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新版 湘少版 六年级 上册 英语教学 教案
,. Unit one Unit1Whatdidyoudoduringtheholidays? Period1 一、Teachingaims: 1.EnabletheSslisten,read,sayandwritethenewwords:learnwords andsentences,playgames,learnwritingandpracticelistening. 2.EnabletheSsbefamiliarwiththepasttense. 3.Sentence:Whatdid...doduringthesummerholidays? 二、Teachingemphasis:EnabletheSslisten,read,sayandwritethenew ordsandtalkaboutthepastevents. 三、Teachingdifficulties: EnabletheSsbefamiliarwiththepasttense. 四、Teachingtools:Tape,pictures 五、TeachingmethodOralmethod 六、Teachingsteps:Step1Warmingup1.Greetingsandgames. Simonsays:wordlist-play,learn,write,talk,listen,do,have,go,take,read,speak,teachandholidays. 2.MakeaconversationwiththeSs.T:Gladtoseeyouagain.Ss:Gladtoseeyoutoo. T:Whatdidyoudoduringthesummerholidays?Ss:IwenttoHainan… Step2Presentationanddrill 1.Showthepictureof“learnwordsandsentences”. T:ThisisapictureofMingmingduringthesummerholidays.Whatdidhedo?Ss:Heislearningwordsandsentences. T:Heisnotdoingitnow.Helearntwordsandsentencesduringthesummerholidays. 2. Learntheotherwordsinthesameway. 3.Readtogether. 4.Littleteacher. Step3Practice T:Helearntwordsandsentences.Theyplayedgames.Shelearntwriting.Hepractisedlistening.(Action)learnwordsandsentences,playgames,learnwritingandpracticelistening… 2.TheSsactandsay. ListentothetapeofPartAandthenanswerthesequestions.WhatdidAnnedoduringthesummerholidays?WhatdidMingmingdoduringthesummerholidays? 3. Listenandrepeat. 4.Pair-works. 5.Actitout. Step4Consolidation 1.Evaluation.2.DoEx. 3.Homework.Copythenewwords.Designoftheblackboard: Period2 一、Teachingaims: 1.EnabletheSslisten,readandsaythedialogue; 2.EnabletheSsmasterthesentencepattern:Whatdidyoudoduringtheholidays? 3.EnabletheSsmasterreadtheshortpassagesandjudgeTrueorFalse. 二、Teachingemphasis: EnabletheSslisten,readandsaythedialogue; 三、Teachingdifficulties: EnabletheSsmasterthesentencepattern:Whatdidyoudoduringtheholidays?四、Teachingtools:Tape,pictures 五、TeachingmethodOralmethod 六、Teachingsteps:Step1Warmingup1.Greetings.2.Actandsay. 1).(Action)learnwordsandsentences,playgames,learnwritingandpracticelistening…2).Tom:Iplayedgames.Ss:Tomplayedgames Step2Presentationanddrill 1.ListentothetapeandlearntheWordBank.Whatdidyoudoduringtheholidays?Ireadmanybooks. Ivisitedmygrandparents. Iplayedgameswithmyfriends.Step3Practice 1.Listentothetapeandrepeat.2.Pair-work.3.Group-work.Step4Let’sRead 1.ReadtheshortpassageandthenjudgeTrueorFlase.2.Readthepassageagainandunderlinethekeysentences.3.Checktheanswers.Step5Consolidation1.Evaluation.Notes: 英语学习切不可盲目,周密有效的计划。英语基础对于英语学习至关重要,对英语基础不好的同学更应加强这一要求。 Period3 一、Teachingaims: 1.EnabletheSstalkabouttheirholidays. 2.EnabletheSsandwritedowntheirholidays. 二、Teachingemphasis: EnabletheSsdescribetheirholidays. 三、Teachingdifficulties: EnabletheSstotalkaboutandwritedowntheirholidays 四、Teachingtools:Tape 五、TeachingmethodOralmethod 六、Teachingsteps:Step1Warmingup1.Greetings. 2.ReadPartAtogether.Step2Presentationanddrill 1.AskstudentstotalkabouttheirsummerholidaysandthenletthemfinishPartE:writedownyouranswers 2.Checktheanswer. 3.AsktwoSstotalkabouttheiranswers. Step3Let’sHaveFun 1. Classwork.Lookatthepictures,describeMingming’sandAnne’sholidays.2.Classwork.describeyourholidays. Step4Consolidation 1. DoEx.Workbook 2.Evaluation. 3.Homework.Revise 英语学习切不可盲目,周密有效的计划。同时老师要给学生明确各阶段的学习目标,并制定相应的措施来保证目标的实施,要加大督促检查的力度,并在此基础上进行总结。在教学过程中,应留意思想教育与知识教学互相渗透,寓思想素质教育于知识教育之中 Unit2 katie always gets up early Period 1 Teaching targets. 1. The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, I’m late 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2. The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words. 2) Can understand the sentence structure. 3) Can describe the other ‘s actions.(the third time) 3.The targets of emotion: To form the health living habit Main points :The new words and sentences. Difficult point:sb do (does )sth at some time. Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling down 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Guess ,guess, guess 4.Retell the story—Unit 1 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : You’re very good.You are all good pupils.And Katie ia a good pupil too. Everyone likes her . She is never late for school.She always gets up early every day . Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye. T says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to understand the meanings. learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results. According to the words ,sk some questions and requires pupils to answer the questions. T: Do you get up early everyday?… 2. Game –Patting flies. 3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What time does Katie’s father leave for work? T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)Retell the story ,check the resul Period 2 Teaching targets. 1)Consolidate these new words 2)Can master these sentence structure: sb do (does) sth every day 3) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life. Main points :The new words and sentences. Difficult point: Can use the present time of the third person Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2. sing a song 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Say something about your daily life Step2 Presentation and drill Show the new words : always ,often , usually ,never Requires the pupils to read ,go over the words. Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils . Ask stuents to read the dialogue of Part A ,then the dtudents are required to draw line under the adv. Eg. Katie always get up early. Notes: always表示“老是,总是,一直”与never相对 Never表示“永不,决不,从来没有” Often表示“常常,时常,通常” Usually表示“惯常地,通常地” Step3 Practice 1) Part D 1)ractice in pairs,according to the form to say something about Peter’s day. 2)Group work 3)Finish the hand writing ,then check the answers Step4 Consolidation alwaysoftenusuallynever Makes breakfast for family Washes clothes in the morning Cooks dinner for the hildren …. 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words Notes: 要努力使基础知识转化为技能,要不断提高英语的日常交际能力,力争做到听得懂、说得脱、读得畅、写得神。 Period 3 Teaching targets. 