) with different animals and the monkey was the cleverest of all the animals.  One day Mr. Smith put a monkey in a room. He also put some small boxes in it. In one of the boxes there was some food. "How long will it take the monkey to find the food?" Mr. Smith said to himself.  "Let me wait and see." He left the room and waited outside. Three minutes later, he put his eye to the keyhole (钥匙眼). What did he see? He saw the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at Mr. Smith through the keyhole. 6. Mr. Smith made tests with _.A. different animals  B. the monkey only C. all the monkeys D. all of the cleverest animals7. There was some food in _ of the small boxes.A. some B. none C. oneD. each8. Mr. Smith put a monkey and some boxes in a room because he wanted to know_.A. how much food monkey could find B. how many boxes the monkey could carryC. how long it would take the monkey to put its eye to the keyhole D. how long it would take the monkey to find the food9. What was the monkey doing when Mr. Smith was putting his eye to the keyhole?A. The monkey was eating food. B. The monkey was looking for food. C. The monkey was eating on the other side of the door. D. The monkey was looking at Mr. Smith through the keyhole.10. Mr. Smith is a _.A. teacher B. scientist (科学家)  C. doctor D. farm workerCThe weather is getting hotter


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