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    2022初中教案外研版初二(下)英语第6讲:unit 3 语法篇(原卷版).docx

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    2022初中教案外研版初二(下)英语第6讲:unit 3 语法篇(原卷版).docx

    Unit3语法篇 _1.熟练掌握现在完成时的标志词的用法2.掌握have/has been to, have/has gone to与have/has been in的区别3.掌握 yet与already的区别现在完成时(2)1. 现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。它是从时间上或后果上和现在联系起来,而不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系,可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。2. have/has been to, have/has gone to与have/has been in 1) have/has been to意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了,后可接次数,如once,twice,three times等,表示“去过某地几次”,也可和 just,never,ever等连用。如: My father has been to Beijing twice. 我父亲去过北京两次。 I have never been to the Great Wall. 我从未去过长城。 2) have/has gone to表示“到某地去了”,说话时该人不在现场。一般只用第三人称作主语。 Where is Jim? 吉姆在哪里? He has gone to England. 他去英国了。(尚未回来) Mr. Wang isn't here. He has gone to Qingdao. 王先生不在这里。他去青岛了。 3) have/has been in表示“在某地呆了多少时间”,常与时间段状语连用。如: I have been in Shanghai for three years我到上海已有三年了。 He has been in London for half a month他来伦敦已有半个月了。注意: 4) have been to,have gone to和have been in后接表示地点的副词there,here等时,介词to和in常省略。 You have never been there before,have you? 你以前从没有去过那儿,是吗? They have gone there. 他们已去那儿了。 5) have been in后面还可接表示组织、团体的名词,表示“某人加入某组织”。 He has been in the Party for two years. 他入党已经两年了。3. yet与already 1)already通常用于肯定句中,意为“已经”。有时already用于疑问句中表示惊讶、怀疑等语气。 I have finished reading the book already我已经读完这本书了。 Have you finished reading the book already?你真的已经读完这本书了?(表示惊讶) 2)yet一般用在疑问句或否定句中:在疑问句中意为“已经”,在否定句中意为“还”,通常放在句末。 Have you found the book yet?你已经找到那本书了吗? Not yet还没找到。 She hasn't finished her homework yet她还没有做完作业。单项选择1.(2015江苏连云港中考)In the past few years, great changes in Lianyungang.A. take placeB. took placeC. have taken placeD. have been taken place2.(2015江西中考)-Ben and Sue aren't home, are they?-No. They to London on business.A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go3.(2014福建福州中考)-Liu Ming, is that our head teacher Miss Chen over there?-It can't be her. She Xiamen for a meeting.A. has been toB. has gone toC. has been away4.(2014南京中考)-Lily, why are you still here? School is over for half an hour.-Because I my task yet. I still need one more hour.A. won't finishB. didn't finishC. haven't finishedD. hadn't finished5.(2015天津蓟县期中)However, we have not found life on any other planets .A. alreadyB. yetC. eitherD. ever6. It is said that there lots of stars in the sky for millions of years. Do you think so?A. areB. wereC. will beD. have been基础演练一、按要求转换句型1. I have already read this book. (改为一般疑问句)   you   this book  ?2. They haven't seen each other for two years. (对划线部分提问)       they seen each other?3. The boy has ridden a horse several times. (对划线部分提问)       has the boy ridden a horse?4. His father has been to Australia. (改为一般疑问句)   his father   to Australia?5. The bridge was built 500 years ago. (对划线部分提问)     the bridge  ?6. I have already watered the plants. (改为否定句)I   watered the plants  .7. Did your uncle visit England last year? (改为现在完成时)   your uncle     England?8. We have done something very special. (改为一般疑问句)     done   very special?9. My parents have been to London. (对划线部分提问)     your parents  ?10. I have ever visited the Great Wall with my son. (改为否定句)I     visited the Great Wall with my son.巩固提高二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)1. 我刚刚给他写了一封信。I   just   to him.2. 你决定什么时候动身去上海了吗?   you   when to leave for Shanghai  ?3. 父母已经同意让我去承德旅游了。My parents         me travel to Chengde already.4. 你去过北京香山吗?   you     to Mount Xiang in Beijing?5. 我妈妈去青岛了。My mother       Qingdao.6. - 孩子们已经回家了吗?- 还没有。-   the children   home?- Not  .7. - 你已经读过小妇人了吗?- 不,我没读过。-   you read Little Women  ?- No, I  .8. 他们刚刚在火星着陆了。They       on Mars.9. 他已经读完了这本小说。He has already     the novel.10. 他们在一艘宇宙飞船上飞了好几天。They     in a spaceship for several days.11. 她以前从来没有考虑过这件事。She         the thing before.一、单项选择1. -   you   China for a long time?