1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E Main points : The new words and sentences Difficult point: Can describe the other’s actions ,make differences between “always,never,often,usually” Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Go over the four-skill words 3. Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with “always,never,often,usually” Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Explain the sentences for the class ,then requires the pupils to communicate with others ,according to the information in the form. 2.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers. 3.Listen to tape and follow it 4.Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book. Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text Notes: 学生在学习中将会碰到许多困难,因此,信心十足,目标明确是成功地进行英语教学的一个重要因素 Unit3 I like my computer Period 1 Teaching targets. 1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: underwater world , picnic, library,science story 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words. 2) Can understand the sentence structure: the imperative sentence Can describe person’s willing with the imperative sentence 3.The targets of emotion: Can describe person’s willing with the imperative sentence Main points :The new words and the imperative sentence. Difficult point: Let’s do sth . Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk: say something about their daily life Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello ,boys and girls .I don’t feel happy today ,can you guess why? Requires the pupils to guess the reasons. Ss: … T :Let me tell you , My new watch missing yesterday(show a watch)I want to go to the library to read the science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open.I want to the park for a pinic,but my friend wanted to go to the shopping center. Say the words and show the cards ,helps pupils to understand the meanings. learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results. 2. Game –Patting flies. 3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher, leads reading Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Where did the go? T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to find the answer . 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then finish the form pople Suggestions PeterGo to the Underwater World Ling lingGo to the park for a picnic/go to the shopping center MingmingGo to the library AnneGo to the beach ResultsToo late to go out2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)According to the form,retell the story Finish patC ,then listen and repeat Step5 Consolidation Require the pupils to act it out Estimation Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes: 六年级英语学习主要是以深化基础知识为主。我想,在学习中要分阶段学习,在第一阶段要以大纲为标准,以课本为依据,按照课本的编排顺序,每一册、每一单元、每一课都要细致地学习,力求基础,全面。所谓基础,是指学习要抓住“三基”,即基础知识、基本技能和基本解题方法。 Period 2 Teaching targets. 1)Can master these sentence structure: the imperative sentence 2) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life. Main points :The new words and sentence structure. Difficult point: Can use the imperative sentence Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2. sing a song 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Look at the picture and retell the dailogue Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T:Ok,you ‘ve done a good job.today is very hot,I feel very thirsty .Are you thirsty now?I want to have some water Hmm,I’m not thirsty .But I don’t have breakfast ,I feel hungry… Lead the pupils to say :Let’s go to the hospital! Teacher explin the words for the pupils . Lead reading :sick,hungry ,hot,thirsty,bored 2.Do and say(Game) Game—Making friend Hot thirsty bored hungry happy sick Restaurant swimming pool , cinema park hospital cafe Step3 Practice 1 .Part D 1) Finish Pard D 2)Group work: Have a competition Put the cards into a box ,requires pupils to choose one card ,and make a sentence Eg:hot I feel hot ,I want to the swimming pool Step4 Consolidation Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discuss where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text Period 3 Teaching targets. 1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E,F Main points : To consolidate the grammar Difficult point: To improve the ability of speaking Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Sing an English song Game –Guess,guess,guess Choose a card and do the action, requires pupils to guess Step2 Presentation and drill T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium … Have a free talk with their partners Game—Quick response T says the name of the place ,requires the pupils to say the activity which we can have Eg: S1:Cinema S2:See a film … Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text Notes: 查缺补漏后,学生的基础知识已比较全面、系统、完整。但是对于重点内容还要以专题的形式进行练习,以便于进一步突出重点。同时要强化易错点,为达到这一目的,教师要选取高质量的模拟练习题进行练习,然后进行讲评。 Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festiveis coming Period 1 Teaching targets. 1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: egg yolk , grapes, tea , mooncake 2) Learn to tell the story. 2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words. 2)Can tell the story and understand some traditional festive culture 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of east-west culture ,to encourage the interesting of study Main points :Understand the story and retell it. Difficult point: Retell the story . Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Sing a song. 3.Retell or act out the Unit2 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : mooncake , eggyolk ,grapes T: I’m hungry ,I want to eat this after class.Do you know what it is? Lead the pupils to answer like this: It’s a mooncake Write the word and lead reading : mooncake , the Mid-Autumn Festive , eggyolk , grapes Lead reading the words and check the results. 2. Game –Magic eyes. 3. Game –Brain storn Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question How could Chang’e fly to the moon? 2.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefu
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