- Yes, I came here three years ago. A. Have; come toB. Did; come toC. Have; been inD. Have; gone to2. He   Tokyo for long. A. has leftB. has been away from C. has been awayD. has gone away3. They left for Beijing last week and we   them so far. A. don't hear fromB. didn't hear from C. haven't heard fromD. won't hear from4. Tom's mother must be   at home now. A. stillB. yetC. everD. already5. - Where's your father?- He   to Singapore for a meeting. He   there twice. A. has gone; has beenB. has been; has gone C. has gone; has goneD. has been; has been6. - Have you cooked supper  ?- Yes, I have   finished it. A. yet; justB. yet; everC. already; yetD. already; just7. Tom hasn't been to Italy  , but he has   been to America. He   returned from New York City. A. already; yet; justB. yet; already; just C. already; never; justD. yet; already; never8. I have   written a letter to my parents, but I haven't posted it  . A. yet; alreadyB. already; already C. already; yetD. yet; yet9. - May I speak to John?- Sorry, he   Japan, and he   in two days. A. has gone to; won't come backB. has gone to; will be back C. has been in; would come backD. has been in; won't come back10. - Have you taken away the paper? But we will use it later.- Sorry. I'll  . A. bring back itB. bring back them C. bring it backD. bring them back二、完形填空 Scientists think that there has been life for 1   of years. However we haven't found life on other planets 2  . The earth is a planet and it 3   around the sun. Seven other planets also go 4   the sun. The sun and its planets are 5   the solar system. The solar system is a small part of our galaxy. Scientists 6   lots of spacecraft to look at other planets in the solar system, and some spacecraft have gone 7   the solar system. However, no one 8   any life in space yet. But why has no one from other planets sent us a message? Have they tried to send 9   to us? 10   so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space? We don't know.1.A. thousandsB. millionsC. hundredsD. billion2.A. alreadyB. neverC. yetD. just3.A. goB. turnC. travelD. goes4.A. toB. backC. aroundD. into5.A. calledB. callC. callingD. calls6.A. sendB. sentC. have sentD. will send7.A. outB. beyondC. intoD. up8.A. discoveredB. discoversC. has discoveredD.have discovered9.A. messageB. informationsC. informationD. news10.A. WithB. HaveC. UseD. Because _ _阅读理解A In the universe, as we all know, there is the sun, the moon, the earth and a good many stars. Through our geography lessons, we know the earth goes around the sun, and the moon goes around the earth. We have day and night because the earth keeps turning all the time. When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is day. When our part of the earth turns away from the sun, it is night. Just because the moon is closer to the earth than the sun, it looks much bigger than the sun. Big things will look smaller when they are further, and small things also look bigger when they are nearer. The sun is big enough to give out very strong light. The moon can't give any light at all, but it looks quite bright, too. Why? In fact, the light from the moon comes from the sun. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually(事实上) the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon also because they are further away from the earth. There are many other planets in the universe. But of all the planets, only on the earth there are living things and people can only live on the earth, too. But at 9:00 a.m. on October 15th, 2003, Chinese pilot Yang Liwei was sent up to space. He stayed there for 21 hours. It was the first time for Chinese to get into space.1. We find the sun is   than the moon because it is   to us. A. bigger; fartherB. smaller; closer C. bigger; closerD. smaller; farther2. When our part of the earth turns away from the sun, the other part of the earth is  . A. nightB. dayC. eveningD. Sunday3. People and living things can live on the  . A. earthB. MarsC. moonD. sun4. When did the pilot from our country return to the earth? A. On November 15th, 2002.B. On October 16th, 2003. C. On May 15th, 2004.D. On October 15th, 2003.5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The moon goes around the earth, and it can't give out any light at all. B. The moon goes around the sun, and its light is from the sun. C. The earth moves around the moon, and people can live only on the earth. D. Of all the planets, only the earth moves around the sun.B(浙江杭州萧山区靖江初中2014期中) One day, I was cooking with my friend Sandy in the kitchen. Suddenly, Sandy cut her finger. I went to her quickly. But to my surprise, I saw computer chips in her finger. “Now you know my secret, you have to die!”Sandy said and picked up the knife.“No, please, Sandy. Arent we good friends?”I shouted. But before Sandy could say anything, she fainted (昏厥). “Oh, Sandy,”I took her to hospital in a hurry. After a doctor checked her ,he said, “Im afraid we cant help her. Maybe you should take her to a robot center.” I hurried to a robot center. A few days later, Sandy was well. She asked, “Mary, why did you save me even after I tried to kill you?” “Because Im sure you are my friend. Can you tell me where you are from?” “Im from another planet. Its far from here. Thank you, my friend. Now I see how friendly people are on the Earth.” Two days later, a UFO came and picked her up. Since then, Ive never seen her.6. What was Sandy doing when she cut her finger?A. She was watching a film named UFO. B. She was cooking in the kitchen.C. She was doing dishes. D. She was doing some shopping with her friends.7. What did Sandy want to do when her friend knew her secret?A. To kill her friend. B. To run after her friend.C. To go to the hospital. D. To play with the knife.8. Who saved Sandys life in the end?A. The writer and the police.B. The doctor in the hospital.C. The doctors and the robots.D. The writer and experts in the robot center.9. Where was Sandy from?A. Another country. B. A robot center.C. Another planet. D. A hospital.10. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Finally, Sandy told the writer her secret.B. At last, Sandy thought the people on the earth were friendly.C. Sandy was taken away by a UFO.D. Sandy has returned to the earth several times.C What's the red star in the sky through a telescope(望远镜)? It is Mars. Do you want to know more about it? Take the “Mars Orbit Express”! “Mars Orbit Express” is a space probe(探测器). It was sent towards Mars by American scientists on August 12th, 2005. Its tasks are to study Mars' atmosphere and return photos to Earth. But before that “Mars Orbit Express” must travel about 100 hundred million kilometers and seven months. It reached Mars' orbit(轨道) in March, 2006. Mars and Earth have similar weight and size. However, Mars is closer to the sun than Earth. Mars is very cold. The average temperature is below 50. The temperature at noon only reaches 20 during a Mars day. Its atmosphere is mostly CO2. It has much sand and two moonsPhobos and Deimos. Scientists think Earth and Mars had similar beginnings 4.6 billion years ago. But while Earth supports millions of lives, Mars becomes bad. “Earth easily could have turned out like that.” said an scientist, “It is important for us to find out why and Mars Orbit Express should do that.” “Mars Orbit Express” also would help scientists to learn what might happen to Earth in the future. “Mars Orbit Express” would work for about four years.11. What can you see through a telescope when watching Mars? A. Much sand.B. A red star. C. Its atmosphere.D. Its size.12. One of the tasks of Mars Orbit Express is  . A. taking pictures of Mars B. studying the weight of Mars C. finding out distance between Earth and Mars D. telling the time it takes to go from Earth to Mars13. Compared with Earth,  . A. Mars has a long history B. Mars is big and heavy C. Mars is close to the sun D. Mars' atmosphere is mainly COsub2/sub14. Which might be the proper title for the passage? A. Mars: Differences from Earth B. A probe: to Learn More About Mars C. Mars: Change of Temperature D. A probe: to Tell the Future of EarthD We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky. When scientists could use telescope


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